Student Loan Forgiveness for Those Who Build the Wall

I wanted to bring this idea to Holla Forums because it has served as a platform for influencing things thus far. I believe that if we could convince Trump to offer student loan forgiveness (in lieu of pay) for those who build the wall, that many desperate leftists who got useless degrees would give in and contribute their labor to the wall. Consequently, they would be forced to stop criticizing it, as they helped to build it. This would help shift public opinion, lessen the debt of some young people, and potentially win Trump the millennial vote during his 2020 reelection campaign. That last part would be an especially effective salt producer, as it would enrage the MSM and the college professors that have sought to indoctrinate our youths.

What do you think, Holla Forums? Good idea? Possible issues? Should we try to bring it about?

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Kek, to be honest i like the fact that many commie Students have such high debts for their idiocy, but this isn't such a bad idea.

Wouldn't they be at risk of sabotaging it in some way?

I've considered that, but there are solutions. There could be foremen to watch over the process (there probably will be already), and those who sabotage would be arrested and would lose their loan forgiveness. The people who actually care about the wall would probably foster a culture of "see something, say something," and there could even be some rewards for preventing harm to the wall. Besides, the weak would be weeded out fast, as would the insincere. To stay on long enough for that sort of opportunity and to avoid getting caught would take courage and tenacity that many of these kids don't have. What would be left is people who have resigned themselves to a hard job for a worthy reward.

For those of us not yet in college, would there be a way to get a grant by doing this? Or earn credits?

The primary issue with this is that there are far more people who would want/need student loan forgiveness than there is need for labor to build that sort of wall. Secondarily, student loan forgiveness is more expensive than simply paying for labor.

No. Fuck you. You got into this mess, you get yourself out.

I don't really like this idea.

Depending on how much it pays off, I'd pull out a loan and build the wall. Sounds like a good deal.

I made cement in high school. It's just a wall. People built cities before they could even read or write.

That's where you're wrong. I don't want some nappy headed commie building an inferior barrier to keep out the shitskin hoard.

I really want the wall to be more than just a wall, maybe it's own train system or something more productive.

Leftist can't do physical labor. They can't build anything. They would only sabotage the works.

Why not just get rid of the fed instead?

I've seen an idea floated around here of putting a high speed train on top of the wall. That way it becomes a vital part of infrastructure, thus reducing the risk of it being torn down by a future administration.

Pretty much this. Also, it would be shoddy apprentice work which would cost even more in project fees.

No, if there's a make-work job to be done, it should be something like patrolling the wall once it's finished.

Hm. A wall patrol job would be easier to use for subversion. A leftist could just turn a blind eye to those crossing and we might never catch them in the act.

And just like that a $12 billion dollar pet project becomes a $1.2 trillion dollar nightmare. A fucking train on top of a wall.

We won. We don't owe the commies shit. I'm glad they're wallowing in debt, shackled to shitty minimum wage jobs with no chance of getting out. They deserve it. Assuming you're right-wing, building the wall should guarantee you a spot in ICE

I agree. But what about some sort of unmanned rapid delivery system? Like a pneumatic tube, but bigger. It would be cheaper/easier than a train.

Amend OPS plan to be offered only to engineering students and other eligible fields instead of any lazy college student.

NOW it's a good idea.

Maybe they could also train and hire veterans?

This. We need to reward people doing valuable work, not lift useless lefties out of the slave-holes Jews tricked them into. Make Civil Engineering (and Architecture) Great Again. Fucking seriously architecture needs to be made great again. Modern architecture is literally build on the foundations of the same guy who invented the commie bloc. He went straight from the Soviet Union and railing against capitalism to being the father of Harvard's architecture program that has influenced essentially all modern architecture programs since.

Just forgive all loans for useful subjects - STEM, medicine, skilled trades, etc.

Let the liberal arts crowd keep their debt.

Left wing labor camps. My mind just nuked itself trying to conceive of such a thing.

Maybe just a higher wage at the very least

Now this is shitposting.

If you offered loan forgiveness, what would initially happen is many college students would shit themselves in glee. Then the self-selection would begin.

First, the SJW's would tap out because 'muh racism'. Then the beta cucks and wimps and useless would tap out because they are too incompetent to be anything but coffee servants. Then the weak of will and work ethic drop out when they have to actually hold down a job.

