This is starting to turn into Duetschland 2014.
Starbucks pledges to hire 10,000 refugees
This is starting to turn into Duetschland 2014.
Starbucks pledges to hire 10,000 refugees
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Wasn't (((Schultz))) in direct contact with Hillary's campaign at some point?
Headlines a week from now: Starbucks has 10000 employees deported, still has to pay severance for all of them
It's okay, goy. They're just taking jobs no one else wants. Who would want to make coffee for rich liberals while only making $8/hr?
Feminists will actually face real rape cultural for the first time
But how are they going to hire people that aren't allowed to come here because there's an immigration ban? :^)
This is just like the mayor that wants to house illegals in his office. Why not the unemployed Americans we have so many of already?
Where do you think she got the cold chai?
Yeah, they will. They'll start getting gangraped by Muslims and blacks who broadcast it live on the internet via Facebook. The Muslims and blacks will then make videos bragging about it and saying they deserved it for being whores. And you know who those feminist will blame?
White men.
Hope people are ready to wait 25 minutes for a cup of coffee to be made
boycott starbucks
I like how this is playing out and await the next exciting development with bated breath
Dubs confirm.Starbucks is fucked in the ass, finally, lawsuits and politics will destroy them. Let's help, fuk starbucks!
I hope they enjoy the spit special for simply being infedels
They really didn't think this through.
they did, but it's all virtue signaling, they don't have 10,000 openings and they never did
Rich white liberals will support this move. 3 months later they'll stop going there because 'quality has declined' they won't be able to put 2 and 2 together to figure out why, because the programmed mental block won't allow them to.
Schultz was born to a Jewish family[9
I don't think anyone on this board supports Starcucks in the first place.
They'll just pass laws against men like harsher sentences over "verbal abuse" or not checking consent every 20 seconds or some other gay shit and then only enforce when it's a White guy.
So how did they manage to pull 10k jobs out of their ass?
there are plenty of stupid cucks round here who think it's no big deal to give your money to jews
Isn't Starbucks' head office based in Israel?
But the idea of taking it to twitter and alerting kikebart could do wonders, could it not?
Read that in his voice. How soothing.
they will fire 10,000 whites to make room.
Eh, it's illegal discriminate and hire only rapefugees.
next up, Starbucks is sued for unlawful hiring practices….
we should meme that starbucks is funding al queda. that would be lulzworthy and the fear would stop some normies from buying their starbucks.
Is he going to force his employees to make awkward comments about race to customers again?
Because that was a spectacular success.
Can't wait for the lawsuits to roll in.
We need to go full meme war on Starbucks.
They have over priced shit coffee anyways
They never really plan or think ahead.
1488 CHESS
So hire rapefugees instead of shitlib American citizens? Uhm, ok I guess?
Eh, wouldn't say total shit. Their dark chocolate double shots got me through a week-long moving process. But I'm not buying anything from them anymore. Particularly so if my wife can ever get her hands on their brownie recipes!
But user, now in addition to paying 5 times what a coffee is worth, you can have the pleasure of repeating your order 10 times because the shitskin at the register can't speak English and then have your coffee prepared by a mud who wipes his ass with his hands.
Starbucks isn't the only faggot corporation jumping on this shit. Lyft sent me an email detailing how they plan to funnel profits to fight Trump on the immigration ban.
It will be funny when they're deported out of their jobs.
If they did, none of us would be able to enjoy the impending shitstorm that's just beyond the horizon!
They'll also have to shoah their menu of any ham products because it's absolutely haram and would facilitate their need to allahu ackbar
Yeah I'm not going back to that place, where previously I had no care at all. They gave me a reason to not buy there.
So the US can import more paki cab drivers who they then immediately put out of work?
No Brother, that's what (((they))) want you to believe.
Well, duh it is obviously the patriarchy that something something something…
I do it all the time, I actually ridicule people for going to "Corporate Coffee Company" at our office. I even offer to drive out to get coffee from one of the local coffee shops. So far it is working. 5 down about 8 to go. People hate Starbucks like they hate McDonalds. One look of disgust and a comment and at the minimum they hide their drink in another cup.
