We all know its inevitable by now

we all know its inevitable by now.
what will you do when right wing fascists take control of your country ?

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I'll be manning the helicopters.

Disrupt the hotpocket supply line.

Sit back and watch archeofuturism unfold.

the fascists will start nuclear war and kill us all, so i will be glad ill die in the hellfires and aliens will bring about communism

I will join them.

Who is going to be shooting the nukes at who, and why?

bastard !

Away if possible.

Applying for sniper training if I cant get out and don't have other good options. Free military training and access to armament, good for deserting away and helping whatever faction I want.

kinda oxymoron

just no

entirely unsurprising.

Well technically it's possible, but it would have to be some non-racist right wing to be paired with fascism, which is antiracist. maybe some centre-right?

I just.
I wonder if Holla Forumsacks are oblivious to their own newspeak or the fact that they are sjws, or if they embrace all this and take pride in their ignorance.

The system will just collapse after the elections.
Even in their victory we win.

It always was, read a book. Many unfavourable things could be said about fascism, but racism is not one of them and it goes against the whole concept.
The newspeak is the meaningless buzzword way you use it.

history repeat it self, while right wing politics is arguably unsustainable, how many death will there be before they crash ?



Anyway fascism is a reactionary movement. Maybe you should ask where socialism went astray…

Well the good news is that you both don't like the evil globalist cult. so team up first, stop the globalist cult, then argue later.

not sure if you've never been on Holla Forums or if your a Holla Forumstard yourself.
but calling for genocide is considered evil

lol fat fucking chance.
We have one neoliberal cuckservative statehoodist party, that's the closest thing to fascist tendencies we have. Maybe in 50 years.

what's wrong with globalism ?
humanity will finally be united and move on to space instead of being crippled by petty ethic and political divisions and various other spook

I made sure they won't.
If they were to, we would have Golden Dawn, not Syriza.

Help drive the chinks into the pacific and retake Vancouver.

Canada's full of libtards, it won't happen here.

Don't give me that crap. Socialism is the upper class using the lower class to destroy the middle class.

a fucking madman
why do you guys use this term if you're complete ignorant to it's meaning. again, lots of stuff can be said about fascism, but racism is the last one. how do you imagine idea of uniting a nation being compatibile with dividing it across ethnic lines. the fasces symbolizing "united we are strong, alone we are weak" with "we're doing to divide ourselves and fight with each other"

It depends entirely on who you want to unite and what you consider a nation to be.

I dont see it happening in the uk. And if it does, not in Scotland.
Better hit the gym just incase…


because fascism itself is rooted as a nationalist revolutionary movement, which makes it very prone to the genocide and/or alienation of minorities.

The Greek nation is Greeks only. One race. A turk is not Greek. A nigger is not Greek. An arab is not Greek.

They are outsiders, unwelcome aliens.

don't think being fit will make you bullet proof


fascism was modelled after ancient rome, which was far from being an ethnostate.

there was no minority genocide nor alienation in ancient rome, on the contrary, they added new lands to the imperium and their people were incorporated as citizens of rome.



I wish we had fascists tbh, it's all lolbert yuppies, religious fundamentalists and confused socdems as far as the eye can see. I wager we'll be among the first countries to privatize democracy in the next century or two.

That isn't true.

Even much of Italy didn't have citizenship until late in Rome's history. Subject peoples were part of the empire, but they weren't citizens. That was a muh privilege rewarded to particular cities or tribes for extraordinary services to Rome.

Adding new lands to the Imperium was a direct result of the class conflict and economic inequality inherent in the Roman system that lead ultimately to the failure of the Republic and subsequently to the dissolution of the Empire and Feudalism.

Can you people, please, fuck off?

In fact.. You are right. They are not nazis. They are a criminal organization. The mob.

Fascists control nothing.

The elite rule the world, your world, my world.
Whatever front they happen to use is irrelevant.

Fascism or Democracy are meaningless terms as long as there is a ruling class.

wew wew all aboard the lad express

what kind of changes would you push for?
I don't think you could change their value of nationalism, you'd just be sent to camp.

Nationalism is useful for a socialist state, there is no reason to abolish it. We just need to start getting rid of "subversive elements" that are unpatriotic and directing the state according their own interests, ergo capitalists.

