I'm tired of being put in chat groups filled with britcucks and generally being surrounded by those more pursuant to...

I'm tired of being put in chat groups filled with britcucks and generally being surrounded by those more pursuant to leftism.

1488 friendly, libertarian, favorite hobbies are cooking and painting. Any right wing kik groups, skype groups, or podcasts ya'll could introduce me to? Thanks.

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You seem new here buddy

maybe you can ask for datamining, and other FBI-interested things here

fine. kik me at chgoode55.


can you direct me to the nearest klan rally?

seriously kik me i want friends

Im sorry, I probably did this, I exposed their watchlist/nofly list/NET TALON JTRIG spinoff last night.


half/pol/ the post, everyone.

Doesn't matter, I make better cookies than you.

Is this some sort of autistic coded threat or something? Shouldnt you be investigating those 400 million people who believe its okay to blow themselves up with innocent women and children in the name of islam?


Reminder that newfags have to lurk atleast 2 months before posting

fuck ya'll. i'd been off chans for a few months because i assumed i couldn't post on 8ch because my isp is blocked everyfuckingwhereelse. and i'll shit in your mouth , i post when i post. now lick my cunt like a gud boi and gimme a good podcast.

Being dominated by women or seeking to be dominated by women is highly degenerate. You must be new.

If I let you in my secret Nazi bunker, will you cash a check for me?

niggers don't know how to write checks. nice try.


Oh I get it. You're one of those TRS refugees aren't you?

Your vocabulary triggers me. You don't belong here.



Feel sorry for the youngster, I fell on a machete once too.