I never saw a more blatant anti-White racist movie trailer for a film. The Jews in Hollywood are really outdoing themselves. This is fucking disgusting and Whites should be calling for a boycott of this shit.
You Guys Got to Fucking See This
Idk how I have no hands.
I don't know. Looks like the message is "fear the white people, nigger." Nothing wrong with that.
I say just let it bomb at the box office like it will. Don't draw any more attention to it other than disinterest.
Thanks alot man.
No problemo.
I was just talking to my brother about this one. I'm seeing it as a backdoor enforcement of their failed "systemic racism" meme.
"Remember you nigge- er my fine African American friend. No matter how kind and accepting the White Man seems to be, deep down he is a backwards, evil, murdering, bastard"
t. film merchant
IS THAT FUCKING PEPE?????????????????
Btw, we really need to get an IMDB presence going.
look up "get out frog". It's a goon thing.
I don't watch new movies, all cucked bullshit, waste of money and time.
OP, has a point, it's anti-white film. It's also anti-interracial marriage.
That ID
Movies aren't for us (White people) anymore. Hollywood has firmly set its sights on the "International" market so they have an excuse to cast their beloved shitskin pets in every project they film. Hilarious, that black who mentioned "how scary White people are." We're probably the least hostile, most accommodating race of people on the entire planet.
Unless you intentionally piss us off. Which is what they're doing now.
what the fuck
Worked great for Ghostbusters.
there was a thread a while ago
Nothing could save that turd.
But look at Mad Max Fury road instead.
(Let's just agree Star Wars didn't need anything to sell it).
Taking back entertainment should be one of the main priorities. The problem is that it requires such massive infrastructure and all that exists is concentrated in Hollywood which is 100% jewish controlled.
There is a lot of competence though, plenty of dank hitler videos on youtube who are pure kino. I'm sure a few dedicated Holla Forums and Holla Forums-fags could put something together with the right budget and actors. Imagine an unpozzed ww2 movie about Operation Barbarossa's first year or something?
this is actually a surprisingly accurate movie all things considered, good to see hollywood steep up their game
Ths is why they are afraid of p2p because quality floats and their shit sinks.
Exactly, Jews try to make it look like the opposite.
Be a productive member for the community and a nightmare for dimdus
Do niggers actually think racist white people want them around and would go through intense means just to surround themselves with their kind?
How narcissistic can you get?
Maybe this isn't such a bad thing? I mean the more we create segregation between niggers and white women the better, right?
Remember kids, when the race war breaks out, whites will be the victors. inb4 D&C shill, I want to divide and conquer niggers, don't you?
The movie sounds as retarded as that old propaganda flick, White Man's Burden.
Why is Hollywood pimping their shitty films on this board? They did it with Hidden Figures too. No one here is going to give you Kikes a cent to see your anti-white films gtfo.
Nigger-tier nigger film
To be fair, most are probably LARPing that they even have a white gf, or a gf in general. Even if they do, you can be assured they wouldn't leave them.
just because they're breaking up doesn't mean he won't kill her still or keep knocking her up anyway. if anything it just means he's going to go rape more white women.
Stop crushing my dreams of niggers that stop letting coalburners burn coal >:(
Shut up you stupid Kike. Its important to bring attention to Jewish propaganda. There's difference between shilling and drawing attention to anti-White propaganda.
I still think madmax had one good bit. When the old women were explaining how their little bit of land turned to shit and the only reason they could think of was "lol idk" I chuckled bigly.
Did you only now learn about the Stepford Negros? I was the first one to make a thread on this back in October.
Also the delusion of the kike and nigger is so strong that they don't even want to admit that the whites consider darkies genetically inferior and that there is no way to "fix" them. Why would they brainwash a nigger into a taxpaying negro only for them to produce half-niglets who will have an IQ of 90 rather than 85?
Why would they wanted functionally retarded grandchildren?
And everybody was dead in six months.
The Stepford Niggers; coming this fall.
don't boycott, it gives the film free publicity. just ignore it.
==This is good,== it's make dindus afraid of whites again.
