Where did it all go wrong?
Where did it all go wrong?
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Disney bought the rights.
Ironically, this is the best thing Marvel has it going for despite the comics being completely forgettable drivel.
Shit he acutally killed Aphra?
LOL Nope. Did you think they'd dispose a Mary Sue like this.
She is still around and being published.
Same reasons it was successful. Lucas and pals had to fight tooth and nail against the studio and each other to make it. Lucas had it with getting fucked and used his success to do it his way. People revered the movies to the point of religion and attacked with the viciousness of one when the prequels were mediocre at best rather than the second coming. Lucas got old, wanted the series to live on, and was sick of being attacked, so he sold it. Everyone who got on board after only saw Star Wars as a vehicle to promote themselves and their personal causes, rather than furthering the series in any way. It really is an unofficial religion at this point with how passionate and divisiceve people are in their views on it.
To show I'm no better than the rest, fuck everyone who bitches endlessly about the prequels, but will die on the cross for the Disney reboots.
Well fuck, she was the worst part about that Darth Vader comic.
The nu-Star Wars stories outside the movies are either a miss or a hit. The Maul and the Vader comics were wonderful. Hell even Aphra had good moments too!
The new Empire books are way much better than the old one (not counting the Zahn books!!!), even th Inferno Squadron book got way much better than i expected. and yes, inbefore you guys post that horrible "current year" fiasko from the Aftermath novels. I know. That was rock bottom, but fucking hell. They listened. Finally some of them were able to pull out their heads from their asses. Just for example: The Rogue One novel works way better than the movie!
Plus good point to transfer everything good from the old canon! the greedy Mouse know that they sit on a gold mine, and fucking finally they don't let it sink.
Still fear for Thrawn. I dare them to cuck him in the final Rebels season.
Star Wars started going down hard during the New Jedi Order series. The Yuuzhan Vong were questionable antagonists at best but the real fall was turning Jacen Solo evil and then killing him. Badly. A lot of EU fans considered the story pretty much 'done' after that, as there isn't really a way to dig yourself out of the hole New Jedi Order put you in.
The reboot did absolutely nothing to help. They restarted, kept none of the charm, wit or character that made a lot of the EU stories worth while and made it overly simplistic, modern shlock with no irredeemable qualities. The EU could occasionally suck, but it has never been so utterly void of passion and charatter as the new Star Wars is.
Star Wars is dead. What is left is a corpse being puppeted by Disney for some more shekels.
You consider star wars: legacy in the charmless EU batch? I enjoyed it for what it was worth, but honestly I was only in it for the ship designs. played the hell out of a legacy mod for Forces of Corruption too
When the Force stopped being magic, and became just more sci-fi crap.
When The Force stopped being magic and became just more sci-fi crap.
When The Force stopped being mystical and mysterious, and was designated as just more sci-fi crap.
When The Force stopped being mystical and mysterious, and was designated as just more sci-fi crap.
Well this is embarrassing, but shit just wouldn't post.
is that a FTM tranny? Looks like Chaz Bono.
Peak Sue.
Enjoy your Force Tree, you shit eater.
user when was the last time someone on this board reminded you that you should kill yourself?
I don't care if you're being ironic or not. Kill yourself.
You're are not wrong. The prequels are not as bad as everyone made them out to be, but because people didn't feel the exact same way they did when they were 6 years old they bullied a man into selling his creation. Now we have SJW Marvel fucking up the canon, and Disney giving us Avatar; The Last Jedi. Force Tree, Mary Sue being the current chosen one. You will never again have a strong male lead in a Star Wars movie.
The only good things about the prequels are the clones
2 words
Space Jousting
Did I miss something? What the fuck is a Force Tree?
EU was hit or miss, but it was never as bad as this…
Oh sweet user…
The source of the force in Disney Wars. They decided to retcon medichlorians because they're stupid and listened to autistic fans, so they somehow managed to make the force even more mundane and lame, but it's a magical tree, so at least it's some dumb bacteria that concentrates in the blood of people with the force, right? So much better.
Here's a picture of it, it's on Luke's Cuckshed Island.
Hating on midichlorians is a sure fire sign you didn't actually pay attention to the dialogue in The Phantom Menace, they aren't the force itself, they just concentrate in the blood of people who are force sensitive. You retards chose literally nothing to get upset about. Disney Wars is exactly what you idiots deserve. About 75% of Prequel complaints are from idiots who were too dumb to understand simple shit, and made the mistake of thinking it was Lucas who was dumb, and not them.
