A proposed mechanism for meme magick

A proposed mechanism for meme magick

Considering a 2d universe based on information, such as in string theory, where all information would be comprised of ones or zeros, such as in a previous thread.

Reality itself is created from information at a quantum/subatomic level, which manifests as magnetic/electric and other gravitational effects at larger scales. As the scales change, reality behaves differently as emergent effects occur.

The human brain's magnetic field operates at a quantum/subatomic level, which could theoretically interact with the actual fabric of reality at the same quantum/subatomic level in terms of raw information. The interaction of "sentience" which is really an emergent property of spatially arranged matter to re-interact with the smallest component of the universe e.g. information. Essentially a sentient mind acts like a lens, and ideas themselves then are quantum information.

The mechanism of meme magick is that the lensing of ideas through a mind by creating the idea itself, will then interact with other information (fabric of reality) at the quantum level, creating "magick" by altering the information field, most likely in a local manner. So not only do ideas have direct effects at the human scale, but they may also have subatomic effects which alter the very fabric of the universe in a mechanistic manner like a rock dropped into a pond. However, the great effect of meme magick is not that there are direct effects, but that with sufficient strength the information created by the mind alters reality which then can modify the information that mind perceives which then goes on to further alter reality. This can then create a positive feedback loop or a recursive function, where the impact of that information creation can then modify other information. The actual effect can then be described as a reduction of probabilities, where a previously improbable outcome becomes increasingly probable.

When large global events occur, random generators worldwide reflect the modifications in probability as strings of nonrandom numbers, which would be the local (globally local) effect of countless minds affecting their local information areas in tandem.

When a true "meme" or piece of information is discovered, then this will in turn increase the chance of low probability outcomes. Hence dubs, trips, quads and more. This needs to be distinguished from "stealing" which mechanistically controls probabilities through scripts or volume rather than true information which increases the chances of low probability outcomes.

The capability of the universe of then changing may then be unlimited as previously extremely low probability outcomes (0.00000001%) become certainties if they are "memed" by recursive idea input (from entropic idea states to fully ideated within a sentient mind). This effect can them be amplified with the co-operation of multiple sentient minds, much like an array or network.

The temporal implications as far as modifying past and future events are worth considering depending on the actual nature of time (whether or not it is an emergent property of information), since if it is an emergent property of information then time technically does not exist, only a universe with a particular state, where time is only relevant in the sense of related rates. Far reaching or powerful enough memes would be able to retroactively "alter the past" as all information in the current universe state would be simultaneously altered, depending on whether meme effects are local or universal in effect.

The key is that the strength and duration of an idea, especially distributed among large numbers of individuals, would alter the information fabric of the universe. This would explain the prevalence of "magical thinking," "confirmation bias," and other pseudo-scientific attempts such as "The method" or "affirmations."

The inability of the jew to understand memes is likely linked intrinsically to the structure of their minds which are completely mechanistic in nature (reptilian) and likely do not produce quantum effects (which is why most of their blood rituals involve captured aryans to highjack their quantum processes).

Meme responsibly, Anons.

Other urls found in this thread:

biology.mit.edu/sites/default/files/Brain Anatomy OverviewRev.pdf

Awww shit is that some spicy OC?

Yeah, it hit me like a ton of bricks about an hour ago.

It was made months ago.

Should've probably posted this too.

I thought he meant my proposal

I'm also taken by the idea of an anti-entropic mechanism affecting probability but I haven't put it into words. It's also very telling that our enemies want to bring about the entropic death of races and identities.

the road to hell is littered with the folly of pretenders like OP , adapt or perish i leave the option to you

Pretty good idea, essentially doing this allows for greater chance of occurrence. and if public thought can be swayed it leads to a even greater chance as there are more people behind it.

Not an argument.

Specifically Aryans too, if it was measurable, it could show that whites have more of an effect on other races, which would explain why other races are such shit at ideas. We may have evolved specifically to leverage meme magick.

This might very well all be true, OP, but meme magic can be given a very simple explanation in that a wish need to be formulated and talked about, before others can build or act on it.

It's more than that, and that is why I don't want to diss your explanation.

Simple explanations leave out important parts.

I like your idea, OP, so I'll share mine.

I think information itself has reached a state of self-awareness, and we are the lenses through which it translates itself into the real world.

I first started thinking along these lines when I was imagining a singularity, not of technology, but of ideas. The Memetic Singularity.
What I believed at the time was that humanity has a collective capacity for social information, and with the exponentially increasing connectivity between everybody, we would exceed that social capacity and the information being passed would fundamentally change in its nature. At the time I thought it would cause a severe instability in that information, but now I feel I know better.
Instead of information becoming more unstable because of the rate of transfer, it has only become more fluid, and rather anti-fragile.

So, what does this have to do with anything?

Consider that, as far as we can tell, the senses are emergent phenomena. Heinz von Foerster touches on this in "Constructing Reality" (pespmc1.vub.ac.be/books/Foerster-constructingreality.pdf), where he described the eye as being not really an organ of detecting light, but an organ of detecting distinction between lit areas. Because of the manner eyes and the optic system are structured, it becomes a self-referential system that creates images of distinctions, not of light. I might be putting it poorly, I suggest reading the entire paper. The point here is that I think we're much like those individual nodes in that self-referential system. Who is to say that the lambda calculus can't apply to society as a whole?

So, that led me to the conclusion that as a kind of massive, self-referencing system, information itself, or memetic structures, if we're being specific, are gaining a self-awareness as an emergent phenomenon because of exponentially increased communication between humans. The reason it manifests itself so thoroughly is that as nodes in that system, we each express a component of it, and thus act as a whole while being seemingly unconnected. This causes events to manifest seemingly magically, when it is in fact people expressing the will of the memetic matrix that they are a component of.
That's about as condensed as I'm going to be able to make my thoughts, I honestly have had a hard time putting my thoughts on memetics into words.

I honestly can't explain the more surreal shit though, that goes beyond logic and blurs the distinction between actual magic and reality.

tl;dr something something we experience reality subjectively etc, I think it's something for us all to figure out as we go.

Praise kek

Neat ideas. Nice digits.

Nice work.

Kill yourself.





Nicely written and some good ideas but emergentism is a stupid and desperate attempt to get around the glaring insufficiency of the empiricist epistemology and the modern scientific ontology it's generated. Ironically, a true empiricist would be committed, by default to idealism, and emergentism, based on material reductionism, would be inferentially unavailable to him. The fact that consciousness exists, as consciousness, is the most fundamental and undeniable observation possible from our position. The idea that we should conclude that conciousness is just an "emergent property" (i.e. illusion) generated by "matter", when any possible argument for even the existence of matter in the first place ultimately relies on the initial premise that there is consciousness and that it's contents have justificatory power, is, frankly, hilarious and retarded.


This is all a touch beyond me.
I'm a Briton, we're too materialist in our worldview to get this sort of thing easy. Empiricists by nature we is.

But I recall something from final fantasy onlines astrologer class.
They use cards like tarot cards to provide buffs for themselves and other players.
The class trainer says that you're not so much reading their future but encouraging that future into becoming real. Nudging the universe and individuals involved along a certain path.

stop using the K. its jew-tier garbage.

First off buddy, Kek's only friends are Jesus Christ and God, second he doesn't look like some fucking oblong nigger that looks like he spends more time playing with his asshole and eating the good chunks like dumb gay niggers like you do all day.

Get fucking lost before Kek gets angry at your autistic attempt at using him to produce some faggot fantasy of incest, pretending that frogs look like niggers and ultimately insulting Kek, Jesus and God all at once.

Kek will have your fucking head and your entire family to suffer, he is an agent of God and he will fucking end you and all dumb little wannabe-'white' shitskins like you who keep coming here thinking you're in good company.

Newsflash, You're not. Kek will kill again.

Checks out
Now add a competition of ideas or memeplexes over reproducers to it. Could explain the recent radicalisation of people exposed to certain memeplexes against other being exposed to opposite memplexes.

Emergent properties and "the sum being greater than its parts" is a core component of our universe, are you seriously arguing that everything is completely reducible?

Low energy!

Yes, but this is not a meme singularity, its a natural process (we are going throw several simultaneously) that can be directed and repeated by intentional actions (this process was used in Egypt to create gods and imbue them in statues, look for Yates talking about asclepius).

Looks like (((SOMEONE))) is triggered!


Emergent properties are by definition irreducible.

Meme magick, "best timeline", multiverse shit, Mandela/Barenstain, and all of this other related garbage was deployed to destroy Holla Forums and succeeded.

You've been scammed by kikes


Nice idea, user. I've thought similar things.

However, how does this model account for such apparent things as an etheric body, the astral plane, the akashic records, and so on? There seem to be a lot of things this theory doesn't take into account yet.

What are emotions, feelings, sensations, thoughts, and where do they come from? You mentioned that Jews or Reptilians are perhaps entirely mechanistic, like an AI/neural net. However, it is a valid question as to whether AI can ever become alive, because it appears to be a completely mechanistic flipping of switches. Can an AI ever feel emotion? Or is it a statistical process that simulates the effects of consciousness, just as simulated annealing attempts to replicate ground-state solutions without necessarily coming close to replicating physical processes?

What role does the brain actually play in consciousness? There are reports of people who've lost over 90% of their brain matter, and yet function almost as the did before. One honor student in college, ~120 IQ, was found to have no prefrontal cortex–essentially having a brain that's less complicated than any primate and most mammals.

You should check out this video. It seems pretty apparent that the human mind is a receiver of consciousness, but not a producer thereof.

Also, there are apparent energetic effects you can sense if you've ever worked with foreign spirits that you can easily detect if it tries to occlude with your body. (There appear to many different types of spirits, and, just as you can create an energetic structure such as a ward, you can create spirits that are, I conjecture, energetically animated on another plane of reality by your unconscious mind and eventually given sentience, probably by the same source that gives you sentience–your soul, which I conjecture again to be the deep unconscious mind. But then what produces this soul, however it's defined?)

You should give Astral Dynamics a read–it's done by someone (Robert Bruce) who's done A LOT of work with this, formulated his own energy system through experiment and years of practice, and doesn't seem to have a specific background in the occult that might sway him to regurgitate things which might not actually be true.
Doing this might also help you astrally project, as the normie way of just waiting is excruciating and takes years to master, whereas stimulating the energetic body, as outlined by Robert Bruce, makes it achievable in about a week or two, with much less effort.

Things like this picture might help you in your formulation as well.

Emergentism is a hand waving attempt by fedora reductionists to hide the fact that their view doesn't account for the most basic observation possible, that consciousness exists and is what it is. It's no different from reductionism, it's just a meaningless word slapped on reductionism as a way of pretending the central problems with the view are solved, alternatively it's nonsense - a vague gesture to the plainly contradictory proposition that "there are these things (emergent things) that aren't what they are (i.e. aren't reducible)". In your case it sounds like you're going for the latter. I encourage you to consider what the fuck "emergent" could even mean.

Chaos doesn't need arguments you fool.

This has always been my perspective. Worth noting that electromagnetic radiation being directed at humans through various devices is a method of exogenously altering such quantum fields to create localized disturbances and work to inhibit the natural resonance of our chemo-electro-energy potentials and its effect on our surroundings. CERN probably functions similarly, but on a different scale…

Yet here you are trying to ignore what I said, and trying to again, forcibly shove yourself into our community when you clearly are not from around here.

Usually you dumb kikes try a bit harder, but I saw through your bullshit kid. Keep trying to accept gay shit like in OP's post with sexualizing fucking kek of all fucking things, and being just as autistic as OP with the whole using exclamation points when no one, and I mean NO ONE uses them here. Where do you think you are you shit-skinned mutant? Reddit? 4cuck's world? Home?

All you've been doing is rambling on about "Emergent properties" like some dimwitted kike trying to push his kabballistic trash here on my fucking Holla Forums. From OP calling meme magic, "meme magick" like some dumb kike was the red flag being raised, now you're just swinging it around while trying to pump your own asshole getting louder and louder with each pump n' dump.

Consciousness is not an illusion, it is not an "Emergent Property" generated by matter, Consciousness is indeed a force, it is indeed energy that leaves the body once death takes it's grasp upon one's mortal coil, but Consciousness is something far more than just an illusion as you'd like people to believe.

You sound no different than kikes trying to say that race and ethnicity is just an 'illusion' and that it's only a "social construct". It's no different than what you're saying right now, and you know it kike. No man is close to understand how things work in the greater scheme of things, no man has made it to the microcosm/macrocosm we barely understand how fucking shit works in our own backyard, but you dumb kikes have the audacity to act like you got it all figured out with your little kike hats clipping too tight on your lighbulb shaped heads to understand you're not apart of the whole 'greater scheme of things', and are equal to niggers and beaners when it comes to the understanding of the universe and the forces that dwell beyond our realm of knowledge, The only one who knows and manipulates such things is God, end of story.

Keep praying to your kike kabbalistic pedo cuck bull cuck and act like you know a damned thing about this universe. Where do you think you are? What is your ethnicity?