In the end, the only ones who get to build the wall and get debt forgiveness will be the competent, the hard-working, and the enthusiastic. I.E. Trump supporters who got sucked into college for one reason or another. And what could be better for society than having their debts forgiven and their economic/social standing elevated above the shitlicking commies and SJW gibs?

In addition, this would erode sympathy for those who hold onto student debt even more, which will predominantly be the SJW's in the end. Plus the labor would be essentially free, more skilled than most, and it will be like a stimulus package to the country by freeing the actually best and brightest from the shackles of debt.

Could work. It would be a long-term play, but in decades hence you'd have father and grandfathers in their upper-middle class houses proudly saying they laid the foundations to American security in the Great Trump Wall.

It would create plenty of jobs. Stimulate the economy. You're a retard.

Investing in your countries infrastructure is a great thing.
What do you think Hitler did?

It would help with your issue of being a limp wristed faggot though, after all we want the best for you as well. Stand back and watch.

Kek. I never thought about the potential for eroding public sympathy towards college debt. Good point.

I think it could be transformative for some. Imagine a desperate leftist with a degree in gender studies having no other option. Now imagine him doing hard labor, forming strong bonds with his coworkers, and spending months of his life doing honest work. By the end, he would be in good shape, he would be exposed to the kind of ideologies that manual laborers' typically have (and they're usually pretty conservative), and he would no longer feel interest in his useless degree. Instead, he might then continue to work trade jobs for the rest of his life.

Nah. A person is completely lost by that time.

Kike shills
What you traitors did doesn't matter. Even if Mike is part jewish, he furthered our cause and we're not getting rid of him or going anywhere. You fags are just jealous that the doxxing made us stronger by purging the weak. As far as the 100k+ in donations, it went where it was needed, and that's all you faggots need to know.

Eat shit, wage slave. You got yourself in this mess, you get yourself out.

A few years in a concentration camp will work wonders with any (redeemable) commie. If not, work em to death!

Remember, Arbeit Macht Frei.

Unless you literally make camps for these people, you'll to do more than just forgive their student loans. Having your student loans forgiven is great, and is actually already a thing if you work for the government but it doesn't put money in your pocket so you can buy food, a place to live, running water, ect.


Only STEM that helps build the wall gets a pass (either hard labor or incorporation of their field in help of wall building)


it's not just shitty gender studies degrees - it's also stem. college turned into a fucking joke the day feds began offering student loans. to get any engineering degree will cost around 40k - 80k today. 10 years ago it cost more like 10k - 30k. back in the 80's and 90's you could do it for 5k - 15k. you wanna be a doctor or a dentist? be prepared to go 200k - 500k in debt before you even begin to pay it back.

I'm in favor of this student-debt-relief-for-wall-builders only on condition that Trump also completely cuts off federal loans to students. Let colleges compete on the open market and stop inflating the cost of education. Additionally, bullshit degrees must be eliminated, leftist anti-American professors must be purged, and programs refocused to produce doctors, scientists, and engineers. That's literally the only reason to go to college.

Double EBT benefits for families of those who contribute grunt labor

Wait, wait wait! Are you saying this isn't how you guys do it? WTF?

They do have repayment/forgiveness plans for those going into various public service jobs so it wouldn't be much of a change to add the wall labor and national infrastructure projects.

Would we pay them with wages of illegal migrants?

Double think is a prerequisite for the left. m8.
They can chant "peaceful protest" during an act of vandalism.

cut off student access to government loans and shutdown the flow of H1B's and colleges are forced to decrease costs to students in order to attract students.

That's like cutting off the face to spite the (((nose))), then realizing the nose is like John Carpenter's "The Thing" and will move on to colonize a new host.


Thanks for the info!
Man, finally something what we eastern-europeans do better! In here if your university give you a bullshit degree like the one with gender-studies than you will starve to death and will be a laughingstock for life.

Because of this people must choose wisely. The high schools and colleges need to fight hard for the students. And you can pretty much can get a diploma without giving a cent.

I presonally have two diploma and never paid for my studies. But the same times my hard work to be in the top 5 in my class brought me money.

Bro! It's a fucked up word when you sabotage your own education system. like we doesn't know (((who))) behind that

This would just mean the taxpayers are taking on more debt, I have no sympathy for people who went into debt for something they can't pay off, especially when it is predominately leftists.

Trump will and presumable is already improving the job market, pay it off the hard way and learn the lesson your negligent parents should have taught you. Let the commies who took bullshit degrees suffer.

