How long will the Alt-Right circlejerk last?

I say until the election is over.

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Probably, once the election is over everyone will lament Hillary getting elected and then proceed to get depoliticized outside of "fugging hillary sogcialits:D:DD:DD" much like the libertarian wave surrounding Ron Paul.

Pick one.



White people aren't getting shat on. It's workers who are getting shat on. A lot of those workers happen to be white, but their whiteness is incidental to their being shat on. Workers of other ethnicities are also getting shat on, sometimes even harder or with multiple turds.

The idea that this is an issue of race and not workers and parasites came straight from porky's ass, and if you actually buy the shit you're posting, you are retarded. On the off chance you're not a troll, I would advise you to be wary - the shit winds are rising and when the shit hurricane finally hits you might find yourself on the wrong side of a shit gulag.

Thank you based Socialist Jim Lahey.


It will peter out just like most any 'political movement' among the youth. People just become disinterested, especially when their side lost.

I think that the kind of right-populist resentment politics behind Trump is here to stay, but it remains to be seen if this resentment can influence the house and senate elections. Trumpism or Tea-partyism or whatever the hell you want to call it will continue to fester in flyover country for the next four years, but the results of this years and the midterms elections will determine just how much it does.

4 years from now, pol and the other alt-right dweebs will go right back to memeing, but probably not as enthusiastically or as much in the public sphere as it is now. It's my faint hope that the US left will have grown enough in that time to have a larger online presence then the reactionaries, but it's much more likely that the Rep candidate in 2020 will just be much more boring and conventional than Trump.

You guys know B████ lost right?

Rome wasn't burnt in a day.

The alt-right encompass the conservative feelings the overwhelmingly majority of people have.
Most people hadn't realized that they could vent their opinions on the internet until very recently, that's the only reason something like the alt-right didn't existed since the very beginning of the internet.
Now they realized it and unfortunately we are going to have to deal with this shit forever.

t. Wayne trotsky

If trump wins it will end up dying, if Hillary does it will grow larger.

Once Trump wins, he will go down very hard on the NEETs.

The so-called alt-right existed before Trump and will exist whether he wins or loses.

You don't know shit, WN internet forums have existed in some form since the 80s, not surprising since then only tech-savvy white men were the vast majority of the internet. Fuck, even Stormfront is older than google and yahoo.

they will be nowhere after the election.
or even better they will start riots and will get their asses flamed.

Once Trump gets BTFO the GOP will go back to a normie republican candidate in 2020

The alt-right will probably stick around but I think they're done in real world politics for a while

Approximately as long as GamerGate has

And Stormfront has been marginal since it failed to get David Duke elected to the Senate.

i personally don't consider alt-right as a political movement.
tbh i don't think it can survive without Trump.


WN is one of the ideologies on the alt-right.

The two are not mutually exclusive. You implied that they are, or at least didn't offer any sort of counter argument to his assertion that whites are being shat on.

The taxes and other resources of white men and women are going to other ethnic groups.
Africas population has grown 4x since the 60s thanks to it.
We are losing our living space and are being ethnically replaced.

Somehow you think economics are more important than our ability to have families and form communities. Our survival as a people is more important than the economic system.

Certainly, we'll remain a larger group than the communists, who scarcely exist at this point. Racial group identity is simply more appealing and emotive than anything you spergs can offer.

he meant it's not the entirety of the alt right, stormniggers hiding away in their echo chambers in the 80s wasn't the birth of the alt right



They have all these other alt-right politicians all around the fucking world from LePen to Bjorn to Hoff.

It is over, they have mass appeal due to the content of the times being in their favour. Just as a communist revolution can only happen when the systems of capital come crashing down so too can their revolution happen when their white race is in a state of crisis and they will exist for eternity at this rate.

The economy is shitting on the proles, and the culture is shitting on whites. Base and superstructure. The superstructure shits on whites, males, heterosexuals, cisgenders, etc. because liberalism has rendered everyone else an unacceptable target.

