There is one thing I want you to understand: progress is made not by insulting your enemies...

There is one thing I want you to understand: progress is made not by insulting your enemies, but by increasing your knowledge. If you see somebody saying stupid things, correct them, don't insult them. The sea erodes the land one grain of sand at a time.

Other urls found in this thread:

You're wrong, you stupid faggot. Public discourse is all about denigrating your opponents and winning the masses favor, not being "right".

We adhere to the truth here, always, but that doesn't mean we can't call someone a weak faggot.

Progress is made by defeating your enemies, not turning the other cheek as they laugh at your impotence.

Well go right ahead and tell the people concerned on (((reddit and social-media))). If you feel like making another high-quality thread like this, use the proper imageboard next time.

Reported for being a cuck

OP status: denigrated.

Is this satire?

Tell that to Hitler, I'm not sure he got the memo

Sorry fam I'm going to keep scuzzing fags like you until there isn't a single kike, fag, nigger, or woman that works left in Europe or America.

What's that even supposed to mean?

Do you not understand my words?

I understand that you have a sore pussy over President Trump.

Hitler was winning the war and hard, and yet in the end he lost. All that survives is his memory and his words, and it's thanks to those that we're here.
It's not might that makes right.

Considering how he got defeated militarily first, and later on got defeated ideologically, might does make right.

Do you think a leftard would harm his cause by giving you advice?


His ideological defeat was incomplete and temporary. We're here because he was right.

Go on, explain to me how I'm wrong.

I think only a salty faggot would come begging for Holla Forums to cuck out for muh pr even after the anal devastation that was the 2016 presidential election.

But yes, lets all go down to the local synagogue and have a respectful debate with rabbi shlomo about what evidence exists proving the holocaust happened.

By correct them do you mean an impotent scolding or bullets?


No retard, it isn't. Read "hammer of the patriot" and lurk more.

I don't mean that we should go into the lion's den. We should fight the useful idiots with truth alone, because in the end they're white people too, they can be made to see reason.
Dispensation of red suppositories to normalfags is also a worthy cause.

And then get suckerpunched and stomped in the throat
That makes them race traitors, worse than niggers and jews
haha good one

Quote the relevant passages.

I obviously mean on the internet and in public discussions. If a leftard starts shit go right ahead and do your thing.

Listen cocksucker we're not going to do your research for you. Read the damn book. He clearly lays out that you need to win the audience over, not your opponent.

Sage for being a faggot

No, unfortunately alinsky was right.

why not do both, fag OP?

Youre wrong because these "people" are so far beyond help that you'll be wasting your breath trying to "educate" them.
Some of them if think they can "educate" us.

You spread information while destroying weak shill bullshit (like yours). If you hurt a few feelings along the way, oh well.

Really, nigger?

So that's why the marxists won and Trump lost?
Oh wait…
Get gassed cuck.

Negative karma always comes backs at you for being a faggot.

The only thing they understand is authority

We take over media and academia.
Then we reason with them.

Not an argument, nigger

Are you getting paid for this or are you just that desperate for attention, you pathetic cuck niggerfaggot?

Beware not to go off the far end and turn the world against you, your former allies included. Autism convinces nobody.

Also take out Hollywood

You are a huge faggot. I hope the person you care about most dies slowly while you have to watch helplessly.

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

Begone, faggot.

Anyone who would ever ally with the left/marxists is a retard not worth having as an ally.

karma is a fact
not a matter of belief

No, I'm here because I've been noticing an alarming increase of solipsism in the people of this board and I want to do something about it.


No, they trust authority because they don't understand reality and want prepackaged thought to keep living. Give them that.

I think he might be tired of winning.



Progress is made by giving your opponents a catchy, demeaning name and shouting at them.
Get with the fucking programme.
Leftards are too fucking stupid to listen to reasoned arguments. They can literally, and I mean literally, be raped by niggers and blame whites for it.
Solipsism my arse.

We were all bluepilled, once.

Fascinating stuff friendo

Wtf do you think I mean by saying take over the media and academia??????
Is this a bot?

liked upvoted and shared

If that were true Killary would have won.


shit nigger what election were you watching because all I saw was Trump razzing everyone for a year and a half and then winning the presidency.

No Trump won because luckily we haven't become Sweden yet.

