
In this thread, we discuss Ducktales.

Download for the first episode:!93pREBJA!zTnTDn7uUAfNmhCSZJ3nYQ

According to the commercials and Wikipedia, the show will continue airing episodes regularly starting September 23rd.

Other urls found in this thread:!xJpgkAQK!scDoVS-0-Uc-gUYN8ZDfzw!5UonUYRC!d1vxlsPNC1zXR25Nn8T5yA!lCZnQAJa!JpFviVx_hXbNy6AwFYpMWo4NikfC32GsqXbBJ9TyPwM!UApXSADL!xwsfcU0oYbObVepltPQ3bw!93pREBJA!zTnTDn7uUAfNmhCSZJ3nYQ

Wasn't there already a thread up?

It became so cancerous and off topic, the vols had to put it out of its misery.

Well that's lame. Noticed the Bare Bears one is gone too. Goddamn shame.

So was the episode good?

yeah it was good. the new art style will make you take a back flip though. To be honest though the new art style is literally animating the comics from the 1950's, back when donald had a black sailor uniform and not a blue one.

Eh, what are you gonna do, Eric Coleman has a hard-on for Toon Boom Harmony

Vols are becoming lazier and lazier. They should have just deleted all the posts from that one autist and most replies, they can see IDs anyway, as far as I'm aware. But I knew it was going to happen anyway.


So does the show revolve around Webby who can do anything and knows everything and who's only fault is she's too good?

She is a hyper spaz who is fairly knowledgeable about some things but also dumb enough to not know where the garage is in the house she lives in.

It was alright. Didn't expect much and wasn't disappointed.
Now we wait for porn

That seems like a trope. Didn't Mabel have about the same qualities?

Best new assassin character. Looked like they kind of ran out of ideas and made the generic biker gang wolf brothers when they should have done progressively out-badass each other assassin's that they become funny to see in action and their manerisms. Could even make all 3 a part of the whole assassin family with the other two people being a mother and little sister.

Wolf guys look like they'll be forgotten, which could also be a good opportunity to bring them back way later as homeless reformed villains that want to turn their lives around but do everything wrong in the process because of old assassin habits.

It was better than I expected. Likely because I've seen worst series reboot or revivals for the past several years. I don't think I like Tenant as Scrooge because he doesn't convey the aged sound well. The 3 kids and webby sound really annoying. I feel like they'd be making more millennial type jokes and they haven't done that yet, so far. Wish the art style could be more Carl Barks like, especially the backgrounds. At least it seems they'll follow the 30 minute time-slot format instead of the bane of every cartoon today to limit themselves to 15 minutes an episode because it's supposedly cheaper and everyone else is doing it.


I was kind of surprised at how easily she was dispatched. Then again, Glomgold did say she and the other two guys (who didn't really stand out as much as Gabby) were the "best of the cheapest." I wonder if it will turn out that she made up that backstory about being raised by warrior monks and she's actually just some run of the mill lady fresh out of high school/college who was hard up for work like Donald.

On the plus side, maybe it will save Gabby from being brought up in REEEEEEEEEEposts about feminism like Webby and Mrs Beakley.

Webbey was told off by her grandmother for lying. That said as long as she gets her comupance for causing trouble she will never be as bad as mabel. And dont count on the format for regular episodes until episode 2, this was a short and kinda rushed first episode, the regular ones may yet be 15 mins. And while I do agree david does not sound as old as he could, he does do the scotish accent decently.

By the way, Darkwing Duck confirmed for this series. Pic Related.

Also apparantly confirmed (but I cannot find any photo proof) the SDCC showed off artwork for These characters as well.

And while not a character, also showed a design for:

So from what it looks like, if this is to be believed, and the refrences to Cape Suzette by the nephews, Spoonerville and Saint Canard by the lawyers, this may be Ducktales, Disney Afternoon edition.

That's because he is Scottish.
My problem is he isn't, and doesn't sound, old enough.

Gabby is fine, it's main female characters that are worth REEEEEEEEing about.


Webby and Beakley seem fine to me. Webby is fairly competent as an adventurer compared to the boys, but it was also shown that she spent her entire life autistically obsessing over the McDuck family's exploits, so it makes sense that she would have taught herself a few of their tricks. It's balanced out by her being completely socially inept as a consequence. I think it's cute.

The old Beakley was alright, but I don't really see much to hate about the new one either. The most feminist thing she does is insist she isn't Scrooge's secretary, but that really doesn't even count because she's NOT his secretary. She's completely right to not want to do work that's outside her job description. Never let your employer make you do a second job you're not getting paid for.

I liked it.
Huey, Dewey, and Louie were annoying at times, but overall okay. Webby is basically the Velma of the group, and Beakley is a strong woman type, but not obnoxiously so. I'm interested to see what happened to Scrooge and Donald to cause them not to talk to each other for 10 years.

Episode's on YouTube for those that missed it.