Wrong, the Jedi Order being corrupt was great, Sheev was awesome, Jango was exactly what everyone wanted to see Boba Fett be like in Return of the Jedi, and the Lightsaber duels were wonderfully choreographed. Oh yeah, and the soundtrack was 10/10.
With the EU, you knew what you were getting.. Lots and lots of amateur fanfiction that had to constraint to some pretty strict guidelines, otherwise it was either not published, or not classified as part of the EU. But some fanfiction can be okay, and some of the EU was pretty okay.
The current state of Star Wars as an IP and a fictional universe is a fucking nightmare. The fact that some of the highest paid writers in the world, working with the supposed greatest talents, backed by one of the wealthiest companies and its studios, with all the might and wonder of modern technology could churn out films as bad as The Force Awakens and Rogue One is… well, it's fucking terrifying.
That looks/sounds boring and uncreative. People are going to eat this up, aren't they?
If by fanfiction you mean original stories that weren't just shitty repaints of the Original Trilogy, then yeah, I guess it was fanfiction. Oh, and the art was actually good.
Disney has no fucking idea what they are doing here.
What?!? You think making the Force come out of a deadtree on some random island is boring and uncreative? How dare you, THAT'S SEXIST!
What are you gonna claim next, you fucking neckbeard, that Kylo Ren's tie fighter isn't original and cool looking? That Phasma isn't way cooler than Boba Fett?
All part of her plan! A masterful ruse!
Some of the old Dark Horse stuff was alright, in the pre-Vong EU.
This new shit is all literal shit, suitable only for rough toilet paper.
They could have used the Vong as an analogy for Islam and made a trilogy that was relevant for modern day Americans, instead of this fucking SJW schlock.
Please be joking. I'll not be upset if you tell me that I fell for a joke.
Some interesting comments.
I remember hearing Poe Dameron was originally going to die after the TIE Fighter crash in TFA and then the story was changed to keep him alive and appear later. Yet he has his own personal colored X-Wing (double the X-Wing toys!), fires the final shot into Starkiller base and will probably become the Han Solo expy for TLJ.
Not if it gets memed into being something really stupid story wise. People are waking up to new-SW not being very original (VII feels like a reboot/remake of IV comments) and outrage will spread faster thanks to social media.
Isn't she the one that's trying prevent slave Leia merch from existing now?
It's real user. The source of the force is a tree.
Get the fuck out george! Nobody likes you!
God I loved that comic.
Holy shit I never knew that.
The Vong bugged me since it felt so bizarre compared to what you would normally expect from star wars.
nah, I agree with him.The prequel hate is just a meme at this point started by the cucks over at RLM. Really, they were exactly what they were meant to be. RLM constantly complained about it being a soap opera in space, but that's what it has always been and what George always wanted it to be. Also, if you haven't watched it in a while go back and watch Episode 3. It still has CG that blows today's out of the water. Disney's doesn't even come close.
and if you can't appreciate that, the expanded lore it set up was amazing and is far better than Disney can ever hope to do now that they've muddled the thing into a fan fiction.
The only joke is that George thought the Jews wouldn't Jew him and his entire legacy.
Go back to 2009, fuckhead. Faggots like you are directly responsible for The Cuck Awakens. There will never be any good Star Wars stuff ever again.
That's the thing, even if someone didn't like the Prequels, they probably liked all the content that came out of the prequels, like the various Clone Wars cartoons, the video games, or the comics. There hasn't been a single good piece of media that's come out of Disney Wars, not a movie, book, game, or comic, it's all soulless shit.
Nothing went wrong. Rather too much Star Wars than no Star Wars at all and ending on the low point that was Episode 1-3.
I honestly wonder if he did it out of spite. He was pretty autistic when he came to the IP, which worked as a double edged sword. Because he was so autistic he was able to quality control, but he also wasn't able to compromise when the fans desperately wanted something small and they would get into feuds. I wonder if he just became so sick of the whole thing and the fans that he figured he'd just fuck it all over in a fit of autistic rage.