You don't need to wait for that to happen. Treat them like you would your own children, because that's their dialectical level. Redpill them gently.

It is true, are you really that obtuse? What "catchy" demeaning name did she give Trump? there were several she tried but they all fell flat as she is a fucking loser.

Donald styled on them but he also told America the truth, and he was truly revolutionary in that.

Thanks for the advice OP, have some pepe

Remember Yuri some of them are too far gone to be saved. I used to believe the same as you but I have come to accept some white people can't be saved.


Some, the most mentally ill ones.
The rest can be shaken enough to give them some serious pause.

Yes and I came to my own epiphany. It wasn't listening to Glen Beck/Fox news/controlled opposition that changed my mind. It wasn't some wise sage who showed me the errors of my way.

It was deep and thoughtful inspection of the world coupled with my experiences.
"If blacks themselves (Maya Angelou, Common, etc) say that welfare is financial slavery, then why do they keep taking it? And why are the Democrats heroes while constantly wanting to expand it?"
massive experience with dindus

And get shouted down for being A FUCKING WHITE MALE

in short

Which came out in record numbers for Trump, was it leftards or new voters who the elites disenfranchised and ignored? Oh right it was the new voters. The silent majority is king buddy, not leftists.

On the other hand, I was a hardcore liberal because I live in a country with little to no dindus and Holla Forums was a huge factor for me.

Persevere. If he who holds the truth capitulates, what then?

Perhaps. I've been wrestling with this for a while and fear a sizable minority of leftist white people are now true believers who cannot be shaken in their (political) faith.

They were attracted by his promise of a brighter future, not his bantz

The post.


Guess I'll be capitulating to you now

You're a dumb nigger faggot who doesn't know how to win. First you win, then you rub it in until the weak decide to follow you.

Read the thread, maybe you'll change your mind.

See you soon.

What's with the samefagging shills in every damn thread?
Damn mods can't do their fucking job.

Our victory will be won when the emperor is crowned, until then don't let victory defeat you.

look at that he is tired of winning what did I tell you guys


Nobody is saying don't use the truth, nobody is saying you need to lie. We're saying use the truth but also BEAT THEM OVER THE FUCKING HEAD WITH IT and convince the audience. The person you are arguing with likely won't be swayed by facts, logic or ridicule. But the audience will, and that is your actual target.

man you just don't know the working class do you

It also can't just be boiled down to good bantz. He used bantz to ridicule but also told the truth. You need both.

I am working class, dunno about you.

An audience swayed by bantz is a flag in the wind. Win their minds and they'll follow you to the bitter end.

Shouldn't you be busy ruining Canada, Justin?

Why do you keep posting the same post over and over and over again? Do you think you'll convince anybody?
Just call your friends and have them ddos the site for a while.

There is, maybe, 10% of any population willing to both modulate their convictions and then also die for their principles. It's not an entire waste to do what you want to do, but you aren't thinking straight about the logistics. Denigrating anons here for not trying their very best to proselytize to communists betrays your immaturity.

This isn't how people operate at all. You don't convince people of things, you condition them.


My example begs to differ.

I may have mischaracterized my target. Old, dyed in the wool communists are out of anybody's reach, but our peers have no vested interest in communism because they're too young, have toolittle connections, and can be made to reason, in time.

Read the thread for my rebuttals.

You understand though, surely, that good rhetorical technique Incorporates stylistic use of the truth, right? The creation of nicknames, mockery, and the use of facts can all be held in the same hand. It's not right to say that an audience influenced by banter isn't worth anything. Were you just being polemic when you implied that?

Firstly, fuckhead, I'm in my 40s.
Secondly, most children are so wide-eyed and ignorant that they inherently think communism is something that can actually work.
Thirdly, this thread is proof positive that you're talking bollocks since the only thing you've convinced the anons here of is that you don't know what you're on about.

Your rebuttals were not persuasive.

Bantz makes the debate entertaining, sure, but somebody who is swayed by that alone is a worthless human being. Cattle, not a free human.

Trump has proven the opposite, call out your pussy adversaries do not let them set the tone at soft, they crumble once you break that tone.


Might is only useful in the phase of the implementation of violence, wisdom is ever important for it paves the way for the weight of one's ideas and if they will last the test of time. Hitlers arms failed and are long gone, his ideas, the opposite.