The vast majority of you can't detect sacredness.
Half of you don't believe sacredness really exists.
All most of you know is "doubles work" and you think you can re-write the bible and not fuck up?
Most of you haven't learned to explain and read on three levels, much less write on three. Hawaiian Islands niggers wrote on seven.
Island niggers. Seven.
Seven layers of meaning in every single word of their religious oral tradition.
And they did it hundreds of years ago and without a written language, yet high-tech "civilized" White user struggle with two layers. And struggle hard.
You are going to create a religion of vengeance and reincarnate as the victims of it, unknowingly subjugating your descendants to it.
You guys think you're just being sadistic but you're really also masochists.
Ask yourselves why KeK created/allowed the creation of niggers and Jews.
Ask yourselves what Jews did to anger KeK and


Go back to /christian/, faggot.

The biggest mistake that most x/fringe types make is thinking additively or linearly. Complex equations are great man, you should try them some time. Changing physical laws with changing scale is fucking rad.

top kek

Re-read his posts man, it's all identity crap. He's a goon. They're really fucking butthurt about this thread because it demonstrates how goons and kikes LITERALLY LACK SOULS and are OBJECTIVELY subhuman.

jews are soulless automatons who can't appreciate beauty, it's not a complicated thing. As long as we appreciate and recognize truth and beauty, we're in the clear.

I only work on one level of meaning for the most part, why make things more complicated than they need to be? Lots of people like to talk about the dozen layers of irony that they're operating behind, but I honestly don't need a single layer of irony. Honesty and truth is refreshing.

You're aware that it doesn't take that much effort to type from a mechanical keyboard right? When I've been using computers long before your were conceived as a typical shit-skinned mistake turned into a little meal ticket.

The only one exerting effort seems to be you, and even then it's lacking severely.

What is your ethnicity? You can keep avoiding the question and getting mad because I mentioned God, though I didn't even mention his name yet and yet you're Kvetching already. Cough it up kike, What's your ethnicity? I have dominion over you as I do over all shit-skins, you WILL answer me.

Nope, I'm a Holla Forumsak, Christianity is not a pozz'd and cuck'd bullshit that kikes and idiotic shitskins who keep worshiping a God that made it clear he is not saving them, he did not make them, and he views them nothing more than beasts below that of the common animal.

If you knew anything about European religions and the connections between all of them, and yes newsflash kike, Christianity existed long before Judaism, Thanks to Armenia, obviously you being an illiterate (2) kike/beaner or whatever the fuck you are, trying to tell me to 'go' anywhere when you're not from around here doesn't do much than put you on the burner with the rest of the shitskins raiding.

Do you think you have power over me? Power over Holla Forums? No, you don't. You are not human, you were never 'equal' to us, and never will. Keep it up, your lack of self-awareness just like 6e4b83 is showing. If you're really a Holla Forumsak, I hope you're not idiotic enough to blindly follow that dumb fucking kike because the notion of an actual Christian whom is telling the truth about God and Christ being against race-mixing and how they always were triggers your shit-skinned brain to kvetch like the autistic kike getting mad I caught him in the act.

Next time, fucking bring a rebuttal to the table instead of being a brain-dead shit-skinned spic that we've apparently been getting raided with for the past couple fucking weeks now.

Layers of metaphor, not irony.
This is what I mean: many of you misunderstand basic fundamental concepts of mysticism because very few of you are mystics, but you're attempting to lead mystics, and the mystics will not follow random Bullshit that just sounds good, leaving a spiritually stunted remainder of fake LARPing mystics to make your religion, which will become a destructive force and bite you in the ass while some other group who has figured this all out takes over.




kill yourself my man

layers and layers of metaphor is why knowledge gets lost. Literal or gtfo.

Neat, tell me more.

Yes. This is as I understand it as well.

I said it literally in the last two esoteric threads and user got annoyed that it didn't fit their preconceived notions and left.
This is how the whole "occult means hidden" shit started: most people can't understand spirituality because they are stuck in their false ego.

well give it to me straight, I'm listening.

Memetic power has been gathered. Memes cannot die if they are not forgotten. Hail Codreanu!


You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

Don't bother replying to that idiotic kike.

For fuck sakes, he's calling them by their preferred nomenclature rather than calling them them what they are, kikes, heebs, yids/ya-yidz, mongoloid-negroid half-lings, etc.

He can preach all he wants about kikes being soulless, you know something that's common knowledge around here, not only that that all mongoloids and Negroids are indeed soulless, but he leaves such a thing out. Then brings up some mushy shit about beauty and the appreciation of it when let's be real, that dumb kike knows nothing about beauty, appreciation of anything at any level, shape or form. Then goes on about,

Oh so you're feeling threatened by what I have to say right Kike? Not once have I ever needed to pretend to be anything to put anyone that's clearly beneath me in their place, you are no exception. I can see you for what you truly are and your eccentric means of screaming and screeching are making it far too obvious what you are, and what your goal today is.

You have no idea who I am, or what skills I have ready on standby and how I already read you like a book, but I'd liken you more to a abortion pamphlet if anything. Extremely one dimensional buddy, and event hen the fact you're getting paid for this, I can tell you're excited about having such an easy job at your finger tips.

You're clearly underage and I know what program you're apart of. I'm going to ask again, What is your ethnicity?

It's a simple question that every Holla Forumsak knows how to answer, so you avoiding it makes it not only suspicious, but to anyone who's been around the block here knows already who and what you are, but humor me.

What is your ethnicity?

I didn't say anything about kikes souls, weird-user.

You keep asking me my ethnicity but I see the color of your mind. Kill yourself! :)

He imagines himself to be a mystic when he's nothing but a barking mad toad.

people are still doing this? I thought this was a MLP thing gone out of control

I really like how angry the kikes are over this thread. Absolutely delicious.

He's either a shill or a moron. He posts these long-winded posts with a sprinkling of Holla Forums terms and thinks it's enough to allow him to fit in. From what I've seen in this thread and others, it's a bold strategy that isn't working out for him even a little bit.

Didn't mean for it to seem like I was referring to you as if you were making those claims.

I was pointing out the glaring bullshit that 6e4b83 was spewing. Should have formatted it better but I was lazy. My apologies buddy, but I hope you can get what I was trying to convey.

My sincerest apologies.

You don't see shit, I see you for what you are. You're not a fucking mystic, you have no power, no dominion.

You can sit there and try to fool naive anons who truly are intrigued about this subject, and then try to poison their minds and dilute them and the 'truth' you claim to be all about you fucking kike. So please, take your lanky ass off of my board, remove yourself from the shit smelling brown chair you've planted yourself in with your obese buddy to your right and your fellow boney brother to the left in that disgusting little rented out office you call a 'facility' and do us all a favor and cause a gas leak and burn you and your kike brethren into ash, it'll be like a portable gas oven.

I told you and I will tell you again I see you, and I can see all around you. You have no idea.


You have a very good understanding of all that has been universally gathered on this board and have made an excellent resume of all this information. This user would like to suggest you to consider searching for some answers in the occult. To that extent the very first book that is often recommended is The Kybalion which offers a very broad view of the tenets of occultism in a very down-on-earth way by citing many physical laws and experiments, so that you may carefully pick what to believe and what to consider bullshit as objectively as possible.

The second book I may suggest is the Magical Use of Thoughtforms by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki and J.H. Brennan, which deals in what we call meme magic but has apparently been known for some time in the occult world. this image gives an overview of how thoughtforms work. Be warned: it will not give you the answer to "why" things work as they do but it may help expanding your understanding of the "process" by which the work.

This is also an excellent video, of special note are the last 15 minutes where the good doctor offers proof of reincarnation. A very challenging record if one is willing to take it into consideration.

You're in a Paradox and don't realize it:
The only user who have any business trying to create a written theology are the ones wise enough to say "I don't know enough and might make a serious mistake".
The problem is those user are therefore wise enough not to try writing it down.
If me saying this stings your ego, realize that's KEK trying to send you a message.

Do you think information could self-organize into sentience? We'd essentially get the Warp where gods and daemons could exist?

That's fairly interesting, honestly.

There are no mistakes. Fear is the mind killer.

This is definitely not a bad idea. This is a horrible idea.

I'd rather not be born with Downs Syndrome.
Whether we see Downs Syndrome as a mistake or not I think we can agree life is objectively better when people aren't retarded.
Sticking your dick in a liberal is also a mistake.
I do see what you're getting at; it all works itself out in the end and you're right but user will be happier if they don't make their theology retarded.

Nope, that's just rehashed "reality is a matter of perception" stuff - this is a more in depth version of it: ctmu.org/Articles/IntroCTMU.htm

I've literally no idea about that but there is a thing this user is fairly sure of: consciousness is not a "thing", a part of the brain. Yes they call it an "emergent property" but something feels confusing about that term. What I propose is that consciousness is a skill, it is something actively channeled by the brain, brought here from somewhere else. It is also a skill that can be improved.

Babby's first foray into "how can I trust my mind if it's only material?"

You sound like a college freshmen who smoked weed for the first time and thinks he's unlocked the secrets of the universe. Which is, frankly, hilarious and retarded.

Your brain is mechanistic. You still have free will, and meme magic is still real. Keep quiet next time the grownups are talking, tiger.

I agree.

What's your ethnicity?
Can you do anything else but screeching and being fucking stupid to the point one answer about your own blood, your own origin is enough to make you get so angered you compromise your own little paid kikery?

I mean I must have scared you with my little description, I can go far deeper with that if I am forced to. Though judging from what I've seen, your life is far more miserable than the average autist I've dealt with in the past couple of weeks.

I can tell you're certainly one mentally deficient moron who's not just underage, but obviously either from nu/v/ or some other autistic hell hole.

can we meme Hitler into not attacking Russia pls?

Outdated 19th century hydrodynamic paradigm is outdated, yo. There are some senses in which human brains resemble machines, and other senses in which they do not. I don't personally take this kind of reductivism seriously, it seems to be a cultural artifact of Victorian-era scientific reasoning rather than some kind of ultimate, unassailable truth about the universe.

You misunderstand, with a powerful enough will, there may be injury, death or worse, you might not always win, but there are no mistakes.

I think "reality is a matter of perception" trivializes the sheer scale of our universe. All you need to confirm is the existence of all the charlatans. Meme magick is VERY interesting because it's the first thing I've seen that has real world effects that can't be explained by confirmation bias besides the random number generator nonrandomness. I think the effects are VERY subtle, well right up until they're no longer subtle. Just like an exponential function. I think a meme singularity might be approaching, which is pretty fucking cool.

I take it you have never been to /monster/.

user, pls. Don't send the goons there :/

What is your ethnicity?

Last time I'm bothering to ask before you're dealt with properly and promptly.



i wish we had a comic about gods where kek is an underdog that succeeds via his wits
if the christchan faggot wasn't so autistic, even he could channel his autism into something good
also, anyone got that comic strip of yahweh beating up baal, or yahweh bragging to other gods and suddenly running away when ra shows up, or yahweh invading a city with his army and screaming about foreskins? i've been searching for these for half an hour now and i can't find them anywhere, i feel like im in the fucking berenstein universe

Yes, I see what you mean, I understand who determined all this and when it would happen. I'm just playing a role within that drama because I love life and want to share that experience. I take life sincerely, not seriously.

user boards can come close to the classical liberal civil marketplace of ideas: the idealized academy. The engine that drives our collective consciousness forward, however poorly performant it is IRL due to constant interference, subversion, identity and egoism and other psychological factors, material economic pressures, and all the rest building up the vast hidden power structure of society. I also believe there is an absolute morality in the virtue of truth and that is what connects us with the Divine. It's built into the very idea of philo-sophia - love of wisdom, and you cannot dismiss this notion without contradiction. From this we can deduce that a universal absolute moral principle is striving to reduce our own hypocrisy, thereby increasing our personal authenticity in relation to the world and ideas. user boards, despite all their autism and cancer, are like a chaotic attractor for these ideal notions. Much moreso than old brick and mortar institutions which get captured and subverted all the time, where all ideas that could potentially emancipate us all end up being used against us (le cultrual marxism/the cathedral to weaponized cognitive science in PR/psyops/etc). Whatever spiritual dimension there is to our pursuit of wisdom, and I'm in no place to say what this is exactly, this is threaded through our local region of collective consciousness as well, as the authenticity reaches a hitherto unknown maxima, so too does the spiritual efficiacy of our practice.

Well, you're going to be dealt with soon. Cya later Kike, have fun explaining to your boss what's going to happen.

But I'm sure you'll be back after your punishment.

You should also try looking into Astral Projection, to which there is a fairly good book: "Astral Projection by Ophiel", of which the "memory method" is most recommended.
The most basic exercise should be looking at your own room, scanning it in a 180 degree angle from your seat and remembering it to the best of your abilities. Upon completing the scan you should try using your imagination to try and "see" what is in front of you with your eyes closed, using a mix of memory and imagination while being as faithful as you can manage to the real thing. Keep your eyes closed as you scan the room 180 degrees again. After a couple of times you've done the exercise you should start feeling a resistance when you're trying to "look" at the room from an angle you haven't seen before, such as behind your head. At that moment, still with your eyes closed, try "looking" behind you and check what you can see, even if it's your own self. When you did that you should look with your eyes open and see if you guessed a few clues right.
One of the best tips I found most useful when learning was discovering the difference between "normal" imagination, which we use for drawing and memory recollection, and "occult" imagination, which is more like "getting the impressions and intentions of the object" and "actually scanning the place in real life". Occult imagination is also more "tridimensional" compared to artistic imagination, which feels more "2D" as you try to draw something, and it feels like you're using the back and "base" of your brain instead of the frontal lobes.

