The Nigger Angels of Death


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op just got rekt

Nuke from orbit…..

But, transmitting HIV through Heterosexual vaginal sex is actually extremely unlikely though.

My uncle caught HIV through a dodgy blood transfusion (good AIDS not bad AIDS) and he fathered two children with his wife without transmitting it to anyone.

Reminds me of the best film Peter Jackson has ever been involved with, District 9


It amazes me that there are men out there who actually pay money to have sex with that thing.


Not men, son. Niggers.

Just imagine fucking that smelly nigger, that mosquito filled hole.

I bet you can even smell the decomposing semen stains on the walls.

Kek bless those Angels of Death.

She's got nice eyes tbh

Why can't we have this in America too?

That's the freakiest thing I've ever seen. It's like when you buy a thing of blueberry yogurt, but when you open it, it's strawberry-kiwi or something.


It's like one in 500 for the man IIRC. Still though, 10's of thousands of aids-ridden prostitutes going bareback on hundreds of thousands of clients a year? Yeah, you totes could get an AIDS epidemic.

Some have and even look good. Though they're freaks and I'm against miscegenation. Those are obviously false though.

what is photoshop
fucking newfaggots/summer all day errday

We have.


Lol, I'm pretty sure those are cheap color contacts. At least one Hispanic girl I know who does cosplay looks like that in many of her pics.



Needs to happen faster, much faster.

Aw shit, someone saved my edit.

Yes, it's almost impossible to transmit through normal sex.
Africans don't do normal sex.

If he was from 1654, then how do you have a photograph of him?

Waardenburg not Waartenburg

Pretty sure they're contacts. It doesn't cost a lot.

That's obviously a very well done drawing

How do you CREW fucks expect to infiltrate if you can't blend in to save your you fucks don't have a life and get side-tracked by minor details?

It's the five hundredth that gets you.

It's a drawing, not a photograph.

You get zero shekels.

Long-exposure camera.

For the male.

It's actually the #1 way females get infected.

Give them some medals.

Ín huezil we have a saying for ugly people (usually mongrels) with blue/green eyes.

We call it "piscina na favela" literally "a pool in the favela/slums"
i.e the eyes might be nice, but the surroundings… well, not so much.

the (((elites))) intentionally turned the entire continent of Africa into an altar to Moloch, didn't they?

you don't have to be a self deprecating beta just becouse you live in Brazil. Have some dignity

I don't think nigger blood have any value for human sacrifices.

Why lie, it's only going to convince people to turn away from actual redpills.


Nigeria is a nigger hell hole.

Lions lick their arses because the nigger meat tasted so horribly.

That is true, we can do it for him. As white men, we are also capable of doing it better than him. On the other hand, why even fucking bother? The fucker lives in Brazil, a shithole among shitholes.

Anyway why are they acting this like it's a new problem when the problem is already very old? Niggers are incapable doing the same thing as we do.

nice teef

hahahaha you must be a delusional huezillian nationalist (believe it or not they exist).
Seriously m8, there's no reason not to curse the day my grandparents took the boat and ended up here instead of staying in europe.

Two words: dry sex

If you lived in a clean society where you never have skin lesions yes.
But these people live with no hygiene and probably have open sores on their genitals from other conditions, which would make it very likely to contract HIV.


Odds of having sex with a woman with HIV 1 in 2500.
Odds of contracting it even lower.

Relax huebro, you could be culturally enriched by a arab in the current Europe anyway.



Atlanta son, Atlanta.

To be fair, they're not niggers, they're Africans.

you guys realize that only the AFRICANS with resistance will survive, then they will kill all the coalburners…..

AIDS IN AFRICA is a good thing, keeps the population in check and will kill all coal burners that come into contact with future africans

What a fucking crazy world.

The only tragic thing about this is that they’re still alive.

Heartening and disheartening at the same time.
On one hand, lel dead nignogs.
Fucking niggers manage their own women, even to their detriment. While ours get controlled by talmudvision, Prof. Shlomostein, and a pack of femcow friends


Dry vaginas?



I had a drawing of my great great granpa. So of course my mom threw it away.

Damn son, that's pathetically low energy even for a nerd virgin. Sad!


People who fuck monkeys (No, not other blacks, actual chimps) and smoke AIDS drugs.
What do you expect?

everything about this is bad.

Not enough, not quick enough

you know you want it

And of course some fucking white dumbass will go there and give them treatments.


It's like niggers have some genetic predisposition to ruin everything.

Out of my nation? Yep.

How do we increase this?



Not really since my grandparents were Poles.
Maybe they would be culturally enriched by soviets though.

all of you amazed by her eyes, they are clearly contacts…

Thanks Aidschan!

sweet lord try harder. gtfo

My heart goes out to anyone who contracted good aids.

which obviously isn't nearly enough. think how the world would improve if we got this up to 100 million per year? let's propaganda-bomb the rest of africa with free advertising for these fine establishments and make them the new hottest vacation destination in the whole continent. anyone know how to meme in swahili or zulu? can we leave 5-star yelp ratings for a bunch of aids-ridden nigerian hookers?