You know very well you're an outlier.
This is why you educate them.
Not a point. I say I have done pretty well.

Had he only insulted them, he wouldn't be where he is.

Your apparent characterization of rhetorical technique as mere "bants" is embarrassing. I had hoped you were just trying to file up anons here to get them to work harder on developing newer strategies, but it seems you are more undereducated than you realize.

Why are you making dichotomies where they don't exist? He would not have gotten here if he didn't strategize his use of the truth and make it digestible. Don't you realize the skill he had in doing what he did? Can't you see how his style is the culmination of years of practice and theory?

It should be allowed to insult someone, sometime that is a wakeup call. However if you ONLY insult someone, without explaining why that is, that is not so good.

If you think someone is stupid for something you should be able to argue why. If you can't do that, chances are it's you that is retarded.

Also, it's usually the shills that are the most vitriolic. They want someone to short-circuit and discussion to be dragged down to a lower level. Remember that.

Your example is wrong.

I have touched upon it briefly earlier, but I will explain it better to you now.
What I'm trying to do is to remind the people of this board that basing your dialectics on insults and umad does nothing to sow good seed. You may win a battle, but you'll have advanced in the war not by a single inch.
I'm not worried about the intelligent among us, I'm worried about those lacking experience in verbal warfare.

I love you
No homo

My life is wrong?

naive, but not an uncommon standpoint, at least until you actually start arguing with people past a 1on1 debate between friends/acquaintances. the main issue here is that it assumes two things:

1 - that people care about the truth above all else. they don't. they care about what makes their already internalized truth look more true, even if it is objectively false. no leftist will admit that immigration fucks up a country, no matter how much evidence you throw at them, because in their mind, it simply cannot be true.

2 - that your opponent respects you in any way. they don't. why should they, when their opponents are, to them, a bunch of ignorant, stupid hicks that are simply too stubborn to see what is right in front of their faces? these are people who work to get people fired using social media if they express some wrongthink about a leftist sacred cow, which is about 1 degree of separation from just killing the guy.

keep your respectful debates for your friends and family. humiliate the enemy until it cries otherwise

Thank you. :-)

You will find your job much easier than you think if you treat the whites among them as actual white people and argue with them without being the first to raise the tone. You're not the only one with a brain.
When you make it clear that you're not attacking their self worth they'll be greatly more receptive.

That OP, anons, is a true french boy

You're not doing people on here a service by giving them your advice, I can tell you that much. If you really wanted to help the less skilled on here develop a "fact based" ability to argue, you'd do well to direct them towards reading traditional debate literature and advising them towards something like going on Omegle to try and convince people of various things as practice. Your crusade against the admittedly less sophisticated (but no less challenging, I assure you) rhetorical techniques for domination is misguided because you denigrate the form most debates will take for the next few years on the street level.

It is more than good that anons on the street employ "Hammer of the Patriot" devices whilst others choose to take the higher road.

in that case, it is much more useful to use rhetoric to argue than to rely on facts with dialectic.

Then let us all make sure there actually is somebody taking that higher road, or we will taste the hardest fall we will remember.

I'm worried about our future is all.

There you go. Now fuck off and lurk more.

This is how I know you're a fool.


One of the best ways to redpill White folks is to bully the fuck out of them.
It may not work in an immediate sense, but effective bullying will stick with them - they're going to carry that weight.
And those that observed them being bullied will unconsciously want to avoid that status - its all about social status, really - and so seek to avoid making the same mistake/espousing the same flawed ideas.

Bullying works. Cupping peoples balls does not.
Holla Forums espouses this reality better than any other sphere.

The sea erodes the land via hard, forceful waves that shear entire layers of sand away, dragging such into the sea even as myriad forces attempt to inhibit such.
Plus, sand is just fish shit anyway.

Literally the same argument tier

Did I say social progress? Do you think me this stupid?

Baseless bullying started GG and look what happened. We were the white goyim being bullied for no good reason and we went to war and won.
Remember to keep the truth at the forefront of your actions or you will end up like a beaten sjew.


It was a better, more concise argument that either your opening OP or your present response to the argument in question.

They - the average normie - doesn't care who has the best arguments.
And all women are sluts.
So, if they are the same 'tier' in terms of argumentation, they're successful and accurate - which is more than you can claim.

It's fish shit and you're shit.