It was tolerable until Webby showed up. I hate this meme where they just get adults who barely try to sound like kids to voice kid characters. Reeks of nepotism. I guess I can't complain about Webby's character, since she has character flaws, but I can't stand all these recent shows where the female is the absolute bestest and strongest character that no one can ever beat and constantly saves the silly boys ;).

It was fun.

To be fair, she had her moments of girl power in the original cartoon as well, and they could have done a lot worse then turn her into a giant autist.

Great to hear.

Yeah, after watching it to the end she was a lot better than I thought she'd be. She's kind of cute actually.

Overall, show's pretty damn good. I'm excited to see where it goes from here.

Official creators tumblr says that the first part of this episode was basically "episode 1" and Atlantis was Episode 2, which I take it being a 22 minute episode, we probably will be getting a full 30 minute time block for this cartoon (including commercials).

She's Freddy from Mystery Inc.

The boys mentioning cape suzette at the beginning. I know it was just a dumb little easter egg for nerds but I like to think it's proof that Tale Spin and DuckTales coexist in the same world.

Yeah, all I remember of her old personality is that she was a literal baby, just a constant high pitched stream of cries, complaints and smugly saving those foolish boys.
To be fair, I didn't watch the english dub though, but I doubt she was much less cancerous.

But its the stupid 11 minute episodes.

I think they were just throwaway filler, not meant to be a true threat.

They said it's 22-min stories

Could be a one off thing.

They were talking about the entire seasons

Its all good.

Just finished watching it.

It was better than I had hoped, and most of the jokes landed, even subtle ones like his accountants being vultures. I particularly liked how Donald's bits were set up like you would see in his old cartoons, making it feel more genuine. The character models for the kids look odd because their heads are so square, but it wasn't bad enough to take me out of it. They are doing well to distinguish the triplets' personalities so far, though I expect they will become more distinct as more episodes come out. Donald's voice is pushing the limits on understandability, but it's better than most of his other media, so it's fine.

I'm happy that they introduced Glomgold right away and mentioned "all of your sworn enemies", hinting that we might get lots of cameos from foes bested in The Adventures of Scrooge McDuck. The "Mom?" bit at the end with the painting felt tacked on, but passable as a hook at the end of a season 1 intro episode. The fact that the intro showed them chasing his lucky dime leads me to believe that it will get lost/stolen at some point, and recovering it will be a major part of the season 1 overarching plot. I'm not wild about the cover of the original theme song, but it could have been much worse.

I'm looking forward to more.

I hope you have a source on that.

Glomgold is the only thing I didn't like, since to me, he was less like a thug and more like a professional villain on Scrooge's level, who doesn't actively kill someone (to be fair, I haven't seen the old show in a long time, I might be wrong), but rather deny help in dangerous situations.

But that's okay, knowing there is a Mark Zuckerberg style new villain and I'm sure he'll be the new villain who thinks like a business guy. And Glomgold was actually funny.

If you're too lazy to look it up yourself, I believe Frank Angones's tumblr


So, how long till episode 3?

Hope so the animation could be better but as long as things are consistent it might.

Seeing how the opening already has a different animation studio, it might

Well - at least Donald is even there.
And in character. Unlike in the original show.

HE has awoken.

Shadman's been trying too hard to be an attention whore lately.

That's his whole schtick. To be an edgy controversial memelord.




Kill yourself.

Fuck off.

Oh bo…

That's the point though

Yeah but the current guy isnt to good.

Why? I think he's doing a great job imitating classic Donald.

he's the same guy that do his voice for 30 years user

I think the problem is they're putting Donald in his comics role, where obviously they could make him as coherent as they want

It fits, he serves as good comic relief while the main characters do the talking.

Is this seriously a thread on Holla Forums where people WANT someone to be out of character, Deviant Art style?

In those odd shorts they did while back I can understand him. But yeah, this pushes the limit.

Can't embed, sorry.

Nice to see Von Drake sounds just like he used to.

There's obvious references here, but some of the stuff is more obscure (unless they're just referencing storylines from the comic, life of Scrooge, or classic show).

However, new stuff might be hints at future shit.

Not saying they're gonna go all Gravity Falls though Webby is basically a more autistic Mabel and have overarching mysteries (aside from why Scrooge quit adventuring and the parents of the nephews), but who knows.

I hope Hortense shows up.

Crap Donald, forget Daisy and settle down with this one.

Mable is basically a slut already and I hate that.

That's his mom

Lol really? Shocking.

Hey Holla Forums

They really want to make this the next gravity falls.



Their next flagship cartoon with a huge fanbase?

It's more that a lot of people who worked on GF are working on this and want to recreate the show as much as possible.

more than that; they probably want to create a mystery hook that keeps you coming back like GF and Mystery Inc did
no immediate evidence of this outside of the boys' mom in the painting though

I like the animation of the theme song, but the new music not as much. Someone mixed the new and old songs together, and it sounds pretty good.

