Abortion: The 3rd Position

The discourse on abortion is dominated by two factions. Cuckservatives cry about the sanctity of life; Progressive cry about the right of choice. Both are grossly misguided and hypocritical.
Conservatives uphold that life must be preserved under any circumstances, but (only incidentally correctly) support the death penalty, showing that the importance of life is conditional. Libshits screech "muh body, muh choice", but would aneurysm if anyone had the "ableist" intent to abort a mentally/physically disabled fetus.
Abortion must be preserved as a eugenic tool for the white race. Why should so much care be dedicated to breeding pets and livestock, but virtually non to producing excellent human specimens? Reject ancient semitic religion/morality establishing all life as "equal". Reject modern semitic ideology enshrining avoidance of consequence and wanton promiscuity. Seize abortion as a way to ensure healthy and worthy white children will exist. Remove from the genepool any degenerates lacking the resources to raise children, morons lacking the abstract thinking, foresight, self-control necessary to utilize contraceptives, and inferior races from breeding indiscriminately.
3rd time's the charm, kikewheels

Other urls found in this thread:


Honestly I don't care for either side during these debates. I really don't give a shit, it's like an either/or debate. My position is that we need to preserve the existence of the white race, and cur the growth of other races.

I am still pro choice. But because feminists are such cunts, the issue is dead last among my priorities.

Legal for nonwhites. Illegal for whites.

My stance on this is the same as drugs. don't force the outcome by outright banning it. you have to meme people to not want it

I'm somewhat okay with this.

So we're just going to use "meme" as a substitute verb for "influence, convince, manipulate, persuade, etc"?

quads of /thread

yeah and we're going to use faggot as a substitute noun for OP.

provided you be exclusively be referred to as "SuperFaggot"

The fact that abrasive minorities use it the most should tell you something about it's overall effectiveness. It doesn't keep them peaceful, it does the opposite because it encourages them to prioritize material items over human life. They treat life so cheaply that they beat or kill others over small shit.

Optional in cases of

Producing a racial mongrel should be met with summary execution.

Voluntary sterilization is a realistic goal that can be worked toward in the short term. It has none of the messy moral questions that abortion involves and is a permanent solution. Why even discuss abortion when you could be pushing sterilization?

you seem to have misspelled "mandatory"

Because promoting abortions among shitskins is feasible in current year+2. Sterilization would be a premature policy and legitimize their "OY VEY NAZI" screeching. Not a PR fag, but now's not a realistic timeframe. Ideally, yes, they should be offered benefits for voluntary sterilization.

Even my less-than-redpilled friends and family think it should be mandatory for nigs and beans on welfare. And some don't make the distinction between abortion and sterilization when it comes to this issue. Maury Povich is a kike, but he's certainly (accidentally) redpilling people.

Am I back on cuckchan? Is this TRS?
That said, it makes sense. Despite what some faggots say about abortion only for non-whites, it should be only for non-white generally, whites only for eugenic purposes.

Quads of truth

Support non-white abortion.

Quads of truth.
Even white assburgers are more productive than non-deformed shitskins.

we had three threads on this last week

simple enough

said the assburger.
Adopt the Spartan method.

Abortion is just the medicalization of ancient kike blood rituals, just like circumcision. It's gross and it's jewish, and it's out of here.

If they haven't so much as glanced at the catalog, they have no business creating threads with no new content especially when they're d&c

Abortion remains for genetic defects, other situations where the fetus will be non-viable, and instances of danger to the mother's life such as ectopic pregnancies. That's a stop-gap measure anyway, within our lifetime the mastery over genetic and medical technologies will ascend to a new level of eugenics.

Yes, I make a bold distinction between an innocent life and a guilty, corrupt one that has no place in this world and deserves none, one that owes a dept of blood for the irreparable suffering and destruction it has unjustly wrought. The sanctity of life is innate, but not inalienable.

I fail to see the hypocrisy of this, Dr. Blumburg.

Let the private companies handle abortion and leave the state out of it. its just retarded bluepilled voter (((issue))).

Shit, man! Getting quads like that. If you abort all of the shitskins instead of shooting them manually, who am I going to sell machine guns and body armor too? A guy's got to make a living, user.

wtf, I love shitskin babies now

I have a question. What if a white woman got raped by a nigger or shitskin? Would abortion be justified in that case?

Good thing no one says
We say normalizing killing a child of the alter of Moloch due to your own mental instability and degeneracy is wrong.

Rape, medical issue, or something wrong with the child are the only reasons it should be allowed.