You all seem so eager to call my defeat but so far I've been weathering the storm just fine and I think I have gotten my point across to many more than you realize.

Only demonstrating further that you're a fool.
Twasn't triggering, rather, demonstrative of your mindset.

You think GG started because gaymers were bullied?
Hah, no.
It started because GGers saw a falsehood, and rather than try to have a rational discussion with insane sluts and their carousel horses, they bullied the fuck out of them… For awhile, at least - eventually, cucks like you showed up, and soured the whole thing.
The average normie does not care about the truth, and your opposition certainly does not - while the truth is a valuable weapon, can make bullying all the more effective, it is not alone sufficient to provide victory.

Meet the Parrot Fish, faggot.

ebin, if you "won" then why does Watch_Dogs 2 exist? Why is vidya getting more and more pozzed every day?

Face it gamergoys, you lost, just like the aut-kike and other PRfags will lose.

You've yet to form an argument that was better than the one presented against you.
When presented with it, you pouted like a fag and tried to half-assedly denigrate it, and came off looking like the pouty fag you are.

We're basically just pointing at you and laughing at this point.

I have one word for you: Gawker.

That they lost isn't as important as WHY they lost.
Because they stopped bullying, because muh PR.

When they had teeth, they were a threat, they were scary, they got results.
When that beast lost its fangs, it had to die.

Sand can be fish-shit, but not all fish-shit is sand.
Most sand is tiny rocks that formed over years of erosion, and compressed organic matter ie fish-poop
t. marine biologist


As I said, sand is fish shit.
I did preface it any further, and so it remains as true as it is false.


You didn't do gawker, gawker got fucked because they were a shady "journalism" company that wouldn't take down the Hulkster's n00dz.

I wholeheartedly agree with this, and this is why the aut-kike will lose as well.


Checked for opposition to the sandban.
No more discrimination against substrates based upon their composition! Its unAmerican!

Did you know several Californian and Japanese beaches import desert-sand because it retains heat better and they want to promote tourism?

That's substratist!

I see the thread has been successfully derailed. No matter. If you have seen the truth in my words, I have done my job exceedingly well. If not, sucks to be you I guess.

End the sedimentary segregation
Make beaches #mud again

Thread got derailed, OP got BTFO, however you wanna internalize it to protect your fee-fees, faggot.

I admire your naivety. I thought like you once. There is a nobility to it, of a sort… But it will not suffice. Not via argumentation and debate shall the great issues of our time be decided, but by blood and iron - our job is merely to get the conversation to that point. One day, you will understand.

That's reverse-substratism!

TIME to hire a new writing staff

Trump won because he called people "weak low energy loser crooks". He didn't walk everyone through the Clinton Foundation's many crimes, he just kept calling Hillary a dumb cretinous traitor, and the people agreed with him.




nah nigger your PRfag bullshit won't fly here, we learned from our gaymergay mistakes.
You'll learn someday too.

I'll learn not to let my rage overpower my dialectics? Because that's what I've been advocating all this thread.

There is nothing naive about self control.


We won because we're better at banter.


fuck off kikes

If knowledge trumped all Ron Paul would've been elected President twice and not that nigger. Trump won because he dominated everyone who opposed him and made them look weak.

As far as humans are concerned it's better to be strong and wrong than weak and right.

Trump understands power better than anyone, especially you faggot. Good luck with your next campaign.

wow, what a faggot

asians treat everyone non asian like scum and attack and harass them - no one wants to be with them (sometimes not even themselves)

mexicans treat everyone non asian like scum and attack and harass them - no one wants to be with them (sometimes not even themselves)

white people treat everyone shit skin like equal or even better and makes them fell comfortable - there you go, all shit skin clinch to you and want to parasite you


you need to treat poo humans as what they are.

If an indian can do so, there's no reason the white man can't either.

Grow up faggots. A wise man is worth more when the SHTF than an SJW. Have you learnt nothing from Holla Forums? Try remaining calm, firm, independent and strong in your next arguments. See the difference. The second you lose your temper, you lose control. A strong man shows no weakness. Ever. Use your brains. Use your fists. Use your God-given identity to assess the situation instead of going full autist because it suits you. It affects more than you.

i.e. I would side with D'souza before I side with this limpwristed faggot based solely on intelligent and logical thinking.