Why can't SJW be useful for once and make pic related happen?
It's all I want from an X-Men movie. A romance story between Nightstalker and Angel. They even have the right twink actors in their franchise right now.
Why can't SJW be useful for once and make pic related happen?
It's all I want from an X-Men movie. A romance story between Nightstalker and Angel. They even have the right twink actors in their franchise right now.
Because attractive people are offensive.
Fuck off tumblrina
They can it's called shitty fanfiction.
Can't they do one thing for me?
They have to shit up everything, why can't they for once make an yaoi romance with twink actors like there are on Xmen right now happening?
I am getting such blue balls from watching Xmen and not getting anything.
Kill yourself
Fujoshits should be gassed
Fuck off back to tumblr
No wonder Holla Forums did shit to save their hobby from this cancer.