Same here, the vocals could use work too.

Never going to watch Cucktales. Holla Forums liking something isn't a barometer for whether or not it's pozed.

Fuck off, Holla Forums.

Everything is Holla Forums now. But nature was on a revenge trip against Murrica recently. so it's fine.

Hey Holla Forums

So, what happened with the Boom comics? i heard about them one day and then they just died.

Why though?
I watched it and it was fun. Surely you remember what fun is, right user?

Because he's edgy, so we all wonder why he's even here. If he doesn't like anything cause he's probably a Halfchan asshole, he won't contribute anything.

So he can just leave. I'd prefer die, but leave is ok.

They lost the rights years ago

So, how were the books? I heard the Darkwing Duck crossover was bad, but how were the other issues?

I love how neither is wearing pants and is followed by off screen "ow my tailbone!"

Tennant does a pretty grizzled dude on Broad church. Mich less chipper than he was as Tenth Doctor. He also voiced the old TMNT robot scientist Fugitoid.

I would think Gizmoduck and Launchpad existing in both shows already proved this.

The weird thing is, according to the chart, Hortense is both the name of Scrooge's father AND his sister. I think his sister is Donald's mom.

as Matilda's name was under mother on Webby's chart and Scrooge's sisters are Hortense and Matilda, I think with some comparison that Hortense, Matilda, and Scrooge being under "mother" and "father" indicates that all 3 are offspring of the same generation and Webby just can't organize a chart for shit. The second Hortense on the chart most likely refers to a secondary connection leading to Quackmore that doesn't fit in with the immediate familial lineage path
Scrooge's parents are Fergus McDuck and Downy Drake

DuckTales (2017- ) #0-1 Storytime








More stories to come in the coming months!

these made me smile. Good slice of life with actual plots and no politics

I wonder how long it will last


So anyone else think that this thing went from alright to fucking terrible?
First episode was good despite some minor mishaps, but the two new ones were just painful to watch, all mindless, meaningless slice of life with Webby going from not-so-bad to "I can do anything but no social skills", Gyro Gearloose being a mad scientist, Beagle Boys being PATHETIC and Della having a SECRET FUCKING SHRINE AND MUH MYSTERY.
I just wanted some Ducktales, something even mildly interesting happening, and with characters being like this, I just can't.
Also I'm pretty sure Mrs. Beakley ate Duckworth for the gains.

Looks like Joe Books has "cinestory" rights

Earlier episodes are usually sub-par for all shows.


but that isn't IDW

The family mystery in this show feels really forced.

To be fair, Gearloose' experiments were always odd (sensible by cartoon logic maybe), and the Beagle Boys were always dumb as rocks.

Gyro's seeming like an inadvertent villain so far (which I don't dislike if its handled well). He actually kind of feels like the Riddler in BTAS

the OG Beagle Boys were definitely mama's boys, but I don't remember them being so weakwilled that they capitulated to Ma Beagle. I remember that they were always working hard to please her and she was often happy with their efforts rather than their results (a very motherly quality). They were a perfect family that happened to commit crimes

Honestly, just the family mystery bit is a tad forced.
I, for one, like the new Gyro Gearloose personality. He's less of a pushover.
It helps that I'm a big fan of them going for the classic Carl Barks Scrooge design for McDuck.

Give it 5 more episodes to breathe, user.


Maybe the alcohol makes me say it but I love that shit for nostalgica alone.

If the porn was first and this episode second, that would be hilarious.

I thought so the same, but then this thought blew my mind: What if he becomes Gizmoduck?

interesting that Roxanne grew up to fill the generiguy role for women in Duckberg

Can you stop with the Roxanne bullshit? First, the different fur color, second the different hair color and third, no birthmark.

fair enough, but it's very close

New Webby is shit. So is the original, but she wasn't this bad.

I am really appreciating Webby's new girlfriend Lena from The Beagle Birthday Massacre. I hope she recurs. She could replace the triplets. Throw in neo-Gosling as Darkwing Duckette and it could star a female trio.

Too bright I can't see shit.

I found her character to be off-putting, but then, she sort of has to be to match Webby's insufferable personality.

Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck we are all going to die there is no salvation…


The dark… Thy dread soul… RISE.


Implying there is anything immasculating about Lena cheating on you with Webby.

You're trying too hard to fit in.

It's a coincidence by them wanting to diversify the dognoses (and birds and pigs)

Featherlove doesn't make you fit in at co

Neither do you.

I think it's mostly because of the animation but does anyone else find new Ducktales boring so far?

Not at all.
Actually hype for Magica DeSpell tbqh.

Only thing I don't like so far is new Webby, don't know why they made her Dipper with Mabel's quirkiness.

This is Magica.

This is a shitposter.

If humans had full body feathers, would they wear pants?
If not why would they still wear shirts and skirts?

Hey Holla Forums

Today's new episode!xJpgkAQK!scDoVS-0-Uc-gUYN8ZDfzw

Thanks user.