It's fine cuz I'm white and gf is passing ;^)

you want a socialist nationalist country?

This is actually insulting to actual victims of fascism(anyone living in China,North Korea etc.)

Nationalism will turn into patriotism within a single generation, just like with the soviets. And no, I don`t want a nationalist state, I want a Global state that far more than simply based on idea of nation state. It will be first Pan-European, then Pan-Global.

It must feel even worse to have to deal with the knowledge that socdems enable fascism and yet still post with that flag.

What would you think of a global nationalist alliance instead of a single global state

The Great Recession has shown us that the U.S. is a Corporatist state. Already fascist, fambam.

We both know that this is not true.

Pointless. Nation states are already merging into larger units. Look at African- and European Unions. Cultural, and national borders are dying for a reason.

the united states is controlled by the corporations while a fascist state controls the corporations

Africa is a shithole in general and needs constant aid to survive, there is a reason all those Africans are fleeing to Europe and the European union could crumble away soon due to their attempt to destroy borders.

Same thing in practice. The elite having control via non-state entites vs. being within the state itself.

the Italian fascists used corporations for the betterment of the nation and
it's people against the more developed plutocratic nations that would keep it suppressed.

the elite use corporations to influence the state for their own benefit at the cost of the state and the people.

it boils down to the elite working for the state/people through force
the elite for themselves at the cost of anything and everything

I think the inversion is complete, and corporations control the US government.

Or it's such a tangled web of defence contractors, that those boundaries are no longer meaningful.

The SPD betrayed the workers, enabled the Freikorps to crush the Spartacists, and then later allowed the Nazi's to take power.

are you differentiating italian fascism from not socialism

wouldn't go this far. its livable.

beside do you really think the people crossing the mediteranean see do it because they want to go to museums, get an education, or make something of their lives ?

no, they all and i mean ALL go for the gibs, they want free stuff they're opportunistic parasites.

most of them are actually criminals of the run, the rest are various bum and losers who did nothing of their lives.

do you think a doctor or an engineer will risk his life crossing the see in a rusty fishing boat filled with smelly fags ?
no, theise people are actually the bottom of Africa, the scum of the scum.

you can thank Sarkozy and the US gov for this one

Maybe I embellished a bit but most african nations do need to get their shit together

the second picture is apprently from some white nationalist website, and despite the headline, the article gives no indication that Mugabe or ZANU ever asked whites to return.

Actually plan for left wing direct action.

Neoliberalism is expressly designed to be resistant to unwanted change, and knows how to make the status quo just bearable enough to maintain complacency. A neofascist movement's brutality and incompetence would make recruitment incredibly easy, especially since in the US, these retards would actually try to genocide a third of the country without once assuming it'd be foolish regardless of any merit as an idea.

Actually, most sub-Saharan African migrants tend to be much higher in education and achievement than the general population of their home nations; in the US, there is incredible disparity in achievement between native and immigrant black residents. It's baffling when native Africans are heckled with black American stereotypes when these two demographics are nothing alike, even when they have similar geographical ancestry.

This is not at all a unique phenomenon, and in fact should be expect. It is called human capital flight, and is an active detriment to the professional workforce of any developing nation. The poors and lumpens either cannot afford to leave or do not want to because they're lazy.


you were saying?

This is probably a better link


not talking about legal, hand picked immigrants.
boat fags are useless

Good thing the vast bulk of the guns are in right-wingers' hands isn't it?

Communists betrayed the workers by agitating and giving rise to nazies with their street fights, legitimizing their violence.

Holy fuck kek. Hilarious how that other poster clung to that "NUH UH" bullshit.

they have no plan. commies do.

Wow, and I bet you think all the sex workers who get killed in a year are at fault for not taking their rape gently enough.

Anyway, I own a gun, and as soon as I can afford it, I intend to be acquiring a lot more of them. Enough that I can hand them out to my comrades who were too poor or too stupid to get one themselves. And yes, I do keep myself trained on my marksmanship. I suggest everyone else in a country that hasn't disarmed the working class do the same.

Or part of a demographic that aren't allowed to get one, like ex-cons or the mentally ill.
What country do you live in comrade?