I made a thread about right wing laughing squads the other day. It got deleted, which I expected since there wasn't much room for discussion, since it's such a 100% grade fact.
Because, you're right.
It wrests control out of their hands and puts it into yours.
Have the copypasta from then.
A new superweapon to bridge the time until RWDS.
And this weapon is "Right Wing Laughter Squads"!
Yes, this might sound stupid at first glance, but it's one of those "duh, it was under our noses the entire time!" kind of deal, and I think it has one of the most devastating potentials we could make use of.
Consider this:
It requires no argument, in fact, laughing at someone without any apparent reason instills a great insecurity in most people.
It makes the person feel stupid and agitated, feeling stupid is the bane of any liberal, since they are "learned" while we are the dumb nazis.
It is not hate speech.
You can dress up like a faggot liberal for extra psychological damage, especially if you form an actual laughter squad.
(Imagine being a liberal and being pointed and laughed at by other liberals).
It has no counter argument.
It shames everybody.
(Imagine seeing a life perfomance of "art" where some bitch squirts paint out of her asshole, and instead of getting angry and shocked (which they aim for), laugh at them with utmost derision and lack of remorse)
(This gives control back to YOU since their attempt at controlling your emotions "anger", "indignation", etc and you turn the table, just laughing at them, putting them on the defensive )
In fact, it is so effective that it would even be a great weapon against "us", if it weren't for the fact that evil nazi bigots don't do dumb shit in public all the time.
Imagine laughing at J.K. Rowling for saying that she "canons" group masturbation sessions at Hogwarts.
Imagine laughing at her because of it. Utter derision.
And I only picked a handful of examples, but, reflect upon it for a moment and consider the ramifications of laughter squads and their wide sweeping effectiveness and lack of defense against them.
I mean, we use it all the time. Smug anime girls. Smug Pepes. We only laugh in private and online.
But, I am convinced that right wing laughter squads have great potential.
The art of bullying and shaming with laughter has been exorcised by filling the sane people with hatred and contempt at liberal and kike bullshit.
But laughter is still one of the greatest weapon of shame and subjugation, especially for the virtue signalling left.
I realize that this thread, as matter of factly it is, might die quickly because the truth in this statement will not make for great discussion.
It is undeniable, search yourself, fully, and thoroughly, and you will realize that laughter squads are a fearsome weapon against our faggoty enemies.
(RLM clip chosen because of point and laugh, nothing more)
But imagine a flashmob doing this to some liberal faggots protesting, speaking.
Hell, even big wig politicians.
Imagine a "Lachflashmob" in Germany, where instead of "Merkel muss weg" (Merkel needs to go), the people just point and laugh her off the stage, every time.
When she passes by, roaring laughter and pointing.
Crush their egos and feel great about it at the same time.