Is he /our/ guy?

Donald Trump administration 'wants to cut white supremacism from counter-extremism programme'

Plans reportedly underway to rename Countering Violent Extremism programme to 'Countering Radical Islamic Extremism'

Other urls found in this thread:

what did he meme by this?


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Because white supremacy simply does not exist.

Wouldn't this mean that we can finally form militias to defend against antifa without having to worry about alphabet soup subversion?


2 weeks into office no less.



holy shit does Trump reward loyalty

It's time.

Does this mean FBI will no longer post here?

I'll miss you

More and more the ZOG boot is being lifted off the white mans neck. Don' t let this act go without action. Form your local RWDS today.



I think he realizes that we're his biggest source of propaganda online. Without Holla Forums, no one would have flooded polls to mass-vote for him and the only memes would be unfunny pro-Hillary garbage from reddit.

Especially with all of the violent left-wing riots going on, Trump can't afford to alienate his most loyal fanbase. I think Trump understands that Holla Forums played a massive role in getting him elected.

Fify :^)


Id imagine the CIA and ATF still gonna front, though hes gutting them too.

Already a thread but yes he is /ourguy/

Bye FBI and CIA, we do love you faggots in spite of all the shit we give you.

Come back now ya hear

What "white supremacist" (actually just white ethnonationalist) violence has even happened over the years? Of the top of my head, the only thing I can think of was a case where some Jewish radio guy in Denver got shot in his drive way by a couple of skinheads because the Jew's show was 4 hours a day of trashing white people and they got sick of it.

That's it. One incident. Islam has bombings, shootings, and trucking every single day all over the world. We all know (((who))) has an interest in suppressing pro-White activities, and why.

That's because there is no white supremacist extreme movements causing problems in the USA. It's a boogeyman kikes use to keep non-whites from noticing who the real supremacists are.

great article on DS how (((Kushner))) is getting cucked by Bannon Cannon
can't even trust subversive jews to get anything done anymore smh

Trump is giving us happenings everyday, what a man.

I think storm roof counts. but thats about it.

low level crime like illegal gun selling or drugs. Mostly stemming from ties to various prison gangs.

Anglin I know you're shilling but your headers are usually pretty funny. Also, your comment section is fucked up.



Telling lefties to CRIE about it

I think you mean to say roll a CRIT on lefties m8

Ya im an idiot without spellchecking

Countering Radical Islamic Extremism

"Extremism", so CRIE. But rolling a crit is nice too.

That just made me realize something. It's not terrorism they're countering, it's extremism.

Where you been, bro? Haven't seen your /r/niggers tier pasta in, like, a week and a half. Hope everything's alright.

They will start doing it for free.

You are justifying genocide.



'pls mr kike stop genociding us! equal rights! buhuhuhuhuhuh'

And filtered. Get a trip so the filter sticks cunt.

Someone with actual creative skills needs to make a Hell March out of this.

It pretty much is a Hell March, just with a different C&C song.

Calm down CREW, you're trying too hard

I didn't imply that we should DDOS daily stormer, I was just having fun.

I think the guy I replied to is being ironic.

I saw 3 nogs and a chink


Warning: high memetic potency

woah man you just blew my mind. this red pill might be too much for me. can anybody else confirm this as legit? it's really shaking up my worldview

Never understood this lesbian hipster song being associated with the God Emperor, is that a reddit thing?

sometimes i'm glad the whole world is not 8/pol tier

Good. When was the last time white supremacists committed a terrorist act? They are a distraction for normies while commies burn shit daily.

shit people sometimes produce good content. Hell, even the kike himself employs the tactic of co-opting good things so you'll not want them any more.

What's the song name?

I don't mind the song as a 15-second meme tune but I couldn't sit through 2 minutes of it.

No clue, I can't even make out enough words to google it. Just sounds like pretty standard college twee shit

yup, i think the CIA is being replaced by the DIA. note how michael flynn former director of the DIA is now National Security Advisor. the DIA was established by JFK, i think to replace the CIA with a less corrupt form of the intelligence community.

and you should watch some of the town hall speeches michael flynn gave in texas speficially. hes redpilled as fuck. hes not hitler but hes definitly got the right idea at least about islam. the media hates him because he wants to stop using russia as a straw man and fuck up china and the middle east together. and he basically promotes white people as well. note how in his speeches he cites a report they recovered from terrorists saying how they and i quote "try to get into the bloodstream of the west". hes aware that white genocide is happening. michael flynn is not perfect, but he is definitly one of the best appointees that donald trump chose.

