Let me have your ear for a minute. I mean really read what I have to say before shitposting.
I've been observing for a long time how people here and on cuckchan are very willing to take time on activism such as memeing at a webcam (HWNDU). This is all fun and games but this is not a good use of our time. We are much bigger and more influential than this and it's time we take on a big target.
We all have our shared hatred against the alt-cuck but last night reddit banned their subreddit. This means that the site is now full of even normies irritated about the leftist bias. The time to strike is now.
I've created a thread on this over at 4chan as well as we need all hands on deck to do this. Even across boards as if there's one thing that unites us on the chans its our shared hatred of reddit.
Why reddit:
It especially in North America is a massive website attracting a lot of young minds to be brainwashed by leftist and liberals. That in combination with the administration censoring sound opinions makes it a destructive force in our society. This also stretches to Europe where reddit keeps on growing. We need to show that we can do the same an much worse than leftist can and that we'll leave no survivors behind once we attack.
Here's the plan:
1. We attack their source of income that is the advertisers on reddit 2. We strangle reddits money supply
We can show businesses that it's no longer acceptable that they advertise on websites that discriminate against whites and who suppress free speech.
We need to make a lot of fucking noise. We need to make them realise that the fuckers they've been pandering too are the minority and that we can turn the majority of their consumers against them.
First one to fall will be reddit.
I expect no one here to be so fucking lazy that they can't send a few emails to advertisers.
Things to do:
1. Log all companies advertising on reddit right now 2. Put pressure on the company behind reddit and tarnish them publicly 3. Coordinate outreach to these companies expressing our disappointment
I've taken the time to find some of the advertisers (pic related). I've also gone through the list of sites owned by reddit parent company.
https:// www.reddit.com/advertising/
Jack Jackson
Biggest shareholder of reddit: Advance Publications
Advance Local Advance Digital Advance Central Services Headline Studio American City Business Journals Condé Nast
Also do not forget that corporate america is waking up the the new era and realising that it's the average working conservatives that are the majority of their consumers and not the whiny degenerates, faggots etc. So much so that Google among others are hiring conservatives. The time to strike is now boys. No more dicking around.
I give zero shit about reddit. You might as well be going all out against the Bravo TV station for all I care. You're whining about a shitty website as there's white men getting killed.
Caleb Baker
I cannot stress enough how important of a victory this would be for us. If we can break the biggest leftist magnet of young minds we'll do a big difference in society.
I ask each and everyone of you to think about this:
How often do you think about how shit society is? How nothing ever changes? How often are you pissed at wasting your days memeing and shitposting instead of doing something real?
Well here's you chance to actually do something without leaving the comfort of your home. We have an army of neets who can operate during the day and an army of wagecuck who can operate in the evenings.
We can put pressure on all advertisers for weeks on end.
I urge people to take matter into their own hand and coordinate, create info dumps, pastebins etc. with useful info. The more we do and the more chaotic we are in the way we do it, the better we'll be.
I often lose hope at this crowd but I still believe in you all. I mean this in the most sincere way. Do your duty, take action today. We can do it. I know we can if we just decide to fucking do it.
There's no excuse for anyone to stand silent and not participate.
Elijah Turner
reddit is not just a shitty website. It's one of the biggest damn websites in North America. It grows every day with more young minds being drawn in and brainwashed by our ideological enemies.
I hate to tell it too you, but if you cannot see the impact reddit has on young people then you're really underestimating that place. Never under estimate your enemy. Ever.
Ryan Phillips
No, you are over estimating its value because you've got an emotional attachment.
Gabriel Phillips
OP I wanted to say thanks for using my reichfrosch, it's nice to know people appreciated my OC.
Brayden Roberts
Your skills can be used to defeat our enemy through propaganda. Put them to use. Start collecting info on advertisers.
Jordan Martinez
But I already know everything I need to about advertisers. They're all jews. So if I just kill all the jews the problem gets solved, no?
Connor Powell
You're an useless idiot. And here's why.
1. It's the 7th larges website in the US, 6th largest in Canada and 13th largest in the UK. 2. It's ranked 23rd globally 3. It has approx 250 million unique visitors a month 4. Average time spent on site 11 minutes
Listen you faggot, if you don't know what you're talking abut be silent. If you're not interested the leave and let others do something useful while you keep doing fuck all. Kill yourself.
Brody Walker
You pretentious reddit turd.
Shut up and do your homework.
Kevin Reed
this is gamergate levels of retarded
Nicholas Wilson
Gamergate also failed because people went full nigger and soft towards the enemy. But this is not about some fucking anime chicks or vidya it's about real fucking effort into something that actually matters.
John Anderson
yeah dude im sure emailing libshit companies about how much reddit is bullying you is going to be more successful than gamergate's attempt to do the same thing lol
Colton Garcia
You can't be this fucking stupid.
Dominic Barnes
yes it is. It was always shitty from the beginning. But it was best alternative to digg at the time. You can read about it here archive.is/5mEsn
Until it stops growing. Right about now…. U Useres are content creators. By banning users reddit is having smaller and smaller amounts of OC and content. When there is no content..users have a tendency to live. Administretors are not producing content. Users do. And administrators are banning users (who are producing content). Just read what happened to digg. Same thing is going to happen to reddit.
This is true. You should never under estimate your enemy.
This is what brought digg down
Censorship, collusion (power users), and the users getting fed up with realizing it wasn't about them at all, it was about feeding them to advertisers (4.0).
Do you see similarity’s ?
Power users have done to digg what reddit moderators are doing now to reddit. There is no need to do anything….reddit stuff will do it by them self.
Cameron White
pic related
Jose Thompson
K. Hold onto this for me fam; if the kikes fuck with me I will post the password and we will get all their shekels. And it's quite a lot of shekels.
If I don't post the password within a month, they bought me off and I'm using the money to do fun shit and trigger libshits into oblivion while getting lots of pussy. Oh, yeah and helping Holla Forums I guess.
Yeah it did redpill a ton of people. Which was a good thing.
Connor Robinson
Now that's what we need here champ, and your shit giving is very appreciated and relevant. Fool!
David Edwards
I have family there. I found their biased anti-Trump coverage amusing as the state went 78% for Trump in November. Fucking kek.
Elijah Johnson
Walls work for a reason let the cucks take the shit there if you want.
Alexander Hernandez
In what capacity are they there? Or are you not referring to the site?
Carter Carter
Dylan Reed
the useful idiots who moderate reddit are the their own worst enemy. We are incapable of doing the amount of destruction those idiots inflict upon themselves when they go full stasi censorship mode. /r/fatpeoplehate got banned, lots of redditors got slightly redpilled, realized that the "social justice" elite hotpockets are actually giant crybabies employed as useful idiots and pawns of specific (((interest groups))). Every time reddit pulls some stupid overt censorship of opinions that offend them, we gain power. This is why TROLLING IS EFFECTIVE at causing people to wake up. The more hate crimes you commit on reddit, the more the moderators will crack down on you. The more they crack down, the more people will call them out for being authoritarians and liars. Do your best to bait the reddit admins into throwing another temper tantrum over hate speech or something and watch them destroy themselves like they always do. You don't have to be pushing theory or ideology on people. Even edgy jokes can make the reddit do-it-for-free hotpockets overreact, and helps shift the overton window by normalizing casual racism. See pic related for a normie-friendly edgy joke.
Lincoln Anderson
It's true. People say we're in the best timeline but video games still suck.