Goddammit are they really going to make Lena a recurring character?


Jesus Christ this new Ducktales is fucking terrible.


None of the characters are themselves but some edgy versions of themselves, the emphasize is far too much on Webby being autistic girl power to the Nth degree to the point of being unlikable, Duckworth has been traded for a buff nuWomyn version of Mrs. Beakly, the Beagle boys have been made into incompetent bunch of stereotypic jokes instead of international threat, Gyro is a mad scientist when he supposed to be an absent minded one, the Junior Woodchucks and their Guidebook has been made a fucking joke, and half of the stories thus far have been terrible, and concept's from previous Duck stories have been put into terrible use, like with the Terra-Firmians who didn't even wear four-in-hands.

Seems to me that you're just upset it isn't like the original.

I'm upset that it shits all over what Duck comics ever were. This could be any other generic cartoon based on any other generic IP with a cooky girl main character.

Webby isn't even the main main character tho.

No, the episodes thus far have made her the focus.


Son, I'm disappoint.

Should be Mark Cuckerberg.

Vitun ebin juttu

You're confusing 'terrible' with 'different' user.

Different does not exclude it from being terrible, my hombre.

Terra-firmians clearly had Lena as focus. Webby was secondary.

That doesn't make it better.

Lena got only into the groove because Webby needed a female sidekick due to her new status as the main. Lena got her expanded episode at the expense of all other characters.
Launchpad's also fucking mental, brain damaged individual, which he never was supposed to be.

Maybe not in the comics but in the prev toons he seemed quite the dunce. Lena will get all attention I til Judas Contract finishes after which point we can have brooding Webby.

They need to make the triplets more distinctive or focus more onScrooge. Lines from Tennant must be expensive.

They couldn't name him that for legal reasons

Another Saturday another new episode.!5UonUYRC!d1vxlsPNC1zXR25Nn8T5yA

Is that a Wife's Ex's Son or a interspecies bastard child?

He isn't even a duck.

Oh crap, made a point. Okay, what if he builds Gizmoduck?

I find Launchpad hilarious in the show. At first I was worried he's really dumbed down (mole people episode, which is a nice reference to the old show), but now he kinda reminds me of Bruce Campbell.

More like a season finale buildup.

Because wah wah cuck wah wah girls steal my spotlite wah wah niggers something white supremist heil Trump.

hey Holla Forums

I'm no Holla Forums, I think politics and religion can piss right the fuck off to their cocksucking friends on another board.

Too bad. The lefties in charge of entertainment now have forced politics into everything, and we are all forced to deal with it. 2017 Ducktales is far from unaffected.

It is effected to the point of corrupting the series.

Yes, and we've been "dealing with it" for four years solid now, to the point that fags are straight up manufacturing outrage just so we can "deal with it" some more.

Like now. In this thread.

Right, cause anons are the ones who turned Mrs Beakley into a brick shaped military dyke and turned Webbey into Mabel Pines 2.0.
Face it. The left have poisoned everything. It sucks.

I don't see it. Or do you mean the appearance of non 2-dimentionally written female characters is politics?

Do you just want men in your shows you fat faggot?

But only white men, because you're scared of brown dick up your ass.

And in b4 "Reddit" because I left spaces between sentences, so that even you slow retards can read it.


The episode that's supposed to air this Saturday surfaced online earlier this week, not sure how.!lCZnQAJa!JpFviVx_hXbNy6AwFYpMWo4NikfC32GsqXbBJ9TyPwM

I lost my shit at that scene.

Calm the fuck down, you reactionary autist.
If you look between the two Mrs. Beakley's for comparison, the current one is better. If anything, it was Launchpad that was annoying me in the TerraFirmers episode, but the user who compared him to Bruce Campbell's nudged me into the correct airspace.

As for Webbey, she's fine. You'd have more legitimate beef with Lena, but I'm waiting for the Magica De Spell pay off at the Season Finale before I can judge whether she was worth it or not.

The episode in that casino additionally redeemed Launchpad, because that guy has seen some shit. Might as well believe in mole people.

I actually liked that they went with the whole 'hero of another story' angle there.

Also, glad to see Gladstone Gander in that episode. This show is reaching into that delicous Carl Barks duck family tree, and I'm loving it.

In an old comic, it was confirmed that Scrooge and his competitors don't open casinos in Duckberg because of him. That's kinda funny.
At first I thought he wanted Donald around to lose for once, because winning got boring to him.

But naw, he's an asshole who'd betray his family just for the sake of winning.

This episode I think puts some more credence into the idea that this "Glomgold" is not the real Glomgold. I am beginning to think that this guy is just the face man of the business for Glomgold.

Recognizing what the Left has done to entertainment does not make me an autist.
I disagree, I prefer my female characters to not be fridge shaped male-to-female militaristic transgenders.
And Webby is every hyper competent, better than the boys, Mabel clone that's almost all we get in entertainment these days. Hell, I watch the Hotel Transylvannia cartoon simply because Mavis is frequently portrayed as a screw up. In these days, it's damn refreshing.

