SUBVERSIVE I Created Racist Twitter Accounts With Doxed Antifa

I was banned 10 times on Twitter so I've decided that the next time I'm getting banned, I'm taking down some anti-white commie scum with me.

I'm using a dox that I verified myself of some antifa fag. I've begun operations today. This is a great way to turn their anti racist weapons against themselves. Anti-white traitors deserve it.

Bonus points if you get antifa to clobber the doxed antifa you're impersonating.



I'm more hoping that he just gets fired from his job. I don't wish for any violence

Too bad, I'll award you bonus points for it anyway.

you poor man i only got banned 4 times

Don't use antifa who were doxed publicly, dox them yourself.

This is actually one of the single greatest ideas I've seen on here. It's as insidious as a kike on a good day.

His facebook and all his posts are still there. He's still active Antifa piece of shit who needs to be brought down with some real life consequences for being an anti white traitor and a communist.