Savage Dragon storyline: Alt-Right BTFO edition

Hi Holla Forums. Where were you when Erik Larsen put Nazis in their place? Lets delve into the issue and find out how he does it.
We start out with a funeral for our hero who died in the previous issue. The alien looking guy that resembles Dragon is actually his half-human son that he had with his love interest from way back in the day. Granted I am not very familiar with Dragon mythos but this is just the context I read from wiki pages.

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wondering why i didn't keep my plans for a device that would create a black-hole and wipe out the solar system.

Here we a self-contradictory part. For a guy championing for progressive values, he has no problem designing a voluptuous aryan female which is EXTREMELY PROBLEMATIC fighting against a naked alien (rape culture in action). Also using the f-word is completely and utterly unaceptable no matter the context. Its astonishing that Larsen would actually put that in the comic uncensored.

smh fam tbh that would have saved so much trouble

Also I forgot to mention in the previous post that Trump signed a law forbidding literal aliens from entering Earth. Considering that most aliens in comics tend to be evil bastards that aim to enslave us earthlings, that would be the best analogy you can make to sympathize with those poor migrants amrite?

Also we witness typical right-wing violence in action like toppling statues from political figures we dislike… What why are you looking at me like that?

According to the backstory, Savage Dragon was originally an alien despot that would have conquered Earth had he not suffered amnesia and turned into a good guy. That is still no excuse for the government to be reactionary and persecute those poor aliens.

And so our issue ends with a cliffhanger. I am sure our storyline will develop more next month. We will see what happens next until then.

Holy shit, this redefines hamfisted. He can't of always been this bad, you don't have 226 issues of something this horrific.


Indeed it will. Indeed it will.

Oh the nazi is triggered.

That cover would be too real if Obongo was yelling kill the white people while trump supporters ran from masked whites, mexicans and blacks while an army of police stood to the left and right of the streets doing nothing.

….well at least it's well drawn

Honestly, I'm not even mad. It's too over-the-top to be triggering

Also, dat art doe



But Harvey hit an area that is majority Democrat.

this inversion of reality must be intentional

Are you implying that the media is run by fucking idiots?


As far as mixed metaphors go, this one is a doozy.

I recognize that art, that's Krash-Zone.

Oh, I thought they cucked hard after the attack, even apologizing for drawing Mohamet.

In that case I don't mind them doing the shitty nazy joke.

As far as political satire goes, saying
isn't quite as witty or insightful as the words "religion of peace" juxtaposed with dead bodies in the wake of a runaway truck. Claiming they make fun of everyone only really works when the observations are consistently accurate.

Maybe they're mocking that kind of reaction. Who knows.

Yes, he was commissioned for it.
He has done some work for other comics, too, but as I recall, this is the only porn he has done for a comic book.

Is Larsen doing the interiors? If so he's slide hard since his days following Mcfarlane on ASM

Are you on crack?
Just browse Larsen's twitter for 2 seconds, or actually read recent issues of SD, where Dragon's race mixing dindu son is literally a cuckold.
Larsen is the biggest SJW working at Image aside from the feminist twat who made Bitch Planet.

Oh no, your poor fee fees.

Also, where the fuck are you getting the cuck-stuff? The only thing I found was that Malcolm Dragon fucked two bitches at the same time, then later fucked three bitches at the same time.

Did you just read "threesome" and "foursome" and just assumed it had to involve other guys?

is there a uncensored version?

Larsen is white. Malcolm is a negro.

What does that have to do with anything?

That's where the Holla Forumsacks in this thread are getting at with calling him cucked.

No they didn't. Larsen owns Savage Dragon. He writes it and draws it. The only "pay" he receiving is after his books sell, minus printing fees and Image's cut.

Really, you come on Holla Forums and have no fucking idea how independent publishing works? What a fucking casual.

One of them was an Asian, and the other black. Only one white girl involved.

Well shit, missed that. He still promotes race mixing, so by Holla Forums standards he's still cucked, but I guess by Holla Forums standards he's slightly to the right of sjw faggotry.

What's really funny is that Larsen was going to make the president a bad-guy regardless who was elected.

But he's green. What the fuck's the issue here? Holla Forumsacks don't like it?

He's half nigger.

But he's green

Fuck off, cuckold.

Kill yourself, nigger.

Well it's not like the whole "Trump unfairly oppresses aliens" is a blatant stand in for "Trump unfairly oppresses Illegal aliens" right?

Just an idea.

Yes, but we're not talking about that. We're talking about anons ridiculously taking issue with a white guy writing a green guy fucking a bunch of white women.

Really, that was Larsen's explanation, from the article here

So do you aknowledge that it's a blatant stand in for pro illegal alien propaganda?

Let's be honest. No one gives a shit about image superheroes besides Spawn. Only The walking dead is keeping them alive at this point.

Nobody gives a shit about Spawn either.

That's pretty convenient for him don't you think?

Its obviously a nigger he painted green so retards like you can be like "hurr durr he is green". I guess if I digitally edit the nigger in interracial porn to be green no one can tell it is a nigger anymore according to your logic.

At this point I can't who's baiting the other here.

Niggers are disgusting, no matter what color they are.

The Führer would be proud.

SD is shit and so are the tv rejects who are spreading outside of their containment zone

nah, only time they apologized was after making a joke about Jews.
it's probably just a coincidence

Well said!


except it was really all dumb niggers that stayed and got flooded.

wtf I hate trump now

Little late on that.