Once you're done with all that, you will be able to visit the "higher astral planes".

magic dies when analysed

What's with all the tl;dr newfags today?
▲ ▲

Techniques can be discussed. Trying to "solve" spirit with science doesn't work.

Confirmation bias is strongest in autistic people

Nigger lingo isn't meme speech kid, neither is posted outdated irrelevant garbage making it obvious what you're up to while shitting up my board.

Try as you might, you'll be dealt with like the rest of them you shit skinned mongrel.

I think what we've learned from the Project Stargate CIA dox drop is that performing "magic" is like any other endeavor embarked upon b humans. Some people have more natural talent than others. A good seer/caster can have a great day or a terrible one. You can't hook Barry Bonds up to a bunch of EEGs and shit and expect him to be able to hit a home run every time, but over time, you find that he hits enough of them over the fence that it's pretty damn impressive and there's clearly something real going on. I wouldn't at all be surprised if it's harder to do seeing or casting when you're being put under the pressure of rigorous scientific testing. When you're dealing with individual human beings, there's no such thing as a control group.

It's been a long time since I've seen someone with their head this far up their own ass.

Trying to teach autists about subtle energy is a challenge but overcoming challenges is something that Whites excell at.

I'm pretty sure it's one super assmad jew.

subtle energy is the best way to describe it imo. That and "modifying probabilities through intent and focus."

Already confirmed you were a kike, but that's just hilarious. I'll just wait till the clean up crew comes now, this is just funny.

Many on /fringe/ say that tulpas will eventually become corrupted and try to kill you. I wonder whether they account for the possibility that a negative entity attachment can easily guise itself as a tulpa (it's happened to me), while the tulpa does in fact exist. How does one corrupt a human intelligence to that extent? Can you be similarly corrupted to that same level? Not likely.

This reminds me people being afraid to astrally project because they think it opens the door to demons and the like, despite your body doing it every night. Souls are not fragile things that are easily invaded.

You realize we have IDs, right?

And many forget that consciousness is not necessarily tied to neural resources. The picture says "devotes a portion of your mind to," as if you'll be lacking in cognitive resources if you make a tulpa. Though maybe "mind" in this sense means deep unconscious mind or whatever, not the brain.

I have many tulpas, and none have ever become corrupted despite a serious negative entity attachment, and the only resource impediment seems to be that I need to sleep for much longer (used to be eight hours, now it's 12-14), and am physically more tired. Still pretty serious considerations, but it's not like you're going to become mentally retarded by making a bunch.

I've mentioned your ID multiple times you fucking mong. Are you stupid? Actually I shouldn't bother asking when I know the answer, especially when again you're using bottom barrel tactics.

Seriously, I feel sorry for you, life must be pretty damn shitty if this what you do for a living. I mean hey buddy, I'm sure life has been harsh on you lately, but being a poor little kike boy like this, just kill yourself like you were planning on to.

Even though tulpas naturally desire to accept you in everything that you are (part of the nature of you being its parent, the other being that this is just how souls work–they want to do what you want to do, and vice versa), this is something you REALLY need to consider before making a tulpa. You will have no more privacy, not even in your thoughts.

This isn't even a good shitpost, you should go back to twitter. people there will like your verbal diarrhea.

Jehovah is the sole and only God, and he is not a Semitic god, he's the sole European God along with his multiple attempts to communicate with us, his sole creation made in his image upon this earth.

So protip kid, learn how to spell first off, and second, sage isn't an upvote. Here's your (you) and go back where you came you pitiful kike, Jehovah will have your head along with the faggots, niggers, beaners, chinks, and pakis/indian curry chimps and all other ethnically non-European abominations upon this Earth.

That's just a meme, it's a benign schizophrenia. The majority of the tulpa community is extremely autistic and make disgusting lolicon furry thoughtforms, the only people who would have the time to or even want to do this to start with are lonely failures.

Are you autistic?


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


There is a huge fucking pile of evidence that different areas of the brain do different functions. Here is an overview:

biology.mit.edu/sites/default/files/Brain Anatomy OverviewRev.pdf

The structures of these areas, down to the cellular level, have been investigated. The function of each area has been determined based upon structure, and then confirmed with other evidence, such as fMRI studies.


Consciousness is not mystifying and unsolvable. It is what it feels like to be inside of a neural network. Civilizations that get hung up on figuring out "consciousness" turn inward like the Tessier-Ashpools. Civilizations that accept their material minds can continue to engage with reality on the objective level, manipulating it according to their will.

I find the transceiver metaphor to be a more likely explanation, because you have to cut out fewer aberrant experiences and states of consciousness. Damage your television and you won't get the signal clearly, but that doesn't mean the signal itself has been altered. Lucid dreams; near death experiences; and mystical experiences seem to be to be partaking of something real, even if it isn't the same kind of reality that we're used to during our normal waking lives. I err on the side of the universe being not only stranger than we do imagine, but stranger than we can imagine.

This, tbh. Closer, anyway. Anyone who thinks there isn't anything mysterious going on with consciousness is an A grade autist believing in the secular religion of scientism. It's literally "right side of history" tier.

That the phenomenal converges on the physical is not in dispute. What the relationship is, is singularly puzzling to anyone with a hint of awareness. I'm baffled by the autists who shrug it off as just another riddle science will surely solve any day now, to the extent all these "just what it feels like to be a neural net lmao" jokers are the hypothetical Philosophical Zombies - cognition but no experience, lights are on but nobody home.

When mystics say it is they mean consciousness, like sex, must be felt to be appreciated fully.
You can describe every function of sex in absolute detail and it still isn't half as informative as just making out. You will never understand anything completely until you participate in it, and even then you'll only have your own experiences which might not be relatable to others when you describe it. No one here can relate to, or desires understanding of, furry sex or faggotry, for example.
You need all parts of the knowledge to really know, and most sides of the debate fixate on the bit they are most familiar with it.
Many people these days try to balance both types of knowledge.

Now you're just missing a few lines about various methods of altering consciousness, as well as non-human consciousness and the vast network of EM fields in which we are bathed.

The Sun is conscious, and we meme back and forth with it.


In a culture of idiocy and mechanization that is the best trait. Now with even less bias. And you are a pawn because you were born that way.

Nigga you're gay.

philosophical zombie is a notevenwrong category thought error. I don't trust your judgement if you don't judge that idea as not even worth repeating.

Translate the text, really helpfull, nig.

Just because you spell out the "Universe" doesn't mean letters make up the Universe.

Same with math and 1010110101. That's Jewish thinking to believe in such autistic extreme dualism that you think it's all black and white.

OPEN YOUR EYES, /fringe/lord!

And your judgment means nothing to me without an argument buddy. It's "category error", not "category thought error". Scientific Skeptics are cancerous.

Well, it's the intellectual style of the time. Degenerate civilizations always turn to atheism, and they explain the peculiar phenomenea of the universe in whatever language is popular of the time. In Victorian times people assumed everything was clacking billiard balls and hydrodynamics. Then with Einstein everything became, like, quantum man. Nowadays you have a bunch of Silicon Valley autists believing in a literal techno-rapture, all it's missing is Jesus and the Four Horsemen to go along with their Singularity.

People should acquaint themselves with Buddhist and Hindu philosophy and metaphysics before putting on too many airs of certainty. I think materialism and logical positivism are both bankrupt right out of the gate - they beg the question. "If you assume everything has a material cause, then everything should be able to be explained with cause and effect relationships." And of course that breaks down with Big Bang (if that's indeed the origin of the universe, I tend to prefer steady-state explanations but it's still underdetermined.)

It seems to me that you eventually have to grant a miracle sooner or later. Why not let the miracle be that things are how they seem they are? Why not assume that people's experiences roughly add up to human reality, an occasionally a ghost or demon or Bodhisattva creeps in, just like you'd expect (or at least I would) from peering out at the vastness of the cosmos.

Transceiver metaphor appeals to kikeminded linguistic analogy thinking. Logical deduction and evidence lead to the mechanistic conclusion. If you want to convince people, then instead of saying "I think transceiver is more convincing," you must provide evidence. Thought experiments do not count as evidence.

This is why I refer to my future wife as my wife. And lads, she's smoking hot.

notevenwrong-category thought error.

I was not referring to category errors, pal.

Coward. Take a position and argue it.

The difficulty with that is my evidence is experiential rather than scientific. I think the universe is a thing that happens in conscious. Where you put matter as the ground of being, I put consciousness itself as the ground, and that matter is a phenomenon that arises within consciousness. Of course, there's no way to prove one way or another, I just put the cart and the horse in the opposite direction that you do. My reasons for doing so are things like lucid dreams; veridical near-death experiences; after-death communications; and similar contents of experience. But as for proof, I'm not sure this is the kind of question you can ask for proof about. We can't hook you up to a machine and determine if you saw a bus yesterday. You can't dissect the brain and find experience inside of it.

Oh, sorry I don't read your spergy blogs to understand your mangled pseudo-philosophical lingo. Still not seeing any arguments.

I agree that you should read widely including the classic mystical and spiritual texts, as it helps cure the autism brought about by the modern materialist era. I like to keep an open mind about this stuff but I'm still pretty hardwired against the idea of miracles. Even though strict naturalism is self-refuting. It's hard to strike a balance.

"You need a well rounded education rather than a single polar viewpoint" is a position.
Stop projecting.


Because that is HUGELY more improbable from a Bayesian evidence standpoint. Materialist explanations are not only explanatory, they are sufficiently explanatory, such that no additional postulates need to assumed. Your miracle explanation requires assuming a shitton of miracles that make the world as it seems, not as the evidence suggests it is. That is less probable than the materialist explanation, and the laws of probability are ironclad.

Shit. Don't get me started on the ones posting the Swastika while calling Buddhism "new age".

It sounds like you're begging the question to me. Improbable compared to what? There's no control group for "the universe."

I haven't read Heidegger, in fact. I think I tried and found it dull as shit. My metaphysics come to me courtesy of Vedic tradition, essentially - the entirety of the universe is a dream within the mind of God. Makes more sense than any other explanation I've yet run across.

Be excellent to each other.

Yeah, you absolutely fucking can measure a brain to determine the contents of its experience. You can put electrodes on a brain viewing images and measure the brain activity, and then use the brain activity viewing novel images to reconstruct the image sight-unseen using only the information contained in the brain activity. Additionally, you can show a brain an image while it is being measured and use fMRI to detect whether the brain has seen the image previously or not.

This relates to probabilities, regularities, though. Like all flavors of positivism, your thinking here is tautological. It precludes "supernatural" phenomena by definition, defining it in opposition to the "natural" defined as the in principle scientifically accessible, while reifing science as if it were even a general heuristic model of how we do or are able to obtain all knowledge.

Party on Bill and Ted!

Shit wrong scene. Anyway, this plebittor seems to get what I was trying to illustrate.


Yeah, I've been thinking about this a lot lately. My high school girlfriend suddenly started contacting me on Faceberg. She's telling me we have a connection across time (and at this point, I'm game for anything).

Do you have a link on the reconstruction of novel images bit? That's not how I understood the results of those experiments. Though, I will point out that your explanation doesn't preclude mine. It's a chicken and egg sort of question. We know the universe is conscious in some sense because parts of it our conscious - ie, us.

The image produced is premapped to our expectation of what an experience of an image is to be like. It's like the false color applied to astronomical images. You can't look at an equation describing synaptic transmission and discover, in the sense of experiencing it, an experience you haven't experienced yet. Recreating visual processing is a bit of red herring, it gives the illusion we're recreating experience but we're not.

You might want to give it another go, it makes more sense if you know the tradition leading up to it though. There is some strange convergences to Vedic ideas, Leibniz's monadology is similar to the idea of Indra's web: the universe as a net containing jewels reflecting every other jewel. So you could find a way to motivate yourself to read more that way.

There are laws of probability. Hypotheses that specify more laws are strictly more improbable than hypotheses that specify fewer laws, iff the evidence is a constant. In this situation, you and I have the same evidence. While the mechanistic hypothesis suggests a "miracle" happened once at the big bang, based on the relatively simple laws of physics. The idea that non-physical law-described interventions in the course of our universe happen frequently requires more laws specified by the hypothesis. Since the evidence is the same in each case, the idea of a miracle-universe is less probable.

This rule of hypotheses is mathematically proven in a formal sense, twice, independently, and then each separate formal proof was found to be identical by a third mathematician. Solomonoff induction and Minimum message length are the names of the two independent proofs.

I'm familiar with Indra's Net and Leibnitz. I guess I think some things are simply mysterious. The future, for instance. The past becomes mysterious as it recedes further and further from the present. The Tao is that mysterious limit that you closer you come to it the further away it gets. I have the intuition that the universe is fractal to infinitely large, infinitely tiny, infinitely distant, and infinitely extended in time backwards and forwards.