Lel. They are incapable of moderation, soon they are going to criticize anyone that hires an actual American citizen. And we should encourage them to do this.
what other companies are jumping on hiring rapefugees?
Where will the college graduates work, now?
The actual title of that article should be "Starbucks Takes Advantage Of Low-Wage, Uneducated Labor Pool"
they managed to put like five refugees to work over here as subsidized factory workers
Apparently all lefties want the experience of being in a third-world shithole with their morning joe…
Yet another reason not to go there.
Like if subway is on the list I think a draw fag should get to work modifying the spyro eat fresh pic into allah shitting into a sub with other rag heads and goats present.
But they can't get into the country even if the visas weren't frozen.
Kike playing a toothless PR game.
Lad, I've got a story to tell you and it ain't pretty.
That's fine but it's better if you point out they are giving 10k jobs to moslem rapefugees instead of 10k spics and negroes citizens.
Never went to a Starbucks and this is one of many reasons why I'm glad I never did
This is really funny to me vecausr the people who usually work there are mostly liberal hipsters. So they're putting their own kind out of employment. I suppose they can spend more time protesting this way.
If it comes from a troll account, who cares?
1 year later there's 10000 liberal arts majors yelling
These cultural marxists have another thing coming if they think I'm going to pay for their universal income
Sexual assault complaints are going to grow exponentially. Then again, the left is so cucked they'll probably apologize for being raped.
tbh half of the employees of Starbucks are already either poo in the loos or raperugees
beat me to it.
holy shit, lads, i have an idea.
if this actually goes through, and you know of a local starbucks that has confirmed rapefugees working at it, we need to go in there and either redpill or just shill whatever anti-muslim shit we can get our hands on, to the point that the rapefugees either assault or tamper with the products so they get kicked out.
i care moishe
seems awfully shilly in here…
also i've just realized, being a refugee =/= citizen. this is basically starbucks saying they're hiring illegal immigrants.
Easy concentration, easy deportation.
kys then go back to cuckchan
I would love to see the internals of this, as they struggle to find rapeugees that are literate or even want jobs to begin with.
Once they do implement this, even liberal faggots will notice the quality of the service and drinks declining, which is only inevitable when you higher 10K employees with 80 IQs. Market forces will kick in and Starcucks will lose business as people gradually, silently shift away to smaller and more local coffee chains. No one will admit that its because starcucks went the mcdonalds "diversity" route and destroyed the quality of their business. But we will know why.
How? the majority of Starcucks employees are non-white
the majority of customers are white.
he's saying the employees will sexually assault the customers.
Oh no
But they will find that the dried feces in their favorite seasonal beverages will give them an additional earthy tone of parasitic infections with an overwhelming sense of self aggrandizing smug while they shit blood and worms from last week's tall mocha soy latte muhamadin spiced ramadan frappacino.
The ultimate in virtue signaling user, it is what their death cult calls for.
The idea that sending aid and supplies to help these people isn't good enough anymore, and now we literally have to transplant the entire fucking middle east to the west is unrealistic and insane. No one who supports this completely unfeasible plan has any reason or intelligence. They are brainwashed morons.
I'm ok with this.
normal prepackaged brownie mix with 2 tablespoons of xenoestrogens
Notify Kikebart and they will get the Kelloggs treatment
So what's a good brand of coffee grounds other than Starbucks? I quit buying $4 cups of coffee a long time ago but I still buy grounds. Obviously since they racially discriminate in their hiring practices I need to stop buying their products completely.
If starbucks fire 10,000 whites, starbucks would become 100% diverse™
Race realism isn't racism. Racism is prejudice+belief, race realism is prejudice+science.
just stop drinking (((coffee)))
drink only filtered water
Kek, after getting "extra cream" in their coffee a couple times girls are going to rethink their choice of coffee place. Not to mention the disease spreading potential of all this. My fucking college has an outbreak of norovirus (which you get from shit) because all the fucking pajeets there don't know that you need to wash your hands too when you poo in the loo.
(((STARBUCKS))) Uses Hecate/ISIS on their Logo's
Very Anti-Christ
Starbucks serves bacon. Good luck with that.