Glomgold is the only thing I don't like so far.
Especially how fat he is (or just looks?).
In the original show, he's basically an evil version of Scrooge, capable to do stuff on his own. At the same time, he was just as old-timey as Scrooge.

Now, he's become more of a businessman version who always sends his henchmen.
I know they are currently just building up the characters, but I hoped Scrooge and Glomgold would actually work together, getting their shit together and do their best like in their youth to sabotage Mark Beaks.
That would have been a nice message too, because Beaks is agist.

But stuff like that is kinda ruined because they turned Glomgold into the Riddler, who on one hand has evil masterplans (which is fine, considering the source material), which are so convoluted though that he seems incompetent and downright senile.

Webby is failing at social life though, while Mabel is a Mary Sue who doesn't even fail at that.
And it makes sense within the story, since she was always busy with adventure stuff and the boys are kinda lazy.

Where I have to agree with you are three things:
First, I feel she's got way more screentime than the boys when she's in an episode, or maybe it just feels like it because she has the personality and they are just comic reliefs.
Second, I absolutely hated it when her self-made sketchbook was right and the boy's guide wasn't. The guide is ALWAYS right, that was its thing. Also, I feel I have seen that "your guide is wrong because you have to be open minded" plot in several Disney shows to the point that it annoys me.
Third, her being able to beat up armed henchmen (how old is she?!) in the pilot, which was completely thrown out of the window against the Beagle Boys. I think her friend should be the one to beat up the bad guys, cause she's larger and seems like a tough street girl.

That's your cuck interpretation.
A weak character wouldn't be an autority to Webby and she kinda has that Scrooge-bodyguard-feel to it. It's funny that noone mentions how Beakley looks Asian, means her being fridge shaped feels out of place.

And she might be the smartest person out of the bunch because she's the only one being suspicious of the obviously evil side character.

So, is the show any good?

Why would you consider her total lack of social skills (which the show has made explicitly clear hinder her more than once) a non-issue?
Like the other user said, she is getting a bit more spotlight, and it is something I hope they can tone down, either by giving it to Donald, or have a Huey, Dewey and Louie- centered episode.
For that matter, I feel like your autistic rage regarding Mrs. Beakley is without merit. Have you actually watched the '87 Ducktales cartoons? I have, and like the other user said, having her be his bodyguard is an improvement.

Granted, I think ((((THE LEFT))))) has ruined some cartoons, but this has yet to be one of them.

I've thoroughly enjoyed it. The weakest episode for me has to be the Terrafirmians one. The show's been very good at showing us the Carl Barks character roster (Was glad to see Gladstone Gander, for example), and has changed some characters for the better (imo, arrogant Gearloose is better than pushover Gearloose or say S3 MLP-tier Webby for the new Webby).

Give the first 3 episodes a shot and see if it's up your alley.
I'm just waiting to see if they include more Carl Barks goodness (Cubed egg shenanigans when?).

>Granted, I think ((((THE LEFT))))) has ruined some cartoons, but this has yet to be one of them.
Disney isn't going to super poz things that it actually want people to watch. The Marvel movies are using versions of the characters that people already know rather than the diversity squad versions in the comics. Disney has given up on Marvel comics. It just wanted buy up Marvel's IPs to make more movies. Granted you have Star Wars which is a diversity squad but Disney would have used the same characters if it could. "Force Awakens" was basically "A New Hope" but pretending that it's not. Just like how FO3 was just a shitty amalgamation of FO1 and FO2 to collect the amusing elements of the series to make its own shitty canon while pretending to have anything to do with FO1 or FO2. The Dogmeat from FO3 is related to the Dogmeat from FO1 because lol Dogmeat is a funny name for a dog so now every dog companion is Dogmeat.

Thank god he's voiced by Lord Hater's VA, I don't think he would be enjoyable without him

If you don't have any nostalgia for Ducktales, you should go back making Minecraft videos, underagefag.

I finally get the Launchpad/ Moleman thing.
Moleman is a villain from Darkwing Duck, so Launchpad had connection with him.


Yes they will. That's the entire point of pozzing existing properties in the first place. They bastardise things that people already enjoy so that the goyim are more susceptible to subversive messages. They want the viewer to associate the good feelings they get from nostalgia with the propaganda.

Not sure if DuckTales understands modern tech



do you think you're implying that modern tech firms don't use media hype to scam investors out of money?

>tfw I wasn't allowed to watch television as a child so I've only experienced 80s/90s cartoons in my adulthood

That new episode reminds me of a Shadowrun I had my game group run about 2 years ago with the exact same setup.
And hype is what you use to get venture capitalist to invest in your digital product or hardware.

Fuck you, you cum feltching, pozzed faggot.
Take your smug, juden rabbit shit back to the Virginia Institute of Autism.