As long as white people will exist. I suppose it is time for Xexizy, Muke, Maoist Rebel, and 99.9999999999…% of Holla Forums to kill themselves

I notice this with the leftists of the communist type very strongly, that if they are not the identity politics type then they are highly extremely materialistic and just as evil as those they harp against, the evil capitalists hording capital and such but that has not changed since the beginning of Stalin as it is every man for himself after a certain revolution is met because it is really all communism is, self interest for their class which eventually evaporates only into themselves once revolution is achieved and it becomes a race for who is to be the king of the commons.

It's like they forgot the meaning and role of commune.

hang yourself pol scum

Which is the fault of the economic system.

Poor populations have more kids in order to survive, this why you see that mid to upperclass families have less children opposed lower class families which have more children regardless of race.

Most of that money goes towards our military, corporations and banks, the working class as whole barely gets anything.

you guys are so pessimistic, Alt-right is a trend, it'll die as fast as it started


You're smoking crack if you think this recent trend in liberal idpol is anything close to culturally dominant or nearly as deeply triggering and problematic as you seem to believe. Most often it takes the form of corporations and individual porkies talking about pushing for "gender parity" or "diversity" or "gay rights", which helps them appeal to white and minority idpolers by actually doing precisely nothing. At most, it will take the form of well-to-do liberal whites shitting on poor whites on Twitter while the material circumstances of both remain exactly the same. This garbage thinking is what you get when you start believing that Twitter flamewars somehow have any influence upon the real world.

You are retarded.

Are you implying that fascism isn't alt-right?

Fascism is not limited to being a right wing ideology, it can be centrist, center-left or even further left.


How so?

One of those things has an over 200 year history, one of them does not.

socialism has mass appeal, unlike your pseudo-fascist autism

one is only popular because of edgy killings, the other has been popular for 200 years. One has no theory, the other does.

It's been around for at least 200 years and yet all its predictions haven't come true, and every attempt at achieving it fucks up? Are you sure it's not the theory that's wrong?

I mean I'm sure the Scholastics spent plenty of time debating angels dancing on pins, but that doesn't mean they were right.

Well, not really, if the more socialist candidate got trounced. Or are you talking about those surveys where young people say they prefer "socialism" to "capitalism", when they're probably social democrats at best?

Capitalism has been around for a few hundred years. Feudalism existed for about 1000, Slavery and Tribal Despotism for millennia. To say socialism is invalid because capitalism hasn't fell yet, is not an argument.

So you're basically like Christians/Jews/Muslims with "the End Times are just around the corner, yes every previous prediction was wrong, but trust me bro [latest Middle East squabble] really is proof we're moving towards the Final Days!"

Whether or not Capitalism falls and when this happens has absolutely no bearing on whether the workers controlling the means of production is a valid, workable form of organization. Dumbass.

If capitalism ends, it'll be due to oil shortages making global commerce in its current state impossible. Not any fantasy about the "workers finally rising up to seize the means of production" or whatever

What particular facet of your worldview makes you believe that it is so absolutely essential for the parasites to take their massive unearned cut of the workers' rightful profits? Do you think that people are unable to make things unless someone somewhere is getting nice and fat off their hard work?

'Liberals' are in power right now and the alt-right is a countermove to their retardation. My guess is that the 'liberals' will never get their shit together, and ultimately what's now know as the alt-right will get in power when the pendulum swings. Then there will be right-wing retardation in power and an edgy leftist countermove - basically the 60's all over again.

I don't. According to one study I read there's really no correlation between CEO compensation and corporate performance. Not to mention the corrosive impact of wealth inequality on all societies.

I just don't think the "socialist revolution" is going to happen before oil shortages and climate change start really fucking up the economy

Oh, in that case I kinda agree in that I don't see there being any drive for violent revolution in the West unless material conditions worsen considerably.