NO. These loans are already issued. Declare them, by fiat, null and void. That fucks the banks and the schools, not the taxpayer. The banks and schools are the ones responsible for not investing wisely / being more selective in students they admit, and not doing more to decrease their own costs.

Why the fuck would you choose "The government assumes responsibility for all student loans" as the method to forgive student debts?? That's fucking retarded m8.

I don't want dumb liberals to get hired for building the Wall and then quit half way through in protest.

Or intentionally weaken it.
The kind of people who took student loans have no clue what to do at a construction site.
The labor won't meet the amount owed. Why should students that took loans be able to pay them off with a fraction of the labor cost, then get their degrees and belittle blue collar workers for not having degrees?

They and you took those loans as adults, to go to adult school, and get adult jobs. Trying to weasel out of your loans with a bit of labor is childish.

In my area they removed the requirement for police to have a high school diploma, because they couldn't get enough people to apply. Meanwhile garbage collectors need one.

doesn't surprise me. i've heard of police departments where they turn down applicants for being too smart. as in, those who are applying to the police force take an iq test and if they score too high the police don't want them because (iirc) they might question orders / not be a bullheaded brute with a badge / might act more as peace officers than police officers and actually do their fucking job.

I bought into the post-secondary education meme, so I'll be first in line. No bully pls.

I would support anything that hurts both Beaner Spics, Jews, and Jew Banks simultaneously


If there was a train on top of there, it would be a security issue, and tons of people would get on the train just to hop off it into America.

We should enslave leftists to cleaning up parks, sides of roadways, etc.

Just make them pick up trash and do environmental clean up.

It'll be easy to get them to do that kind of stuff for years.

Leftists don't give a shit about the environment, historically all real conservation and anything else that helped the environment came out of the far-right. They do however like to talk a lot of greenwashing bullshit.

Might as well make them do something that legitimately helps the environment and makes them useful.

I'm not saying I'm for it, but that's the way the state works. Trump could push for ways out of debts, student loans are extra jewy for not leaving an exit, but declaring other people's agreements null and void is also retarded.

And it's like you don't want to hold worthless liberals responsible for poor decisions.

we should make special places they are gathered and forced to live and work ;^)

I wouldn't mind going south to BUILD WALL if the amount could warrant a move but, it's their own fault if people are buried in schooling debt.

You clearly don't understand the H1B program.

More like the only benefit to holding them to their loans is to fuck them over, while the cost of holding them to their loans is banking kikes win again. Hmm who would i rather see fucked over, kikes or their liberal golems?? How is that even a difficult decision?
Even just the threat that Trump could dissolve the student loans they hold would be enough to make (((bankers))) shit themselves and would give Trump leverage over them to reform the entire education system.

"It is not the State that orders us; but it is we who order the State!"
or did you forget that we're living in 1488 the year of our Führer now?

The only people who would think it's retarded to fuck over these kikes by nullifying their predatory loans are the banking kikes themselves.

It's worse than that. Colleges do still have to compete for students but since students rarely worry about cost because of fedreal guarantees colleges compete by way of stupid marketing gimmicks - like 3 million clubs for every kind of special snowflake, diversity services for all those new genders and giant nigger ball stadiums - that further increase the cost.

but that's not what I was saying

the government can quit propping up banks, but short of the state stopping their funding of schools, of course it shifts the burden to the taxpayer.

Other things have to change first or it won't fuck over the banks.

What? You didn't have to take loans. You were lied to about the importance of university by your teachers and society, and the schools themselves push everything they can to get money, but no one made you go. It's not like you went to a loan shark to keep your business afloat or to keep food on the table.

Not that I have much sympathy for that either.

one more thing the taxpayer pays for. I always hated nigger ball, but I saw the last few minutes of the KU v. K-State, there were maybe 2 white guys on the court, and I couldn't spot a single non-white in the crowd. Nothing new, but that really made it sink in.

I'm not dignifying your crap with a response. It's stupid, and stupidity thereupon.

Idiocy abounding!

But if you sage, I shan't reply, reply to your imbecilic responses.

Yeah, no. If we use leftists to build the wall, it should be to grind their bones for mortar.


That would be a good plan


No student loan forgiveness. Just stop guaranteeing the loans.

