A proposed mechanism for meme magick
Considering a 2d universe based on information, such as in string theory, where all information would be comprised of ones or zeros, such as in a previous thread.
Reality itself is created from information at a quantum/subatomic level, which manifests as magnetic/electric and other gravitational effects at larger scales. As the scales change, reality behaves differently as emergent effects occur.
The human brain's magnetic field operates at a quantum/subatomic level, which could theoretically interact with the actual fabric of reality at the same quantum/subatomic level in terms of raw information. The interaction of "sentience" which is really an emergent property of spatially arranged matter to re-interact with the smallest component of the universe e.g. information. Essentially a sentient mind acts like a lens, and ideas themselves then are quantum information.
The mechanism of meme magick is that the lensing of ideas through a mind by creating the idea itself, will then interact with other information (fabric of reality) at the quantum level, creating "magick" by altering the information field, most likely in a local manner. So not only do ideas have direct effects at the human scale, but they may also have subatomic effects which alter the very fabric of the universe in a mechanistic manner like a rock dropped into a pond. However, the great effect of meme magick is not that there are direct effects, but that with sufficient strength the information created by the mind alters reality which then can modify the information that mind perceives which then goes on to further alter reality. This can then create a positive feedback loop or a recursive function, where the impact of that information creation can then modify other information. The actual effect can then be described as a reduction of probabilities, where a previously improbable outcome becomes increasingly probable.
When large global events occur, random generators worldwide reflect the modifications in probability as strings of nonrandom numbers, which would be the local (globally local) effect of countless minds affecting their local information areas in tandem.
When a true "meme" or piece of information is discovered, then this will in turn increase the chance of low probability outcomes. Hence dubs, trips, quads and more. This needs to be distinguished from "stealing" which mechanistically controls probabilities through scripts or volume rather than true information which increases the chances of low probability outcomes.
The capability of the universe of then changing may then be unlimited as previously extremely low probability outcomes (0.00000001%) become certainties if they are "memed" by recursive idea input (from entropic idea states to fully ideated within a sentient mind). This effect can them be amplified with the co-operation of multiple sentient minds, much like an array or network.
The temporal implications as far as modifying past and future events are worth considering depending on the actual nature of time (whether or not it is an emergent property of information), since if it is an emergent property of information then time technically does not exist, only a universe with a particular state, where time is only relevant in the sense of related rates. Far reaching or powerful enough memes would be able to retroactively "alter the past" as all information in the current universe state would be simultaneously altered, depending on whether meme effects are local or universal in effect.
The key is that the strength and duration of an idea, especially distributed among large numbers of individuals, would alter the information fabric of the universe. This would explain the prevalence of "magical thinking," "confirmation bias," and other pseudo-scientific attempts such as "The method" or "affirmations."
The inability of the jew to understand memes is likely linked intrinsically to the structure of their minds which are completely mechanistic in nature (reptilian) and likely do not produce quantum effects (which is why most of their blood rituals involve captured aryans to highjack their quantum processes).
Meme responsibly, Anons.