Social Justice

Yo I am working on a series against SJW's Tell me what does Holla Forums think of the first episode.

Everyone already hates SJWs. It's an easy target, and there's more than enough Youtube channels doing this.

Talk about the JQ. Until then, your OC, while the effort is appreciated, is wasted.

Nice job, but what he said really. Polite sage.

True, however i ran a huge facebook page that got zucked twice over the past 4 years, a lot of people still dont know the the fun terms I'm going to dive in later on like Truscum, transtrenders, terfs, swerfs, which was were the idea comes from, you have to have a base to jump off of before we can even talk about the super crazy tumblr shit.
Also the fact that the womens match was so big tells me this is gonna go on for a lot longer.

I will watch it. However, i suggest making yourself a name in other places. Posting your OC in jewtube is not well received here generally speaking.

Mention the jews behind it all and then we'll talk.

what on earth could you be talking about

Common filth/ mistermetokur/ sargon of akkad/ daily shoah copycat

The market for these types of things is over saturated at the moment.

Honest opinion from me, you have a good voice, dont waste it on this.

Make some actual creative content, not

Its the same formula

Channel your hate against fags into something creative

On your title card you spelled University with an extra I.

Ya i realized that a bit late, i'll fix it in future videos