Based de-classcucking propaganda for whitey

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Wow, so progressive.

Yeah this obviously didn't happen because Iceland is 100% white or anything

Iceland has a smaller population than my city

It's not about the quantity but quality

The fuck is that website



Hey OP said whitey first


cos this is for Holla Forums entryists
why go stormfag, when can just go full state ownership instead right away?

tényleg nem értem mi a fasz a szándékod ezzel a fonállal

Iceland is actually a perfect example why successfully implemented socialism requires well educated, homogeneous population with zero immigration

Isolated geographical position and small population make things even more easy for Iceland

Except Iceland isn't socialist.

Just kicking out the bankers is itself more socialist than any other socdem country ever was

but go ahead, try to prove that fine "only whites can do leftism" shit, this should be fun

This tbh. The real radical notion is to fight one's weak tendencies and declare nonwhites as enemies of the state and enemies of progress.

Unless racial homogenity is achieved, the population can never come together to resist the bourgues because the perception of the other as my enemy always comes before class intrest, and so far I've only seen proof of that.

Not to mention, I fucking hate niggers and pajeets, and you know deep inside you do too

It's not surprising that nazbol and sometimes tankies are the only people even half sensible on Holla Forums tbh fam.

all me


They didn't need to go full white, they were already very homogeneous and this only eased up the process

The thing with smaller communities is that they're unironically more secure, more safer, and better organized. If i remember correctly every other Icelander knows another on that island. People are more trusting to each other, their families have known each other for generations. They cooperate in small matters day to day but this is altogether very important. So you already have a certain level of unity in community. The next big thing is making economic matters in community better and efficient for everyone and the obvious choice is socialism on a local (national) level.

yugoslavia was working until socialism was bankrupted by the west
first yrs of soviet union. population was unified amongst ethnicities and colours by the fear of white terror
also read otto bauer and other austro-marxists. their theories prove that if the society is not homogenous you need a higher level of decentralization (exactly what lenin did during NEP btw.) to succeed.
also, you cannto prove a direct correlation between thsi homogenity of your arbitrary understanding and any socialist policies working, so this is your biased assumption.

This, but also, ethno-nationalist 'socialist' idea of 'homogenous' is idealist because it operates on folk terminology of what 'white', 'Nordic' or even simply 'Icelandic' means. Folk terminology which, as with all terminologies under bourgeois hegemony, is decided, proposed and maintained by bourgeois ideology. This is why reaction leads to ethno-nationalism; it is what bourgeois rule is made of. This idea of racial [citation needed] 'purity' is not just pure ideology, but fundamentally reactionary, and proves that NatBol, Nazism and all other 'third way' type socialisms based on folkish spooks are just pure drivel.

Do you really believe this nonsense? It's the typical right wing analysis that looks for external causes for systemic crises (muh jews, muh CIA). Yugoslavia was weakened by unequal development, the possibility to accumulate capital in market socialism, and ethnic tension came from inequality

kell még valamit mondanom, Ildikó?

protip, the Yugos hated each other's guts and waited Tito's death so they could finish from where they left in WW2

SU worked only because nomenklatura managed to russify it successfuly (if there was anything to russify that is, since it was all Russia before that) once the Perestroika went down everyone started demanding their own little feud

[citation needed]

turd positionists GTFO. or is it some entry-level Holla Forumslution autism going on again

paultry and superficial analysis borrowed from some populist nonsense
also not is was talking about SU between 1922-28 and you are talkign about russification post-28


The ethnic tensions came from internal causes, as I just laid down. After Tito's death it became clear that either other nations accept a Serb-dominated Yugoslavia, or they split up. Milosevic left them no third choice.

Please stop pretending to quote me and actually quote me if you want to have a discussion.

I can't really take seriously those who pretend to be communists but neglect to look at the errors of the past.

Just ask any Croat or Serb, heck, ask Bosnians they'll tell you better

Don't forget that SU had to surrender a huge fuckton of western non-Russian territories just to fucking stay in life

I don't understand why do you use typical examples of failed multicultural society

I'm talking about peace of Brest-Litovsk obviously

i'm a slovenian, i know what it's really like you idiot.

weren't you guys first to secede? You were special snowflakes in Yugoslavia anyway


my argument was not that market socialism does not face any issues, i was arguing that these issues could have been tackled head on, within the state structure provided. overdependence on external market forces and inept reaction to that situation by federal bodies after and around 1980 made all the difference.

lol wut?

all i know is i would kiss the girl in that picture on the lips

So you concede that capital accumulation was possible under Yugoslavia and that it did lead to inequality.

Unless they had radically changed the redistributive network from that of a money based market to something else, I doubt that the internal contradictions present in 20th century socialist experiments could have been avoided.

a lot of tankies are super-spooked, like this NazBol pretender tbh

Which pair?

when market forces tipped the balance yes. i dont think that it means that yugo did not work at all.
otherwise, you are right.

I bet you wouldn't if she looked like a nigger. Really makes you think, huh? That white women are the most desirable

the kind on her face comrade, what other kind is there?

i'm pretty attracted to black women too, actually. i generally don't discriminate when it comes to attraction to people based on race.

wow, you must be a normal human being!

hard to believe, right?

Sure buddy. Everyone wants a white women, and if they can't get one the opt for a nonwhite.


here is your white woman BDSM fantasy

mostmár igen?


van ez a "csak homogén társadalmak csinálhatnak szociális progresszív dolgokat" bullshit, ezt akartam kitárgyalni
simán lehet hogy elbasztam


I could 'wew' any of your posts but this one's the worst

Aren't you that sixteen year old tripfaggot?


That's actually how socio-economics works. Get back to your white muh privilege discussions, Trayvon.

no shit.
we couldn't figure it out from your biased comments

Nah, it boils down to the skin.

basic evolution of Holla Forums visiting this board:
- arguing proud Holla Forums → gets dominated by the sheer power of theory → returns as angry stormfag → gets defeated again -→ repeat -→ destroyed -→ loses spooks and ideologies -→ returns as a tankie → win every time

Not sure if it's a win for us tbh.

very arbitrary, but he's already on a path to accepting facts, which is good tbh.

To Holla Forumsacks skin color is what determines all of the above.

and an especially shitty one on top