Have you seen this shit? Have you seen this shit?
It's a grim system, motherfucker.
It's time to make the law great again. Cunt disbarred.
Have you seen this shit? Have you seen this shit?
It's a grim system, motherfucker.
It's time to make the law great again. Cunt disbarred.
No. All feminist judges should wear such a hat so we know who they are.
What county? Let's get her removed.
I'm an idiot. Travis County. Plainly visible in the picture.
no respect for the position.
How fast they would hoist these people from trees, more like.
Let's get this dumb bitch fired.
Yeah, they weren't pussies. They want against a world super power to establish their nation, some faggots aren't going to stop them.
That can be interpreted as a sign of bias, right?
I think the idea behind the post was 'The Founding fathers would be ashamed'
Time to end another career.
That is a disgrace.
She could be the first judge to be prosecuted for contempt of court. What a privilege.
I want to spread this! Sauce?
They most likely are but it's a discredit to them if we say they'd kill themselves when faced with this headache of a problem.
Those pussy hats really do make them look like little piggies. Oink oink.
Please tell me someone archived the tweet. It isn't on her twitter anymore
Are judges allowed to make political statements from the bench?
Got it from twitter.com
Kek bless you
Republicanism failed
In no uncertain words no.
Source: law.uh.edu
From what I've seen of judges the past few years, political bias doesn't seem to disqualify them from their jobs. Judges in MD and DC are apparently all servants of the left.
More accurate would be that leftists would shove cyanide down their throats for being white cismale slave owners.
Canon 2: A Judge Should Avoid Impropriety and the Appearance of Impropriety in all Activities
(B) Outside Influence. A judge should not allow family, social, political, financial, or other relationships to influence judicial conduct or judgment. A judge should neither lend the prestige of the judicial office to advance the private interests of the judge or others nor convey or permit others to convey the impression that they are in a special position to influence the judge. A judge should not testify voluntarily as a character witness.
(C) Nondiscriminatory Membership. A judge should not hold membership in any organization that practices invidious discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion, or national origin.
Fucked that post up
Have fun being a vegetable for the rest of your life.
Shut up, Meg.
I dunno, I think anybody would want to die when faced with this kind of a problem. The Founding Fathers basically dedicated their lives to fighting the tyranny of British rule so the people of the colonies could have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and yet nearly 300 years later we've got a mass of screeching whale cunts marching on Washington because President Trump doesn't want the taxpayer to pay for their abortions and other stupid shit
I imagine it's sort of like watching your children grow up to be a massive disappointment
Forwarded it to Brietbart and Drudge, I don't have twitter. Anyone want to forward it to Gov Abbot and Lt. Gov Dan Patrick? They would eat it up to destroy this liberal bitch.
I sure hope spoilers are fixed.
Niggers don't carry those. They don't hold 15
Only people who testify against the Clinton can do that. Your best bet is to put it up against your temple, or get a shotgun and do it right. Putting the gun in your mouth is pants on head retarded.
Is he ok?
Close range?
That nigger with the corn rows is one ugly motherfucker.
Looks fake but have a bump.
Don't kid yourself. They're all ugly motherfuckers, a stain on the human race.
Doesn't that basically identify her with a cause that she's willing to bring into her judgements, thus representing a conflict of interest?
I would think you could get a judge, of all people, in some deep shit for social-signaling like that.
That was the joke.I guess I should have found a picture of one of her actual victims, but I just posted a random 30_30 headshot instead.
I dont think there is a public picture of Suzanne Colemans death photo.
Underrated, i laffed
Nice trips. I'm more interested in her living photos at this moment. :^)
A judge should be the most accountable for this. Even if the president did this shit it wouldn't be as big of a deal as when a judge does it.
I want to spread this, what is a good hashtag that will get it seen?
How can you claim anything approximating neitrality while wearing the symbollic vestments of a unquestionably-biased ideal?
Have a Pepe Mr. Wiseguy
#TooFar #TooMuch #NoEthics ?
just spitballing here
Well atleast she's not a Jew.
they wouldn't. they'd trust us to do the right thing and remove the cancer with a razor sharp scalpel.
I meant more along the lines of an existing one that people are seeing now. Went with #ReasonsToProtest since its been trending. I suggest any fellow twatter warriors spread this, normies can relate to it. Be sure to call it a piggy hat.
Bump. Disrespecting traditions of office. Judges must be apolitical. Let us get this bitch fired.
Sadly, it looks like she got a pass. archive.is
Can you wear a MAGA hat in court?
No, you're not allowed to make America great again.
Learn how to make a good thread or fuck off back to cuckchan.
The Wire is actually a pretty good advert for why we need to have some ethnic cleansing.
Those "people" are beyond hope, that show showed that.
Judge Fuckhardt.
Delete Yourself.
They weren't allowed to make America either, but they did it anyway.
the tweet from biggs page archive.is