How to make a good live action superhero

It's quite simple of a question to answer.

Stop making everything a gritty edgefest. Fun needs to take place over serious grit with superheros. Even Batman should be fun instead of just pure gloom 24/7. You can tell a serious story without comprising the hilarity, absurdity, and wonder that superheroes bring. If Japan can somehow pull it off for years, at varying degrees of quality, how come America can't?

It becomes as simple as just allowing the costumes to be bright and colorful. Going back to Japan, even their darkest hero shows still manage to make their characters vibrant on screen. Then we have DC who wash out the color on all their characters and refuse to not make their costumes jumbled over-complicated messes.

I don't wanna make this some Japan shilling thread. But when they're the only ones really trying to make superheroes cool anymore, I'm left with little else to say. Debate freely about what you think makes a good superhero and a good adaptation.

You're describing Marvel movies, but no one will admit it because they're popular and you're not allowed to like them.

Marvel beat you to punch 9 years ago

Don't you start shilling Marvel here now. They're just as guilty as sucking the fun out of their characters. Every villain in the movies no longer have powers besides Loki. None of them have extravagant costumes except for Loki. Everyone's costumes, including Loki's, are now watered down and washed out color versions of their costumes. Marvel Studios tried to make everything tacticool and gritty. With the excuse of making EVERYONE a quip machine as it somehow making up for it. That's not the case. They're still making the same mistake DC did.

The only Marvel movies I can say are fun are the GOTG movies. Even they can't escape from the clutches of tacticool grit either. Just look at what they did with their homage to the original Guardians.

It's formulaic and it plays it too safe. I don't like them.

If OP is describing Kick-Ass, then I'm in agreement with him.

Depends on what you mean. Kick-Ass falls into a weird inbetween where it's edgy and gritty but also has loud out there costuming in it's film version while making the violence exciting to watch. But it is definitely not what I want as the norm. I just don't want the ugliness of reality seeping into superhero stories that are supposed to be fantastical and fun.

Yes there are a select few that have to have that aesthetic because they're inherently meant edgy. Punisher, Kick-Ass, Luther Strode, and Ghost Rider are the most outright examples of that. But it doesn't mean every hero has to fall into that grouping as well.

Superheroes should be modern myths that represent the best aspects of humanity fighting the worst aspects. Not tacticool grounded gun toting psycho that mumbles a lot and speaks in first year philosophical quotes.

I want to bash in the head of whoever came up with the idea that comedy is shitting out a one liner or witty quip in every dangerous situation.

You can certainly pinpoint who made it popular in the first place. Joss Whedon.

Superheroes aren't just for kids anymore, so I'd like to see more dark, mature stories. One idea I've had is a movie all about Superman struggling with the temptation to enslave the human race. In this canon, Batman has gone insane after Joker kills Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, and four Robins. Superman must rely on Batman's training to become powerful enough to kill all of the supervillains on Earth… but when Lois Lane is transformed into the new Brainiac, will he go too far?

You can have a darker mature story. I'm just saying you don't have to suck the fun aspect out of it or make every single story a "dark and mature" edgefest of gloom. Quite frankly, your idea just sounds sucked out of all fun or excitement. Something that couldn't be liked unless it was absolutely absurd like Superman killing nazis with a giant array of guns. Particularly not well written either.

Why would Superman go full edgelord if Batman is the one who looses it? Why would Superman need his help to kill villain when he's an unstoppable god full of enough gary stu powers to make him able to kill a person with just a flick of his finger? Why is Lois Lane the host of Brainiac now? How is the worry he'll go to far when he already wants to kill every single supervillain on the planet?

It all sounds like just another poorly written edge fest Mark Millar or Frank Miller would write.

Yup. If I wanted edge, I'd go read Worm, at least McCrae knew how to get properly edgy instead of just plain embarassing. That, and the interesting fight scenes make him loads better than Miller.

Get people that actually read and somewhat care about the source material.

At least he can make something watchable

This was good.

It was not. You only thought it was because everyone else was parroting that it was some brilliant piece of cinema. It's not. It's everything wrong with the modern superhero and villain summed up.