He's straight up admitted he sold it because fans kept on shitting on him. He had planned on making a show called Star Wars: Underworld, which would be an R-rated HBO or Showtime show about the seedier side of the Star Wars universe, bounty hunters, politicians, etc, along with doing a new sequel trilogy which would, like the other trilogies, be for all audiences. But fans continued to give him shit as he was developing those projects, so he just decided he was sick of Star Wars and it wasn't rewarding, but he didn't want all the people working at Lucas Arts to lose their jobs, so he sold the company to Disney with the idea that they wouldn't totally tear apart all of his plans, but they literally threw his three script treatments for a new trilogy in the trash.
You're the worst type of person imaginable. The Eternal Pleb.
Why wouldn't we shit on George, he reinserted Jaba the Hutt with that pathetic looking cgi. George you really do suck cock.
That tv series sounds pretty cool. Also a lot of games got shafted when Disney bought the rights.
I wonder what his plans were for the sequel trillogy I heard he had 4 trilogies planned.
Oh yeah, that's totally comparable to remaking A New Hope while genderbending Luke and casting a nigger as her sidekick/love interest. Totally comparable to doing a third death star, totally comparable to turning Luke into a coward who ran away while his friends were in trouble. Yeah, George is just the worst.
So because Disney's sequel series is pure cancer, you're just going to wave off that Lucas had started fucking up the series before that. I didn't even hate the prequel series that much, I just didn't like how over enthusiastic he got about the progress of CGI.
Tell me how this sequence could have been done without CGI.
I'm gonna be brutally fucking honest, the reason why I stopped caring about Star Wars was because I got sick and fucking tired of being told what to think by a bunch of entitled little shits who weren't even alive when the original trilogy was in theaters. Yes Lucas went overboard with the special editions and yes the prequels had a lot of shit moments, but you know what? At least Lucas gave enough of a shit about his creation to tell a different story, he didn't remake A New Hope and add in a bland Mary Sue and a token black guy and then call everyone who disliked the movie a sexist/racist. And he sure as fucking hell didn't think it was a good idea to release a Star Wars movie every single goddamn year or do a bunch of goddamn spin offs that nobody gives a fuck about.
All of this could have been avoided had people stopped bitching about how much Lucas "raped their childhood" with the prequels. Now we're stuck with feminist pandering bullshit until the end of time.
Thanks fanboys.
You're blaming people who shit on Lucas for the rise of the crime against humanity that is the current film series?
The limitations would have done fucking wonders for it and you would have had a much more visceral, well-thought out space battle scene instead of a CGI salad of video-game looking shit flying all over the screen.
Lucas was the fucking one who sold it to Disney in the first place too. Never forget that everything that's happened is still his fucking fault.
The left would recruit ISIS if it helped them fight against le ebil natzis (what the Empire represents). Star Trek Discovery features Klingons that are supposed to be religiously motivated, driven to reunite their fractured empire, engage in even more ritualistic killing and stuff like that, and despite all the similarities it has with ISIS, the creators flat out stated these are supposed to be analogous with American conservatism aka evil Drumpf.
Where did it go wrong with the comics specifically?
With the introduction of Dr. M.S. Aphra (i.e. genderswapped Han/Indiana Jones mash-up) and her two one-note evil C3PO R3D2 clone drones. So, it went wrong back in Darth Vader #3 2015.
Then a month or two later you had the introduction of Han's "wife" Sana.
But at least for awhile the Immonen and Larrocca artwork was good.
Fast-forward to this year and it's all atrocious, and not just because of "SJW" stuff. Star Wars had a boooooring long arc about Yoda. Dr. Aphra's series is about her standing around looking smug for no reason. They had a crossover that went nowhere and referred to Luke as "farmboy" no less than five times in three issues. Aaron and Gillen can actually be good writers but they both fell off like a year and a half ago.
Meanwhile on cringe-fest comic spec FB groups you have 40-year-old men hoarding Aphra comics because they think she's going to be the co-lead in the Han Solo movie ffs…
It's been a long while since I last saw Phantom Menace so I may be off-base here, but the way midichlorians were presented led me to believe that they're just an indicator for force sensitivity. Stronger force sensitivity leads to a higher midichlorian count, not the other way around.
Pic related.
You do realize he sold it to Disney because people wouldn't stop bitching right? Like imagine if your entire legacy was being known as the guy who "raped everyone's childhood" just because you made the prequels. And it got even fucking worse after the RLM videos, as everyone started acting like those videos were the truth and that nobody had any right to question them.
