Daily Reminder That The Voting Right Is Still Shrinking

Yes, we won the election. Yes, we control the Senate, the House, and the Presidency.

For now.

But what about 2020? 2024? 2028?
How much longer will peaceful means be a legitimate way for us to make the change we wish to see in our nations?
White populations continue to be out-produced in every first world nation. Minorities continue to reproduce like rabbits in every city they exist within, and vote overwhelmingly liberal.
The only reason Trump won is because the DNC decided to choose Hillary over Bernie.
What happens when the left gets a candidate they are as excited about we as we are Trump?
What happens when he signs tons of executive orders in his first few weeks of office that repeal many of the things Trump has worked for?
It may be possible for Trump to make some enormous changes in the next four to eight years, but eventually those years are going to have to come to an end.

Honestly ask yourself: Then what?

Not once the dole is shut off they won't.

If Trump attempted to touch welfare he would be impeached. It would negatively impact far too many Americans in such an enormous way that even conservatives would be forced to virtue signal with the left in order to avoid assassination.

They'll breed regardless. Shutting off the tap won't change anything.

Complete, utterly demoralizing bullshit. Get the fuck out of here.

You don't know how impeachment works, do you?

Implement voter ID laws
Crack down on voter fraud
Deport illegals
Change immigration laws to restrict non-whites
Change tax laws to encourage families
Discourage the philosophy that everyone should go to college

I'm being realistic. Please tell me you don't actually believe Trump could get away with removing welfare. I want it gone as much as the next Holla Forumsack but get real.

I do, actually. Do you?

Not removal per second but reduce food stamp program, get rid of EBT cards go back to stamp system. Implement drug testing

Have another look at those numbers, nigger. Notice how the Republican candidate polls a consistent 60 million, while the Democrats are all over the map? The only thing declining is the general level of discourse on Holla Forums, apparently.

And now I have to flip through the catalog to find out what you're sliding.

The people who come up with all of these suggestions and tactics are really just admitting they don't think physical active removal of non-White citizens-on-paper is achievable – or, my own personal suspicion, desirable [because this board is shitted up with capitalists who need just enough around to keep the pressure on].

All realistic ideas besides the racial immigration restrictions. Here's hoping Trump can get a lot of that done since he is already looking to do the first three.

Saging for doubleposting

If the DNC had picked Bernie, Trump would have still won
Try to prove me wrong without using lying media stats

Trump won't axe welfare, you idiot, he's going to use welfare for what it was meant to be used for in the first place, which is give a little help to all the millions of impoverished Americans who can't get back up on their feet due to various reasons. He's axing welfare to illegal shitskins and wetbacks, which need I remind you, they're the biggest receivers of gibs next to Basketball Americans, alongside throwing them out of the border.

Why? What is illegal about changing welfare? How is that "misconduct"? Do you even understand what impeachment is in the US?

I'm genuinely curious. What do you think would happen if it were gone? A study done in 2012 showed that the average taxpayer pays an extra $36 per year on food stamps and $6 per year on the other social safety nets.

So, what's going to happen when you get that $42/year back?

Stop thinking like a capitalist
It's not about the money but the degeneracy it promotes
I don't give much money in taxes to PBS or npr either
Do you really think it's all about money?

They wont listen OP this place is a hugbox where facts are scary

It's not JUST about the principle of our tax dollars going to these degenerate losers, that is more of a side issue, its the fact that welfare itself as currently designed acts to trap people in these degenerate lifestyles for generations. Imagine how much more tax revenue could be created if these parasites actually got jobs instead of sucking off the system.