It's more realistic to offer free IUD's to undesirables. Cheap male birthcontrol via injection to block sperm is also on the way that lasts for a decade. Make this stuff free to non-whites. Get them on these internal contraceptives by mid-teens and nobody can oppose it as being unethical, because its reversible.

Getting non-white males sperm blocked is the key, because it also prevents biracial babies.

I'm not against abortion; I am against women having the choice.

If anything should be obvious it's that both cuckservatives and liberals are pro-degeneracy.
Cuckservatives want more nigger larva, and liberals want more retards and cripples.

Liberals want less whites, conservatives want more shitskins.

Wtf I love moloch now

Like being a shitskin or a vegetable?

Legal up to the end of first trimester.

After that, it should be explicitly illegal unless childbirth will result in death.

Once it gets developed enough, it becomes too morally disgusting in my own opinion. I'm not very informed on pre-birth child development. Maybe earlier than end of first trimester. That's just my current stance

You know what's morally disgusting? White taxpayer dollars supporting hordes of niglets from cradle to grave.

listen here, abortion is for the left, not the right. this is a war. support legal abortion so that leftists will genocide their own children.
It will cut down crime and lead to a sustainable conservative society.
demographics is destiny
allow the left to destroy themselves

theres no reason to curse unfit people with the burden of dealing with a life in their condition, but no healthy child should be killed. shitskins can do what they want with their own babies in their own countries

Abortion is simple: it's murder after the fetus's heart starts beating. Before that point, the human soul has not attached itself to the fetus.

As a bonus, consider this: regarding genetic engineering, if it has a human brain, it has a human soul.


Thanks cucks.

All that is best in the people should be allowed ceaselessly to develop.

What does that even mean, faggot?

why not just sterilize people who shouldn't be breeding in the first place, pretty much solves the whole issue beforehand.

What do you think the Day of the Rope will be?

Not mutually exclusive

Pretty much. If I HAD to allow abortion, I would make sterilization mandatory with it. If the argument is that "they would have been a bad parent anyway", then we can go the distance to make sure they don't have another kid. Eventually I'd be able to convince the public to skip the abortion step and just go to preemptive sterilization for felons.

who careswhat they do if their aborting their babbys to below replacement levels.

daily reminder you are re-skinned jews

*autistic screeching*

dont like the truth crew? :^)

You've convinced me TRSodomite. Jews are based and white, mexicans are based and white, it's okay to be gay, there is nothing wrong with racemixing.

Literally what?

According to TRS if you don't want shitskins in your country you are literally jewish and purity spiralling, oy gevalt!

Abortion sucks but necessary. Totally cool if you do it early. Gets tougher the longer the baby is inside your woman. If you're too stupid to abort the the baby in the second trimester, you are essentially nigger-tier and should be aborted with the baby.

Kikes will defend abortions of 100% genetically healthy goy children at 8-9 months into the pregnancy.

But the whole 8-9 months "partial birth" abortion is killing babies. Basically it's "aborting the kid" while the baby is outside the vagina, crying, alive and breathing – but legally has a portion of its body, like a fucking foot or part of the head in the mother's pussy, then it's legal in the U.S. to "abort" the kid.

I definitely think potatoes and other genetically disabled babies should be aborted immediately.

Pics related of "partial birth" abortions, or nigger-tier IQ mothers figure out last minute she "don't want no baby, cuz baby daddy won't pay me chil' support." Note the babies are white. Fucking whore mothers.

Literally murder at babies that are 7-9 months.

Kikes will defend this.

Pics related graphic. Shit is just wrong at 7-9 months and baby is perfectly healthy except "muh body, muh rights."

Fuck the kikes.

Kek has spoken. Nice fucking quads.

Niiiice quads.

B A S E D quads


I'm pro-abortion.

The kind of women who would get them are trash-tier anyway, no sense in forcing them to poorly raise another generation when it will just be a burden on the future. Most parents are awful.

Sure is samefag around here

The problem with aborting retards is that the communist left values retards more than themselves and their own (living) children. It's part of the whole, "being a degenerate" thing. They don't want a better world and a better man. They want it to stoop down to their level so they feel better about themselves. Which is impossible in many cases.

That's just embarrassing, samefagging with tor.

Our recent ancestors, not to mention the times of Tradition, held themselves to a higher standard the higher status they held.
The higher up the ladder you are, the less "freedom" you have because with status comes rite and responsibility. Degeneracy and chaos should at worst be reserved for lower castes.

In that sense, couples that wish to uphold their status should be immediately discarded from their position if it ever comes to abortion - because abortion is by definition a sign of low responsibility.

Agreed, except it should still be used as a eugenic tool–humanely and as early as possible. Having downies and handicapped kids to preserved a sense of honor is stupid.

