Repeal the NFA

Guys, go to these links and sign the petitions:

With Trump in office and Republicans taking over both houses, we have the opportunity of a lifetime, one we may not get again. Worst case scenario, we get ignored and the status quo remains. But, if Trump is our guy, we just might get legal machine guns again without paying $20,000 for a fucking M16 that was worn out in the 80's.

We literally have nothing to lose. Spread these links far and wide, so we get the votes we need by the deadline of Feb 19!

The repeal the NFA petition has more than 10000 signs on less than 2 weeks, this is going to get enough petitions to go to trump's desk.

Looks scrumptious. Perhaps you might want to bring this to /k/.



Nice improvised explosive device

xd :^)


No, you're thinking Glock :^)







Lots of good prop here

With this being the first time in decades that the GOP has full control of the federal government, there's no reason NOT to repeal the NFA and all the other bullshit gun regulations.

Cuckservatives are shit, but the ONE thing even they have been reliable about is gun rights.

The correct answer is "ALL OF THEM!"

Are you a cuck? That implies that you'd give up your arms if every child were killed.

No, but it pisses off the libs, which is the entire point of the answer.

Went there first. Also posted on halfchan /k/ and Holla Forums, and e-mailed it to The Firearm Blog. If you have accounts on other pro-gun forums, share the links, we only have 16 days left to get 100,000 signatures on both petitions.

Need another petition to get rid of the barrel length classifications. Silencer bill is already up, but pussies in congress are the fucking problem.

I'd honestly like to see where in the second amendment it says I can't own an SMG, because I assure you it ain't there.
Fucking Hell, it's really short and I bet you most libtards have never even read it.
There, that's the entire second amendment. It absolutely fucking protects my right to own that gun.

NFA is a tax law. Slip is repel of Hughes and NFA into current years tax law.

This point is beat to death by Scalia (pbuh) in Heller and they still argue about the intial clause. The time for argument is done. Fuck the SCOTUS, they arent going to do it. We need new bills and repealing the old shit.

Repealing the NFA would get rid of restrictions on machine guns, calibers larger than .50", short barrels, stocks and foregrips on pistols, sawed-off shotguns, suppressors, etc.

A federal court hearing Miller vs US ruled that the NFA was unconstitutional as it violated the 2nd Amendment, specifically because it prevented Americans from owning military weapons. When Miller vs US made it to the Supreme Court, they upheld the conviction against Miller because:

1) No defendants or representatives for the defense appeared in court, only the prosecution was allowed to present arguments.

2) The prosecution argued that the conviction against Miller was legal because the military does not use sawed-off shotguns (which was a lie then, and a lie now), therefore requiring a tax stamp on sawed-off shotguns didn't violate the 2nd Amendment.

3) The decision of the Supreme Court was that the 2nd Amendment protected the right to keep and bear MILITARY arms, and that if Miller's shotgun wasn't of a type used by the military then it wasn't protected.

4) The NFA itself has never gone before the Supreme Court, and if it had done so back in 1934 it would have been found unconstitutional.

Yes, we need to repeal all this bullshit. Sign the petition so it goes to Trump and he can get the ball rolling.


I dunno guys, I'm all for guns, but is it really a good idea to lift a ban on machine guns? I mean like, I feel that both sides of the incoming civil war will be doing unreal damage with these things.

I don't have a Pepe suspicious enough for this post.

Let's be fucking honest, places like detroit and LA will be destroyed within days if gangs got a hold on Machine guns. Say what you will about them being destroyed being good, but there's also whites in those locations that will get killed before they have a chance to even load up. Major cities will be fucking destroyed 10x faster with fully automatic machine guns becoming legal.


Assuming you're not concern trolling, full auto isn't really that good of a tactic unless you're using short controlled bursts, something these fucking antifa faggots don't have the patience/mental competence for

I want to see devastation, but I also don't want innocent whites to be slaughtered in major cities.

It's not antifa, it's the gangs. Unless somehow we go full bizarro world and the gangs start killing antifa rioters in these cities, I don't see it going well.

Yup gangs wont use MGs because they're illegal, especially in a WROL situation.

It's not because they're illegal, it's because now they a lot easier access to them than buying them off black markets and such.

That's a problem?

how about we get rid all the niggers, spics, jews, and schizos then we can have our full autos?
fucking niggers are to blame for gun control. look it up.

Holy fucking shit, you are literally mentally disabled.

it's on pleebbit and weponeer now
please kek allow this to happen

also somebody with a burner twitter get this up and circulating, all the nigglers, nogglers, and commie fucks will sign it and make it go faster thinking they'll get an advantage, but really will be arming us too.

This faggot is concern trolling; my thread on halfchan /k/ got flooded with shills whining about how "but legalizing machine guns would allow niggers to own them!"

Fuck off right to hell.

You do realize that for $300 you can buy a fully-automatic AK-47, minus the receiver, with no paperwork or background check whatsoever, right? Buy/build a receiver and assemble a machine gun, easy as that. So what's preventing niggers from doing that now? There's youtube videos showing how to build SMG's from sheet metal and plumbing on a budget of $50. Mexican drug cartels have access to machine guns, grenades, RPG's, etc. and would just as gladly sell those as they sell crack and heroin.

And yet, machine guns are almost nonexistent in crime.

But hey, let's assume than M4 carbine sells for the same price as an AR-15 and has the same background check, paperwork, etc. The only difference is the fun switch. FBI crime statistics show that semi-automatic firearms, functionally identical to military assault rifles except for the full-auto function, account for less than 1% of guns used in crime. Despite being readily available.

Machine guns are a complete non-issue in crime.

So take your concern trolling and go fuck yourself, commie.

You are literally an idiot.

nogunz faggots get out of Holla Forums

Fully automatic weapons are shit for anything other than dispersal and cover fire. If you shoot for 3 minutes into a packed crowd with a fully automatic weapon you'll probably injure some people, maybe even kill a few. If you aim and fire at individual centers of mass in a packed crowd for 3 minutes you could kill dozens easily. Fucking retarded thinking full auto is good for killing people.

Funny story, the courts ruled that you do have the right to shout "fire" in a crowded theatre. And liberals have been asserting incorrect bullshit arguments presented by a prosecutor for decades.

IIRC, isn't it that it is not yelling "fire" that's illegal but that you can be held responsible for any deaths or injuries due to shouting it falsely?