Focus your Meme powers to drain the life force from Justice Ginsburg so that Trump can put another C

Focus your Meme powers to drain the life force from Justice Ginsburg so that Trump can put another Conservative White Male on the Supreme Court.

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We couldn't meme Hillary to death, I don't have high hopes but will meme anyways.

Your lack of faith is disturbing. Is Trump not President?

I would rather see her in front of a firing squad but I would be happy if she fell down the stairs and broke her rat neck.

Have a bump.

Take my dubs and my energy Kek, and make it so. Kill this kike!

Anyone have a list of any of her past votes or rulings or whatever?

Daily reminder that there are not one, but two jews serving on the supreme court right now. The other one is

(((Elena Kagan)))

appointed by king nigger. This is why they were able to push fag marriage through so easily.

She may not be dead, but she doesn't have long.

Hillary looked like a woman first entering the nursing home.
This walking corpse looks like someone who's been trapped there for years.

Let's do this

Sonia Sotomayor is probably part jewish as well

How is this dried up old crone still alive?
This thing was ancient when I was a kid and its still around now….

Hillary died politically and possibly physically that mummy is sick.

As the faggot who pointed this out in the other thread, I will reiterate that all the god emperor has to do is get Congress to pass a simple law setting the number of supreme court seats to 15, then appoint 6 additional reliably conservative justices. 100% of the supreme court rulings would go the right way after that.

This is exactly what FDR wanted to do 80 years ago. It doesn't require a constitutional amendment. All that would be required is to disregard tradition and pass the law.


Sotomayor isn't catholic?


She will fall and bump her head in the next 2 weeks.

There are THREE jews currently on the supreme court. Ginsburg, Kagan, and Breyer. All left-wing activist judges, naturally. And Obongo was vying for a 4th jew too, with Garland.

Personally I'm catholic, so I'm not as triggered by the fact that SCOTUS also used to be 5/9ths catholic, but there really should be some fucking anglo protestants on the court.

Dubs and she slips on a broken egg at the grocery store and shatters her hip, dying 3 weeks later.

I think that's a bad idea in the long run even if it would help us now. FDR isn't really the best alt-Reich role model considering he was a leftist.

dubs and she dies while choking on a piece of gefilte fish

I can see both sides on this. It absolutely could be detrimental long-run. But on the other hand, we're currently riding the razor's edge when it comes to demographics. 2016 was the last time someone like Trump could even be elected if the current course were kept, for example. We need to drastically turn things around now, or else we won't have a future to fight for at all.

That said, I don't think we need to bother increasing the size of the court. Just look at the court's demographics. It's going to be 5-4 in conserative's favor after he appoints the new guy. Clarence wants to retire and is going to get replaced with a fresh new conservative too. Ginsburg (83yo) is a decrepit ghoul who's guaranteed to kick the bucket during the next 8 years. Kennedy (80yo) is a cucky moderate who's going to get replaced during that time too. Breyer (78yo) will probably get replaced too.

So we're looking at a potential court that's stacked 7-2 in our favor, with the only non-conservative judges being Sotomayor and Kagan. They're awful marxists and they're young and they'll be there for decades, but they will have zero power.

Dubs and she dies choking on frog legs.


Dubs say stroke.

jews basically have magical powers and can live forever. You have to imprison them, like Assange. Basically, you can greatly limit them.

At times some come to power. When they are in power they are in a sense invincible.

However, they have weaknesses. Ginsburg's weakness is drink. The solution is, obviously, to encourage her FRIENDS to keep her sauced up. It goes without saying nobody can give her food or drink, because if anything happened they would be blamed. However, we can suggest to those we find know her that she deserves a "reward". I don't know what kind of booze she prefers, so it's best not to just guess. If you get it wrong it's an insult, even though it might be a super nice brand of alcohol, and even though the active ingredient, ethanol, is the only point of it.

the cancer reappears, inoperable. she steps down.


Expire Expire Yiddish Vampire

Stroking out and slumping down with her nice hot breakfast griddle to cushion her fall for 20 minutes.

It turns out she was the cancer all along.

A white PR I dated who is big 3 network producer told me SS was a converso Jew as soon as her name was floated.

Hideous kike goblin, be gone! Kek wills it!

Your dubs say differently. She will run out of baby blood and die soon

praise Kek
Gas the Jews out of the Supreme Court


she did faint in front of a shitload of cameras…

Those cameras were mysoginists.

Dont forget (((breyer)))


The dubs tell me yes, but my gut tells me no. She will gather all of her wretched strength and keep that seat as long as her body lasts.

