How can the gooks EVEN compete?

how can the gooks EVEN compete?
the french have already made perfection in every way, they beat the japs at their own game, and surpassed them in quality of anime production.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off back to cuckchan with your waifushit.

t. triggered weeb.
your shitty moe blob will NEVER compare to eva.

Japanese shows have actual uncensored nudity, if the french really want to compete they need more Lolis and flat chested girls.



That's true, big boobs are for fags.

i bet you love big booty bitches, huh tyrone?


you must learn to appreciate all waifus user
Anger wil lead you nowhere

Hey Holla Forums

I realize this is a bait thread but I wanna ask, does anyone know where I can find episodes to LASTMAN?

A.Kill yourself
B.You ask the share thread dumbass


>>>Holla Forums

I'd participate in a Wakfu thread. I'd even settle for posting sexy Ankama girls.. But this.. this is just Holla Forums horseshit. Kill yourself OP.


Lilith is better anyway.

Fuck off Holla Forums

Consider it, faggot.


Congratulations OP this is the worse thread I've seen all month. Even Holla Forums doesn't get this bad.

Wakfu was pretty good and honestly should have ended with season 2. No way it can recover from the garbage that were the OVAs.

Eva a cunt tho

OP I am going to kill you with my bare hands.
>>>Holla Forums13279943

Oh look. he's samefagging now.