Pulling out of the UN will mean the end of feeding Africa just so they can reproduce unchecked and their population will collapse. Main source of shitskins gone.
With the UN collapsing, Trump uses his influence to encourage others to leave the EU as well.
With the EU and the UN dying, and the countries that left leading by example and suddenly doing much better, the rest of Europe will follow shortly after.
At this point the EU and UN are dead, and Europe will be apprehensive about anything similar for a while even if rebranded.
This means Europe is be free to do whatever the fuck it wants, and starts kicking out and purging all the shitskins.
I suspect we'll see most of this in the next 4 years.
During all of this the overton window will be flying towards the right faster than ever, and America will be deporting 10s of millions of illegals. Calexit may happen (for a time). It will fail as a state, and further unify the rest of the US as further right than ever. Once unified, we can take California back by force, using the situation as justification to purge all undesirables.

There are a lot of ways things could play out, but some scenarios similar to what I've listed are definitely going to happen over the next 4-8 years, just wait. The demographic problem with be reversed. Natural law can only be fought for so long before it takes over and restores order via chaos.

Stop meming us with those loser cucks

Your graphic shows Democrat votes shrinking with GOP hovering around 60 million - winning more states each year.
I doubt Bernie would have won. Where's the evidence for this…

People who earned the money spend it more wisely than the people who stole it. You can say it's only 42 bucks, but the collective sum is trillions of dollars. It's a huge difference.

The God Emperor will kill the EU first.
It's on suicide right now - the fat fucks in Brussels have spent the last 2 days kvetching about it.
When He said he'd be "Brexit times five" he was speaking literally. France, Bicycleland, Hungary, Hunagry and 1 other Visegrád.
He could pull the rug out from under potatoisland any time he wants.

It is terrifying that some fuckwit like Trudeau gets into power and just wipes out all the work Trump whilst opening borders to everyone, welfare for all immigrants, promises free healthcare for all, free education including university level etc. Then they'll just say 'budgets just balance themselves' whilst racking up trillions of dollars more debt over 4 years. They might even make is legal for anyone to vote, even if they just got off the banana boat a couple hours before voting so as to get a 2nd term in power.
Lefties and liberals will utterly fuck the USA out of existence.


A quick look shows that "the other social safety nets" spending at the federal level, which would include social security, medicare and food-stamps makes up at least 54% of federal tax spending. That's not $42 per family.

When we put the financial burden of taxation on the backs of minorities the way it is on whites, their birthrates will go down and ours will go up. They reproduce like rabbits because they're not different than a pet rabbit with all of its necessities provided to it, at our expense. The white tax payer is abused. So many see no hope and don't want to bring children into the world. Share that burden and I believe our birthrates will go up and their will go down. It only makes sense.

Lay off the leftist meme language. The only reason people on the internet now use words like "terrifying" or "horrifying" is because the MSM and it's lemmings decided to make them meme words to describe Trump.

Although what you are saying would be terrible and is a legitimate concern

We need to write a requirement for ethnic-homogeneity into our constitution.

It's honestly amazing that we still have people that come to this board and type shit like this out as if its some kind of master plan no one else has thought of when in reality it's just judaized massaging.

The NSDAP already showed the blueprint for massively correcting demographics in a rapid time frame and "pull yourself up by your boot straps" and tax rates weren't in the equation. It's going to take unprecedented work programs and far, far more serious incentives to genuinely fix it, like forgiving a mortgage entirely if a White family has four children within 10 years.

ok. It disturbs me to think that someone with similar political views as Trudeau might one day become President of the United States.

Shit man, I'm about to go fuck my wife just in case this becomes a thing.

It seriously is. The cutoff for when you lose all benefits is lower than the point where you can afford to replace those benefits.

we don't know how much cheating there was going on though

how many votes were flipped

Absolutely false, their demographics were just fine, it was only their economy that was fucked.

Reminder that the current generation growing up is the most conservative generation since forever due to SJW bullshit.

they had a sub 2.1 birth rate after WW1 and during the inflation

axe it for illegals

youre full of shit ive got younger siblings and they tell me how fucked it is

Here's hoping.

1. Abandon JewSA.
2. Join diaspora in Argentina.
3. Raise fund for underground railroad for white families.
4. Bide time and gather strength.