Do tell
LEL I've only ONCE drank a Starcucks coffee and it wasn't bought with my own cash. Not just that but it wasn't even real coffee, it was one of those icecream coffee, tasty abominations they make.
Maxwell House, Folgers, smaller brands, coffee you make in your home.
Whoa. I wonder if other chains like McDonald's will also start hiring people who don't need liveable wages due to benefits.
Dats right, OP. With your 'friends' in Hollywood and NYC, you're starting to catch up. Soon… it all be haram.
Anyway, boycott this Jew run coffeehouse.
Oh and lol at some tumberlina ordering their 10-step fucking drink with some muzzie cunt who can't speak English taking the order. Schultyz literally making sjw's racist via overpriced coffee.
I switched to bubble tea years ago.
No, the future is automation. Dirty muslims spoil peoples appetites in both appearance and not washing thier hands.
>not buying beans/seeds to grind to desired coarseness yourself with mortar and pestle
Seriously though, I'm going in to apply at Starbucks tomorrow and if I don't get hired - given I'm far over-educated, have a great work history and am an upstanding White male - I'm suing for discrimination.
if any of you faggots weren't already boycotting this shitty coffee chain, you'd better start now
I don't understand how anyone on Holla Forums buy a cup of coffee and listening to a script that the cashier says on the back story of coffee bean and you're it's the poor nigger or spic farmers from starvation
*order five
Go to your nearest Starbucks and just take all the napkins, straws, sugars, etc. Piss on the floor of their bathrooms.
their new employees will be way ahead of you on that one
You can also clog up toilet by using paper towels instead of toilet paper
I think we would already have it if shitskins didn't do the job for $50 a day after taxes.
I dont know if I would do that because it might cause problems for their neighbors or the municipality.
The toilets always clugged on weekly basis when going to public restaurant or retail store
even our terrorists care
This isn't how you save Western civilization. You do it by shoving as much shit as you can get your hands on down their shitter.
Kek what did you mean by this?
ayyy, not a good idea when your customers are college kiddies who cant function without safe spaces.
I cant wait for the sudden rise of rapes on starcucks
Im not an anarcuck. I prefer pissing on their toilet paper!
It's OK, guys. Those white Yazidi christians Trump is prioritizing will need some decent work to stay off welfare.
Don't forget their other target demographic is middle aged white moms, who as statistics show overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Good night Starcucks, it's been fun.
Wew lads.
Are 10k people getting fired to make space for these pretend people?
1. Enter female bathroom
2. Cover the toilet rolls with your cum
3. Uncuck the left with your superior genetics
How is this possible? Have they openned thousands of new stores? Or will they replace their current employees? I'm sure it's just virtue-signalling, but c'mon now.
Tax the shit out of these cocksuckers! Send controls to each of their stores! They can fuck off, anyone can make coffee.
Isn't immigration status a protected class for hiring purposes?
How can this be legal?
These are the type of people that should be assassinated, not low life antifa cucks. Go after Twitter CEO, after Zuckerberg, after Starbucks cuck. Bomb the shit out of Google HQ.
Anyone who says: refugees welcome here, is promoting white genocide and wants all white people dead. It's a declaration of war.
When you wipe at Starbucks, you're wiping with Hitler.
never hear of this, tell me more
Here's to hoping Lefties get coffee with fecal matter all over the cup and whatnot. Not much of a stretch considering who we're talking about here.
Maxwell House and Folgers are shit-tier coffees that come out of the bag tasting stale and burned. I already said I'm buying coffee GROUNDS and not $4 cups of coffee at Starbucks. I assumed that when one says they're looking to buy coffee GROUNDS that everyone knows that acquiring grounds is the first step to making coffee at home.
If anybody suggests instant coffee I swear I'm gonna kick them square in the nuts.
Folgers tastes like household cleaning solutions.
Russian here. In my country mostly kebabs work at restourants and fast foods (just like in every other job that doesn't require high education).
That's a norm already.
truly wonderous times
By "refugees," he probably means more mexicans. They already dominate the restaurant/service industry, so this is sort of pointless, since they'd already be hiring thousands of mexicans this year regardless of politics.