That is a good drawing


Not saying that you're being Holla Forums, but you're being Holla Forums.

Not gonna lie, but this and Exorcist are the things I have most fun with right now while everyone looks the more obvious choices.

Alright, so I'll be catching up to the show in a few days and then coming here to give some detailed, if incoherent thoughts on it. I just hope they didn't fuck up Gladstone.

Never been to Holla Forums. DuckTales is objectively shit compared to the Carl Barks comics, and Nee DuckTales is even worse.


I am done with the reboot. It's the most worst unorthodox disney cartoon I ever saw. Bland egdy character design, boring flat backgrounds and bland animation ever, neither of them doesn't follow well the 12 Principles of animation, the staging is the worst. The writing: Jokes are flat with timed less animation, Webby is very annoying with her femi power writing, the triplets are acting very like distant siblings, Scrooges gets barely any screen time and his personally reflect more dr.venture then his older greedy ego…Jeez, they said they watched the old cartoon or comic, I don't think so that is not even 70% the inspiration they took that's more like 10%.

Hello Franz

So we compare the comics to the cartoons why?

Learn to get horny from cartoon characters, you'll have a lot more fun in life.
Or get laid. But holy shit do something with your dick you miserable asshole.

..Because we're on the cartoon and comics board? I do think that the user you're quoting is right in the sense that the Carl Barks stuff is the best of the bunch, but I would say that new ducktales is better than the old one, so far.

I disagree. What was edgy about the chinese luck demon, or any of the main cast?
Agreed, but it's we're living in the age of flash. What can we do?
Broadly agree, with an insistence that you clarify what you mean by the staging being the worst.
I never got that impression to be honest. They're just more chill than their past Ducktales iteration.
This is the point I agree with the most out of your whole post. I think the problem is that they cast that Dr. Who actor as the VA, so the higher cost restricts his appearance. I disagree with what you think about his personality being more like dr. venture, given that Dr. Venture is more like an embittered man who's plagued by failure, not a successful man of adventure and finance.
The new Ducktales cartoon has shown more of the Duck family faster than the previous show did. The intro outright references Carl Banks' oil paintings. On these two points alone, I'd say that the new Ducktales is doing a better job of taking from the source material than old Ducktales.

Nothing wrong with being a miserable asshole.

True, because most people here are miserable assholes never happy with shit, always complaining, never delivering.

Fuck off back to NeoGAF.


What the fuck is this even.
And how do you know about it if it's so shitty?!

Like I complained before , it sadly didn't change with Webby.

It's okay that Webby got a better character, it's NOT okay how much focus is on her while the brothers are completely incompetent comedic sidekicks. She is on the brink of becoming Lisa Simpsons, she's ALWAYS right, the brothers only figure stuff out by accident. But the show introduced their Junior Woodchucks Guide, so they should actually be able to read something about Hieroglyphs or something instead of Webby telling them how it's done.

It's fine that she lectures them about supernatural stuff not being in their Guide, but scientific information in it are actually correct!
So did the Guide just appear once now, like the marbles in old Ducktales and now Webby solves aaall mysteries, know survival stuff and so on, despite living in a millionaire's mansion?! That would be stupid.

I predict that Webby will defeat Magica by emotional speech or some crap, while the brothers stand around and crack lame generation Z jokes, despite someone threatening their lives, Scrooge will be stuck somewhere else with Launchpad.

I told you faggots that they would give Webby the spotlight but you people wanted to be optimistic.

Apparently the only birds, dogs and pigs rule only applies to Duckburg, so I don't know why they couldn't work in Pete

You don't dig the word UNORTHODOX, do you? It means fuck you source material and fuck you tradition. That is exactly what nu-ducktales is doing everything else doesn't look like disney.

Every character is drawn with sharp edges. Doesn't look like something made from disney. Round characters was always a disney tradition.

Replace those current lazy ducktales staff with the mickey short staff they have more experience pulling of old animation principles with flash animation.

Staging is the 3. of the 12 principles of animation. It's shoud be a must for pro animators but they don't know how to do it.

Even Quack Pack give them distinctive personally and they always together with the same goal. In nu-ducktales they separete a lot with different goals. It doesn't make sense for a cast of triplets if they separate a lot.

While the other is a failure and other one is successful. Both behavior similar there is a scene in nu-ducktales I can imagine with the Ventures family recasted In and that the scene where Donald's boat is burning and Ms.Beakley suggest to Scrooge send him far away and Scrooge answer selfish and lazy. Original Scrooge would say and act differently in this scene he would rant about cost and bill what is causing by donald's destruction.

Sadistically rewritting the characters for their own ideals…(-EVIL LAUGHING-)

Holla Forums here. I would just like to say that your picture made me remember just how many core principals of visual design seem to have been lost, not just in cartoons, but also in video games. The Silhouette seems to be a big one.

