Why do so many people vehemently defend capitalism and lick the boots of their masters...

Why do so many people vehemently defend capitalism and lick the boots of their masters? Why are they so unwilling to even entertain socialism? Did the Soviet Union and Maoism condemn socialism to an early grave?

Yes, most people are stupid and don't even know that the Soviet Union and Maoist China were state capitalist

c'mon, some do but that's no reason to generalize any anti-socialist. they work for money and know of no other way.

cold war propaganda. I wasn't alive for it but you can really tell it did its job

as long as there are classes there will be class struggle

I didn't know the Soviet or the Mao government was extracting surplus value for themselves.

Stop with that meme.

Literally fresh off the boat from the Richard Wolff reddit AMA

Just because they were not a stateless, classles, moneyless communists utopia it doesn't mean they were not socialist. Stop with this meme. They were socialist, they just never went full communism.

I'll never forgive Wolff this toxic "state capitalist" meme he's responsible for, which is based on a retarded oversimplification of capitalism as in "everything that isn't kumbaya no masters no money"

Because they don't resent people who have private property or because they strive to own property one day or because they saw how the countries with the best quality of life are capitalist countries.
Maybe they aren't bootlickers but people who don't buy into tour shitty system.

Yo, this pretty much. Going through the world and seeing a capitalist apologist in everyone is super autist. Most people are not inherently capitalist, but centuries of brainwashing fucks over proles and intellectuals just alike. Private property is a religion to most people, explaining to them why it is a spook ist mostly a good starting point.

Too bad most leftists try to convert people with feminism, gender issues, mass immigration which is retarded.

It's mostly the boomers who associate socialism with the USSR and the prospect of a nuclear holocaust.

They're boot lickers who just don't realize it yet. They lack class consciousness and buy into propaganda, and they think that the Keynsian golden age is the status quo for capitalism rather than a 40 year long period of prosperity for the working class that stands out from the other 300-ish years of grinding poverty and oppression.
Pic related is the norm for capitalism, the Keynesian prosperity was only possible because of concessions clawed away from the porkies by labour unions and through redistribution.

Because it is a free market

but they were.
It's not a meme.

compared to what exactly

How? Yeah they might have had some bigger dachas, but this is really a marginal in the scheme of things.

How is private property more of a spook than class struggle?
Do you see the irony here?

The fact that Keynesian capitalism is not "pure capitalism" does not make socialism the fairer system. And the fact that working class struggled for concessions that made working class' conditions better does not mean socialism is better either.
Not buying into class struggle does not mean you are not "class conscious".

Hasn't it occured to you guys that workers just don't feel bothered by people owning property?

Because if you live in a first world capitalist nation, eventually you will realise you have it pretty good. It is mostly us in the second world from our hobble former Soviet bloc nations who wish for a return to communism because it was better for us then just as it is better for them now.

It's hard to accept that almost everything about the society around you is wrong and broken and needs to change. Revolution is a scary concept, until people understand what it really means.

Lots of death and suffering? You know why the working class will never pick up our ideology because it will ruin their comfortable lives.

Neither do socialists.

The point is the Keynsianism is the outlier, it isn't the norm for capitalism and it is in constant danger of degenerating into capitalism's far uglier normal form. All the blood spilt by labour unions and yet everything that they have built is on the verge of being washed away.

The absolute best form of capitalism that has ever existed is Keynsianism or Social Democracy, and even that keeps things like labour exploitation and capital accumulation which can only be done at the expense of those that do not accumulate as much capital, even if those people are reasonably well off. There is also the constant threat of money in politics and the subversion democracy by porky. On top of it all the Keynsian system is under constant assault from porkies who will try to dismantle it.

So with capitalism you have a range of options that has abject misery and oppression on one end, and in a best case scenario is still unfair, exploitative, subverts democracy, fails to maximize personal freedom through equal wealth distribution, and on top of it all is unbelievably fragile and under constant attack.

By fueling constant imperialist wars for their war economy?

They are far from perfect, but they are an improvement over laissez faire or neoliberal capitalism.


Why is it a meme? Did the workers actually owned the MoP in those regimes? You can say that the state did, but the state isn't the workers.

State capitalism was a term coined by Lenin to describe the USSR fam.

Employing hit and run tactics, clearly skilled in Gorilla Warfare

Because they feel like they have to or the Soviet sleeper agents will rape them to death.

What is capitalism?
Why are you unwilling to entertain a history book of socialism?