Can We Shoah the Ad Council?

First, they showed us what our brains are like on drugs. But I said nothing, for I was not a degenerate dudeweedLMAO. Then, they warned us about airplane turbulence, yet I said nothing still, for I was a NEET who can't afford to fly anywhere.

At last, when they brought me the message that America is at its best when it's overpopulated with faggots and retards, and that the best non-gay sex is between a breeding-age white girl and the nigger she can't wait to sue for child support, I felt the need to speak, but I was all alone. . .

Fucking seriously though, can we test Holla Forums's influence by memeing a final solution to the Ad Council? I've had enough of their shit, and this pic related is a bridge too fucking far.

On the lighter side, I revealed my power level on kikebook for the first time when I saw this today. Got unfriended by a half-Jew. Feels good, man

Sorry. Forgot the link:

Funny considering you can tell what sex and racial group one behind to using their bone features/structure.

Don't care.

The only thing that matters is white girls not fucking niggers.

1. Upload pictures to the site.
2. ?????




They never learn

am I doing it right ?

Nice work.


Liking everyone elses. Hope this makes you chuckle.




i was bored





John Cena nominated for "Unexpected Cuck of the Year 2017"


Everyone give em your best photos of the true Saviour of America.

Crap, wrong photo


Damn white backgrounds…



They're really not really hiding the "diversity is code word for white genocide" anymore are they?

Yeah, this was the video on Facebook that dragged me to the site in the first place. I thought maybe I could spare you guys the pain.

I honestly love this community. There's a lot of faggotry sometimes, but it's good how we pull together when it counts. Fucking kek.

Site is taking forever. Is that yall spamming it, or is it just slow?