Breaking the chains

To have supremacy, you must have a sense of culture.
Whites have no culture!

You sound like the bad kind of snob. Good content is what it is. Yes I listen to all kinds of you-wouldnt-know-about-it music that's "good" good but that doesn't mean a fun tune can't be appreciated for what it is.

Hahahahaaha, fuck off Kike!


For FREE???? Excellent

Patriotic Knight Corps when?


PKC are literally antifa user, come on. They are useful idiots for Truniht who go around beating up random enemies of the state. They even dress in black and red for Kek's sake.

It's happening!

Praise be!

Breivik, and he did it as revenge for the infiltrate and destroy policy the Norwegian government had had since ww2, that made protesting your own genocide in any organized form impossible.

It's this "no platform" for haters policy in the West, that is the reason why we went for a meme based unorganized resistance, as it is very hard to infiltrate and subvert.


it's an old bot pasta, newfag. I think came out of stormfront

are you forgetting about Pantene-kun?

so silky, so smooth

GAS GAS GAS gonna turn on the gas

No, Breivik killed those kids because he was a freemason zionist and the camp was organizing an Israeli boycott. Barely white, and he murdered a bunch of white children. Some white supremacist he was, LOL


Why do you hate PewDiePie?

How many libshits just put bullets in their head? hahahahaa tell us how he's a Jew puppet, shills. BTFO!!!!

Trunicht did nothing wrong.

Played some 88D chess m8.

Fuck off marxist. Taste is largely objective, you're just a faggot.

Reddit (over)produces shit memes, but I've noticed they do hold well with the kind of pretentious normalfag that's attracted to reddit. It's catering to the ego, whereas standard media placates the body and ours, the soul.

it's not from fucking reddit. it was one of us. reddit doesn't create content, they just aggregate it.

I can follow that.

does anyone else feel like they arent doing enough for President Trump? I feel like hes giving us so much, my heart feels so filled with winning and pride I cant take it. How do I help Trump more????

I just spit water all over my keyboard.

That's not how you spell "Rudolph".

i quit eating like shit and started lifting because of trump. we all need to be in top condition because shit is going to hit the fan sooner or later. the left is going to do everything they can to start a civil war and have trump ousted from power. we can't let that happen.

He also did nothing wrong. Rubinsky did everything wrong, Phezzani Jew fuck.


He's been busy leading the nation.

I'm a white supremacist by any meaning of the phrase. Whether it's whites being the most supreme race or white supremacy in rule nationally and globally.

Have you been reading the Lügenpresse again?

You need to listen to the censored parts of the trial where he explain that he did it because the Labor party had made peaceful opposition impossible.

You're that guy from /mu/ who has never had any kind of deep experiences with music in his life and can only think in terms of music that's "approved by good taste". You're a fucking coward. The objectivity of taste was my point - good music is a deep, thoughtful experience whereas pop music is a one-off moment of joy. You have no real taste so you avoid pop music to avoid looking like a fraud, when in reality you are just a disgusting person. You're precisely the marxist for idolizing certain opinion makers while being incapable of forming novel opinions of your own. You have no opinions. You're just here to screech when someone brings up a banned artist.

What if we and communist faggots actually memed Trump into Hitler?

Your right, I went full liberal retard for second there.
As least my other post is a holy message from KEK.

I'm American, we barely covered it. From my research, and from what I read in 2083, which he may or may not have wrote, the dude was a zionist, and he murdered a bunch of white people. I think that's gay.

ive been doing a lot better too. I started running every other night to increase my endurance which is very important in a war or any emergency really. my life generally is better ever since November 8th

Hitler's tactic was attempting to conquer the rest of the world. This also happens to be the justification for going to war with him. Trump, I think, will attempt to sway the rest of the world, not conquer it through military force. With Europe on our side we can't fail.

Breivik wanted the civic nationalists, zionists and anti-jihads to become censored and repressed as well, while he shielded the ethno-nationalists.

That worked, but exposing the government "no platform" did not work that well, as the government censored the trial and media, while they put Breivik incommunicado so he could not tell after wards.

It's out in the open now, so Norway will probably have to stop the "no platforming" policy, especially if the USA does the same.

Because you declare something a "fun tune" anyone who expresses dislike about it is automatically the snob. The tune stopped being "fun" after the 15 second mark, it's acceptable as an ironic meme song in a short webm and after that it's grating noise. There are pop songs I enjoy but that one has nothing going for it

read more, post less

You're just a terrified libtard at heart upset I went against the "everything's subjective, you're perfect!" doctrine. There are eternal ideals of beauty which works do come closer and further away to, while we can't measure them with anything more accurate than technical standards, that doesn't just mean that it's all just, like, your opinion, man.

