Remember remember autism in November

Remember remember autism in November

Anemones is going to demand Brunft's impeachment?

chanology was a mistake

this is entirely due to movie and reddit



>living in (((america)))



It was not even that good of a movie.


Are you some kind of sexist?
Natalie Portman shaved her head for this move. That's like Chrisian Bale starving himself for The Machinist. Wow. Just wow. I can't even.

don't live in any of those places

I could understand LOTR causing a white nationalist uprising but V for Vendetta? The action scenes were ripped off of the Matrix.

decent bait but i'll bite, same directors and writers.

She was unironically the worse part, her accent was shit

Wachowski didn't direct V

So just like chanology it's going to consist of spoiled, jobless retards trying to send some vague message about how they're grumpy about something?

It is the tea party for 25 year olds.

what's chanology

kys normalfag

Not bothering to know cringey imageboard slang is not the same as being new.
Trying hard to fit in like you are, on the other hand, is.
kys reddit

They can be lucky if they get a million brain cells marching together, let alone a million people.

pathetic rebuttal. eat shit, niggerdick. if you're on here and haven't picked up on the lingo, you are a newfag, and btw i called you normal, not new. way to expose yourself, jackass ;^)

no, kys




get made fagot

All me, to be quite fucking brutally honest famalamadingdong, also I'm from 9GAG.

Fuck you got me

Come on man, they're literally inviting you to have your way.

Isn't it funny how Holla Forums went from supporting things like net neutrality to opposing them around the time of the presidential campaign?

Lurk moar. Fuckin kids these days.

Holla Forums never opposed net neutrality

Shut up, just listen and believe

no, back to reddit kid

nope, guess again

The worst fate of all tbh

Least I know what chanology is.

Oh oh oh I have just the image.

inb4 only a handful of people show up and awkwardly shuffle around wondering what to do



That's the sort of communism I could get behind.


Are they protesting the one year anniversary of them getting BTFO by a game show host/steak salesman?

That’s some far out sci-fi shit right there.

4chan's gonna bomb your van

It's a reference to the rare earth metals that are needed to make circuits, batteries, and fancy LCD displays. Most of them are either mined in China or Africa, and they're basically the new "blood diamonds" because warlords use them to fund their murder sprees.

And if they started using some other shit to make phone those warlords would use something else

This kind of bullshit is done to get those companies to pay these upper middle class hippies to "create awareness" which is basically stop ruining the brand, a extortion racket

If they wanted to fix the problem they would think of ways to defeat those warlords and stabilize those african countries, but that takes a lot of job and knowledge about african politics and we're talking about lazy rich kids who never had to work a day of their lives or pay their own rent themselves and who have to use popculture references to describe political situations because they have zero understanding of history

The book was better.

Are they implying that the Republican party are INGSOC?
Are they implying Trump is a Communist?