No, socdems are far more common, use the red flag

isn't that the joke?

ITT commies get butthurt about the only socialistic ideology that's ever worked.

Success truly does breed jealousy.

whats the difference :^)


Perhaps if you were to actually leave your basement and go out into the real world, you'd know that Social Democracy is the only "ideology" on this board that has a chance in hell of getting anything done.

What was the purpose again? Cause it sure wasn't Communism!


have any examples other germany?


He has no examples because there aren't any.

Face the facts, state socialism has ended in tyranny every time, and is therefore completely unappealing to the vast majority of people whom you need to persuade to support you.

as in swallowed up by neoliberalism?

Look at the famous Nordic model.
How long do you think it will be till it's Germany 1930 all over again?

SocDem + Capitalist Crisis = Fascism.

More like SuccDem amirite?

call me back when you have a real criticism, not just buzzwords

Baseless speculation. Germany in '33 was a one time thing.

Not even normie liberals are this deluded. The whole thing that scares people about Nazi Germany is knowing that, put in bad places, people are totally capable of doing this again.

It's not speculation.

SocDem doesn't give realistic solutions to the problem of capitalistic overproduction. It doesn't raise ClassCon. It doesn't aim for any real change.

In the end, the crisis comes and the demagoges will take over and convince the population that "it was those darn commies that got us here! They ruined our ethics and brought all those browns that took r jerbs! Only blonds with blue eyes for Sweden!"

And that is how SocDem creates the perfect foundation for Fascism.


Well, that's hardly the fault of social democracy, is it? Any government is open to undemocratic coups, even """socialist""" ones.

Yeah let's not you can go to the >>>/gulag/ now! Thanks that be great.

Spoken just like a true communist. Good luck getting the normies to support your """revolution"""

No no my good sir. Its just you that needs to go into the >>>/gulag/ Someone has to do the hard labor in Siberia! Also Normies think Socialism is when the government gives them things. Its hard enough to get them to agree that Capitalism is the problem.

Also Socdems are capitalist sellouts that only wish to see reforms to capitalism and not its destruction. Which is why we don't trust you.

Have you seen Rinoceros? You should.


hey I just had an idea, since every government can have this happen we should abolish government
we'll call it an-archy, it's a greek work meaning no archons or rulers

And this is how Capitalism came to be.

It mean not hiearachical power in general.


that's also great!

it's what we should try to do, even if it's hard!
you have to get rid of the cause of the problem!

Am no anarkid, and even I know you can.

But you need an aducated populace that cares about the benefit of the whole.

AKA You need a few generation before you can get rid of the state.

Just stating that "it's possible" doesn't make it so. Human nature just won't allow such a state of affairs to be possible.


If you think humans are always going to be bad, why not just go full nihilism? Who even gives a shit at that point from a secular mindset?


I never said humans are always "bad". The fact that you're resorting to strawmen proves that your argument has no merit.

You should realy watch Rinoceros, Ionesco. If not at theater, at least watch the Gene Wilder movie. You have all the symptoms of early stage rinoceritis.

AKA you're becoming a fascist

not an argument

Well you're not giving any reason why it wouldn't be better to have no government other than it's not possible, which by the way is a naturalistic doobeedoo.
So I'd assume you think anarchism is good, but not possible, meaning humans are bad.

You post like an aynclap btw

Hey, I'm not the one advocating redirecting society by authoritarian means. If anyone's the fascist here, it's you.


Neither did any common person in 1930 Germany. All they said was commies aren't good.

but you literally just said authoritarianism is necessary because of muh human naychur

No, I said that a democratic government is necessary. That's not authoritarian, get it right. Any normal person off the street would agree with me.



Demsocs (actual socialists) should use a socialist flag. Socdems can have that shitty fucking rose.

if hitler was voted in by a majority, he would not be authoritarian
social fascism strikes again!

M8, there's no such thing.

The issue is not that he was elected by a majority, the issue was that he used force to undemocratically seize control of government and remove other elected representatives.

Don't be dense, of course there is.

Anarchy is literally the ultimate goal of leftism. The only point of contention is how to arrive there. Anarkiddies think we can get there directly and everyone else thinks we need government for a while longer.

hypothetically if hitler was democratically elected world war 2 and the holocaust would have been fine?

Who died and made you the god of "leftism"? What gives you the right to say what its "ultimate goal" is?

Right back at ya you pacifist liberal.

In what fucking way? Where has social democracy resulted in socialism (public ownership of the MoP)? Where does it even advocate for that? Where has it not been appropriated by liberalism to turn "socialism" into a term that means "nanny state"?

Social democracy is right behind identity politics for most cancerous faction associated with the left.

A centralized democratic government.

Yeah, no such thing. The point of electing leftists is to get rid of both state and capitalism.


I never advocated for a centralized government. Federal states work just fine, thank you very much.

back to pol.

it literally is though

See these scare quotes this nigger put around leftism? He's trying to soften the borders of what leftism is and cast doubt on its legitimacy as a concept. He's trying to associate the label with his liberalism. This is a COINTELPRO tactic called consensus cracking. Look out for such tactics, as this board has recently seen a spike in this kind of shit.

Why do you think states are necessary? This is historically wrong.

You do realize you're arguing with people who don't want capitalism right?

imagine professional psyops people coming here and still getting btfo

you need to go back to your containment board please

daily reminder that this is no different than Holla Forumsyps shouting "kike shill!" whenever they get BTFO

This is the fucking definition of socialism you retard. If social democracy does not advocate for socialism, it is not socialist. If it's not socialist, it cannot be

but you lose every argument, the fact that you still think you win just shows that violence is sometimes necessary to do what's right

Yeah, he's not a socialist. Socdems don't advocate for socialism, this is known.

oh my bad, didn't see that 2nd quote

Just because they use COINTELPRO tactics doesn't mean they're psyops. Run of the mill rent-a-shills do it too. When the Clintonite shill avalanche started a few months back, they were using consensus cracking and sliding.


This is the post the reply chain was responding to.

Tell me more on how democratic our democracies are…

How, for example, the EU is nothing like the central planning of the USSR at all…
How the president of the US is in constant check by the people and the congress is not controlled by lobbies..

Tell me more about this "DEMOCRACY" you talk about.

Republic =/= Democracy

Um, yes it is. Just ask anyone, unless you, of course, never leave your mother's basement and don't know any normies…


Democracy doesn't have representatives.
It's not how it works.

Just as anyone in 300 B.C. Athens.

Republic does.
Just as anyone in 100 B.C. Rome.