Nothing he does will please these idiots, even if he released the original unedited versions on DVD, people would still call him a greedy fuck.
He sold it over to Disney because he got tired of constant hate he was getting.
It's more about re-editing the originals than it is about the prequels.
Dear honest and humble Holla Forums users… are we hurted ourself today?
Fuck didn't attached these too…
It's like they have no imagination at all.
You shouldn't project so hard user. You might hurt yourself. The fact is this shit was inevitable, and the prequels were just the tip of the iceberg. A foreshadowing of things to come. What we are seeing are the desperate, and pathetic actions of a dying industry. It's death throes will only become more severe as we approach it's final moments.
Why is it always either a bigger Star Destroyer or a bigger Death Star?
Are Force Trees going to end up teaching Mary-Rey how to use the Force a la Yoda since Luke is more than likely gonna refuse to teach her?
The Prequels were good movies, no amount of damage control by you fanboy faggots will ever change the fact that you're directly responsible for the death of Star Wars. Revenge of the Sith is equally as good as A New Hope and Empire Strikes back, arguably better.
Star Wars never was good.
The fall of the republic and Sidious playing both sides of the war was good to. They had good content but lacked in execution.
Will there be fanfiction of Rey fucking the force tree to learn from it? That's the only halfway amusing thing that could come from this
Jesus fuck why not make it a cube of linked death stars… wait that's for Ep 9
No I don't. Am I one of the lucky ones?
It means you didn't waste money watching Rogue One or you didn't care enough to remember the name of not-Admiral Ackbar from the movie.
Episode 2 was undeniably awful but other than that, yeah you're right.
I think this a good time as any to remind that the Star Wars merchandise is rotting in the stores. Nobody is buying this new stuff.
Ah he is from rogue one. No I didn't waste my money, and only the farce awakens because my whole family went to see it, and wanted me along for the ride. Everyone left agreeing it was a bad movie as I said it would be.
Even the hardcore fanboys are getting sick of seeing Star Wars shit.
Over on Holla Forums we had a good discussion about this video. After watching the video I went to a Hobby Off in Hachioji, and was looking at the old (mid 90s to RoTS) toys that they had in stock. Most of these could be considered old new stock. On average they are about 500円 for unopened figures in the package, and about 1000円 for your basic Shadows of the Empire dual packs. What I really noticed is that the build quality of these figures are far superior to what is currently being sold, and sold at a ridiculous price. You have to give Lucas credit for at least understanding the importance of merchandising in building a brand, and I do think that deep down he is a kid at heart and expected higher quality than Disney does. The only Star Wars merchandise that seems to have maintained the quality (and improved in many ways) is the Lego line of toys. Everything else seems to have gotten worse, and I couldn't imagine many kids getting super excited about many of these characters. Look at the new red guards, they remind me of ketchup bottles.
I got basically guilted into seeing Rogue One, and it was generally boring and forgettable. The Farce Awakens was of course just a New Hope rebooted, but had no real sense of a passage of actual time. It really felt like something that me and my friends could have done better back when we used to play the West End Star Wars RPG back in the 90s.
Didn't they kill their god?
It looks like a ridiculously oversized B2 Stealth bomber.
After watching this video, I have to agree, I remember going to various toy stores in my area and still seeing old ass Star Wars stuff from Force Awakens, tons of Finn and Rey action figures clogging up the shelves and tons of giant Vaders and Stormtroopers.
The only thing that disappointed me about the video was the fact that he didn't go into how shit the quality of Black Series actually is and while it is way more expensive, it much better to save up for the SH Figuarts figures because they blow everything that Hasbro makes out of the water.
An interesting video. I haven't gone out actively looking the way this guy did, but I've been paying attention to the state of SW merch whenever I visit stores in my area. I've observed largely the same things. Disney played their hand way too hard and way too early. Just about everyone I know was already starting to feel the fatigue by the time RO came out. Honestly, it surprises me just how fast Disney ran SW into the ground. I had anticipated that they might put out 2-4 adequate-but-forgettable movies along the lines of their Marvel stuff before really fucking it up. But no, they just jumped straight into the shit.