All Trump has to do to secure his legacy is force voter identification across the entire nation. It's a bit like cheating, but the democrats have been cheating for 40 years so it's fair play.

We cant win the race war unless they start it or the overtan window is shifted far past where it has been in the past 60 years.

Whoops, that was meant for

t.neet vagabond

Actually the government looses about 20,000 per adult citizen in taxes they choose to not collect (due to deductions and the like) or in safety nets (including social security and medicare). This is a huge number.

that idea was commonplace when the constitution was written. the founders probably never thought that they're ideas of freedom and equality would be applied to non-whites. they're spinning in their graves.


Sounds like a plan, my fellow Übermensch!

All Trump has to do to guarantee another decade of Republican rule is push through federal voter fraud legislation that targets the rigging the Democrats have been doing for years in their strongholds. Swing states will go solidly red, solidly blue states will be in play.
Bernie wouldn't have won either. Trump would have played the "If you're white, you don't know what it's like to be poor" quote 24/7 across the Rust Belt and won by an even greater margin than he did.

Then we might have to deal with the first hindu and woman president.
Yes, currently pretty based, but also idolises Bernie more than her own father. Expect all sorts of lunatic economic policies.

Especially since she's from an uber-rich area of Hawaii, so would wildly overcompensate on gibs.

I actually think that killed him harder than anything else. That was a lethally retarded time to pander to gibs.

The only thing is that this was a pretty weird election. If he does good he might break the pattern. The cuckservatives and a bit of minorities, maybe around 3-4 mil, either shifted or abstained.
But the shortfall was covered by revolting Berners and bizarrely, literal Trotskyites driving republican voters to the polls. (I'm out in WY and the 4th Int was hunting up disabled reps, heard they did so in CO as well) Killary was just that hated that not even owning the entire media made a difference. Everyone the media worked on to drive away, there was someone she pissed off enough to take their place. She spent 2 bills and basically took away no votes.

also somewhat fucked herself up as there was a large contingent of central americans (who are majority oldschool catholic not that screwy Incan kitbash Mexico has) that always vote Rep.
I think that's what is causing the flips, they're importing wetbacks without checking where those wetbacks are from. Democrats remind them too much of the failed systems back home.
also weirdly communist chinese (there's quite a few riggers here) never vote for democrats either that I've ever seen. I think they don't like the virtue signaling bits. It's those SF faggots like Chairman Pao.
Hell, the fact she was so hated by centrals, I bet they fucked up and LA shouldn't have gone blue. That's probably one of the areas they ran up the votes. Every time she went there she was hit by such large protests she couldn't speak!
I will fucking kek if they find tons of latino votes swapped to blue when they audit their machines. They were fuckin' throwing shit at her like she was some bad hobo comedian.

You dunno the half of it, in some areas it's as bad as a $2500 difference between welfare and minimum. Still live paycheck to paycheck since they can't manage money though.

there's an authentic white argie at T_D actually. he was born an albino

In the grim and dark future there is only war.

What do you think the whole point of the immigration crackdown is? The demographic problem in America is coming from the beaners; the nigger population is stagnant from abortion and their killing each other off and getting put in prison.

Get rid of birthright citizenship, get rid of gibs for illegals, build the wall, and you will be astonished at how the looming brown cloud recoils.

Yes it will. If noones paying for the kids to be alive then they will die pretty quickly.

you have to commit a crime to be impeached. stupid spic.

I have a family member writing laws, and the guy is electronic technician. He simply formed all kinds of worker unions, now he goes around representing people working at the docks, small shop owners, etc.
Only thing he failed at is getting rid of mega farms (apparently you simply cant work a farm these days, there are giant farms all over the place who work directly with fertilizer people and are basically bullying everyone out of the market).

Doesnt matter if you are leftist, you vote for putting food on your table.