Take a look at pre-hat-garbage TF2 silhouettes. very distinctive, and the only ones that look even remotely the same are the Medic, Sniper, and Spy, all of which fall under the umbrella of "low-health weenies who are great in their element but are easily destroyed in a straight fight at close range."

Compare that to, say, Planetside 2. You can barely even tell who's who.

For something more recent, I have a lot of bad things to say about Overwatch, but one thing they DID get right was distinctive character design. You always know exactly which character is which, even from a long distance or when you only have their outlines from one of the through-walls vision abilities.

I couldn't find silhouettes for one of its many derivatives, Lawbreakers, but I can tell just from this one screenshot that with the exception of the blocky looking robot guy and some minor head accessories, these guys all look very, very samey as far as their silhouettes go.

There's just all these little things that seem small but make such a big difference. What happened to visual design anyway?

Pete is more of a Mickey Mouse/Mouston character.

Dynamic poses truly are a lost art.

I'm not familiar with that rule. However, I noticed a larger variety of animal background characters starting Mickey Mouse 2013.

They are aware of their species but rarely bring it up or bring attention to it. Is that why Launchpad broke up with his panda girlfriend?

Didn't Overwatch come out last year?

Kinda reminds me how in Vermintide the elf bitch is wearing shaggy fur cloak, which makes her indistinguishable from the rats you are fighting. And there is friendly fire. Meanwhile, in L4D they made sure that characters, zombies and special zombies all have distinctive silhouettes and colors.

you need to gets your eyes checked asap

Enjoy your Soma.

Another namefag for the filter.

How is new Ducktales the equivalent to a feel better drug?

Easily the worst part so far, especially with all the Gravity Fall bullshit. She would've worked better as a shy character like in the original whose personality grows and develops into its own unique and admirable thing. Instead we get this Mabel clone identity, and this Lena bitch will probably serve as the token fag character eventually. And the trio's voices, fuck. I was at least expecting them to incorporate their personalities from Quack Pack which gave them actual character traits.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

And a namefag to boot.

Stop whining, the show is still in it's first season that's enough time for things to get better.

That's against the laws of entropy, you optimistic rat.





Even more adventures in the following weeks

Where's dat episode?

i think the art looks fine for a comic. Comics can get away with more angular shapes.
But the cartoon looks mega flat. it looks like puppet animation. get some talented artists.
it doesn't cost any extra money to draw well.

Wait, if this is a flashback, why does Donnie have black clothes


Even the comics are shit.

Duck Tales itself has always been shit. It's just an adaptation of the comics for Americans that can't read.

Like they can't read an election manifesto and listen to trivial bullshit instead?

Those comics are shit too.

What would you say the biggest problems with the reboot are?


The comics are fine, I guess. Here's hoping further issues change my lukewarm reception.

Pretty much.



Scrooge is now a supporting character and spends most of his time in the B plot, if he appears in the episode at all. And yeah yeah, "MUH EPISODE ORDER", but even if what was left of the season focused entirely on Scrooge, that's still sidelining Scrooge for a third of the entire season. That's inexcusable.

Every single character mugs for the camera at all times. There is no straight man, there is no sense of wonder or awe, there are no moments where anyone takes things the slightest bit seriously, there is only quip after quip after quip. Everyone talks as loudly and as quickly as they possibly can. It's the cartoon equivalent of a shitty comedy movie where the actors are encouraged to improv as much as possible.

The kids collectively are a dumpster fire. The writers jerk off Webby whenever she's on screen and the boys are incompetent at best, outright dishonest at worst, which is completely antithetical to what Uncle Scrooge is all about. In the comics Donald and Gladstone are lazy, not dishonest. Dishonesty is what separates them from Magica and the Beagle Boys, the villains that want to get rich without doing any actual hard work.

Speaking of, where the fuck is the treasure hunting, or defending the Money Bin from hoodlums? Scrooge cares about two things: Getting money and keeping it. When every episode is pointless sitcom bullshit, Scrooge doesn't have anything to do other than grumble in the background.

And this is a small thing but god damn is the animation disappointing. I was hoping for something like the amazingly good Mickey Mouse shorts that Disney's been doing the last few years. This looks like the kind of C-grade animation you would see on Sunday night on Fox.

There's probably more but that's what I can think of off the top of my head. This show has no upside, but that's not why I hate it. I hate it because it's also grating as all hell. It's the animation equivalent of a five year old that desperately wants your attention.

I love how these writers trying to make "strong" female characters never understand that making them always right and without flaw makes them BAD female characters.

It has no heart. They don't even seem like a family. Even HDL/Donald don't seem like a family unit now.

It is unwholesome.

They are when you post them for attention


Making well-written female characters is a lost art in the west. Can't have a woman go through something bad or god forbid have her bad at something that isn't social skills or basic hygiene.

Just go to kisscartoon.





Are you stomaching these comics?