On the other hand, I am hopeful that we can do what we can today to foster the growth of co-ops and policies favouring them so as to undermine the capitalist mode of production and provide a believable alternative. If (genuinely) socialist policy could become entrenched in even just one state, that alone would be a great success in providing a model and a base from which socialism may spread.

Just stop

Revolutions occur when the material basis of the economy (technical, organizational, etc.) has developed to the point where it conflicts with the current mode of production, and when there are classes pressing for the overthrow of the current social order (the latter being linked to the former).

It has nothing to do with things being absolutely shit, though that may be a catalyst. More likely, if things are absolutely shit, it will kill the revolution harder than any attempt by porky at repression because classes are fragmented and the material basis is fucked. Today, we only suffer from the former. We lack class cohesion, even as the material basis for revolution remains in place.

No, fascism is a solidly right-wing ideology.

Until the betas don't have someone to rally behind or they stop being absolute fucking betas which won't happen.

How do right-wingers end up being more appealing to a TRANNY as compared to leftiest? Are we living in a upside down world?

That's reason enough to dismiss anything you have to say.

Because as long as "she" agrees with them they'll give her opinionstube money.

You're trying to hard to shift unrelated adversarys into focus for blame. Modern progressivism isn't expanding because of "corporations", that's a way to simplistic and bias political motivated answer.

Blaire White seems left leaning from what I've seen. She's just a liberal, not a far left socialist or commie.

I think she's a libertarian lol

untill we have reached the fourteen words

hillary is really looking like she'll die during the debates.

Only if Trump wins, because then they'll quickly realize he's just another porky - neither a nazi everyone was making him out to be, nor able or willing to seriously affect the system. And they don't really have other options to rally behind.

If he loses, brace for four more years.

Like you would actually get to genocide people in gulags like your jewy heroes in the USSR without getting your brains blown out.

Everyone hates commies, you have already lost, Just move to South Africa and get killed by niggers already.

lonely, frustrated, anime watching virgin detected

being a virgin just means you're more likely to be intelligent

Corrolation =/= causastion

And why is that bad? You're assuming that women are only for intercourse. Are you some woman hater?

There are plenty of lone, frustrated anime watching girls.

if you look up Alt-right celebs, 99% of them show serious signes of Histrionic personality disorder, and have for the most part done everything in the past so people notice them.
Milo, Lauren Southern, Evalion, etc …
they jumped on the Alt-right wagon not because they believe in it, but because they saw an opportunity to get attention.
particularly, Evalion and Lauren.
the 1% left are there to make a buck, see Breitbart and Molyneux.
their objective is economical.

my prediction
if Chump wins
if Shrillery wins

Gulag yourself

This board automatically redacts B████ ██████ for you, Satan.

I'm not saying that, dumbass. I'm saying that corporations and interest groups riding on the progressive wave with feel-good nothings is the most tangible material expression of liberal idpol, and that it's just feel-good talk for appealing to liberals that is never ever going to reach out and affect the material conditions of white people.

Look at EA for a textbook case of how firms pay lip service to idpol in a way that appeals to idiots (and scares even bigger idiots) without actually doing anything.

Is Lauren Southern alt right? She's always struck me as being a libertarian

most Alt-righter are former libertarians.
you just need to check Holla Forumss history.

Xexixy and Muke are the same person you mongoloid.

did he hero'd himself btw?

Fuck lad, I'm screencapping this.
Sounds like the most legit prediction I've heard so far.

Muke? Don't know tbh, his tweeter is silent and no vids since the debate where he and two retards got their asses completely devastated.

You are not paying attention

I knew Holla Forumsyps were dumb, but this is some next level shit.


lurk moar.
this one is at least trying, give him some credit

If they actually had a few brain cells, they wouldn't be Holla Forumsyps in the first place.

You're right, I shouldn't be mean.

Good job, buddy! You're doing great!