Take your shitty non-argument and go kill yourself with it.

Abortion is okay if:

Basically if the child will turn out defective it's okay. Abortion should be illegal in other cases, and if you're a whorish teen you'll have to bite the bullet. I'm even for banning any and all contraception UNLESS you're married and already have kids. This measure would reduce whoredom, all sexual contact between young people would be either non-penetrative or result in a pregnancy and the looming threat of STD's would make everyone think twice.

Regarding niggers and other browns abortion should be encouraged and we should offer money for sterilization. Furthermore no brown should be allowed into white countries unless chemically castrated during his stay.

OP my public position on abortion is this, we need abortion to fulfill its civic function. There is a multi-step process to this, but basically if a woman wants to get an abortion she has to sign away her ownership as parent first, then the state goes looking for people who might want the baby. This includes the father, grandparents and anyone interested in adopting. These people would get a full dossier on the baby, including potential health problems, race, sex(if it can be determined) and conditions under which the pregnancy took place(rape, one night stand, separated after marriage, etc.). While this wouldn't guarantee a 100% shitskin death and 0% white death it would slant abortion in our favor on both the racial and eugenics fronts without being explicitly "Nazi". People would end up choosing to raise children of their own race that are healthy purely out of their own self interest.

Abortion should be banned for white couples but be legal on demand for everybody else



I'd be okay with the first four points assuming returned to a sensible definition of rape which didn't include "drunk/intoxicated" girls and a husband can't "rape his wife".

Contraceptives are incredibly easy to make. The rule of law is only as strong as it is enforceable, and I sure as hell hope we don't hope we waste tons of taxpayer funds searching for contraband condoms.

Explain. The only case I know of is that herb that the Romans abused to extinction.

wtf is that?

Just sterilize them. That's what Sweden used to do with undesirables before we got cucked.

Abortion is not the solution to minorities. Deportation is.

The quads have spoken.

Correction: You have to meme the right people to not want it

Yes, but you'll never be able to market it that way in the current climate.

The best solution right now is this:
> Make it a legal requirement to show you are incapable of raising the child
> Be very generous in the reasoning you accept (too poor, too young, too irresponsible, alcoholic, druggie, etc)

Won't even have to do much for the latter. Highly capable people won't want to lower themselves into "proving" they're incapable imbeciles. Lefties and other dregs of society on the other hand will feel they're being clever and beating the system. Win-win.

The only challenge is passing the legislation for the "Childrearing Incapacity Requirement". But even that would be much easier to pull off than outright ban or any other solution I can see.

Webm somewhat related.

Even being raised in a very pro-life neocon home, I've always thought this way. People who hate their future children enough to kill them would be fucking awful parents, and shitskins reproduce freely because they're stupid horndogs that don't use birth control, despite clearly not having the resources or level of care required to properly raise children.

I am for life, not because of "children's rights", but because of responsibility.

We live in a time of total degeneration and hendoism. Having a child brings a new light to the lives of parents. They must forget the little pleasures and try to give the best for their child.
They become mature and better adults. And it is exactly what we lack today. No one wants responsibilities, having a child is a YUGE responsibility.

And as far i'm concerned, having a child is a huge blow against feminism. Almost every young woman I have meet want to be a mother.

They should offer a few grand to a woman carrying a disabled child to abort.

I'm pro-abortion simply because of the self selecting group who will get them - even the white women who will get abortions; I don't want them to end up raising shitty kids. As an example, this girl that I used to be really close friends got one about two years ago. She has become a massive SJW (you name it: bitching about white privilege, wants refugees, goes to slut walks, pro-BLM, shills the wage gap and rape culture memes, etc.) over the past few years, and I can guarantee that her kid(s) if she chooses to have any will just be fucking nightmares. Short run down of the situation for her:

>girl is a massive slut (had slept with at least two dozen guys by that time my memory is a bit foggy, but I want to say that the number was closer to three dozen)

I may not like abortion, but I like it a hell of a lot more than degenerates reproducing more degenerates.


Fuck off D&C shill. Reported and filtered.

The word meme now means whatever you want it to meme.

And no, I don't mean autistic-screeching man-children.

Would you want to raise one?


This is one of the dumbest examples of shitlib rhetoric. Of-fucking-course the importance of life is conditional. A child that could be born to a stable family and further its parents' genetic line and contribute to society is far more important than some nigger that knocks off liquor stores, pays no taxes, takes hundreds of thousands from dem programs, and murders a white family.

Don't try explaining this to leftists though – to them, that nigger is just as important as the white man who contributes to society. In fact, they think the nigger is even more important, since he can be bussed to the polling station every election.