Are Argentinians the only civilized. Black culture? They are niggers that dream of becoming white.


It's possible we'll see a small baby boom among conservative whites now that Trump is President. What would work better is if we organize locally, encouraging White families to get more children, even get monetary or other monetary incentives going for them. Start with your local street, move up from there.

A more recent study, in 2016, showed that the burden per taxpayer was in excess of $8,000 per yeae. inb4 what is deficit spending?

Presuming you were a taxpayer, what would you do with an extra $8,000 per year?

So much this. Where ever there is decent paying jobs, men go. Women then follow to gain access to that money. If you want white birth rates to go up, you need more young white men earning more money.

The voting American in general is shrinking.

Remember that 44% of eligible voters didn't vote in 2012. This election that number was 50% meaning that half the country didn't even bother to vote for Trump, Clinton or any third party candidate.

Trump has only been in for 10 days fellas. Just wait until he gets his entire cabinet approved by the Senate and Congress starts to get shit done. People are going to be amazed at the results as compared to all the rhetoric Obama spat out while golfing and shooting the shit on late night talk shows.

I'm not saying we don't need to remain vigilant, that's obvious to all of us. I think we need to stop rubbing the salt in the wounds and let time elapse.

Four years ago when I was an an-cap faggot I used to sympathize with the Antifas and black blockers, and when I told my old man all this he calmly shut me down with reason and logic, not by mocking me and laughing. The country needs to mature, we need to set examples for other future voters to follow.

Most people who don't vote hate politics for the reason that its all talk and no action. We need to get active in the GOP and start running for local, state and federal office. The neo-cons and cucks need to be purged from this party if we're going to be taken seriously. If not that then maybe President Trump can start his own party in 2020 and ditch Pence for someone more likable and trustworthy.

The 2017 Shill has rich notes of black (wal)nuts, Israeli grapes, and Fruity notes. Note the faint aroma of tears.
garnish with salt.

Insinuating Mike "Impeachment Defense" Pence wasn't a strategic choice.

We've had this thread before.

Trump has to lay it down heavy so that the demographics change.
If he fails to do so, we're back where we were.
This is not a new insight.


Bullshit. At the time of ratification the majority of states were slave states, but there were several free states. The morality of slavery was vigorously debated both prior to and after the revolution. Were the framers predominantly white supremacists? Yes. Were they so blind they didn't notice abolitionist activity? No.

Conflicts over the legality of slavery were significant enough that the Constitution actually includes this bit:

Which was intended to postpone the debate over the legality of slavery for twenty years, because the only thing the framers could agree on about the matter was the fact that they COULDN'T come to a majority opinion that all thirteen colonies would be willing to accept.

there is overwhelming evidence that both of the following are true
1) democrats bus people around on election day to vote multiple times
2) illegal immigrants vote in at least a few states
Trump is going to institute significant election reform so neither of these will ever happen again. All he needs to do is implement voter ID

OP image is fabricated and attracted to members of the same sex, as you will see if you check wikipedia. Why are people still replying to him?


fuck it, why won't it let me post the image? POST DAMN YOU.


Trump got ~63 million and Hillary got ~66 million, garbage cherrypicked OP image to generate a narrative.

At this point, I'm almost supportive of whites adopting the same strategy as colored folk when it comes to reproduction.

They live shit quality lives but they multiply. Either that or we target welfare hard.

fuck off goon

Half of the fuckers fear Mike "Deus Volt" Pence more than the Don himself. He's the assasination and impeachment insurance.

Not sure if you know this but Black birthrate is below replacement, while Hispanic is getting to that point while Conservative whites are above Replacement in the US
Just so you know

Get a load of this guy

Do you bitches even understand the process of impeachment?
If you don't think they could get Trump on some of these acts then you're kidding yourself about the lengths they'll go to.

Even funnier is they think Pence is on our side and wasn't forced as VP by the RNC.

What a blatant demoralization thread