Well yea, they have now a blatant attempt at scoring in the Chinese market with that wall movie. Ironically they make a white guy the hero fighting dragons or some shit. Chinks will eat it up. They even like movie we consider shit, but don't forget how big of a market they are for hollywood now, especially as US film attendance is dropping bad. People blame all the new tech out there, which is partly true I think, but I would guess that part of the reason is what you already described. People don't want to go see the insulting shit they throw at you anymore.
I just saw this earlier today. Never seen a more negro nig in all my days. Okay, that's a lie, there's a literal piece of coal that goes to my university. But still, dem some strong negroid features.
I think this looks funny tbh, every movie is jew propaganda, and I'm not suggesting I'd watch it… but I definitely laughed during that trailer.
A bunch of rich cultists employ mind control and other psychological tricks such as coercion to turn their community into a mixed race one.
I thought this looked familiar (pic related)
checked trips of truth
maybe a WOKE NIGGA would
they ought to do something like cannibal holocaust but with white liberals visiting detroit
anyway i don't care about this and i bet it fails anyway
I'd do it myself but I don't have anything installed I could do it with.
I didn't knew they were THAT scared of becoming uncle toms
Saw an asian guy in the bingo crowd.
operation approved
deploy teams
we have funding
hahaha niggers are slaves lol
meanwhile in some shithole in africa……
Right Wing Poz Squads Raid Plan
It would be pretty funny if we got a whole bunch of anons to do this for pozzed movies
Your idea is bad, and you should feel bad.
assets have been moved
I must have missed it tbh, this is the first time i saw it.
Who Right Wing Film Squad here? My goal in life is to make great films that completely subvert Hollywood agenda.
It really is amazing how much effort Hollywood Jews have started to take to conceal their ethnicity.
They edit wiki, they purposefully exclude any signifier, they play the name game… Its almost as if they realize that if people knew who was Jewish and who wasn't, they'd start to realize the situation…
You're a moron.
Niggers are not going to date the white girls if they see this because they believe in the magic. Maybe we would meme this trailer into anti-race mixing propaganda or is it already memed? If the white people are smart to realize this than they would desire it subconsciously.
This movie will pretty much do two things.
1. Make the anti-white agenda pushed by the kikes undeniable in the minds of the white race (if it already isn't).
2. The uppity niggers will feel even more disdain for the "ebil white debils" resulting in even more chimp-outs.
Result? Well…I would say RWDS, but who knows. They just might all get loaded on boats and shipped back to Africa.
Regardless of what may happen; this type of material will only make it easier to explain the agenda to the less redpilled of our kind.
Spook black men out of dating white girls. They love horror movies and are superstitious as hell.
It was pretty cringe. It'll probably bomb.
I was much happier with your post for the split second where I thought you said "I'll probably bomb"
Only muslim related meme I had on me.
Anyone who says this shit wont be the biggest nigger attended movie of the year doesnt understand niggers. They will eat that shit up.
Holy shit. Jordan Peele's white half is subconsciously broadcasting to his black half and black society to stay the fuck away from white women. This is a good thing.
You are severely lacking in memes. This isnt even including "islam"
I don't know what you guys are talking about, I think this movie looks fucking hilarious. Like, I feel like this trailer is how any random nigger who's been indoctrinated into SJWism to the point where they hate all white people and most black actually perceives the world on any old boring Tuesday.
Peele even admitted he was appealing to the brainless minority drones and white guilt crowd when he was writing it. It's like you want to be stupid on purpose.
The father looks (((hwite))) to me!
Exactly. I was kek'ing the whole time I was watching it because it seemed like I was wearing the nigger version of the They Live shades, seeing the world the way your average run-of-the-mill BLM supporter sees the world.
I knew this black panther cunt back in college who moved into our communal living home because she was working on a PhD in nigger studies or whatever and wanted to study race dynamics in that small of an environment. She thought everything was a race issue, and that everyone was out to get her at all times. Bitch hung herself 2 or 3 months after she moved in, likely because she was legit mentally ill. This trailer seemed like how she perceived us evil white nazis, when in reality we were just a bunch of airhead liberal pot smoker who harbored no ill will towards anybody.
kek, that's one ugly negro
Nothing in your post was true. Never overthink Hollywood.
