Kike Threatens to punch Duke on twitter

Some Kike threatened to punch David Duke on twitter.

Just thought i should let Holla Forums know. For some reason Kikes seem to be attacking him more than usual.

Other urls found in this thread:

Anyway I found a picture of the guy he looks like a scrawny Jewish pussy.

Punching duke would be like punching your grandpa.

I'm sure Grandpa Duke is absolutely terrified.


He's probably been made a target due to his age.

Not worth a thread

my grandpa was a badass, punching duke would be like punching an retired office-weenie

This seems like a pretty specific threat. Duke should file a police complaint at the very least – having the cops show up at some low-test shitlib's house is usually enough to scare them from threatening us again.

What's that claim based on? I've heard it before.

Just curious, not shilling for or against Duke.

Duke should just whip out his gun and blow the cuck away himself. Zimmerman got away with shooting Trayvon under Obama and Eric Holder - I'm sure that under Trump and Jeff Sessions a former Congressman could shoot some chimping leftist stone dead and walk free no problem.

You're next

Duke would probably fight back. These faggots would be better off with Alt-Right sodomites like Grindr Greggy or James O'Meara.

fite me 1v1 m8 ill fuck u gud


Doesn't Duke live in Louisiana? Duke would just shoot the mother fucker and no one would care. Except the media, would keh-fucking-vetch. I honestly hope someone tries it.

fuck off david

One of the Leftards - Matt, Nazi Puncher - thinks he's tough. He seems to be art fag Matt Myers. Show him tough he is.

Site -

Kikebook -

If your grandpa had a gun on him at all times.

and liked plastic surgery and media attention

And Emily Youcis' pussy.


He deserves to die for that, to be quite honest.

Go away cuck kike, Zimmerman didn't "get away with anything" he shot his gun in self defense when he was attacked by a violent nigger.

He has to bait him properly. What could Duke do to bait best for this situation? I say hold a rally. It will be televised likely. Leftist sperging is a given considering the climate presently.

Or no one could show up.

The kikes in the media will not be able to resist a David Duke rally though. As an oldfag, David Duke is one of their most popular scapegoat Hitlers from the old days. With all this retro 90's and now retro 80's shit in the winds, to prop up David Duke, one final time would be appropriate.

Exactly, it was completely justified. And so will this be.

Duke cant just walk up to this faggot and blast him.

But if he did, Id be curious to see the aftermath.

On one hand, the media would attack. David Duke saying anything evokes that.

On the other hand, things are very different now. He could get away with it, but he must bait his foe out properly.


Epic beard man was 67 when he beat the shit out of that monkey on the bus, strength is the last thing to go for men, Duke would probably kick the kikes ass.

You cant simmer the zimmer

He would immediately be charged with a hate crime. Things are different, America is still occupied by Zionist Jews and Whites are still being attacked. Trump wouldn't do shit, Eric Trump already said Duke deserves a bullet in the head. If you think things are any better at all for Whites now that Trump is office you are in for a very rude awakening.


are aren't* different

Yeah because the Trump team was getting intel from people behind the scenes who said that Duke was a Democrat plant out to take down Trump.

If anyone is a "Democrat plant", more like Zionist plant, its Trump.

Duke is pretty ripped actually, I think he can hold his own, far better than Spencer for that matter.

He would break this frail Jewish pussy's neck atleast.

I'm not sure when this was taken, but he definitely keeps in shape. I used to listen to him, and he would often talk about how important it is for white men to stay strong.

Ride the waves provided. Im pretty fucking sure thats what (((they))) do. Were keen to knowing the currents of this maddening ocean were upon.

The whole Kek meme magic shit, as well as other examples prove this.

You sound like Thernovich.

My grandpa would fucking kill you.

Most of us here in our primes, would lose to our grandpa in their prime. I workout when I can, but I have a soft cushy life sitting at a desk playing with equations. Both of my grandpas worked hard labour intensive jobs.

Top fucking kek. What's funnier is that she doesn't even look White. She looks like a fucking Chink.

the fact he has done fuck all expect try and sabotage Trump

You know.. eventually people will start to punch back..