If someone who got a degree in feminist basket-weaving can't pay their loan, the university should have to pay.

that's common parlance for what these loans are, given the nature of the loans, the terms, and who they're marketed towards.
Basically (((they))) spend 4 years of high school indoctrinating kids that they need to go to college. it's cultural. the colleges spam marketing at them, then the schools, banks, and government make it incredibly easy to sign up for. meanwhile the colleges and media lie about just how much value that degree will pay off for them later in life. that's predatory as fuck.

i was trying to make clear what i was suggesting vs what i thought you were, sorry if there's confusion.

like what? i really don't think so tbh. (note that i do agree, with any debt forgiveness there must simultaneously be a total overhaul of the college / student loans / education system so that colleges are forced to compete again)

god fucking dammit college sports are such a fucking kike scheme. literally making millions off college athletes (who shouldn't even be in school), these athletes come in and lower academic standards and bloat the school budget to shit, they get their free ride at the school for a degree they'll never use, meanwhile students performing on academics are forced to pay for it.

at least they're perpetually paying kikes money for it. it's not like these shitty degrees suddenly gain value because the cost of the degree was eliminated. a free shitty degree remains a shitty degree.

nope, sorry it's not like they even have the necessary skills to sabotage the wall, let alone to sabotage it without being caught. leftists sabotaging the wall really seems like some wiley coyote shit. strawman argument tbh.

just don't assign them to patrol duty on the wall!

good plan

also this. even if all that changed is the government simply stops guaranteeing the loans it would make a huge impact. it would end the easy money. banks and universities would be forced to be more selective. universities would be forced to decrease costs.

THIS. If you or I make a shitty investment who pays for it?? We do, because we made a shitty investment!

But if a College makes a shitty investment (by graduating students with worthless degrees) suddenly the College is absolved of all responsibility, the loans are non-dischargeable, the student must bear the debt forever, there's no such thing as a shitty investment for a College?
Colleges have a responsibility to decrease costs by making wise investments.

at least they're *NOT* perpetually paying kikes money for it.


If they don't have money and aren't smart enough for scholarships, then they should be working and saving money up for it. MOST students shouldn't be attending college.

Are they adults or not? Almost no one I knew growing up went to college, but almost all were decent with money, had jobs as early as 14, and bought and sold livestock, guns, and vehicles. Why would the average 18yo who can at least get in a college be held to a lower standard than a bunch of rednecks?

I am against all bail-outs, but on an individual level, what does it teach people- people that don't plan ahead, aren't skeptical, don't save money, and muh dick their choice of college- to be bailed out by the whim of the government?

my biggest problem with them. At the very least, they wouldn't be so willing to loan to everyone they can if they can outsource their collections to the government.

I think all schools should all be allowed to founder on their own, but that's just a quibble. I agree.

I agree, but colleges, banks, and government act to ensure a steady supply does attend.

I'm not saying they should be bailed out - that implies the government should assume responsibility for their debts, using taxpayer money. I'm saying these debts should be rendered null and void by government edict. Let the banks and colleges bear the losses, because they conspired to create this situation. Banks and colleges shouldn't be allowed to be less responsible than you or me.

There will always be winners and losers. If you consider it "winning" to waste 4+ years getting a shitty degree in a bullshit field, and then having the good fortune that you did it at the right time that your accrued debt for said shitty degree is wiped clean, then I guess that makes you a loser.

These people would still have:

What does it teach those who worked hard from the start?
That it's more important to uplift your brothers as we work towards the future man than it is to exact revenge on him for being fucking stupid when he was young. Seriously, explain to me how it benefits America, or the white race, to allow banking and college kikes to continue financially raping our fellow whites?

Even if they're predominantly fucking leftists I don't care. I'd rather they get a second chance than that jews continue to bathe in their stream of student shekels. It fucks the banks and fucks the colleges. It mindfucks leftists and undermines their arguments when they see the right taking up one of their own causes.

What does it teach those who weren't responsible?
Oh we can still exact labour from them. Force them to work community service hours. Work on public works projects. Serve in the national guard. I agree that some form of physical labor would be the best thing to demand of them in exchange for having their debts erased. It would teach them the value of hard work. Arbeit Macht Frei.
inb4 they're too lazy to do any public work. i think you'd be surprised. some maybe would still refuse. imo most would go for it. they already sign up for the fucking peace corps regularly after all.