Search it on YouTube, you disingenuous fuck.
This is a greatest aphorism! I am sure that Sholem Aleichem would totally agree with it.
gives the best handjobs
lampooning something isnt the same as criticizing it and they never focus on the serous issues.
This is no different than the classical liberal shit that the republicans have been shilling for a decade. The issue isn't just with flamboyant gays and the only reason they are allowed to do make that skit is because their black card trumps the gay card.
citation needed.
Both are leftist fuckwits and the film is clearly a stepford wives ripoff only with the issue being about "black rights" instead of "feminism".
You are completely out of touch with the modern world if you think this film will have any hint of black criticism.
Go back to watching your nigger comedy.
In a way I think Bill Cosby would like this movie
Nothing in your post was true. Never overthink imageboards.
Is this the sense of humor you get from watching nigger comedy?
Im telling you its a stepford wives remake only instead of making fun of suburban mums its making fun of "uncle tom's".
Hollywood would never OK a movie that was anti BLM.
Being blue eyed, blond haired, straight nosed, pink nipple'd hwhite man pursuing a physics degree, I think I might have some unique insight in this whole thing:
Man imagine being a nigger. I'd think the hwhite man also made a secret deal with the devil. How the fuck can hwhite man talk across the oceans???? How the fuck can hwhite man's spears and stones fly faster than sound?????? How the fuck can hwhite man not only predict a hurricane, but simulate phenomena inside it out of my comprehension? Man how the fuck can hwhite man talk about all these germs and diseases and infectious vectors and GMO whatever the fuck that is messing with my food? Why do hwhite man's women cause these intense primal feelings in me I dont understand? How can hwhite man's google know what I want to type even before I type it out????
Jet propulsion labs? Mars missions? Man this is just a hwhite man's TEMPLE WHERE HE PRAYS AND MAKES DEALS WITH THE DEVIL.
As you can see, there is nothing morally wrong or evil with the nigger. He is acting on his most basic and justified instinct. He merely wants to survive. In a world he does not understand. He is like Alice in wonderland but in real life and scared shitless.
I've read news recently that somewhere in Africa 4 men were set on fire for crimes of sorcery..
Knowing this truth doesnt mean you should feel bad or want to help them, as liberals do, it means that the only way to help them is to wipe them out of this white man's world they can not understand
Where were you when Holla Forums became so shut in and insular that they won't even click a fucking youtube link or troll anyone but each other? Yeah, yeah, fedzog kike shill, right.
Expect to see a lot more movies like this. All the money shitskins make from working at fast food places like Starbucks goes to entertainment because gibsmedat takes of rent, food, transit, medical and who knows what else. White people don't have as much to waste on jewish garbage.
People want webms for the same reason that they want archive links:
It's as simple as that. Low-energy ops that don't put effort into structuring their posts correctly, providing archive links, webms, etc, are doing poorly in the context of what they could have done, even if what they're linking to is good.
If this retarded movie gets memory holed we can consider ourselves lucky
>implying any of those niggers have white gfs let alone the
It's already happening without us doing anything. Random Youtube stars are now bigger to most kids than traditional celebs, and many are not pozzed. Lots of them are also enthralled by memes, which the chans mostly control. Related video, this is the type of content kids are already watching, and it will just snowball from here.
By all means we should keep pushing for alternative content and make sure to fund/support appropriate replacements. But traditional media is dying a quick death regardless.
God this is the funniest shit ever
Fuck I'll watch it with my roomates it will be awsome.
So wait…
You sayin there's a horror flick where the nigger doesn't get killed?
Grow some, gimpy.
Spoiler that garbage.
It is an affront against nature.