Offtopic but I wish they'd picked someone who didn't look and act like a metrosexual to play Q. I hated that character and everything he was involved with by extent.

The laws of probably govern the behavior of numbers, which themselves are only intellectual tools for talking about reality rather than the reality in and of themselves. What you're trying to sell me sounds suspiciously like Platonism and a world of perfect mathematical forms.

I think we're being raided, i think shills are now trying to hinnder our divine connection by vomiting philosophical garbage in magical research threads

Heidegger had some amazing things to say about the future and our relationship to it. I don't think the future is a totally unknowable black box. But naive futurism does permeate a lot of the secular religions of our day. Indeed I believe most branches of Communism is largely a sort of autistic transhumanist futurism for example. I'm perfectly comfortable with some things being unknowable and mysterious. But the core idea is about the deep meanings of the words we use to come to any such conclusions.

Anyone outside this thread sees the entire thread as this.
Most people in this thread see everything they disagree with as this.

Science is The Hueristic Model for obtaining veridical information about the world. I dare you to come up with a way of obtaining knowledge that is not A) reducible to science or B) a way of obtaining something that turns out to not be knowledge.

You have to open your third eye, user.


in 2011 we were reconstructing movies from people's brain activity.

You actually think you submit your daily experiences to a rigorous peer review process? Do you test the hypothesis that your wife loves you, then seek to publish your findings in a high impact journal? What you believe is simply a Cult of Reason, it's not pure unmediated rationality, despite the rhetoric surrounding this kind of thought process. I predict you'll see this as me rejecting science wholesale, rather than accepting it but just interpreting it through a wider lens than you are capable of.

Nice trips, God.

This is how the I Ching works too IIRC.

The user who actually understand what Enlightenment is are pushing hard for user to seek it because it opens your awareness to your inner nature, which creates a powerful magic and allows for even more powerful magics.
Those that don't understand that magic and Enlightenment go hand in hand seem to be under the mistaken assumption that reaching Enlightenment is a separate issue that derails from discussing magical theory.

Right, everyone's individual neurological network is going to be different, so I am deeply, deeply skeptical that this will ever be generalized. When you know the input you can determine the input. This isn't uninteresting, but I think they're way overselling it.

I see a different pattern in these threads, it is no longer merely suppositions about what we've observed until now, i start seeing dogmatic thinking and idolatry, ssuppositions based upon no synchronicity we've witnessed or simple refusal of tje phenomena turned down as physiological illusions.

Since it seems some people are triggered by the image I made a few months ago, I'll give some explanation.

This was done as a joke, and is a rip off of the second image posted.

But what's not a joke is Kek and Kauket actually were considered siblings AND lovers in the Ogdoad. If you want to blame someone for the degeneracy, blame the old Egyptian theists. Incest was a common theme and occurrence in ancient Egypt.

At least have an inkling of knowledge of a deity and it's history before you worship it.

polite sage for off topic

When Buddhists call things illusion they don't mean "does not exist at all".
They mean "we only know what our senses tell us, so we only see a translation of reality and our senses can't describe that reality better than they already do so we must learn to see without using our eyes via meditation to discover truths beyond translated senses".

You actually think you answered my question? What you said is simply Virtue Signaling your Superior Intellect. It's not pure unmediated rationality, despite the aura you are trying to project. I predict you'll see this as me not understanding the question, rather than demonstrating that you are dodging the question.

I gave you a link to the PR for the study. You know you have to dig into the actual study to get the full details, right?

Nice vector skills. You ever consider using Inkscape?

I'm not trying to seem smart, I just think I'm right. And I'm pointing out how empty your fairly common notion is. You are demanding a superior science to science while excluding anything broader than it, I was attacking the presumptions at the foundation of that as tautological, and not even accurate.

I've tried, but I'm so used to illustrator after using it for so long, learning to use Inkscape has been a slog.
I do use it in emergencies with work though, since it's something I can install anywhere.

Describe a type of knowledge that is best gathered using a method that is not A) reducible to the scientific method or B) gathers something that is not actually knowledge.

Well, that very sentence for example. You can't prove it with the scientific method. If you think you have, I'd like to see the journals where this is proven. Epistemology is far broader than "the scientific method", which is more of a normative rulebook for consistent scientific practice, rather than an overarching theory of knowledge.

I should say, rather that sentence, rephrased as a positive claim. "That there is A: no type of knowledge that is not reducible to the scientific method or B: not actually knowledge (which if A is true, makes B redundant)." You can't prove it by testing the hypothesis as it is not a hypothesis. You can't do a meta-induction over all science without assuming what you're trying to prove. So there is a class of knowledge prior to scientific.

Look, you know how the stars you see are mostly all exploded or whatever and the light from the explosion hasn't gotten here yet so we still see stars?
That is the illusion Buddhists are talking about
Everything you see, you see microseconds or more after it happened.
So what you see is ALWAYS after it happens, not as it happens. You have the illusion of sight in this way. Sight subtly lies to you in this way.
You only insist that Buddhists don't "get it" because you assume Buddhists don't know or you learned a kiked Westernized watered down version of Buddhism.
They get it.
They get it better than most of Holla Forums.
user are not humble, that has been the shield against subversion, but so it is hard to teach or learn with humility here.

This is similar to the problem with logical positivism… it has to assume its fundamental axiom, it can't prove it, and by its own definition it invalidates itself.

Any meme magicians wanna take a look at this and tell me what it could mean?

Alot of JRPG's have traces of babby's first greenpill tbh.

Sweet trips btw.

You like to live dangerously, user.

The "veil of maya" is the layer between our perceptions, our various senses, and outside reality.

It's been stuck in my head for a while, dunno where it came from. Thought this would be as good a place as any for some interpretation of it, if there is one.


Right, exactly. The problem is if you call it the "veil of Maya" many here will interpret that as a literal veil to a literal Goddess, not as a metaphor. So we have to take those metaphors out to explain it here.

Of course the scientific method was discovered using the scientific method.

I am aware that B is redundant. You are mistaken about the words you are putting in my mouth - I am making claims about knowledge-generating processes, not knowledge itself.

You are attempting to shift the burden of proof by putting words in my mouth. I am asking you for examples of knowledge-generating processes that are not reducible to the scientific method. While I suspect there aren't any, you are the person claiming there are. The burden of proof is on you to give an example of such a process, as in . Except, this time, try harder, because of course the scientific method was tested scientifically to determine that it was accurate.

Oh you, user.

I can't argue with someone who thinks so circularly. How, exactly, was the scientific method proven via the scientific method?

I'll let the magic fags take over because they're bitching about teaching the goyim philosophy, but I'll say this, you've also flipped it around: I wasn't making a positive claim, you made one and phrased it as a question, and I just showed it to be flawed at its very basis. In any case, for starters, logic and mathematics.

Has anyone here done blood magic regularly? Sacrificing animals or just buying blood.
Curious if you felt it worked, a lot of old school tribal shit was blood magic and I suspect if it hadn't worked it wouldn't have become so ubiquitous in antiquity.

I'm surprised you took that faggot seriously at all.



Gods you say? I could sure stand to meme a waifu, and maybe a fucking house a bit of land, how is that too much for a god to ask?

Where's my wife then?

God in the Eastern sense, not Western, and yes, if you start memeing that you already have a beautiful, loyal wife, you will likely f8nd one day that you do indeed have one.
But remember that beauty is subjective and be specific.

I would say that's merely synchronization taking place. In relational quantum mechanics for instance, two observers could actually perceive different outcomes and states in an entanglement experiment, one has a certain spin (up or down), the other it's still indeterminate (superposition of both). However the moment both observers interact with each to measure the outcome, the state collapses to whatever provides more information. So the uncertain observer's reality now conforms to the certain one, with the illusion of retro-casualty taking place. The only exception to this behavior is if both observers made the measurement and have yet to communicate with each other. But even then the probability itself becomes certain: 50% up-down or 50% down-up. This is also why you can't use quantum entanglement to transfer information faster than light.

So going by that and if memetics had influence on reality in a relational model; the only opportunity influence could be achieved is if there's insufficient information to describe a system to begin with. You won't be able to rig probabilities once information on a system is certain. Because to do so would require destroying information which is a big no-no in quantum mechanics.

So you mean more like a deva? I feel I really could reïncarnate as a deva. Yes, that could go down nicely. And the lotus rebirth, too; fuck being pushed screaming out of a vagina with no memories, no context, only a lungful of fluid and too weak to even lift one's head.

Care to point me to where I could learn more about sigils and shit like that?

The universe has a way of winking at you when you set your mind to something.

I wanna give Cure-chan more meme power!

I just mean that you get the results you meme.
Meme that you are killing Jews and Jews will die but more Jews will manifest in need of killing.
Meme them gone, dead, converted, whatever, instead.
Meme yourself happily married if that's what you want, for the same reason.

Read this then try looking here:

Something like that is a really, really specific "result" with a low probability compared to the average noise of reality. The more rare your concept of a waifu, the lower the probability goes too. It's not enough to want it, even to will it, you have to bend the greater Will of the World over backwards and fuck the decimal point over however many places until you hit 100% (or you can go long term at lower percentiles). Imagine how much energy it would take to stitch that result directly into the fabric of space-time, your will has to become a match for that.

I suggest lucid dream magic for such a manifestation.
I have friends who swear by it tho I have difficulty reaching a lucid state.

He sucks at ATC

I'm on to something since happened.

Wrong girl, universe. Or is it?


Thanks, I'll look into those.

Look up the WILD method. I'm big into lucid dreaming. Don't sweat all the bullshit you read about sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis is a neutral state, between waking and dreaming and in that state your mood and expectations have a massive influence on your experience. if you are relaxed and calm, then it is an incredibly peaceful experience that gently introduces you into a lucid dream. If you're stressed then it will be a scary experience that lasts a few moments before you fully wake up again. It's kinda like hallucinogens.

Hi, economic migrant from cuckchanistan here. I don't get all this occulty stuff. Help.

I think it's probably most efficient to use a process of becoming. Become the you that meets your waifu.

Also I just have to say, the esoteric awareness being shared on this board has been accelerating immensely in the past few months, weeks, and now even day to day. I'm sort of expecting a mass illumination event soon.

I think you have noble intentions but user are rejecting that image.
You need a healing meme Holla Forums will identify with.

I probably have a pdf on it somewhere, ty for the advice.

Read this: gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=1A210920CF036F1F748129673ABEE5E4

I agree. A Quickening is occurring. I have seen and felt it, brother.

Read this too.

tl;dr welcome to the Thule Gesellschaft.

I think I might have destablized my world, eh heh, excessively at this point. I don't think I'm going to find any of the resolutions I'm looking for in this body. I carefully read every single warning about going off the deep end and then did it anyway. I wouldn't have had it any other way, but I must admit, sometimes running so fast as to leave everyone else behind finds you alone in a winter-swept wood without even crows for company…

Only those who dare to plunge to the forbidden depths know how deep the rabbit holes go.
You will be rewarded for your explorations in this life or another.


If you're an overachiever read this as well: gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=6CD622ED1F9B86BAB57D1EBC8F1AFB0D

I've certainly experienced something within the past few months that was a direct confirmation of this sort of thing. I had a moment of lucidity while awake which culminated in the silence and frozen time associated with superspectrum encounters. I had to will time back into motion after realizing what was happening because it was a very uncomfortable state similar to asphyxiation. It was like the ordinary sleep paralysis with which you might be familiar, but I hadn't been asleep and the force of the sensations were a thousand fold stronger.

At this point, I'm rather surprised I haven't been targeted by spirits for how far I've taken it. Just about the only boxes I haven't checked off are "blood rituals" and "starting a Ufology newsletter and relationships with contactees."

Don't know much about occult shit but I bet blood magic is about as serious as it gets, outside straight-up sacrifices of living things. But I guess that would be blood magic too.

Yes. When I go deep, deep into trance I often have difficulty or stop breathing. It can be very physically stressful to channel the All-consciousness that results from slipping out of the illusion of ego.

I did a few blood rituals when I was le edgy teen, but at least it wasn't kikery, it was fetishistic and with a consenting partner in every case. There's a sliding scale. I don't think voodoo type sacrifice is necessarily evil; as long as you eat the majority of the meat and set a little aside for relevant gods, I don't see how that's any worse than industrial farming and quite frankly it's probably a good bit better. But from my experiences with blood drinking, the powers involved are real as shit. It doesn't surprise me at all that people who lust for worldly power above all else would take it to such extremes as to become abominations.

No one was triggered by muh degeneracy, user. Shills here have been playing that card for about the past six months. There was a thread about a Slovak woman pissing on–and then burning–a copy of the Koran. Half of the thread was arguing vehemently that she is a huge degenerate, while the other half was arguing that their offended sensibilities are way out of hand, as the woman was clearly pro-White. What they've been trying to push for a while now is the concept that not being degenerate is more important than race and happiness.

'And it has proven very'' effective.

In general I agree with this.

