Use HTTPS, faggots

A good chunk of you are probably still visiting Holla Forums through plain HTTP instead of HTTP at least, almost every Holla Forumsack I've met outside here links to threads using . You might ask, why should I add that tiny extra s to the beginning of the url? There's a really fucking good reason for that and I'll explain it to you as babby's first opsec lesson.

When you connect to Holla Forums through plain HTTP, everything you send to and receive from Holla Forums is unencrypted. Every third party along the way, including your ISP and the NSA, can see exactly what threads you load, what you post, and your post deletion password. Connecting to an imageboard through HTTP is basically holding up a gigantic "fuck me in the ass" sign with blinking lights.

HTTPS, on the other hand, is encrypted with SSL or TLS (Transport Layer Security 1.2 in Holla Forums's case). Your ISP and other third parties can see that you've connected to Holla Forums, and that's it. Everything from the threads and images you open to the content you post are hidden from them unless the site itself is compromised. HTTPS is not the end-all solution to online security but it will protect you from basic bitch surveillance and identity theft.

Other urls found in this thread:

**Hard to believe people on Holla Forums are browsing without HTTPS unless their newfags*

Reminder that HTTPS Everywhere is a valid way to get onto any website with an extra layer of security

I'll go kill myself

nah, we're just such oldfags we know masonjames just hands a copy of the logs over to the NSA every friday night anyway so what's the fucking point?

And if you use opennic DNS servers on your router your ISP can't log your domain requests. opsec thread?

And exactly where do you think they get the money to operate from? "Hey guyz, like, totally send all your dns requests to us. Don't you nerds see (((open))) in our name? That means we're part of the open source community and can totally be trusted! Now send us all your dns lookups you don't want tracked back to you, goy^H^Hfellow privacy minded friend"

Please, user. Inform us of security and anonymity.

Who's the newfag now?
It's all right, the digits say it's ok.

What would you suggest as an alternative or any better security habits in addition to common sense?

HTTPS Everywhere
Smart Referer
UBlock Origin

Why don't mods just set up a filter that changes any instance of http to https automatically?

Goddamn secret squirrel shit.
Tell an ignorantfag how to do this and can I bookmark it like that.

Use Tor as well, that way even if one node is compromised, the other 2 will be good as a proxy.

Fairly decent website.

It seems to be intentional. It's too easy to redirect to https so it must be part of the plan.

So I have to buy a VPN to do this?

Because they're addons for this if you're not a retard.

Just use "https everywhere".

Not only can the NSA read your communications, it can also alter them. They can easily insert an exploit into any file your browser loads and root you.

HTTPS everywhere prevents this type of attack (it's called MITM code insertion)

Hotwheels could just add a sitewide filter, though. It'd make everything better.

Hotwheels has nothing to do with Holla Forums anymore.

I miss him

Wait, when did this happen?


Dubs don't lie. Please keep this as an opsec thread and not a 8ch general meta.
Let's not get this thread de-railed. much less deleted

just lurk moar you faggot

Polite sage


".. the contents of what you're viewing and sending on that website remains visible to CloudFlare, even in the so-called full strict SSL"

Trusting certificate authorities. Digitally signing your internet communications with an insecure encryption key.

fuck https

SSL was proven easily compromised recently. HTTPS does next to nothing. You need a VPN. Get one asap.

you have no idea of bad things are.

Use a 100% libre non systemd gnu operating system
(devuan is making a good step towards that)
but for now it's gentoo the best choice

Use the tor to browser.
Share data with gnunet.

Also please don't encode multimedia file with windows os.
Downloading and trying to open Windows DRM-protected multimedia files can deanonymize Tor Browser users and reveal their real IP addresses, security researchers from Hacker House have warned. On Windows, multimedia files encoded with special Microsoft SDK will automatically open an IE window and access a URL to check the file's license. Since this request is sent outside of the Tor Browser and without user interaction, this can be used to ping law enforcement servers and detect the user's real IP address and other details.

Stop trying to sell technologies who won't help rabby.

Is there any point in opsec when every piece of tech has hardware level backdoors in it? To be totally secure I would have to devise my own chips and software.

liek clockwork

Yeah but it's bloated and slow as fuck. I've had multiple cases where https everywhere took so long to start up it missed links opened outside the browser.

OPSEC is to avoid passive surveillance. It's pretty hard if not impossible to avoid active surveillance. It's just unlikely you'll attract that kind of attention unless you're posting dumb shit like IM GOING TO BOMB LE WH :)))

Okay, so tell the site owner to disable the HTTP site. What the fuck do you want US to do about it?

No, but you should have a VPN anyway. All you have to do is install an addon like HTTPS Everywhere.

Anyone else has the problem that HTTPS everywhere doesn't work for 8ch? It works for everything else but if I enter just it doesn't move me to https.

Free vpn = you become a zombie in a botnet

paid vpn = that doesn't happen

get cryptostorm


fuck off cryptonigger
NordVPN is where its at


I don't give a fuck if they know I'm exercising my free speech. Nothing I say or do is illegal.

HTTPS encryption was broke, retard.

Why does CREW keep spamming this?

Who the fuck is Erin? I see her mentioned on other boards a lot

Get a new PC. HTTPS Everywhere has always worked fine for me.

SSL and TLS works for a few minutes but they are computers that can reliably crack it within a few days (hours?) time. Lot better than going in raw though.

Don't even know how unless their browser is shit or they use Windows10/MacOS. It defualts to HTTPS now I'm pretty sure. Use HTTP-Everywhere just in case.

Degenerate whore something something video game webcomic. It’s meaningless.

fug they probably know my waifu better than I do

CIA you hear me! She'll never go with you, just pick some low-tier pleb slutu and nobody gets hurt.

+random agent spoofer

I prefer blender tbh fam

I'll check it out, user

Blender has is tier web browser tbh.

There's two guys working for The Escapist making a webcomic, where they use an imaginary girl as a mouthpiece for their opinions because no one would take them seriously if they made a comic about a male feminist.
Of course no one with a brain takes them seriously either way, so anons just draw porn of her and call it a day.


Not saying it doesn't work.


actually thanks for reminding me to renew my subscription. $42 for 6 months.


spoonfeeding blatant newfaggots
This is why the board goes to shit. You are supposed to tell these people to either lurk moar or fuck right off.

https everywhere
ad blocker

>>>Holla Forums imo

Newfags are the only ones who would get fucked over

that image makes for a great partial redpill, but not a single chick there was anything of value lost. 9/10 times coalburners are/were nothing worthwhile before they even started burning coal, I'm betting half the white bitches who actually do that do it because white guys want nothing to do with them.

Only rarely do I see a girl who race mixes and think "fuck man that's tragic, she would have been excellent gf material in another life." This thought doesn't apply to anyone in that picture though.


How do we save his smile?

some user in a thread a while ago dumped like 30-40 of these compilation pics. each one had a different woman.

see, now a few of those make me sad. they're still the exception to the rule, but most of these still make me think "what a waste."

Also "pull the trigger on every nigger," for some reason.


You could achieve the same result by just saying
And done. Faggot nigger.

HTTPS Everywhere is bloated and caused my entire browser to briefly freeze up every time I loaded an Holla Forums thread with it enabled.

Depends on the PC. The lag on mine doesn't make its existence a hassle, although it's true it lags up a new thread tab for a split second.

That feel when cutewheels is too busy partying in Thailand and fucking Thai Ladyboys to pay us attention anymore. :(

it really worries me that there are peopleon this board who actually believe cripplekike is still alive.

Don't be a kike. If umatrix can juggle 76840 domains without spinning my fans up this has no excuse for being so slow with only 21205.