Good on you being smarter than the brainwashed sheeple zombie sleepwalkers

it's a pretty nice movie honestly

It was pretentious garbage that made Batman into a growling mess, Joker into a hobo with makeup, and Two Face to a man that really didn't do much wrong besides attacking the wrong people for what happened to him. Go suck Nolan's inflated ego cock somewhere else.

Nah, it was good, good actors, good cinematic, good action scenes, and i like the edition.

I still think it was great. It's entertaining, thrilling, had some good gimmicks and great scenes.

Rises had obvious strutural problems, but overall I would say that Nolan's trilogy is still my all-time favorite. Why does this bother you people so much? It had a truly uplifting and positive story and Nolan is at least an above average professional.

All the "darkness" and "gritty realism" were fitting and merely aesthetical.

You are the on parroting the usual hate because it got too popular.

Too many jumpcuts.

No, it's an excellent movie.

Could you be anymore obvious with the fucking reddit spacing?

It's just we have to many "ambitious" who think they need to make a story as "deep", "realistic", and "symbolic". I can blame directors like Michael Bay for popularizing the gritty looks of movies because thats what sells. Most directors try to make a SUPERHERO movie deep and symbolic for our culture to help push an agenda or message. It's so bad, it's seeping into our comics. These days we can't escape reality because dipshit directors like Zack Snyder and the internet being so intergrated into our lives. Tbh i know this might be much but imagine a Jojo movie and how would that turn out.


Is that guy hiding his musculature under the clothes and low lighting?

The latter of Part 4 is where it shifts from hulking masses of muscle with tires for shoulders to more slim homoerotic builds.

O_O oh

How're you just now hearing about this?

I heard about it before but i completely forgot about it.

Besides is it any good?

look at everything before iron man, look at the second spiderman movie, where he fights doctor octopus, look at the hellboy movies, look at the daredevil movie

in all of these the orogin and costume stays mostly the same, in all of these there is a natural sort of comedy and drama from the circumstances of the comic book characters, all of them but especially hellboy were very fun
lets go a bit further back, does anyone remember darkman with liam neeson? it wasnt really trying to be its own genre as a superhero movie but it was really just a movie where comic-bookish stuff happens in it and it was great

There there.

I heard from one source that it's good but it doesn't explain ANYTHING to you. So you have to already be a fan of the series beforehand or else you'll be completely lost. Also doesn't mention DIO, as they probably don't want demands for a Part 3 movie, and changes the villain at the end of the Nijimura brothers arc. So take from that what you will.

Thanks. To be honest, the design of the stands seems a little washed out but maybe thats me nitpicking.

Not a super-hero film, but I feel like Baby Driver captured this feeling perfectly.

I thought The Spirit was fun. Sure it was fucking stupid but everyone involved knew it, so it was allowed to be completely ridiculous.

They need to stop with so many of these movies having world ending or just overly gigantic threats. I think the omg we need to save the world fuels the grimness and the witty quip gallows humor. It's all smoke and mirrors to hid bad writing.

I disagree, superheroes, like all thematics in fiction should have the freedom to have different perspectives, point of views and interpretations.

Not that im against it, I just wish they build up to it better.

Agreed it should be taken down to street level for the appropriate heroes like Batman, Green Arrow or the Question. Seriously though I want to see Batman go up against a Riddler done right.

I think The Spirit's problem was less to do with it being stupid and more with it being completely fucking incoherent.

I sat through the entire movie three times and I still don't have a goddamn clue what was happening in it besides endless monologues.

Make a good movie and than add super hero to it.

I'm not against either, it's become a crutch though. It's easy mode writing. They too often let the scale of the threat carry the emotional weight of the movie.

THIS. The biggest bullshit I've been is Superman in MOS and BvsS. Gritty and dark Superman makes no fucking sense. He's the golden boy. He fights crime in his underwear for peaks sake. He suppose to goofy farm boy Clark Kent. Not the broody no smile sad fuck.

He suppose to be pure. To the point that is almost sickening. The man

Increase video saturation

Luthor should've been the main threat for the JL movie and Darkseid should've been in the third one.

He was originally in the ending as a post credits scene.

t. butthurt Marvel Studios shill

Film a live action of the cut scenes of lnjustice.

What DC needs is to hire writers that know basic story structure and stop aping Marvel.
Muh grittyness, muh "fun" is literally the least of their problems.