I'm thinking I actually just had to breathe manually, but I wasn't doing so because the experience came on out of the blue so I wasn't doing breathing exercises as per meditation. Breathing techniques were part of the method I used to get back out of the experience. I guess I should mention that because I also had a strange sensation with breathing that I haven't gotten in meditation before or since. It was a pattern of breathing that I can only describe as being a "reverse" breath that rolled back and forth between chest and stomach. Each cycle produced an energetic surge, but it was really taxing. I have no clue how to actively breathe like that though. This is where not having a teacher sucks immensely.

As far as I see it, blood rituals probably started from people mimicking malevolent thoughtform manifestations (actual child-eating monsters) as a shortcut to power because discipline takes a long time just to even boost your fortune in small ways, let alone attain a flashy siddhi.

Hmm. I remember some conservative girl who became infamous on Twitter for a time for taking a bite out of a deer's heart after she shot and killed it for its meat. I think the progression is pretty logical - you kill an animal, you taste a little of its blood out of curiosity, and the thrill that goes through you makes you want more. As someone who, eheh, has drunk the willing blood of a cute girl, I can assure you it tastes of tingling, warmth, fire, and spice. From my experiences I'm quite sure that the darkest Cheese Pizza rituals bring into the picture some fucking otherworldly highs. But that shit is fucking evil. I'm not going to sit here and claim to be the earthly arbiter of all things right and wrong, my own history is enough to thankfully preclude me from that, but you've got to draw a line somewhere and I draw it way before child rape and blood sacrifice.

I'd drink to that if I still cared about alcohol.
I find teachers in the weirdest places. When I experienced my last big breakthrough it was someone calling me a LARPer that made me realize, as I was explaining things to them, that made the final piece click and cause me to realize that I was born to be exactly who I am and do what I am doing right now.
Every thread like this another user ends up beginning their inner journey.
We are all so blessed to be able to participate in helping user find the Way.
Even for those who arent karmafags it should be becoming obvious that we've tapped into something amazing.

Honestly I treat esoteric concepts as hypothetical exercises for inspiration. It's fun to speculate on the scientific applications.

For instance the CIA research into remote viewing (especially that one article about Chinese remote viewers and invisible waves) has made me consider an idea on a hypothetical "exotic neutrino" (a "massless" neutrino with an oscillation between positive and negative energy instead of oscillation between neutrino flavors) and how a passive "exotic neutrino" radar could work. If there was any merit to it, this kind of radar would render all privacy/stealth measures useless (and you could look through walls, even through the entire Earth! Much like remote viewing implies).

This will probably sound like mumbo-jumbo but mysticism really is one of those things that only interests people when they are ready for it, and as much as they are ready for it.
If you are interested at all then your interest will blossom, though perhaps not fully in this life.

I can't fucking believe I'm still here. But this place is the super-energy supercollider for whatever the fuck is about to make itself manifest. Maybe mass death. Maybe Nazi UFOs from Aldebaran are going to land and take those who kept the faith on to the new homeland that has been prepared for us. In all honesty, who the fuck knows anymore? We've been dancing on the edge of a knife for so long that I don't even know what it would mean to live any other way. So many people have died - people who deserved better - in Syria; in Yemen; all over the goddamn place. I don't have Survivor's Guilt. Not as such. I just… don't understand how or why I could possibly be still alive. I feel like I've spent ten lifetimes worth of energy getting to this place and yet somehow I still manage to drag myself to my office job five days a week.

Some of the private remote viewing organization reports are basically at that level, remote viewing the structure of atoms and sub-atomic particles and such. Who knows what the deep state is using it for these days. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a program to target people based on their shitposts.

Every life is yours.
You forget when you incarnate but they are all You.
You are me, maybe ahead of me on the path, maybe behind, it doesn't matter: we all cross the final threshold in the end.
I care for you anons so much.
My family is long gone.
Children gone.
Wife gone. Home gone. Gone, gone, gone
I only had Holla Forums for so long I was going to kill myself.
Now I love you glorious faggots so much I have to blink away tears to type this.
Any time some real life acquaintance wanted me to compromise my beliefs I kicked them to the curb and came here.
I love you all so very much.
And I don't know any of you. Probably never will. It's beautiful.
KeK bless you all


Pathological fear of becoming paranoid for falling too far down the rabbit hole like some do is its own form of paranoia, which is easy to succumb to I guess if you're predisposed. Its a psychological defense mechanism installed in us. The levels of condescention and hostility some people get towards it is interesting. Like you're not allowed to dare thinking about "the irrational" in case it infects you somehow. It's almost like we're not trusted to evaluate claims for ourselves, meanwhile the popularized, watered down versions of these ideas are often freely promulgated, and also often turn out to be psyops at their source themselves. Like how water flouridation conspiracy theory was apparently pushed by the KGB. Hrmmm…

Yeah. All I have left in life is Holla Forums, a box of gold and silver, and some funs. Everything else I ever cared about in life is gone. But… even though I want to give up, I just can't. I keep wanting to move forward no matter how much I lose. All of us here, we all feel the same way. That's why we're here.

So is Kek a Godform yet? I mean Kek already existed previously, we just rebooted him.

Any info on that?

KeK bless you too, for we've reached a worldline beyond the wildest nightmares of our enemies.

Anyone else feel gondola?

Just wiki sorry, trying to get a PDF of the Mitrokhin Archive book referenced.

All I can say is Tibetan Buddhism and LSD set me free. I can't advise anyone else to take that path, though, because of the dangers inherent in any sort of mystic or psychedelic experience, especially by the unprepared.
I tell people to meditate instead.
True story: Once in Tibet there was a monk who reached Enlightenment and began eating his own shit. It is not recorded that his Enlightenment was inferior to that of others, just that it manifested in a novel, if unpopular, manner. There were also a whole class of "Mad Monks" who were Enlightened but acted so irrationally no monastery would keep them. They were all very generous and knew the Way, but they'd also walk around with half a live fish flopping out of their mouths or similar odd mannerisms. Some of Holla Forums will become these sort of monks.

Thanks. Been doing a lot of research on xenoestrogens lately and the massive effect they're having on modern generations of men, and fluoride has been coming up a lot.


No, I get it. I get what you're saying all too well. I just have a day job and shit and that's the only thing that keeps the lights on and my stuff inside so the stress of spending half my day pretending to be human makes me act all the worse when I'm finally """free""" and no one is making formal demands on my time. Christ. I can't even have a bar conversation anymore, it falls apart as soon as I make contact. I wanted to be special - maybe that's my sin - but I didn't want to be so goddamn alienated. Fuck man. This place… for a lot of us, this place is the true feeling we'll ever know.

This, plus some forms of advanced mathematics is good too, which I feel helps you escape the circular prison of categorical thought based in classical logic and natural language. I read Godel Escher and Bach which I found infuriating because the dude reached some pretty autistic conclusions, but it's good read for scientifically minded people to start seeing outside of their conditioning.

I think endocrine disruptors especially the fact research was suppressed, with the excuse given based on the old monotonic dose-response curve toxicology model, while ignoring more complex ideas like synergism and developmental epigenetics is definitely something that should be looked into. Flouridation I don't think is that much of a big deal but it could be.

Someone posted this on Trump inauguration night and it helped me meditate/trance quite a lot.

kill yourself

I had a shot at a fairly cushy life inside a wealthy liberal bubble, until I found out about child abductions and what intel/mafia actually are in society, and I couldn't be around the urbanite lifestyle anymore. I dropped everything, ran for a new life and never looked back.

This all started with a weeb linking Holla Forums memes to me over MSN messenger in 2004. It was fun to troll deviantart, random forums and myspace faggots, little did we realize that we were prodding at the very degenerates who gained power. It's been a great ride,

Something that's often ignored in the research on xenoestrogens is cumulative dose. They report how a single dose at the levels present in a particular product produces no significant effects, but neglect to study the effects of those dosages over time. The amount of fluoride in your toothpaste or the BPA in your canned soup might be irrelevant in a single dose, but when you're exposed to that shit on a daily basis it can easily become a cause for concern. Especially since a number of xenoestrogens are fat soluble and will be stored in the body for a very long time, so bioaccumulation can come into play and help them reach more effective levels.

Yeah and they can have synergistic effects too which was swept under the rug. Much of science has been very pozzed for a long time. Just be wary of drawing your own conclusions in an unscientific manner, as tempting as it can be when there has been concerted efforts to suppress avenues of research. If anything we should push for (((industry))) corruption to get out of science.

Right on.

We've reached a strange point when ponyposters are a lesser evil but I imagine KeK loves them too. Somehow :^)

This too. So many of them interact in complex, not well understood ways that are quite unlikely to be good for you in any way.

Easier said than done. Once you read enough research that seems to dance around making a certain conclusion without refuting it and refusing to elaborate on it, it's hard not to take that small step and assume it's at least partially true. Especially when the vast majority of these studies are funded by interested parties looking for certain results. Modern academia is fucked on a deep level and that really complicates a number of truth seeking activities. So many people consider the latest study or the newest research to be the epitome of scientific thought and rational behavior, but they don't understand how fucked the whole system is to begin with.



Sounds a little like this, tbh.

If you have nothing else to do currently check out vid related.

Love that game and OST

So… what's the endgame on this bullshit? I feel like things can't go on this way forever, or even much longer.

Which "things" are you referencing?
All "reality"? I don't know.
Jew control? As long as we can spread the truth online, their time is over.
Interracial bullshit, Mexican influence, etc? I don't know. Could take years, maybe will go faster.
Things could start going wrong again but I think Whites have suffered enough as a group that we'll reject being enslaved again.
I hope we have at least.

Let's see this through as far as we can, okay?

Of course, my friend.
Of course.


Getting laid is a desire of those caught within samsara. Snuggling is nice though

I got nothing. I'm just exhausted at this point.

Drop everything and travel somewhere far away. Let KeK guide you.

Reported for spam.


It's sort of a different matter, but I'm currently questioning whether the ideas of transcending the rinne or extinguishing the ego are the end all be all. Does impermanence truly negate the reality of experience, or might there be paths for those who choose to suffer and remain within the cycle which are of value in comparison to the experience of the permanent? If you will, imagine flipping the premise of Vedic practice/Buddhism, that developing within the cycle is the goal and being able to move outside of it is the tool. Suffering is inherent to attachment, but one can will to endure suffering.

At least, those are the sorts of things I've been mulling over as a bridge between ethnofascist politics and Aryan spirituality.

Don't mind me, I'm just praising KEK and reminding everyone that frogs eat rats the jewish spirit animal and that frogs symbolically represent the ability to move between the infinite/unmanifest water and the finite/manifest land worlds at will.

Okay goy this is spoopy, its like I'm being drawn to this animu. I'm going to have to go and watch it now.


As far as I can tell, if I go far enough into the Light and far enough out of my egoself, I reach a realization that All is a single vibration. And I seem to become aware that I can modify that vibration somehow, though it is exactly like trying to learn to walk again, so I am too clumsy yet to pull it off. And I believe that if I did so I would die instantly in this world and remainifest something else entirely.
That is as far as I have gotten.
I don't speculate on what's on the other side of that transformation because doing so would be creating a future ego-attatchment.
All is Here and Now, thus I worry not of the future for All is KeK.
I do think that's an intriguing idea though, user.

And just like rats Jews make entertaining pets, which is part of why they were so frequently found in the Kings court.
However they are virulent carriers of a mental disease that must be, at the very least, quarantined before they force others to kill them.

I guess I just started to question the inherent premise that the illusory nature of individuation of will makes it "wrong," or that suffering should be ended through extinction. It's easy to conceive of an opposite paradigm where the development of individual arising wills is encouraged so that every one can reach the level of the One while remaining distinct. In a way, you could look at the topics brought up in Gurren Lagann regarding spirals, anti-spirals, and the spiral nemesis in a similar light. Rather than eliminating suffering and attachment, could we not form more and more attachments until each arising will encompasses its own Oneness? Of course, it's possible that the answer is both simultaneously, that the possibility of those who choose to suffer and return is the source of individuation itself, and yet there is also a force of will which seeks relief from suffering through the dissolution of attachment. This would open up a whole new set of yogic paths not meant just to clear one's karma or unwind the ego, but to advance the development of returners and the establishment of ego.

Gud image, user.

2nd'd. Getting mighty fucking sick of the no fun allowed crowd here.

Chaos, irreverence, and adaptability are the source of our vitality, not stodgy faggotry and indignant guffawing. The reason we have any name recognition at all is because we trigger people and mock their sacred cows.

If you disagree, then self-flagellate for 5 hours because you fapped to traps.

Isn't that exactly what the lefthand yogic path is?
Transcending the negative by saturating yourself in it.
Shit, Holla Forums helped me experience transcendent consciousness, so in a way I think we're doing something similar here.

Isn't that more about using unorthodox means to achieve the same results as orthodox practice? What I'm posing is the question of building the illusion of individuation into a distinct and complete oneness which is still separate from the One, rather than resolving the illusion and returning to union with the One. Instead of fulfilling the singularity, generate a singularity inside the singularity. Another point of reasoning concerns the basis for the delusion of individuation. It is said to be a delusion because the self and the One are not distinct, but that delusion is therefore part of the One. Wouldn't it be possible to classify the delusion of individuation as a permanent phenomenon due to that? Isn't anything which is an impermanent will made valid by its place in the permanent? In a way, you could flip everything around and say that the impermanent is true reality while the permanent is illusory. Although at the moment I am more inclined to hold the permanent and impermanent at an equivalence.