Duke has done more for White people than Shabbos cuck Goy Trumpowitz has ever you little Kike bitch.

Look at the faggot closer. His mother is a gook.

Duke hasn't done jack shit but scam retarded LARPers like you out of donation money for his gambling addiction.

David is a timeless one, he has got that man strength up until the day of his death.

underrate post

Support from David Duke isn't good for mainstream PR and some of the things he says do more harm than good, but I don't think he's an FBI plant like Dicky Spencer. If he is, why would he spend 2 hours decimating the kike-loving, Time Warner Cable employee Alex Jonestein?

Unless he's skelly-tier, never try fucking with your grandpa, sometimes grandpa strength is even stronger than dad strength.

Duke is a really hard case, there's lots of stuff on the other alt-kikers like pro asian racemixing or homosexuality but there's not much on Duke
What I know about Duke
Bad stuff
Good stuff
Please share disinfo/pro-kike stuff from Duke if you have seen it, if there's any he's certainly a plant/shill then.

Because he's fading into obscurity, he needs to cling onto some form of relevancy, he also knows that Populism appeals largely to younger folks, and the Alt-right is filled with youngins.

He could've also just got caught up in the hysteria of the moment, I'm sure if he argued with most of them he'd call them out for their support of Israel and faggotry.

Isn't he American? Therefore Hate speech laws don't apply to him.

The fake nose on him annoys me, but I can forgive him for that since he was a politician back in the day.

But he should call out the aut-kikers.
If the alt-right didn't exist would he cling on the neocons?

Don't be gossipy-gossipy!

Ugh, he's right though. There's nothing more cringey than copying antifa shit and slapping our mark on it. It's just as gay as when they try to out meme us.

He only started calling himself Aut-Kike after Angline started Ben Garrisoning the label. I can't stand it either way, but he isn't doing it for the same reason Dicky and the TRSodomites do.

I love how getting away with that turned him into the most guido fucking troll in all of Florida.
He's just asking for it all day erry day. And loving every minute of the triggering.
And rich as fuck on top of that because some crazy Texan bought the gun for hundreds of thou at an auction as a souvenir.

Actually the reason for that is Trump's CFO back in 2000 was a black dude when Buchanan asked him to run on the reform ticket, and tagged along for the announcement. No one seems to have a perfect quote (probably all the media got it second-hand) but he said something akin to asking if the guy was 'the party favour' aka the pinata along with appropriate hand motions which led to Trump shoving him out of the way and shouting the infamous quote about 'how can they expect to reform America when they're led by a nazi, a klansman, and a communist' (the old lady with them was basically Bernie-lite, probably was on the ticket to calm the gibs)
It seems like neither of them actually remember the event though judging by the election responses last year. He probably told his kids about it and they still remember.

Based post




She's got kind of slavic features, but she's cool in my book.


check embed related. In the video, (((Duke))) is proven to have taken down evidence that jews did 9/11 from his website
Pretty sure if anything this proves that kikelover has no moral principles and thus cannot be trusted. Personally always thought he looked like a lizard no, not one of the reptile people, just a fucking lizard

either fanboy or one of the NSA kikes that shits up our site and shills against our based mods and for any controlled opposition, including (((duke))). And yes, we fucking know who you are

What's Slavic about her?

Why don't these people just carry guns?
If somebody punches you then waste the motherfucker.
Goddamn it as a person who carries a gun near everywhere he goes this is rage inducing.

I hope some antifa faggot tries to hit me some day. I'll knock his fucking teeth out

Okk.. now this is starting to get 'defending spencer' tier.

I want to use every opportunity to jail or kill as many antifa and kikes as possible but.. fuck spencer we should stop running to his aid and let him feel the heat a little.. faggot kike that he is.

Wait. Duke?

You mean David "Enochs wife is a blue eyed aryan" Duke?

fuck off kike

I always thought that too

typical TRS shill meme

That looks like it was shot in his time in Salzburg.