Attack the messanger.
Attack the message.
Use sarcasm.
Be dank.
I've been keeping a blog for countering thei meta-thinking. I think we need to attack their psychology in deeper level and argue their foundation away underneath them. We need to form double front to first attack their moral structure, their memes, their social signaling, and secondly, to attack their basic logic.
We need to step away from "facts" to more base logical/moral structure. Talking about facts wont sway them, and they are trying to meme us as "fake news".
1. Counter meme their "fake news"-narrative by collecting screencaps and small vids of them shutting down, faking news, spinning, etc.
Everytime someone accuses alternative media as "fake news", then you bring out the meme machine and show MSM faking and spinning news.
2. Attack their moral structure
"Why whites don't have the moral right to drive their self interest and secure their existance?", "Why is it ok for blacks, asians and jews to drive their etnic interest, but whites dont?". To attack their moral structure you attack it with contradictions. They naturally are confused and don't have an aswer, and if they try to defend other etnicities and their selfpreservation within moral framework, then you demand them to accept it for whites. A) Force them to accept a contradiction and shame them for being illogical and contradictory, or B) to submit and accept our moral values for white preservation.
3. Attack their language
Deconstruct meaning of their words such as racism, homofobia, nazis, facism, hate speech, fake news, puting troll, etc.
Take racism for example.. To antiracist it mean absolute evil, total hate, and to be fluid slur it can manifest in many different forms. We need to make racism natural, normal, amoral, funny and even sexy.
Antiracist try to define racism as something internally offensive. To them every act of racism even if just thinking is oppression, while many of the things they accuse of being racism and opression are usually unrelated, defensive or unconscious, meaning that the person being called a racist wasn't trying to be offensive. Basically white racism doesn't exist as something socially acceptable, so they try to find unconsious/inner racism. They basically forced the overton window so far left, that normal racist jokes or even whites sexualizing whites is considered racist and oppressive of minorities.
"Racism is discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity." – Wikipedia
So we need to change the moral fabric of discrimination and prejudice to mean positive or at least something neutral. Also we need to change the word racism to mean psychological tendencies towards ethnic in-group/out-group thinking and associate it to cognition.
4. Make long well argued arguments
Make long well argued arguments. Use different profiles for shitposting and longposting. Never shit and quickpost with the same internet persona/account you long post. Keep the respectibility and authority.