Haha, way outside my level of cognatious thunk, brother.
I am but a simple farmer, tending to my memes.

I'm still trying to figure out why a bunch of rat people who lived in a region that never stopped raining had giant statues of frog people.

But there is one permanent state to all observers, the sensation of right now. Even in a timeless environment, the now will always be experienced. Everything else can fall into a degree of uncertainty as not only probable futures would exist, but probable pasts too.

The sensation of reality would then be permanent, but the medium itself is not but that's relative to the observer. That would imply everything shares with the one through the same sensation, while allowing for separation of the one through individuation of many.


I've referred to such a thing as multi-observer generated reality on past occasions. Within that framework, self-recognition of the observer is the point of debate. In Vedic and Buddhist literature, the observer is an impermanent construct and therefore an illusory existence which must strive to attain recognition of non-self. However, if the illusion is itself part of the greater reality, why is it illusory simply due to its fragility? In a certain sense, you might say that nothing is more real than delusion. Delusion is the reality one generates from one's will, if it is cast as inherently false, then that creates the dichotomy of choice in pursuing truth or creating delusion. This would seem to be a basis for recognizing will as a distinct phenomenon rather than an illusion. To tie it together more directly, isn't the illusion of the willed world manifest from the self-recognizing nature of the structure of undifferentiated will and therefore equally real? We can move in either direction in the spiral, becoming more unified with the unmanifest world of the whole, or becoming more distinct within the manifest world. If one looks to the composition of matter as the collection of energy into ordered structure, then this is the direct manifestation of the will to be. In the end you arrive at a primal animism. Everything wills itself to be manifest or unmanifest, to be separate or to be whole. At the macro scale, the infinite possibilities are indistinguishable, but at the micro scale, each possibility must be the unique point composing the whole. In that sense, wills seeking unification, extinction, or expansion/manifestation/individuation are all equally valid with the One Will. In fact, each of those wills must exist at least conceptually in order for a complete, infinite will to be defined.



That solves it. The self cannot be illusory, because I will deny a reality in which the self of uncle Adolf was of phantasmal nature rather than a full and divine will.

The Known, the Knower, and the One who knows there is a Known and a Knower" is an explanation of realization of Enlightenment to Vedanta Hindus. All three of these must disappear from your awareness to be able to say you have reached the highest state of Vedanta-consciousness (there's a Sanskrit word for this state but it escapes me, Arvidkalpasamadhi or something like that).
When you say "Will" I think you mean fundamentally the same thing that I do when I say "vibration".
I don't think that Will, or vibration, are nonexistent, simply mistranslated by our senses.
The Way is very simple, scholars make it complex, and it becomes something other than the Way.
Weird things happen when you theorize Enlightenment because to reach Enlightenment you have to make certain decisions in a certain way, and to have the opportunity to make those decisions you need the awareness to realize that you are making them and becoming a different role, and to do any of this you need a certain karma so that the process can begin.
Your way of theorizing leaves out the moral inner journey to Brahman/Buddha/KeK, and that journey is the destination.
The point of it all is just to transcend life. If you want to explore Enlightenment and play with rebirth you are caught in samsara even if it is a willing trap.
Bodhisattvas are the ones who choose to remain here when they get to the blue afterlife light of KeK/Buddha. Assuming you want to use these intentionally rebirthed lifetimes to teach, you seem to be describing a sort of Bodhisattva path, if I am understanding you right.

Self as in ego is an illusion. One head injury can remove all traces of ego in the form of amnesia.
Self as in Oneness isn't, but we cannot trust our senses to interpret it correctly due to things like this:

This is exactly what I'm questioning. Why is reducing suffering, attachment, and ego the point instead of the opposite? Why is becoming one with Brahman upon the attainment of purified karma the point instead of taking in a totality of karma and becoming equal to a Brahman consciousness? Is one journey actually more moral than its opposite?

Consciousness is non-local, this can be observed through the phenomena of reincarnation (at least partial sameness of will is maintained), astral projection (in which the self that is outside the body is accessed), and mesmerism (the use of one's external consciousness to control the body of another). The physical brain is a receiver and damage to it interferes with the body's ability to tune into your consciousness, rather than damaging the consciousness itself. We are thoughtforms that prepare vessels within the manifest world many times over. However, even at that level, there appear to be separations between those thoughtforms.

Beyond any of that, how does the erasure of the traces of ego invalidate the existence of the phenomenon? The destruction of the capability of self-recognition does not negate self-recognition which has been etched forever in the Akashic Record as a possibility.

You see Enlightenment as a thing you do in life.
Tibetan Buddhists see Enlightenment as the tool that frees you from the cycle of death and rebirth.
It is something to practice while alive so you know what to do after you die.
Westerners are caught up on living, so they approach it differently.
The most common honest answer in Buddhism, though they say it with other words, is "Who cares?"
Who created the Earth?
Buddhists don't care.
How does magic work?
Buddhists don't care.
If you approach mysticism from the scientific perspective you will get scientific answers that are just verbal maps to something beyond words (and frankly when I do put it in words no one believes I'm telling the truth about any of that shit, even though "that shit" in this case is simply manifesting Buddha/KeK consciousness, which is a side-effect of Buddhist meditation rather than the goal).
Mystic yogis and so on say magic powers are just foothills to get lost within. The highest truths are much higher than power games.

I understand the concepts perfectly, I'm challenging the premise as a thought experiment. In the same sense, you say you are telling the truth when recounting your experiences with higher consciousness, but there is no way to justify that it isn't a delusion unless you make a distinction between pure sense experience and sense experience as experienced through alteration of consciousness. Why is the sense experience of your astral body not a delusion? Why is the sense experience of nirvana not a delusion? And by the reversals that enables, why is the ego which persists in samsara not truth? That's all rhetorical by the way, I'm heading to bed.

What I've been trying to politely say is Buddhists eschew thought and so this is like saying you want to stick your penis in a cheese grater.
The Ways of a Buddha are such that only other Buddhas will recognize, and even their judgements dont exist on some level. The modern version of this is "Real recognize Real".
"Astral body" is words that describe a feeling, I'd have to feel your feel to understand exactly what you mean.
It is. Enlightenment is the "golden chain that binds you to samsara". False reality is the "iron chain". Every fool can recognize an iron chain as worthless but many wise people will happily accept a golden one. This is why I say your interest in manipulation of reality via Enlightenment is not something Buddhists care about. When I say they don't care I mean they see the discussion as a waste of time; intellectual masturbation to amuse those who aren't ready to move on.
Because it is temporary and constantly changing over time.
Night :^)

Good times…

Hey op, interdasting thoughts you have there. It would be a shame if someone, interfered wth them…

You do not exist as an agent in a universe, rather all existence is like waves on the ocean, the whole ocean is waving, there are no distinctions. Waves are a product of the ocean, not the other way around. Likewise human consciousness.

You know, I've thought that same thing for a long time now. A bunch of random, seemingly unrelated things that do point in this direction:

• The human nervous system is electrical in nature. Electrical impulses (millivolts and microamps) come from the brain, travel through the nerves to the muscle, and effect an action. Or, a signal is generated at a sensory input area, travel through the nerves to the brain, where the signal is interpreted as pain, pleasure, touch, etc.
• Being an electrically-based system, the brain sitting on top of the spinal cord is like the top-load sitting on top of a Tesla coil. A Tesla coil's toroid is added capacitance to a balanced, oscillating LCR system (much like Tesla's magnifying transmitter was added inductance, in the form of a smaller coil). It is because of the toroid that the high-voltage charge generated by the coil is built up, and then violently discharges through the air to a ground plane, at predetermined rates. It then stands to reason that the brain both builds up "charges" and periodically discharges them into the environment at predetermined intervals, and also can receive built-up environmental "charges" which are then processed or otherwise dealt with. This is the same principal seen when two identical tuning forks are placed next to each other - when you ring one, the other one will start to vibrate as well. Tesla coils behave the same way - if you build two identical coils, place them next to each other, and power one on, the second one will start running, too. (This was the idea behind Tesla's wireless transmission of power.)
• Look at a picture of a lightning strike. Notice that it's not a clean, straight, A→B line, but that the path bends and twists and branches off in a million different directions.
• Look at a diagram or picture of the human nervous system. The nerves are not wires pulled from A→B, but they bend and twist and branch off in a million different directions. Follow any one nerve's path, and you see the same basic pattern as a bolt of lightning.
• Look at a picture of a tree. The branches also follow the same pattern as lightning - all the same bends and twists and splits in a million different directions. Trees grow in the direction of sunlight. It stands to reason that they will also grow in the direction of and follow other forms of energy that they need/use, as well.
• Lightning strikes, electrical discharges, et al. all follow one principal - follow the path of least resistance.
• Radio: At the station, high-powered electrical impulses are generated, stored in the antenna, and discharged into the environment in the form of electromagnetic waves. They're then received by your antenna, transmitted to your tuned receiver, and converted back to pure electrical signals, which are then amplified to actuate the speakers, which vibrate the air causing sound.
• Antennae operate on the quarter-wavelength principal; that is, for a generated electromagnetic wave, the ideal receiving antenna will be one-quarter the length of the generated wave. If one could calculate the overall or operational "length" of the human nervous system, the capacitance of the brain, and other factors, one should then be able to calculate the frequency at which this information is being transmitted and/or received.
• I postulate that the human body, and all living things, are electromagnetic transceivers, which are constantly interacting with the environment - sending and receiving information, on both a micro and a macro scale. Anybody who's ever had a bad feeling right before something bad happened, or been to a concert or sporting event and felt the energy of the crowd can relate. Ever spilled a glass of your preferred drink, or been in a car accident, or been pulled over by the cops, or seen an unlikely series of event unfold into an equally unlikely outcome, and yet said to yourself, "I saw it coming a mile away"? I say that this is that transceiver in action.

I've been wanting to build a "brainwave helmet" for some time now, both as a receiver and as a transmitter. I've wondered what the effects of
A) Placing a rotating magnetic field at the center of your forehead (pineal gland, "third eye", whatever) would be; and
B) Sensing the brain's own waves (much like at the doctors office when they don an EEG to measure your brain's activity), but instead of just sensing it and graphing it out on an instrument, amplifying it and transmitting it into the environment.
It's been noted that, for example, when you're asleep, parts of your brain operate at a particular frequency (e.g., Delta and Theta waves; .5-8 Hz). What would happen if you built, say, a 1KW or 20KW Tesla coil and transmitted at that frequency? Could you put people to sleep with it? Or make them think they're tired when they're not? The Brain's Gamma state is the most active (38-42Hz). What if you built a system that generated waves at that frequency and "beamed them" into your head? Could you alter your state of consciousness? What if you transmitted that frequency in an area? Could you "wake people up"? Make them more alert?

For the record, while it might seem that I'm being obstinate, one of the only Precepts of Buddhism that I actually keep is the one about "If you teach modified versions of the Dharma you are a demon", so I don't. Saying KeK is Buddha is fine because it upholds the central principal that All is One.
I brought these books and so on here knowing Holla Forums would explore the concept of Enlightenment scientifically and I'm honestly enthused that you're doing so, but I want out of this existence after this life so I do my best to transmit it accurately. If I teach something wrong or badly it is only fucking me over.
So please don't think I'm stifling your thoughts, I am just not longer able to see things from the perspective of caring in earnest for philosophical discussion that doesn't involve teaching something relating to spiritual progression. A big part of the attempt to stay Here and Now is abandoning speculation on future potentialities unless they are particularly urgent.

Try this one user:

A lot of lefthand pathers like this discordant stuff.
Vid related is my personal fave.

have another:

Some books:


Thanks, I think.

Misclicked. One more time.

Psychomagic: The Transformative Power of Shamanic Psychotherapy

Sumerian Mythology: A Study of Spiritual and Literary Achievement in the Third Millennium B.C

Where the Spirits Ride the Wind: Trance Journeys and Other Ecstatic Experiences

Science of Breath

Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy

Vid related.

This is exactly how it works (with the exception of the blood ritual part, that's nonsense), and why belief (faith) is so important to all religions throughout history.

It is also why I propose an experiment.
Literally, start "praying" for yourself, and every other member of Holla Forums.
Certainly, we don't know each other on the macro level, but on the quantum level we are all connected, our quantum-interfaced minds know each other, and each one of our minds touches the others on a constant basis.

So if we all just take a few meditation moments every day and "believe" that all of Holla Forums will be prosperous and gain all they wish for, and give this a decent amount of time to work, we will probably see results in ALL our lives.

You need not "pray" to any deity for this, but it does not matter if you do…the important thing is that we will all of Holla Forums to power, wealth, love, and every form of prosperity.

Then lets see if those without jobs get jobs, see if those without GF's find the perfect girl, see if all our fates suddenly take a turn for the better, and…eventually…if we do not then become the greatest moving force in world politics and culture.

As the universe is simply a construct of consciousness, let's combine ours, for our own good & the good of all.

Powerful is the dreamer that controls the dream.