Just goes to show mongrels always go with their nig nature.
post more funny mudslime memes
NIDF, pls go
At least the Japs at Capcom got it right with RE 7
the problem with Fury Road is that you can look at it two ways. I could make a strong argument for it being a femshit stronk wymyn film, or I could make a strong argument for it being a "women are stupid and useless" film. And I do mean strong arguments, no one would be able to say they were wrong. It's pretty open to interpretation and is seen that way depending on the person's default mindset, I didn't think it was feminist in the least bit, but I listened to a guy make his case that it was for 20 minutes. And he had excellent points.
This movie depicts white Americans to be psychopaths, and slave owners.
I like it.
I thought the movie was a lot similar to old Go Nagai comics/cartoons from decades ago. Just watch Violence Jack and you'll understand. Post apocalyptic world where women seek "peace" but are too weak and dumb to maintain it. Men live on violent primal instincts but can fight to survive.
Even at the end, the main female character is fucked. Seeking some sort of utopian fantasy (like modern liberals and commies, really) in an unsustainable environment. She thinks she can rescue the concubines and reclaim their home but now she has every competing fraction out to kill her and claim her newly squired resources, which she is unable to defend with her horde of weak women and enslaved retards. Even if she was successful defending herself, commie living and sharing food/water with worthless deformed breeders does not lead to progress, but destruction.
The world is unfair, men understand this and act according to nature. Women are weak and idealistic to the point of believing in fantasy where competing for resources is underneath them and should be avoided.
The world is turning more and more feminine. Communism and liberalism is just womanly nature. We need to return to natural order, even if it is mean and unfair. Women just hate seeing suffering. It's endearing, in a way, but incredibly disgenic and destructive if left unchecked. Best for them to raise children instead of try to understand politics.
It also depicts that white people desire having negroes integrate into their society and breed with their women, which is pure fantasy. White supremacists are white separatists. If they really cared about using negroes, they would be slaves that are far removed from any socializing or integrating.
Said, blacks are fooling themselves into believing white people need them, for whatever reason.
I actually laughed.
Which is also why I like that at the end of the film Max gets the fuck out of there before they inevitably get slaughtered and raped. The movie presumably has a "happy ending" but anyone with any common sense at all understands that it was pointless as fuck and lead to the deaths of many people (including the protagonists).
Only retarded women could see this movie as feminist or showing the glories of femininity. There is no room in the world for female politics, especially not in a survival setting.
someone made a similar thread months back. same sentence as this one.
About the same movie? I might have used the same title sentence referring to something else but this is my first time i made a thread about this movie.
Most of that is why I didn't view Fury Road as femshit.
How did the brides break out? Furiosa got them out, somehow. For some reason, Joe trusts her, and she fucks him over. Number 1, don't trust women. She drives them and the truck out into the desert and tries to bullshit her escort in a supremely dumb move, they figure out she's a traitor and try to fuck her up. How does she get out of it? A freak storm. Lesson 2, dumbshit woman betrays someone and attempts to accomplish something based solely on "muh feels" with no fucking plan at all, and only manages to get out of her predicament of immediate death by losing people in a storm. Later when max meets up with them, he's vastly outnumbered, although to their credit he does have a gun. He does what he wants and takes what he wants and the women oblige. They also waste SHIT TONS of water, out in a fucking desert. Lesson 3, these women are fucking retards.
I could go on with over a dozen more things in the movie, but you get my point. I don't see it as a shitlib stronk wymyn movie, they simply do too many stupid fucking things that make them look like blubbering idiots. Chicks go out and do things based on chasing some fucking emotional pipe dream, sprinting straight at death based only on the idea that something they want might exist, as per rumor. And they only get out of all their binds thanks to one of two things: luck, or Max, or both.
Bravo Capcom.
Kind of like how in every kike fantasy it revolves around them being somehow placed closer to their adversaries. Lampshades, anal grossness, etc. "They hate us because they secretly love and want to be close to us" is an indicator that the following story fantasy.
a passive gollum designed to instill fear of white people in blacks, creating further division
Christ this is fucking bad.
Pool our resources to film The Turner Diaries. Written and directed in the style of Fight Club with voiceover narrative parallel to Fear and Loathing in Las V. It would be a huge redpill and radicalize white boys. We could even depict celebs like Miley and Madonna meeting DOTRope.
Not this movie again