Both the OT and PT got it right with their release schedules. Having ~3 years between films gave audiences and consumers time to breathe between waves of content. Disney's annual release schedule causes all of the merchandise to just blend together into a never-ending hurricane of plastic shit.
They were supposed to be extra-galactic invaders so that's probably a good thing
I just hate biotech so I never liked them
Oh it's pretty bad user, you can still find the entire first series of FA Black Series in local toy shops, hell even on opening weekend these figures were clogging up the shelves and nobody was buying them. I remember finding ten Finns and ten Reys at a Toys R Us on opening weekend, it was pathetic. Hell I can't find any other Disney Infinity stuff except for the goddamn Star Wars figures.
When Mark Hamill died January 11th 1977.
Wrong. This is the definitive ranking of Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope > Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith > Star Wars Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back > Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace > Star Wars Episode 6 Return of the Jedi > Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones
And the really wonderful thing is that those six movies tell a complete story. There's no need for anymore than those movies.
He got into a car crash that fucked up his face. He looks like a Ken doll in the Christmas special because of all the makeup they put on him to hide it. It's why he went into voice acting instead of acting again.
They were supposed to be Sith. Blame last-minute rewrites forced on the authors for them being Al Quaida Cenobites.
You can buy Finn figures so damn cheap I am thinking about starting a plantation.
Nice try Disney
I thought part of the reason why he went into voice acting is because people just kept seeing him as Luke Skywalker so he got type casted and could never get roles. Like he auditioned for Amadeus but never got the role because the director didn't want 'Luke Skywalker' in his film.
Ooh interesting. Anymore info on this? I heard that they used the original idea for the Clone Wars and put it into KOTOR instead with some evil force invading the galaxy.
Hey Holla Forums
Return of the Jedi, because the only good Star Wars property is Empire Strikes Back
He was doing voice acting before Star Wars, IIRC.
Never knew that.
I thought the whole "Deathstar, but really a planet that totally kills whole star systems" was stupid, but with the (((white))) Supremacy Disney nuWars went full damn retard.
By the way how is the Marvel Movies merchandise? Those movies are also released once per year(or maybe even twice) so I was wondering if those toys are selling better than the SW ones.
Sales success of SW sets probably allows them to keep making better and more detailed (requiring more pieces) models.
There also the advantage of not just appealing to SW Lego fans but their own other themes Lego fans. I seen excitement over a single small TLJ spaceship set Resistance Transport Pod just because it comes with a trans yellow canopy, the same yellow colour used by classic 80's Lego Space sets.
Can't understand why anyone would ever want to buy those giant figures, when you could probably get something smaller with as much functionality.
Fucking hell, I thought those new bigger gorilla style walkers were going have chainsaw blades on there front legs and not little flattened spike protrusions/vents? after seeing the leaked Lego model of it months ago. How else are they supposed to stop tow cable attacks?
If it's 3 times bigger than the Executor does it mean it can handle at least 3 A-Wings crashing into it's bridge for it to go down?
They kept making it after the OT
Yes, Lego fans are there own special breed. Those people will buy any set just for a single piece to complete another set. Legofags are probably the most insane collectors I have ever met. I actually sold a complete McDonalds Happy Meal set to one in college for $50, and probably got ripped off, but still.
You cannot fully grasp our suffering (especially with the way Lego's prices have been creeping steadily upward for the last decade). Even if I wasn't consciously avoiding buying things from Disney properties, I still wouldn't be able to justify buying the newer SW or Marvel kits. The licensing costs just add so much to the MSRP that they end up insultingly overpriced.
The less insane among us just use Bricklink if we need a specific part. It's more expensive per-part, but far less expensive than buying a whole kit just for a couple pieces.
As an aside, it's been pretty funny watching Lego struggle to create interesting kits based on Disney's SW. I haven't been out to the store in a few weeks, but I could swear that one of the mid-sized Rogue One kits is a cargo loading platform. Just a gray, elevated rectangle with some cargo containers and a control panel. These Disney films are so dull that not even Lego can make them fun or exciting.
Nothing, Star Wars was always bad.
It was tolerable.
I can imagine a "pivotal point" in the movie being "bringing life back to the tree". Somehow(some force ****) they make the tree grow back to full form, with the trunk growing upwards and leaves sprouting. Somehow it's the culmination of the plot.
I honestly read his name as "Cuck Wendig" at first glance.