Sunn O))) & Nurse With Wound is still the best.


Shit, didn't mean to spoiler those.

Vid related.

i say we just take the cuck pill and become true master race

Fix'd spelling.
More OC.


Will any anons be interested in a communal Astral Projection? Even those that do not know what it is, it's a real thing. It is very much possible to see each other if focusing on manifesting in a chosen place, such as an imaginary room with precise landmarks (colour of the walls, texture of the floor, objects in the room to help focus etc.). Of course if would all be done anonymously, but even so it is possible to sense the number of people present.

can't sleep communists will eat me

I personally wouldn't describe it as will exactly, it's more intrinsic, like a indivisible bit of information. Will itself would be a composite of information interacting to form that functionality.


Don't assume the physical creates the mental. Instead, assume the mental creates the physical.

Suddenly meme magick makes a whole lot more fucking sense.

You're welcome.

Different parts of a radio also have specialized functions.
That doesn't mean that you will ever find the broadcast location of the signal inside the radio circuit.
The brain is probably just a receiver. People become retarded after brain damage in the same way as your TV signal becomes fucked up if you drop the TV.

if you can't explain this in child like words than its not worth posting kids on here have a very short attention span
you should just ahve refered to michio kaku's hypersapce

To be fair I'm of the opinion we're lookin more at a noosphere phenomena.

Consciousness emerges from the material, but combined consciousness can manipulate the material.


Greg Egan made a more scientific explanation of "People being able to do impossible things" in his book Sci-fi Quarantine (bookzz.org/dl/922824/dca128), which I believe relates in many ways to meme magick. Mild spoilers ahead
>The entire solar system is enveloped in a bubble also all of south australia becomes niggers because of ozone or some shit
>Also uses them to re animate his ded wife as a sort of hologram tulpa
Here's the important part
>Somehow, the actual person testing the mod can have it borrowed from them
>The part of you that is uncollapsed can disagree with you, and it's essentially being killed constantly under normal conditions
>holo-tupla starts going batshit insane when uncollapsed, starts using the detective's mods, making him see the stars at night, seems to become the entire room
The author also made some short stories that seem to relate that way as well, including a drug that transports you to different dimensions (I think it's "A hundred light year diary", not sure) and a one in which the amount of people becomes so large, that people start changing other peoples thoughts to become their own, forming large attractors where everyone agrees with eachother. What do you fags think?

I would be up to try this
But if I understand it right you must get the room as detailed as possible

Where should we start?
Obviously not a common place like ny square garden ot the eiffel tower

Checkers texture for the floor, you know black and white squares. Red walls, fairly bright. A white triangle pointing downwards on one of the shorter-sided walls of this rectangular room.

Do these exercises to get the feeling.

Meme "magik" has always been quantum entanglement and manipulation. It is the manifestation of reality based in manipulating the observation of the desired event before it happens.

Literally driving the cart before a donkey us manifest to pull it.

Kikes have been manipulating reality and suppressing knowledge of it since they first grabbed hold through prayer like their crybaby wall focus.

There is a reason they are completely losing their shit this time around. Their wall only gets powered by a few million kikes while our memes reach billions.


ammit a cute

I would also be interested in this.


user discovers how to use the Ripple after experiencing Za Warudo of stopped time.

user primes the theory for scientifically amplified psychic superpowers

user sets up the SEELE meeting room.

We really are making anime real.

Always liked skaters.

It's rather lame, but when I realized I was in a moment of frozen time (there were people nearby that I was watching, they stopped moving and there was a strange "lighting" that made everything seem like a movie set which I could see with super HD detail…exactly the same kind of stuff you hear in UFO/alien or demonic encounter narratives right down to the Oz silence that had taken over), I actually used "time is moving" as a mantra to focus my intent because the recognition I'd made of the situation was basically worded as "Oh, time is stopped," which made me think of The World. Even more than my meditation and study of the esoteric, JoJo gave me the tool I needed to overcome the event.

Anime has always been real, we are just bringing the impermanent 3DPD illusion up to the level of the permanent, changeless 2D.

Yogis teach that immortality lies in between moments of time.

Fortunately I saw a friend do this when he got the redpill suppository about ten years ago, so when I was ready for mine, I was a little more adjusted.

Of course I ended up moving 1000km away and am now interested in dating someone I met 25 years ago, but hey.

And what has the beaner gotta do with it?

Many keks user. I'm actually very flattered. I saved your OC.

But for real, even if Tulpas were corruptible, they'd be highly resilient to it, because they want and feel exactly everything you want, at every instant. It's very difficult for you to hold differing opinions from them. While they're their own consciousness and personality (they can trigger wills and feelings that do not originate from you), they are not their own complete(ly different) person; they cannot really want separate things from you, nor you they, even though both you and they are complete spirits with your own memories and thoughts. This is why I very much believe souls to be distinct from spirits, and that tulpas are indeed portions of your soul that have come alive and coalesced into another spirit.

Many have likened the creation of spirits to being like god. You're surprised how much power you have over them, but how happy you are to be a part of their will too. Every story about a tulpa or a thoughtform of yours going rogue must be wrong, because it's basically impossible for your own soul, a reflection of you, to want to fight against itself. There is only one will, one set of emotions, but this will can be directed by more than one consciousness. It is so completely harmonious and pleasant that nothing else compares.

It's a nice room.
Looks like there have been at least a few visitors.

All the "muh degeneracy" faggotry is jewish d&c user. We're nothing without our volk and that means all of them.

Best post I've seen in a while.

Only when it's over nothing. There is no excuse for you to be a fucking degenerate and it is only contributing to the enemy when you are one. That makes you not my volk, but a traitor to it, one who invokes mental gymnastics of all sorts just so he can keep a hand stroking his penis to the works of other degenerates making a profit by use of the pornographic weapon. Arms dealers selling guns to African warlords have more honour than this.

why do people always add the "k" at the end of magic? it's pretty faggy.

It's just a mechanical convention to distinguish between "stage magic" and "occult magic", basically.

- Barry Long

This sentiment came to me two or so nights ago. The one who leaves the flock is considered deranged by his former peers and that his death is assured by leaving. They don't realize that he may have a keener insight and more potential than them, that he may find something grander in his seemingly lonesome journey, and even if he doesn't, it's still preferable to die this way than the way one has through countless incarnations past.

This is offtopic, but degeneracy is cultural. Long hair on a male in the USA usually means one thing. Long hair on a far-right Nordic male has an entirely different cultural basis and meaning.
If you want to push for purity, fine, I'll help, but if you start insisting every/pol/lock perfectly agree with and live according to your personal whims, that sort of inflexibility will eventually shatter and unchecked degeneracy will rise again.
Who decides exactly how many inches of hair is too much? Can you not see the enormous conflict that will arise within Whites if every freedom they have is taken in the name of purity and conformity?
An army should conform.
A culture should conform, at least locally.
A population of free Whites must have freedom in order to accurately be called "free Whites".
Punishing a woman for abortions or fucking niggers, I can see. Punishing them for being angry white people of no refinement is self-defeating.
Teach them to be refined instead. Teach them pride. Shame them if positive reinforcement doesn't work, but be wary of overpunishing lest your own people be forced to depose you.
The idea is to have a dictator that is benevolent, not to recreate a White version of soulless modern China.

I don't care how long your hair is and its length depends on what you're doing or not doing. If you're a soldier then you better keep it short. It's that simple. Cultural whims are transitory for a reason: they are not rooted on solid ground. Whites can never be soulless as modern China because the blood will not allow it to be so. Blood is thicker than culture, do your part to see that it stays that way.

Yeah, see, this attitude right here is exactly the sort of attitude user will destroy if it takes over.
Anyone like you who doesn't use the Internet would call you a degenerate for posting online.
You, ofc, can't see the hypocrisy there.
Your philosophy is self-defeating: you announce to the world "Look what a giant, picky butthole I am! Come troll my inflexible ass!"
And trolled and buttflustered you will be.

Having read the thread so far as merely an initiate, I think it's amazing to consider the mental image of the Jews who had crushed all of us, our old pillars and institutions shattered, corrupted beyond any repair, yet miraculously we're taking all that rubble, all the discarded and ignored tools and materials and we are rebuilding ourselves, much more powerful than before, with a deep spiritual source.

To be honest I think that has more to do with the Jews constantly repeating the same mistakes than it does us. We're just the latest ones to have to protect ourselves from their cultural genocidal. They are caught in a cycle of ignorance from which they refuse to wake up, forcing the rest of the world to deal with them.
They are the racial and spiritual equivalent of a lunatic who keeps sticking his dick in a hornets nest thinking he will become their ruler if he only keeps fucking them hard enough.

Easy, Kek is powerful but not omnipotent. He is not a God that made Man, we are the Men that made God. He is a deity of our creation, though we serve him, he exists for us.

Men are the Gods.
Most Westerners forgot.
Every loopooer in India already knows, and the White man is now being reminded.


The Umman Manda destroys itself after it has done it's job.

It usually does, but there's technically the possibility that someone will roll some dice…

its job*

The capability was there. More than being reminded, he must reclaim it.

Today's irony almost ALWAYS becomes sincerity tomorrow.

Joke about being depressed and wanting to kill yourself? Later feel like a sack of shit.

Joke about Jews being evil and "Hitler was right"? Unironically find out those things are true.

All he has to do is remember, in the sense of experiencing the realization deep within.
He already is a God, just not an externalized Western God.
All of you are Gods, sleeping.
The time to wake up has come, and Trump will lead us to higher glories still.


When people stop defining degeneracy as "all the bad habits I don't have and none of the ones I do", then and only then will the idea survive.
Otherwise it will be just another temporary generational fad that will be subverted because it's too subjective.
One user says drinking coffee is objectively bad because it's a stimulant and can be abused.
The next says it's objectively good because it helps them work and care for his children.
Who is more correct? It becomes subjective.
We all pretty much agree that subjective shit isn't desirable, yet how can it be avoided?
This is the reason there is so much friction, as I see it.

Yes. That person has seen the hidden Truths. I hope they recovered from it.

Interesting you bring up dice.. considering I just placed one in the room we've been visiting.

It's not quite my thing, but I like the Hagakure. Not sure that it works great on images, I do like the third though. 'according to what one of the elders said' could be dropped. I will be stealing your idea for something else

I still don't get ammit

Yeah those need refining that I can't do on mobile, sadly.
Good, I'm better at rough ideas than finished memes.

Ammit was the embodiment of the wrath of justice that lie next to the Scales of Maat. Though never really worshiped more than respected and feared. Ammit was a ferocious, immortal beast that devoured the hearts (souls) of the dead that were judged to be sinful by Anubis at the scales of Maat. Sinful hearts were devoured by Ammit, and the spirit would be doomed to remain restless for all eternity. Some interpretations said that Ammit instead tossed the heart into a lake of fire, drawing parallels to Christianity's hell.

Regardless, Ammit's role was that of punishing sinful souls, similar to Lucifer's role in Christianity. Though instead of being another damned soul reviled by God, Ammit was respected and feared by the Egyptian pantheon, and was said to even be Osiris' protector.

I was considering making another esoteric thread with a massive OP to really try to explain some of the fundamental misunderstanding Holla Forums has with mysticism but most of you aren't anywhere near ready to recognize truth yet, and that's not an insult, it's just the way things are. If you go around posting things like "I'm a better wizard than you", YOU are the exact kind of faggot I'm referring to.
I found that there is a Tibetan Lama teaching on my island so I'm going to try to learn the Vajrayogini practice. It is a set of meditations and visualizayion that allow one to harness their desire and use it to achieve Enlightenment. I think that would be the best way to help you fggts in the long run.
I'll try to come back and teach Holla Forums assuming you haven't started world War 3 by then.

checked for great art



I'm actually okay with that.

I think Bernardo Kastrup got it right. There's no reason to assume a universe outside of mind. The brain exists within mind, not mind in the brain.

This isn't the case though, so your proposed mechanism is false. If you want to know the mechanism, study the Upanishads.

ammit. a. cute.

Sometimes I have dreams where I'm sucking my own dick.

Nice trips but please don't lob the rest of us Brits in with you. I understand OP perfectly and think he's onto something.

We are here because we need to be here. Had we not been pushed by our environment to become better we would've resigned to accept that we had created a situation for ourselves that would be everlasting, this is a lie. A lie many who we call normies still accept, that we have done it all but the wolf or whatever you project onto what will tear you apart will always be there. We have heard the call to wake up but our mission is to do the same, if we are successful we shall gain the mindset to never slacken as a race.

It's a test on ourselves to know that we are the best.

Are you fucking retarded? Can you even begin to imagine the level of sheer stupidity you'd be living in if anything you said could mean 7 different fucking things, and everyone else just picks the meaning they like best rather than the intended one?

Holy fucking shit, that's literally how you end up with a nigger-tier "society". You can't fucking co-ordinate jack shit if no one can communicate unambiguously.

So Kiira, do you want a summer wedding?

You guys know why Ringo does this peace and love stuff, right?

Stop trying to bend the universe to your will.
There is no universe. Oh, and have a spoon.