Not that you shouldn't consider context and intention - the song's garbage because it's garbage pop, not because it's pop. I could never imagine being so intellectually insecure that I'd have to rely on vapid jewish psychological analysis everytime someone threatened my taste, but then again, I'm not a kike.

Last week in Canada?

Yes, but you haven't done anything worthy of the government being interested in you, e.g. bombing.


I tried warning you cunts. Enjoy your black cock and Pepe memes.

This isn't common filth's comment section. If you want to bitch a about western values then fuck off back to /Islam/.

You know Andrew you don't have to post DS articles on Holla Forums I read DS every day but I would never think about linking or posting an article to your site.
I prefer to find those articles that are below the radar and not so easily found by chance.





Has the government done anything to suppress non-white extremists?

Yes because once we get rid of the nonexisting supremacists and placate the Jews by agreeing with their lies we'll finally be free to organise.

t. Conservative 40 years ago.

sheesh user, spoiler that next time

This is what r/the_donald does when faced with the facts about the Zionist degenerate leader.
Yeah doesn't change the facts.

I think you might've misread the first post, buddy. What exactly are you so upset about?


What in OPs post is good?

Hitler was a jew.
We still worship him.

FBI-chan will you still shitpost with us?
Pls dont go.

Trump is shifting the focus from nearly nonexistant white supremacist terrorist acts to focus almost entirely on Islamic Extremists?

Is that a bad thing? I mean, the very first line in the OP says it all.

Tell me how this is bad.



They'll do it for free user. I suspect they love it here.

If this happens, it will be the greatest thing done for white people in decades. Our biggest hindrance is that all the groups will be infiltrated by FBI and they will be entrapped and sent to prison for decades like Matt Hale.

About a quarter of you fags didn't read. This is good.

Read the article again, you dumb fucking faggot.


so remember that whole idea of paranoia of us being infiltrated by alphabet soup the moment we form up?
what do you think he means when he removes what we'd get pinned as from their radar? Just think about it

We need to think about

Drink bleach.

Especially funny since first line explains what he is actually doing.



I made a few. I think the first one's my favorite.



Shit nigga what are you doing?

Copying the source video earlier in this thread? If you got the YT source post it and I can use that instead.

That kid was a patsy and from his facebook history the r_donald was farther right than him.


Simply beautiful.


I always liked HM2 just for the primary buildup of the song. If you can edit the video pacing to fit with the song itself it would make me cum buckets

FBIAnon is mad that his 60 thousand dollar salary to shill this image board and larp le nazi is coming to an end. Get fucked you faggots.

Trump should tell the army to raise feet higher.

I dunno, man. If you were stuck in some shit alphabet soup job and had to shill, wouldn't you want to come meme with us rather than learn arabic?

nvm I meant HM3.

Shit's dope yo

I am pro NatSoc but I'm a fascist at heart

you suck dick dude

Do it yourself then faggot. I literally mapped the source video and copied in audio, what more did you fucking ask for.

let's be real here, he was just doing that for votes

Of course he does, he knows white extremist means a freedom loving american in DC lingo.

nigger please


Jesus these kikes never stop




he sure does, and there'll be a time when he mentions the influence of imageboards and weaponized autism regarding pizzagate, dnc corruption, dank memes. mentioning Holla Forums now would still be too early, he gotta let the left burn emselves to the ground before giving credit to nazi frog lovers

Great, now I've got a Raging Erection.
Thanks Trump.

I'm don't understand how its possible for one man to be so based. America doesn't deserve you Donald but damn did we need you. I hope the Northwest Front takes note of this development.


I hope this is the correct clip, and the reason he said it, is that just saying that they do it, means that they have to stop.

My guess to what it means is that we are free to organize again, and that the state will protect our rights to free speech and freedom of assembly from the ones that want to silence us.

The Daily Stormer is a great place to get my daily briefing when Holla Forums is getting raided or I want a good laugh.



Is Trump going to make Tom Clancy real?
Because I would love to see The Bear and the Dragon. Russians and Americans working together, drone videos of Chinese tanks being rekt broadcast live on TV, Russian forest-hermit war veterans putting Mosin rounds into a Chinese general, and the porn habits of a Chinese high-up party member becoming common knowledge because his secretary got banged by a Jap spy.

People aren't seeing the other side to this: the shift of focus on Islamic terrorism solely doesn't just turn focus from supposed "right wing extremism" but also commie/anarchist terrorism, like the kind going on right now. This is just applying tunnel-vision to the program and may just let those antifa shitters continue to rise.