It's like as soon as I start to like something, the universe says, 'Oh, guess it's time to make it shitty.'
since there is nothing good to buy. The 1st order storm troopers(which by the way the grunt figures always sold more than the other ones) look lame as fuck and dont have cool variants like the Storm Troopers and Clone Troopers had
Who is buying this shit? They can't keep pushing this stuff at a loss. Disney is still a business. Would I still be underestimating these communist fucking kikes if they were to sink an entire Brand JUST to try and push their NWO horseshit?
Because Call Goerge Lucas a Toy making hack, but the guy knew how to make Toys.
As a kid I fucking LOVED all the Droids for Instance (As a fan of transformable and changable stuff). TFA is a story with no imagination, so of course, it doesn't capture kids hearts.
Calm your tits Holla Forums. Its always a better idea to assume stupidity before malice because you're gonna end up chasing allot of dead ends that end in stupidity whilst the malicious actions sneak by. Most malicious actions are done in secret and are rarely noticed upfront.
They banked on Nostalgia. And the movies made a shit ton of nostalgia bucks. But they didn't understand that mainly kids and collectors buy toys. And it didn't capture children's imaginations in the long run. There was no new imagery, nothing to make a kid think "Wow thats something I have not seen before!"
Old Star Wars lego sold like hotcakes for instance because of all these new weird ships could be made into these amazing walkers or formers. The Droid Troop Carrier still sells for a massive mint.
But this has NOTHING.
He brings up a good point but toy sales as a whole have been abysmal in recent years
Considering the commentary of many writers for the series, and its directors, I'd say malice is a perfectly justifiable accusation to make. Plenty of people are shoving political agendas into Star Wars instead of keeping it simple and to the monomyth that made it a success in the first place.
That's bullshit. The advocates of white genocide are blatant about it.
Im pissed they only offer TFA merchandise. Clone Wars and Original series toys are fucking gone. Even when the clone wars cartoon was on they still offered both eras.
I would have loved for Jabba to have stayed a fat scottish man
Well if you mean the malice of adding PC SJW shit then yeah its pretty much it. But if you mean the malice of bad toy sales Id say your mostly wrong. The people who make the toys are still the same white old guys who made all the toys before. They think Socjus will be a positive thing because thats all they hear is bad:
"Well, all these feminists complain about Slave Lieah so there must not be a market for it right?"
And so the advocates go around killing people right? Poisoning wells, reducing fertility levels?
Im not a Holla Forums-ack but I do like being white and am not a believer in collective cultural or racial sins so this shit is abhorrent to me (As so are most Holla Forums based ideologies but engaging with people you disagree with is the best way to understand them regardless)
The plans for the Ugandan Genocide took years for instance and came in the form of slowly rising secretive preparations and tensions. They didn't say "We Kill Tutsis now!" years in advance because that would have let their enemies on guard.
Point being the professor who says "Kill White people!" is gonna do less damage than the professor who merely thinks so and influences all his students to think that way as well.
Of course at a certain level, the secretly malicious become outwardly malicious once they accrue enough power to act unopposed.
As some user said here, all the first order stuff has this lame "Apple-product style". One of the coolest thing about SW is how everything is worn and used. The clone armors slowly degrade just like the droids. The rebel and imperial stuffs are all dirty and worn. And now we got these nu shiny shits which are looks ridiculously plastic as fuck.
The new ships has absolute no fantasy, which is shame. Could they just stole a few ships from the legend? Like a Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer? Come on!
Not necessarily. You're high as FUCK if you didn't think the Original Stormtrooper armor wasn't clean and plasticky looking. Plus kids are stupid and buy what looks cool and have no sense of style.
There is just nothing to BUY.
No kid is gonna look at the New Order Tie Fighter and think "Man this is so super different from every other Ti fighter I just have to have it". All the merchandise is the exact same merchandise as before.
I'd say toy sales would be a good metric to point out how abysmal the injection of politics into Star Wars has been. All the licensing merch I've seen is pretty much has Kylo Ren or Storm Troopers. Some Chewbaka stuff notwithstanding.
An aside, sure, but the tensions between those groups had existed for thousands of years before the existence of the state there. Those groups just had a brief lull in their killing one another because European Settlers intervened for the century or so they were there.