Quads of Undeniable Wisdom


that's how retarded you sound

Legal abortions for nonwhites and all non-citizen immigrants currently living in a given country.

Also no, kill all Jews and other nonwhites.

nice distinction

Memes are stronger than all those other things. Second only to the immediate threat of violence memes are the strongest influencing power known by science to exist.

The death penalty is such a waste, we should use them as human Ginny pigs and live organ farms. You know you can cut off 2/3rds of a liver, transplant it to someone else and both portions will grow back.

why stop there?

A human, deserving of life, some would say.

trump voter here

im pretty much what everyone needs to be.

why would you post half


Best way to prevent nigger babies is to pay $10,000 to every nigger that gets an in house vasectomy and dress the affair in reparations talk like "Fuck ALL the bitches and never need a condom ever again! And free gimmedats too!"
Soon you'll have a line out the block, and soon you'll drastically lower the nigger population by 40 to each male sterilized.

Yeah, but the kikes would start autistically screeching and try to shut down everything. Could you prep the nogs beforehand so they would get snipped anyway?

Wrong. Innocent lives should be preserved. People being executed deserve death.

Easy, advertise it as reparations with luxury nigger advertising of pussay hennessey and a bunch of well known local rappers and aspiring rappers talking about just how fucking easy and painless it is to avoid child support the rest of your entire life and never use condoms again along with a hefty sack of green.
If the Jews screech point out to the nogs they're trying to trick them out of their rightful gibsmedat and they's not even white anyway, but demonic rat creatures.

perhaps, I'm just skeptical that the kikes would let their nog/mongrel breeding program disappear without a fight.


He's probably a degenerate who faps to the thing destroying us genetically.

Viability. If it can be sustained by medical intervention, there is a Hippocratic duty to oblige = Premature Baby.

If it cannot be sustained with medical intervention = Fetus, Neonate.

Limited objectives are the bricks of strategy. We can put this one in the wall fairly quickly: reasonable, compassionate.

Yeah I think your viewpoint is similar to mine OP.

Abortion is obviously killing babies.
But theres 7 billion people on the planet. A baby which has had no investment yet from society is a very common and therefore worthless thing. Its only value is in its potential. Which if your some kind of deadbeat is very tiny.

Kinda like how the Arabs castrated all their African slaves the moment they arrived in Arabia.

What a pointless thread. What's the problem surrounding abortion? Make it illegal or unaffordable for whites while discouraging it culturally. Meanwhile encourage shitskin abortions and provide them with bonuses per aborted shit. Make it so that a nigger can get free college if he gets sterilized permanently.

Fuck that Lion video is sad.

a. natural selection.
the family unit is one. methods of genetic survival are the unit's own business. disadvantaging behaviour and actions are problems that solve themselves

b. prevention > cure .
technology used to minimise consequences of reckless behaviour < responsible healthy behaviour

What a pointless comment.

kek, source?

I guess. I'm just fed up with generic cinematic chorals as a substitute for emotion in films. But I do feel more sympathy for that cub than your average dindu.

I thought everyone knew about that.
Didnt anyone wonder where the descendants of Arab slaves were? Bearing in mind the Arab slave trade dwarfed the north and south American slave trade and only stopped in the 1970s.

Heres top result on jewgle:

Good thing I don't consider anything with dark skin a human. God will forgive me.

I really think we should meme voluntary sterilization for the left/SJWs.
I dream of a progressive era eugenics program where degenerate unwed mothers-to-be go in for an abortion and get a side of hysterectomy.

Just imagine, strong independent women freeing their bodies permanently from patriarchal control.

And because gender is a social construct sex hormones don't matter!

Honestly, even if you could convert fat sjw feminists to the 14 words would you want them? Worst case they are shitting out niglets as single mother welfare queens to do their part and destroy the white race.

abortion is eugenic
birth control is dysgenic

Any white with an IQ over 100 should not be allowed access to abortions or contraception. The only exception is abortion in case of life threatening complications to the mother in cases where the child is suspected stillborn or otherwise likely to die as well. Otherwise, the only time a man of upstanding birth should need condoms is if he's fucking a whore. The pill has too many spillover effects, too many cunts taking them.

Abortive ("day after") pills I might make an exception for. Even though they're somewhat odd, I suspect they don't cause as much hormonal or environmental havoc as the dreaded birth control pill doth wreak.

this ^ somewhat

I am pro abortion for all non-whites. I am anti-abortion for whites.

I will agree with abortion only if we can kill the mother while we do it. :^)

But legal for coalburners. Because what the fuck.

No condoms? So if someone wants to fuck his wife a healthy two or three days a week, he has to rely on the pull-out method like a nigger?