You clearly live in a rural area. you go to suburbia or you go to the cities (i.e., most of the U.S. population), the attitude is completely different. it's a cultural difference. i visited a college in rural virginia and it was okay. less pozzed than most schools. Go and talk to some of the locals in the town about the school and they're like "It's just a college. Why the fuck would I need college?". And that was characteristic of the attitude of most people in that town. You'd need to search hard to find a high schooler in a city or suburb with the same attitude. again, it's a complete difference in culture. being rural it's not as pozzed, not as propagandized. you were raised with common sense. these people in the cities and suburbs, not so much. they get propagandized and marketed to for 4+ years that the only thing that matters is that they go to college. then the colleges, banks, and government make that easy, and culturally it's expected - so of course most students end up stuck in college.

my observations anyway.

I do agree with a lot of this to be clear but
they have to prove themselves first to be considered by brother, being genetically european and residing somewhere within 2000 miles of me is not enough. Especially not after a lifetime of ignoring and ridiculing what we say and trying to get every gib from my pocket they can. I will continue to try to help those I think can be helped, but only for the future of my own people at this point, not out of any concern for them.

Anyone able to learn from observing the failure of others probably didn't go into debt or is paying it off with no problem. The rest only learn from experience if at all. And there should always be examples for the first group to learn from.

they need their shit kicked much harder then just this, we've already covered that.

I do. We must crush them so the masses follow us.
they don't have arguments or minds, they want what they want and that's all that matters, not how they get it.
>they already sign up for the fucking peace corps regularly after all. just to travel and fuck and do drugs

This is true but I also went to a supposedly good college on a coast, along with a more rural college. I never saw anything that suggested people I cared about were going into debt for worthless degrees. I did later have a friend who took loans for a trade school, and he paid them back fine. Too bad he didn't treat all debt that way, as far as I know he still can't learn to defer gratification and he'll probably stay in debt his whole life.

Forgetting about the jewish banks for a moment, perhaps a better way to think of this is instead of loans, picture military service. Anyone who can't pay now have the option to serve 6 years in the military. Would you have any sympathy for those who wasted it partying or on a shit degree and then complained that they didn't think they would really have to enlist?

We need them to pick the crops, now the lawns, and nanny the children of the rich after all the Mexicans go back. There will be plenty of unskilled positions open—around 30 million.

No. The leftists should be forced into hard manual labor by economic circumstances if they are capable of it, but making them basically slave labor fucks up future generations. Until recently it was kids who mowed lawns, babysat, and worked for farmers in the summer. Some of it was hard stuff, but it set them up for work ethic and it gave them experience and confidence to get real jobs as adults. Now there is nothing entry-level for kids and why you have college graduates who have been working in coffee shops for a decade.

that's all that's needed user.

i agree, but i do think this is a good first step.

No I'd see that as cowardice. But I don't think that's really the best analogy either.

In those ROTC programs where you serve 6 years afterwards, during your 4 years of college you're constantly training. So backing out on that is much less common. It also offers employment immediately upon graduation - whereas any numbnuts cuck who took loans for his gender studies degree graduates to unemployment. So most who graduate from the ROTC program are generally (perhaps not eager, but at least willing) prepared to work in the same capacity. They can also get kicked out if they fuck up in school academically, or kicked out from ROTC and thus from school if they act dishonourably. So it acts to instill at least some iota of conservatism while they're maneuvering through these bastions of leftism.

Indentured to the military also doesn't help the kikes except when they die for israel, whereas being enslaved through debt does.

Those people who party for 4 years and get a bullshit degree, all on loans, then complain they're unable to pay piss me off too. The only sympathy I feel for them is I see them as yet another victim of degeneracy, nihilism, and jewery. I do think these people need to be taught responsibility and hard work, made an example of even, preferably in the form of civilian or military conscription. It's just, for all that they annoy me - what's done is done and nothing will change the past. But they (whites) are still my brothers, even if they're degenerate fucks and I despise them. As much as they annoy me, some might still be saved. Ultimately it's the kikes responsible for this that are the enemy and they need to be fucking purged. We can still change the future for the better. It isn't worth letting these people stay slaves to jews, even if it's what they deserve.

i like you user you're alright. it's my bedtime now so i need to go. nice talking with you. i hope we can find a final solution that works for our debt problems, education problems, and kike problems.

Leaving the kikes out for the moment, I just don't see the difference between debts and other obligations like military service. I don't see people who shirk their agreed-upon obligations as victims. It's no different than a parent who won't be bothered to feed their kid or a friend who borrows money and never seems to pay it back when he's got it. It's a sign that they do what is good for short-term self interest and damn the consequences. In other words, it's nigger-tier. I simply can't find it in myself to tolerate that from anyone.

This of course has nothing to do with the topic anymore.

I've heard there may be one