I'd also say that white genocide is not so much an extermination, but exploitation. To use democracy against whites in order to extract resources from them. Bring on a majority third world populace that loves big government and social spending and then outvote the whites. Raise taxes, which whites will mostly pay, to appease the welfare demands of the unwashed third world populace. Then you'll have a situation like Brazil. White communities surrounded by Favelas of low IQ and violent brown and blacks who commit crime and predate on the lower income whites. How does it relate to Star Wars? By casting. Normalizing a non homogenous population by shoving minority character's down the people's throat and how well different groups get along with one another. Worked out well with the Tutsis, right?
Eh….Not a fan of SJW stuff I mean that its a shitty uncreative sequel in general. Like the Stormtroopers look a bit different and Kylo ren rips off a design a much more talented person made. It's just not filled with any good characters PERIOD, so I can't really say the SJWs RUINED it. Disney did much more by making an uncreative nonsensical reboot powered by pure nostalgia and nothing else.
They are more the Rotting cherry on this pile of shit if you ask me. I'd say Mass Effect Andromeda is a better example of SJWs ruining a product because SJWs are notoriously nepotistic as well as incompetent. So a Tumor of worse labor taking over ruined it.
I know Holla Forums has selective history issues, but when they intervened they essentially installed one group over the other in a command position (Based on skin color). The tribes were in no fucking way peaceful before that time but to say the settlers "Fixed It" by intervening is a misrepresentation.
Not saying "It was muh whites fault!". These issues have multiple layers and shit. Simplifying issues just ensures we can't learn from them.
White people vote for government shit and socialism all the time as well. Maybe to a somewhat lower rate, but the difference is like 20% at its highest. Most people are stupid and don't understand economics.
Also, the ones paying the raised taxes will be the RICH people and a small selection of the white middle class.
And whilst Minority groups (Black people but ESPECIALLY Immigrant Latino communities) do use up many benefits (Such as the unemployment stuff) most of even THAT demand pales in comparison to the collective cash use (Which means it includes white people) of Social Security, Medicare and now recently the rise of college loans (Mainly White people).
I think communism and socialism are evil, but let's play on an even level here. Even if you deported every black person and Latino out of America and killed all the jews we would be severely fucked here. Unless your fine with being fucked as long as its not black people doing it.
The issue with SJW garbage is its complete divorce from reality. Not to mention it being purposely subversive. "Women traditionally do not fill these rolls in narratives? Then fill them they will. And ALL the roles at that. We care not that it makes no sense culturally!" Girls wanting to be princesses is wrong to them. Same as boys expecting to be heroes. Another problem is that SJW characters ARE representative of all people of the indented identity group. A woman cannot be unhinged and villainous, because that suggests all women are unhinged. Same with minorities. A black cannot be a thug, because that perpetuates a stereotype. All characters must be bland and inoffensive. Uncontroversial. Then you add Disney's suits into the mix. And as you say they are too terrified to do anything different. They are spending a billion dollars to make one movie, it had better make returns. The prequels did things too different, and ineptly, so they decided to keep things too much the same this time around.
MEA is guilty of this as well. They could have just written a whole other story with a fresh setting. But they wanted to bank on the Mass Effect name. The fans resented them for the end result. The blowback shows. That and not enough actual talent on the dev team. Probably too many affirmnative action hires. Women in particular.
By ending slavery, tribal warfare and other barbarities, I'd say they did 'fix' it. Colonial armies went in, overwhelmed and subdued the locals and then put locals in charge. The minority was often played against the majority for stability's sake. Had Europeans given all the resources to maintain the colony to the majority, they surely would have overthrown them and then used it to get rid of those pesky minorities next. That happened when the whites left. Which happened also because communists started funding them in the 50s through the 70s. Agitating for independence. Which resulted in the bloody mess, one of them being Rwanda. The minority will not overthrow the Europeans because without Europe Whites never really were more than 5% of the local population. Except for South Africa, which got as high as 20%, I think.
Non-white groups also use social programs at a much higher percentage. East Asians are the only other group with uses them on par or slightly less than whites. Something like low 20s (whites and Asians) vs 50-70 for blacks and Hispanics respectively. If America, per instance, is suddenly 40-30 white and the country is 10 black and 40 Hispanic, this cannot be sustained. And it WILL end in violence.