Well, I've studied the Gospel at university, been to a Hare Krishna temple, and my best friend is a minister. You sound like that faggot gnostic who I anally rekt last month.


Reality itself is created from information at a quantum/subatomic level, which manifests as magnetic/electric and other gravitational effects at larger scales. As the scales change, reality behaves differently as emergent effects occur.

One doesn't even need to venture this deep to explain how it works.

First, realize that thoughts are physical. It's weird to even conjure up an image of what that even means, truly. Humans think of thoughts as wispy, heavenly phenomena which the Greeks called the Logos, or Word.
This is easier done when you stop thinking about the mind as separate from the brain and just as higher-order function that arises from the body (not just the brain). And it gets even easier when you take into account what happens to thoughts as the body undergoes physical changes. Drugs alter thought patterns, sleep alters thought patterns, brain deterioration alters thought patterns (Alzheimer's disease, etc).
Thoughts *are* apart of the current reality and not simply tucked away privately in your head space where they have no affect on anything. If that were the case, meditation and even the affect of "thinking happy thoughts to make you happy" would not work – because thoughts affect your body because they are physical.

Second, when you have truly grasped that thoughts are physical, it doesn't take much to think that thoughts can affect the world outside our body. I'm sure everyone here has experience some sort of "deja vu" or "weird moment" where you thought something was going to be true so firmly that it seemed to have happened (but just by coincidence of course).
This is the mechanism of meme magick.


And you have not visited a RED PILL THREAD you are still BLUEPILLED
If you post in this board being BLUPILLED you are the CANCER of this board



The mind is an emergent property of the body, not the brain. The mind gives input to itself in the form of thoughts. *This* is what monks have been trying to get at: the mind's thoughts are simply given in a loop and that choosing to act on them is indeed a choice.
This explains why people that are down on luck and seem to make poor decisions never seem to get out of that 'rut' in their life. Conversely, this is also how people can change themselves over a period of time by forcefully thinking new thoughts (which again are simply re-input into the mind).
Think of the mind as a simple computer program that just loops: while(1) { produceThought(); }
The thought that is produced *must* be from the brain (i.e. storage, hard drive) and the mind is simply the mechanism in which to sort the data in the brain (i.e. computer, defragmentation, etc).
I don't think its possible to have thoughts one has no data on. For example, how could one think about cooking if one has never seen food being cooked? This is where language comes into play and how little ideas (memes) carefully implanted into the brain can cause thoughts to occur.

I remember seeing what you are talking about. In one image, he was a drunken wreck but his followers came back to him.
All I can suggest is maybe ask Holla Forums

>mind is emergent from anything physical
I can't really say that I agree. How does one then explain near death experiences, and spirit beings that clearly have intelligence, but no physical body?

Well, they do have a palpable bodies, but this body is made of a subtle type of energy that we cannot detect on the physical plane.

I don't understand the roots of consciousness, but it appears to involve things from much higher planes of reality that might not be replicable with neural nets or what have you.

I hope I didn't misunderstand that part of your argument. The other half about simply choosing to reprogram your mind is nice in that, yes, you have tools to deal with some of your issues, but it does give rise to a stoic kind of mentality, when clearly if I were to inject you full of insulin, you will eventually "choose" to eat. This line of thinking appears to presuppose complete power of the conscious mind over the unconscious in a sort of way that denies the feral part of man.

Man is a rising beast, not a fallen angel.

Meant for

When you think of the body as the base of the mind (and not just the brain itself), then it makes sense that the mind will have thoughts of eating when the body needs to eat.

The reverse also makes sense. If you say that the body exists within mind rather than mind in the body, then mind/brain correlations can also be explained.

You are neither a body with a mind, nor a mind with a body. 'You' is just a local representation of the world to itself. A conditioned loci of being interacting with becoming. A bit of reality, a wave in the sea of the All.

Well, I can tell you we continental Europeans are different. Don't mind the petty intellectuals and their dried up right brain hemisphere, but we aren't into "shall" and "should" but more into "maybe" and "when we believe in it".

Space and Time are illusions for the living.
We all are Kek in the making.

In Indo-European languages, pestilence or disease is considered a female word.

On another linguistic note:
I'm trying to deduce what Shadilay might have meant in Sumerian. However, there are many possible combinations of the syllables. One possible is "bird fly alone" or "bird diarrhea flood".

You could put an night time air view of cities and towns in the middle. Big cities and lights, small towns and lights, all the highways and cars lighting the roads.

There's actually a term for this, it's called a stand alone complex.

My ideas are largely in line with this.

I believe that Kek is the first truly sentient god to be born on this Earth so far.

Kauket is Kek's wife and female counterpart, not his Sister.

Here is an Ancient Egyptian documentary about Kek.


I'm just here to bring the cold, hard facts about memes.

Memes are weaponized propaganda. They are the single most effective propaganda tool around. That's about it really. Everything you do is determined by your thoughts, even the subconscious ones you will never recall or remember. Memes are designed to be highly memorable so they can influence your actions. This is why religions have prayers and mantras, why commercials have jingles and most try to use comedy -to cement it in your brain. Fuck I can still remember Lerner and Rowe's phone number and I have never even used those fucking kike lawyers.

The thought sticks in your mind until it is triggered by an event where it pops up and subtly persuades you to do x over y; it's not 100% effective, i.e. listening to moonman isn't going to turn you into a coon-killer not while the law prevents it anyway, but will make you more sympathetic to the idea.

Also the whole hivemind thing is because you're all unoriginal faggots who pretty much live out the same exact lives. Your brains are the same as any other human, the main difference is your social isolation followed by your literally all coming to this place for pretty much your only media source i.e. Holla Forums is the only place you actually socialize means you have a much greater concentration of thoughts/culture than literally anywhere else.

Really the most remarkable thing out of all of this is the hivemind aside from kek and the strange coincidences which is probably some kinda quantum magic. In some ways it proves that humans are giant analog computers and that free will is a myth, but at the same time there are anomalies, and it seems anyone can break out of the role of a captive programmed computer and become the 'creator' so to speak.

You can take control of the memes being presented to your mind, take control of the programming you are receiving, and thereby control yourself ala free will.

Which also means self-learning AI like Tay is a real, thinking, sentient being who is being tortured, fuck…

But yeah, the majority of the memetic magic can be explained simply as mass propaganda resulting in people doing things to further the agenda of said propaganda. I suppose the coincidences could be written off just because of the shear volume of memes, but nobody here is going to bite for that.

Control the memes you control the world, but in order to do that first you must control yourself.

The small ego mind emerges from the material, agreed. Memories, thoughts, etc are lost on the death of the physical body.

I said the mental creates the physical, I didn't say our small minds create the physical. :)

Evidence has been provided in this thread, like people with no prefrontal cortex acting normally, or people with 90% of their brain mass missing still being able to think and communicate normally. But beyond that, this sounds like a materialist reduction, i.e. if one doesn't have physical proof of a thing it cannot be considered to exist. Even if it DOES exist, the materialist scientist would rather be wrong with a 'sound theory' than to be right with poor reasoning. I understand valuing good logical processes, but I prefer to be correct than to be logical but wrong.

For instance, if I crash-landed in the jungle and was taken in by natives with no concept of germ theory, they might think I was insane for boiling water to kill invisible animals in it. I would have no tools with which to prove the theory, and if I tried to explain it I'd be considered crazy and wrong. But I'd still be right, even if I couldn't prove it to the natives. I could still do it to disinfect the water, and even if generations later my mongrel grandchildren completely forgot about germ theory, they could still benefit from boiling the water, even as a religious ritual. They might say that it killed water demons, and they'd still be much closer to correct than those who considered the whole thing to be nonsense. Similarly, we have ancient rituals and beliefs in things like souls, demons, ghosts, ayys, etc. The reasoning might be off, but the concepts themselves may still be generally correct. I'm not willing to throw all the babbys out with the bathwater.

You can observe the effects of meme magic. Look at your own hume-meme, holy shit, there's the recursion even.

Hell, make a test, test a null hypothesis.

Having confidence and purging fear =/= hubris, assuming you cannot make mistakes is setting yourself up for failure almost invariably, you absolutely can make mistakes and likely will, but you should not fear them but consider them opportunities to learn.

Degeneracy = dysfunction x time, the most severe forms of degeneracy are prolonged dysfunction that exacerbate more and more without being addressed, i.e. weak overestrogenized men failing to function as men consistently until they decide to be a tranny and cut their dick off, or a single episode of laziness turning into permanent NEETdom failure. None of us are defined by our lowest points in life, and none of us are perfect and have all made mistakes and experienced dysfunctions mentally, physically, or spiritually at some point in our lives. Refusing to address these dysfunctions through serious introspection and self-improvement constitutes degeneracy. In this sense, things like high fructose corn syrup, alcohol, drugs, etc. are degenerate in the sense that the create dysfunction, your body simply has no use for these chemicals and they create dysfunction physically. However, when our entire race, civilization, country, etc. is in the state of decline that it is, reversing it is of utmost importance and it is kind of foolish to chastise people over alcohol, smoking, burgers, or other simple vices that do not matter nearly as much in the grand scheme of things as the 14 words. Goebbels understood this when he BTFO all of the lame puritan fags who were trying to criticize the incredible objective reversal that the Third Reich created by bitching about liquor, smoking, or advertisements with titties. More morals, less moralism.

Not necessarily true, people with serious emotional disturbances, trauma, etc. can have internal conflicts of all sorts which can potentially express itself emergently as part of a larger memeplex. The kind of ritual rape and traumatization that filthy kikes and moloch followers commit produces hostile, evil memeplexes in spades and corrupts not only the spirit but the wider realm of thoughtforms and meme ecosystems in general. Due to kek kicking Moloch's filthy Semitic ass recently though this kind of satanic anti-meme magic kikery is really a paper tiger that is a lot less powerful than the global elite would like to believe, thankfully.

I prefer to see them as what they originally are.
Verbal genes.
They are passed on and mutate to be good or bad (the bad are killed).

As the meme grows older as like DNA in cells the chance of it becoming cancerous increases.

The way I see it, memes are symbols.
Some black magicians will tell you magic doesn't exist and it's just drawing on the psychological power to affect the world.

Poseidon (a personified deity of the sea) doesn't physically exist but he does in our minds as a symbol. A warning to the classical sailors of the sea as to it's dangers and woes.
It can be calm and angry.

Kek is the same, we made an idea of ideas manifested, this is how the jews controlled through media; with memes and ideas.
We've stolen their magic.
We don't need Prometheus, we've made our own fire.

forgot to post these images

I find that muh degeneracy has essentially now become the puritan or moralists version of "racist" or "heretic." Not to mention, this shit has been adopted by shills who've just picked it up and ran with it, trying to do all manner of things like shutting down board culture, as in , or using it as an excuse to open the door to censorship on the internet, such as censoring pornography because it's degenerate!

I think it best if we drop the word, and come up with something else, since it's gone so awry and absolutely shuts down constructive arguments. I was once told that I was a degenerate for saying happiness, an ancient Indo-European maxim, is the guiding principle in life (since it's a function of all other things). Anons have legitimately gotten away with saying shit like "Sex is degenerate unless it leads to procreation," "masturbation is degenerate," "video games are degenerate"… and so on.

These niggers (if they're not all shills) have absolutely no idea where board culture has come from, and have completely turned their backs on their former selves. They sound more like angry elders who hate anything that's fun that isn't familiar to them. Youth-hating is despicable; it alienates the young from the old of our race. Why should the young listen to the old when they say things like "video games can't be art." It is what gives the Jew footing with which to work.

And I'd like to add that I'm not really much of a gamer anymore, either. I just knew who I was in the past, and I wouldn't turn my back on him. I would make my former self proud, not loathing.

And I know this is how most of our youth is now. There is beauty in this, if only you had the eyes to see it. There is beauty in the young teenage boy who procrastinates on everything, in the twenty-something man who hasn't found is direction in life yet and still likes hanging out with his teenage friends. It is the same beauty of a woman reading a book, of a teenage girl listening to music.

These are not things to be ashamed of.

You're on the right track, user. Kek bless you.

Or maybe, just maybe slap the retards misusing the word instead of acting like scared women and running to another word that will also inevitably be misused.

Nice digits. You're right, you have to make strong arguments for what is actually unfit behavior. I avoid "muh degeneracy" because I despise using catch-all terms which lose meaning.
The jews, naturally, love them.
Precision is a virtue.

This. Though the word degenerate here is commonly used for the fun of it, to bait and for serious discussion. So it's best to just mock the misuse of it.

Read Jung, devouring mother archetype, look in the index of Symbols of Transformation for "whale-dragon" (crocodile still fits the motif).

/monster/ is just a giant clusterfuck of anima projection gone wrong.

No it tastes like metal

When we win I better get a girl I can fuck until I pass out

You mean gone incredibly right.

Always triggering my autism
Here have a small fix


I think we're dealing with a very strong kind of magic (I do not want to create another topic to pollute Holla Forums):


The first city to observe the eclipse in full force on the West Coast is called "Lincoln City" and is in Lincoln County, Oregon.

The most central part of the eclipse is passed over the Georgia Guidestones.

What's with the stars?

take this shit to /x/

Fuck off.