Tomorrow Never Dies
Take it to Holla Forums
Predictive programming.
Plus, pretty sure Jonathan Pryce was supposed to be a Murdoch expy. Either way, the message of the film is good - kill the media.
It was Robert Maxwell, but they're both pretty much the same
Predictive programming isn't a thing. It doesn't even make sense.
This has potential. Good Super Villain.
Good idea for a thread, list of potential predictive programming movies which haven't happened yet.
I can't think of any, sorry OP.
Polite sage, because Holla Forums, or come back with more meaty OP post. Something more about predictive programming related to current events with links and pics.
Have a watch of The Wraith (1986) , watching it now, weird charlie sheen scifi, not as good as repo man (1984) but good
Predictive programming in the sense that the elite know the future psychically and are inserting it into the media is pretty tinfoil, but pre-suasion is absolutely a thing. Hollywood occasionally lets redpills slip in their media, but always tries to have the bad guys say them so that normies associate redpill information with violent degenerate maniacs, American History X and Bane being good examples. All of the Cawadooty video games fighting "Russian ultranationalists" or some bullshit are active conditioning of our youth for their planned War against Russia or Russian proxies in the Middle East. There are numerous examples just like this, if you pointed out media manipulation and artificially fomented wars a lot of normies would say "lol yeah right that is bullshit it is just like Wag The Dog thats movies not real life xD!" and such. Consuming popular culture, even the most pozzed, helps give hints as to (((their))) next moves if you know how to read between the lines.
Explain this.
Pure cohencidence.
I wouldn't be surprised if they did 9/11 because they saw those towers in movies a lot
shit I haven't seen this since it came out, worth a rewatch with a fresh perspective.
This. It's pure diversion, same as throwing in satantic shit and the all seeing eye in music videos.
Because all the bad guys and media manipulators are FUCKING WHITE MALES. (((Hollywood))) does the same thing with Wall St movies where everyone is a greedy scoundrel just like in real life, but somehow there are no jews to be seen.
Kikes want to continue to push the "white privilege" narrative while ignoring the fact that 43% of US billionaires are jewish (jews comprise between 1.4-2.2% of the US population) and the media and banks are radically overrepresented with jews.
Nah, that was someone who played Deus Ex and preferred the city without the towers.
Watch Wag the Dog.
So our memes are real and can affect reality.
Lurk moar, newfriend.
Wtf I just watched this yesterday. And yeah they would never have written this movie today.
Ian Fleming would have put Jews in there
They put their plans out there so when people try and complain about the shit that is going on in real life, someone will claim that such is bullshit from a movie and that the person is a crazy conspiracy theory. It's also a form of hijacking/subverting the memes.
Too bad Bond is race mixing in this movie or it would be based
They've been making up news for over 100 years. The writers simply used it for a plot point. It's not predictive programming.
Confirmation Bias
There are plenty of places called Sandy Hook in the US and the chances of a reference popping up eventually isn't unreasonable.
Monkeys and Typewriters. Eventually you're going to get something that predicts the future, but it doesn't mean it was intentional.
It's just after the fact shit.
Lanza watches this movie, notices his town there and realizes that's where Bane blows up the stadium and obsesses over it, believing he's getting messages from the movie and eventually carries out the massacre to silence the voices in his head.
Case in point, Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
You still buy that narrative, shlomo?
One of my favourite Bond films. The message is pretty blatant: He who controls information, can control events as they unfold. Carver tried desperately to start a war, and would have succeeded if it wasn't for Bond. Carver had the global reach, the information assets and the reputation to be taken more seriously than any competitor - the hired thugs, a stealth missile boat, were just plot devices.
CNN and other "mainstream" media networks may not be Carver-tier persuasive on their own, but together, they tried desperately to write the narrative that Trump would lose, and Hillary would win. Among other things. This is why you shouldn't trust them.
As for the film itself? I don't think (((they))) really cared what the "message" was (distrust the media), and just let it happen. Either because they didn't care enough (never contribute to conspiracy, that which can be better explained by laziness) or because they didn't think anyone would "get it" in 1997, when trust in the media was fairly high.
They're going to try absolutely everything they can to try and legitimatize Trump and they are completely willing to endorse the use of violence against his supporters to do it. That's the situation we're in
Honestly I think the public perception of "corrupt media" at the time was "muh faux news le rupert murdoch" so it's mainly just a case of their own shit backfiring
gtfo Spencer you fucking faggot
Indeed. The worst part? A decent portion of that movie was "inspired" by the Metal Gear video game series which deals with a lot of the stuff we're seeing now since that series was an outsider's look (Japan's) at the stuff on the world stage. So they took stuff from a game that essentially outed those running the system and then made a movie on their terms to discredit anyone that comments on such things by claiming they are crazy, stealing ideas from movies. Anyone that played the game who tries to make that connection will be branded insane.
Is this how that episode of The Lone Gunman where the plot was to remote-control a plane into crashing into the WTC happened?
I think the idea was to shove it in people's faces as demoralization on multiple levels, to meme 'we are in control goyim' and 'oh you can see the truth but no one else can!'. It apparently also has to do with a criminal's mindset, a succesful criminal such as a murderer that keeps getting away with it, eventually becomes more blatant and makes it easier to be caught.
Masonry is the controlled act of violence without repercussions, and it has been completely infiltrated with kikes to the point that it is another front of international Jewry.
You are correct, this is called "revelation of the method" in Judeo-masonry and it is basically gaslighting on a massive scale.
I don't think you understand how this works…
There is also the fact that nearly every Bond film was incredibly profitable. When enough shekels are involved, Hymiewood is willing to compromise on the narrative, they aren't going to leave hundreds of millions of dollars on the table because one film is kinda bad goyish, any deep cover Holla Forumsacks trying to slip redpill movies past hymiewood should try to pit the kikes desire to produce propaganda against their desire for shekels, if there are enough shekels involved they will prioritize it every time.
yep a kike
fascinating OP
It would not surprise me. Much of this stuff is all cooked up by think tanks anyways. It starts from there and is passed on to agents that will do these acts. In the end, it is immunization from future scrutiny combined with hoping someone will act out the act. When the latter does not occur, that is when the act is done outright by the very people who helped think it up in the first place.
Media villian even resembles David Brock.
I thought he resembled Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.
Just watched those. Cool stuff.