Streamed live 3 hours ago
Justice Ginsburg speaks in Virginia Military Institute's Cameron Hall Feb. 1.

AAAAAAAAAAAAA what did he mean by this?

Clearly her body will not last, but the futile struggle will further expose the hypocrisy of the Marxist to the commoners. You know what to do.

technical jew, it's not through the mother.
This prove jewing runs in the family (literally) though, as the dad skipped out and is a deadbeat.
Yet she still turned out 100% kike without his involvement.
Either that or it's the result of spoiled-bitch-single-mother upbringing.
Either way, total cancer. Looks pretty jewy though.

Goodbye jews

Get cuck/pol/ to meme this into reality with their masses, our efforts are better spent on discussion and increasing our collective intellectual potential, and as a result our power.

All her rulings should be reconsidered if she was the swing vote, shes clearly not actually capable of being a supreme court judge if she was having fucking chemo, that obviously destroys brain cells as much as any other part of the body…

She looks like she is already dead. Maybe it's the foreskins keeping her alive


fuck this rutabaga kike, die kike die


You must be patient when casting meme magic

I want to fuck her. I don't know why. I hate myself. I'm sorry.

Trips and breaks her neck.


The Agony of a Jewess

I'm basking in the knowledge that she lived to see Trumps presidency and will not survive it. I'm incredibly uplifted in knowing that she thinks about that fact, fearing her nearing death. Her own mortality becoming more and more real with every conscious breath. I crack a grin because her husband died in 2010, and you know how it is for the elderly once their partners are gone. So, she goes home every night… writhing in pain, senility, and loneliness… (possibly surrounded by servants sometimes… wiping her ass for her, who all exude resentment and hatred while they "help") and this will remain her state throughout Trumps presidency until she is no more. In all likelihood one of her last thoughts will be about Trump, and about how she lost the court, and about her legacy has been erased by one man.

You want to direct energy toward Ruth Bader Ginsberg? Imagine her situation in your mind and focus on it. Bring a kike's cynicism along for the ride… What does she complain about first thing in the morning? Where does it hurt? How much do you dred going to the bathroom? All of the negative energy, direct it toward her. Sympathize in a mocking antagonistic way, so as to point out hardships and misfortune only to insincerely empathize, "oh isn't that dreadful!"

This takes collective, persistant, focus.


You're under the misapprehension that she's surviving on her own life force. All the memeing in the world won't do shit to this seahag as long as she gets her daily pint of goyim child blood injected directly into her vent.

Just ask Soros.

I'm glad we are harnessing more energy here to force a stroke, aneurysm, or blood clot for Jbag Ginsburg and any of the other Jews on the supreme court.

Praise Kek!

Magicians, this is where we step in.

We'll take it from here lads.

Oh hi again 2015, glad you stopped by… been wanting to say LOL in your dumb nigger face personally. Why are you here and how did you into the current year?

Just meme her drunk in public again.

Each executive order only further underscores her impotence. She cannot sleep out of dread for what tomorrow might bring. One of the most powerful people in the world can do nothing to even slow the tidal wave of progress smashing through her legacy.

Every day, it becomes harder for her to rationalize clinging to the bitter shreds which remain of her life. Her prior decisions – her life's work – are rendered moot on a weekly basis as a bicameral majority passes legislation. The majority of American citizens quietly celebrate her destruction while bands of hooligans burn dumpsters in the streets. All she has is the vain hope that he will not take a second term, so that she may in some small fashion spite the man destroying everything that she is.

But she knows he will. It's hopeless. The deportations begin as every DREAMer and their families are tracked down by ICE, and a decade of demographic replacement is undone within a month. Why go on? He's won. Every day just means more pain.

Each executive order only further underscores her impotence. She cannot sleep out of dread for what tomorrow might bring. One of the most powerful people in the world can do nothing to even slow the tidal wave of progress smashing through her legacy.

Every day, it becomes harder for her to rationalize clinging to the bitter shreds which remain of her life. Her prior decisions – her life's work – are rendered moot on a weekly basis as a bicameral majority passes legislation. The majority of American citizens quietly celebrate her destruction while bands of hooligans burn dumpsters in the streets. All she has is the vain hope that he will not take a second term, so that she may in some small fashion spite the man destroying everything that she is.

But she knows he will. It's hopeless. The deportations begin as every DREAMer and their families are tracked down by ICE, and a decade of demographic replacement is undone within a month. Why go on? He's won. Every day just means more pain.

Have you asked jewgle how Ruth Bader Ginsberg is feeling today yet Holla Forums?

She looks like a Deus Ex NPC. Idk why, just some low poly character from an old game.

Kek will do what needs to be done.