Even if this is some 5D-chess move where he wants the left to further discredit itself, this may end up putting more citizens at risk.

Hell Marches are cringe. Metal sucks dick. Kill yourself.

I wouldn't be sure he will stick to this stance autistically after last night and tonight.

This is brilliant! What is this from? This isn't his inauguration march, I don't think.

most people have never heard of antifa just call them communists

U wot m8?

Trump really is The Emperor of Mankind. We're saved, fam.

lol even that ham in the background is reconsidering the rwdq's

Hitler smiled while he shook hands with the people he'd later try to eliminate.

You do not have one molecule of testosterone in your body.

They're literally controlled op in the show user. How about no.

Feels like I don't give a flying fuck



The CIA will never do anything about it though since they have no legal options. Only if such a group would commit crimes. You can't form a neo nazi group and do drugg trade for example that will eventually get you arrested.

Would be nice, but this little word in here is telling you that there is a 90% chance that it's just some random thing some (((press-whore))) made up in an attempt to smear the emperor.


For kek

It's from whatever ceremony happens the night before the inauguration.

You are doubly blessed friend.

same here bro, I've been coming to Holla Forums for years now, but this is some next level shit yo. I don't know what to think anymore. Have we been being lied to by the media all this time?



The first article about this was written by a jew. I'm sceptical, had this argument with a co-worker yesterday and my take on it is that White Supremacy groups will still be targeted just the same i.e not removing them at all and that the only thing Trump is doing is shifting the focus from a kike lie to islamic terrorism (white supremacist terrorism is not real, but it will be)

This is the last straw Steve I told you to read the fucking manual before you start posting random shit.

On one hand, yeah, probably.

On the other hand, it's just basic common sense. There hasn't been a real white supremacist terrorist org in about a century, and hiring people dumb enough to believe otherwise compromises the FBI while wasting government funds. At this point, the Klan is 49 FBI agents and one guy who's just there for the free beer at meetings.

Where did you even find that remix?

This has always been a source of ironic mirth for me. White 'supremacism' doesn't exist. Whites are so prone to empathy, we lament everyone else's problems more than our own, even when we are attacked with undeserved racial stereo-types. Hell, there are many white cheering the end of our race, just because some browner-skinned assholes tell them that's what the moral thing to do. White 'supremacism' has ever only been a (((myth))).

It's nothing

Even the cucks are white supremacists, honestly.

We tried to civilize the black man and we failed. Since nothing is impossible for whites, failure can only be due to our being evil or spiritually bankrupt. Therefore, whites have to die.

I made the connection and fuck you too, lad.

NatSoc requires one ethnicity (i.e. German, Swedish, Dutch)

American whites don't have a shared common ancestry like that, unless you found an ancient tome about the proto-race we should know about?

It's high energy and poppy, high memetic potential for spamming to normies. Plus it's fun, check ur tism.


Good fucking news, not classified as a threat comparable to arab terrorists now.

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

got to counter the soros disease -somehow-
i'm okay with this. sort of. i guess.

He could be playing politics. Who knows. I'm certain he wouldn't take this move if it wasn't for a specific strategical reason. Otherwise something like this wouldn't mean much to him. I used to hear him a lot talk about personal cases of infringements against people. That is how he justifies his positions, less about gross statistics and more about personal cases, which is how many older people function, because they grew up in closer nit communities and it effects how they see the world. When's the last time a white supremacist raped or murdered someone? I have no idea. This is probably a move in response to the Berkeley — and other riots.

Thanks for the tune breh.
You heard of Grouper? Reminds me of what you posted, but more chill

All these leaks are ridiculous.
I bet most of them aren`t even true, are leaked on purpose to gauge the reaction or are part of some brainstorming session and nothing comes of it.
Fuck Fake News.

Gas yourself

You mean the kid who was influenced by Mossad agents? Nah, that guy was a lost soul that wasn't even near far right.

Not so much the CIA, aka Mossad's little bitch, especially with "the finders".

Was stickied to 4/pol/ during election

This is yuuge. It'd mean we can stop worrying about FBI provocateurs trying to entrap people by encouraging illegal activities and then booking them, as has happened with pro-white groups for decades.

I mean, sure, we'd still have to worry about antifa and JIDF and those groups still fucking with us, but it'd mean the government itself would lay off.

Brazil, LOL


This seems like a mistake to me. Without bad dudes keeping their population in check, ninja-related crime could once again become rampant in America.

Attack is the best defense :^)