I didn't know he left to be honest. That's how bad it's gotten, all these movies are starting to feel the same!
This is actually happening.
According to the UN, "genocide" doesn't exclusively mean mass killings. You may prefer the term "demographic replacement". Regardless of which term you use, it is being promoted rather openly. In Europe, it gets advocated on a fairly regular basis on the grounds of helping the (((economy))).
Sage for off topic.
I've always thought it was the food and not the water.
It's a joke ship the one i posted are not…
But i would take the Freudian Nightmare any fucking time over the Supremacy. Atleast that shit looks dope!
The one you posted was a bit of a joke too; it's still smaller than the Nightmare but not by a whole hell of a lot, hell you might see something that large at some point.
Odds are Rey will commune with its female spiritual avatar to convince it that it needs to fight the evil whities and as its doing that whole growing thing there's some cheap cgi lightshow going on blowing up the Order's ships. And then it dies and passes on its powers to Rey because that's how Kathleen Kennedy rolls.
There's a sort of justice in the fact that those losers are now forced to shill Disney Wars and even though they got funding to make their own movies, those movies are complete garbage that no one will remember in the future.
His claim to fame is nitpicking three children's films that he was too stupid to understand, even though kids did understand them.
This is not what I wanted to see…
Star Wars has been dead to me since Ep1. RIP
Ah so the same thing they pulled in Guardians of the Galaxy then.
And so now he will never get out from under the roles of the Joker and Luke Skywalker. Sounds like a successful career to me.
Yeah I guess he got used to it and accepted his fate.
tbh he will always be both, whether he likes it or not.
Don't forget this mary Sue was dropped out to space much earlier than Starlord or Aphra. And was there much longer than any of them! Plus he was stabbed by Vader but still survived…
Fags still want him back to canon…
As much as I like Sam Witwer that character bugged the hell out of me.
I wasn't crazy about Kingsmen but I liked Hamill's 'weird old professor' bit in it even if he was just a glorified extra. Now that he's an old geezer he could have avoided getting typecast as Luke and got the fun 'bearded old geezer' roles - except that Disney went and brought Luke Skywalker back as a bearded old geezer so he's stuck with it forever now.
At least there's always voice acting.
Are they worth 3/5 the price compared to other non-black action figures?
They also pulled it in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Everything wrong with..
but thats a comedy series
besides they actually explain it
I am one of those people. Grew up with the prequels. Realizing that they are most of them are sub-par when I am older. I think that George is an asshole and overpraised for his achievements, ideas and executions are vastly overrated. It was a team of talents who made Star Wars not an auteur. The hate for the prequels made him realized this and he admitted that his success is due to luck in the Charlie Rose interviews.
However, I could not hate the characters and the world he created with the prequels. The myth, the prophesy, the order, the code and all the world are unforgettable. The 2D clone wars were excellent. Even if the main films raped someone else childhood. The cartoons, literature and artworks that come from them are full of creativity and love.
This is my opinion on Star Wars in general.
I'm pretty sure almost every iconic moment in A New Hope was ripped off from other not as well known 80s IPs.
Mouse save from the spam of 3am
this is the one and only proper answer. regardless of all the dumbass shit done in the old eu, it still had george's seal of approval, and was therefore contextually within the set tone of the mythos and what have you.
not a single thing put out under disney's ownership has even come close to achieving that.
you can bitch about the useless additions all you want, but editing them for continuity's sake isn't a bad thing.
get fucked you shmuck. the films were always made with a combination of screens and props.
Disney, that's all you need.
how underage are you?
No thanks
Rebels never had any cool designs even the CIS has more fans
The rebels were just groups of people who have SEEN what tyranny has done to their lives and others, and banded together to try to stop them, they didn't have the resources or the equipment compared to the empire, but they had heart and a brave spirit. I'm convinced if these #resistance type morons existed in the star wars universe most of them would of either had their head down and shuffling at the sight of a stormtrooper, or would actually be part of it in some way.
Is he comparing gays to lepers?
so they're fake rebels?
That's pretty impressive for a movie released in 1977.
you can't expect a reddicuck to know what he's talking about, he probably bought ready player one.
If that fucking thing ever lost power it would start collapsing into a sphere due to it's own gravitational forces.
Nah, they're just using copyrighted symbols for their own personal temper tantrum, cause they didn't get the result they wanted.