What the hell happened to the art between page 3 which is great with a range of tones and shades, really artistic use of big blocky shadows to create visual interest. There's life and punch in the way the vegetation and scenery are drawn, you can see the over lapping layers of the different distances to create depth in the scene. I dig it.
Compare that to pages 20 and 21 where it's bland as hell. Lazy bgs with hardlu any depth or layering to the vegetation- including big chunks of nothing where negative space isn't adding anything. Also inconsistent shading- look at the shadows on the girl duck being opposite the pumpkin man near her. There's no goddamn reason for light source to be opposite on the two characters based on the bland lighting of the seen. I even see a layer failure on the nose of the of the same crouching panda guy where you can see they fucked up the transparency. Over all it suffers from the 'every character shaded separately forgetting they are part of a unified scene' disease I see so often these days. I hate the lack of colour in the shading as well, for fucks sake it's a jungle- shade with some blue-green tints or peridot kinda tints and give it some atmosphere. I hate that you have some toned shading on the pink pumpkins(a cool lavender against the warm salmon) which just makes the lazy like 30% opacity layer black shadows on all the pandas look even worse.
To me it looks like page 20 tried to mimic the style of page 3 and failed. And it's all so goddamn bland. Do not want.

Fuck, one more thing that I can't forgive. Look at the very last panel. There's a goddamn 3 bulb spotlight on Donald and look at the shading and highlights. Looks at the lack of it. Where is the rim lighting from it? The hard shadows being cast. Holy hell. That little tinted spot in the middle of the pumpkin that makes no sense with the light source or curve is like being spat on by the image. Like it's just the shit artist mocking the viewer.
And how the hell is strong independent womyn duck's hair casting a shadow like that so close to so intense a light source?! It's the opposite of what it should be. How do you fuck up so bad?
Props to the tiny gasp of dynamic light with nice toning we get on the suit of armour. If only we had a bit of cool shadows to really make it work. Instead we get someone testing if their sharpie pen still works as 'shading'.
Wow I am salty.

Kinda shitty.

Show is back from hiatus!93pREBJA!zTnTDn7uUAfNmhCSZJ3nYQ

Thanks man!!

Even the normalfags are wising up to how mediocre this is.

They look like fucking Kotaku. As in: Site that always complains to piss people off to get paid for shit articles.

It's like user would get money for their whiny posts. Imagine that. They get fucking PAID for their invalid crap, we don't.

Pretty sure everyone here knows what kotaku is, you aren't telling us anything new.

This thread just shows that Holla Forums hates the modern cartoons cause MUH NOSTALGIA.

Quack Pack will always be worse than DuckTales 2017

Holla Forums isn't a hivemind though.
That last episode was pretty good on the whole, though I'll echo in that the more exciting stuff is happening in the comics.
The jellybean strip is probably the best one of the bunch, to be honest. And the Della, Donald and Scrooge comics are generally better than the ones with the nephews, for that matter.

user, the post was obvious bait the faggot actually used-
-the more you respond to him the worse its going to get.

Reminder that DuckTales was always shit and that the Donald Duck comics were always better.

Funny… I love the modern cartoons because nostalgia. Just like I hate the new Jumanji because nostalgia.

You got any examples of good female character in cartoons ?

go fuck yourself

Bernd ist auch ein fetter Sack ohne Plan.






See you in one week for IDW's March 2018 solicits to find out this comic is cancelled or not!

Webby is a good character you sexist pig.

Disney will most likely own David Tennant smelling John Cena's ass

funny thing is this was actually supposed to be episode 4, judging by the DisneyJuniorOnDemand codes. It was supposed to precede gothamuletloli but I guess they delayed it to coincide with Hannukah


Explain why it's bad.

Wait that's what the discussion is about, right?

huh huh huuuuuhhhhh hhhuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy teeeeeeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeee uhhhhh oh god fuck me in the ass teeeeveeeeeee

He won't.

He will, I believe in him.

If that is what Webby will say, then I want it even more.

Is English a foreign language to you?

Guess he meant explain how it's worse.

Explain why it's worse.

Man, I was actually surprised by seeing Happy Happy Valley actually being the better of the two stories. I was looking forward to the Samurai story but the curse just got undone out of nowhere and the panel where the Woodchuck Survival guide is brought out is incredibly disjointed.

Also it's already been more than two weeks, so just so everyone who is still on this thread knows, there is a #7 coming along in March, though this Duckmania kinda came and went for me as far as I'm concerned.

Any news on when S2 drops?






This series is still ongoing!

Solid issue overall, though the first half of the first story rubbed me the wrong way. Cosplayer is a word that shouldn't really be in Scrooge's vocabulary.

Thanks Op.

The hype died down huh

t. not the real OP
IDs when?

The hype died when people watched it and it was just the mediocre adventures of Webby and friends.

New thread?

what the fuck are you guys doing?

Season 2? We're still nearly halfway through Season 1.

Only when Season 2 starts, and for (You), here's:




Italian interference in the animated series when?