He was tipped for a cabinet position if HRC had won..
anyone remember the chocolate/shit cake fiasco in Britbongistan? i do not want to be served by these sand niggers.
Haha silly Starbucks,
Sandniggers dont work.
Who are we taking down next? Apple?
Fucking traitors.
oho man, this is going to be one hell of a shitshow.
Shitty coffee gets shittier. Nothing of value will be lost.
Somebody post a webm of the MDE: World Peace skit that was inspired by this.
I'm quite proud of the fact that I have never been inside one of those Starbucks shitholes (which will become literal shitholes after letting mudslimes run it).
This is going to end well.
Starbucks is shooting themselves in the fucking foot.
Where can I sue them for discrimination?
What a flawless plan. The sheltered city libshits that previously only saw rapefugees on their TV and in their dreams will soon have to deal with them on a daily basis.
What could go wrong?
Pretty sure that's not legal.
holy shit is that graph factual?
160 posts and not one on topic meme.
For a CEO he's pretty fucking stupid.
This just cemented the "rapefugees are taking our jobs" meme.
Imagine being a U.S. citizen looking for a jon & now reading that you've been cut out of 10,000 openings because you're not a rapefugee.
sorry I was too tired, when you buy a cup of coffee there's always somebody giving a lecture on how buying this type of coffee will help the poor people in the area they brought the bean from
Just bring a class action suit, and we'll all join.
Do NOT use a Jew law firm, they'll be trying to lose.
Everyone is working directly against the will of the president, not only is this treasonous, but I don't want to hear anybody talking shit when "if you look at the statistics goy he didn't really do anything"
No true white would work at Starcuck's
I smell a class-action lawsuit for discrimination.
I smell money.
are you perhaps a kike?
kikes have a good nose for money
It is and has always been a Muslim drink.
I'm a NEET.
White, male, broke and looking for a job.
then by all means, sue the jew
Only one problem, there are just 1736 of then in USA
They'll just hire anyone that isnt white.
Starbucks really is a shit place to work. I guarantee you most of these refugees will get fired or quit within a few weeks so they can get back on the gibs.
Already happened in Norway, a guy said he regretted reporting he was raped because the rapist was being deported.
it really is though. these people are walking red pills and bad smellling rape machines .
and i'm sure they will be very good for business.
wow people really don't wanna work there, huh
hate to say it
but I agree with FBI user here
Wonder how these birtue signalling fools will enjoy getting handed a drink from someone who wipes their ass with their bare hand
Well…quite simple, really. Feminists want to get taken and raped, they see white males as submissive faggots who don't know what they want in life. They don't tolerate shitskin sexism for PC reasons, they welcome it because the thought of getting gang banged by nignogs is more appealing to them than fucking you after the 17th date.
Or as some others like to put it: Feminism and immigration is one big shit-test.
> J: Oh God. There is a type of feminist guy who is so eager to fall over himself to be deferential to women and to prove his feminist bona fides and flagellate himself in front of you, to the point that it really turns me off. And it makes me sad, because politically, these are the guys that I should be sleeping with! You know what I'm talking about?
All fine by me, the largely white female workforce at Starbucks will be marginalized or at worst targeted by the influx of refugees.
They will become redpilled seeing how the company that employes them cares not for them, but only a hollow message they wish to send.
Plus I haven't been to a Starbucks in at least six years. Support your local business, they'll mostly have the same employees, they will remember your damn name, and they won't shill. You'll want to do everything you can for people who won't shill.
Any little thing now causes them to accelerate the white genocide exponentially. Its as if the poop cannot be deep enough.
you all realize the irony here is that (((Schultz))) is literally one of the biggest Zionists on earth and has made numerous statements about "keeping Israel's Jewish essence?"
The next meme frontier we have to tackle is #OpenBordersForIsrael or #IsraelRefugeesWelcome. We could even get leftists shilling this for us with some work. Mr. Schultz is obviously very fond of refugees. Why not take a few million into Israel?
Careful, they'll give you cancer. But they'll only do it once.
Carload O' Comics?
I've been a few times, it's shit.
Fucking shit. How hard is it to just operate a company that sells coffee without political faggotry? You want to cut down on costs, cut 2 off the staff by automating the register with a fucking kiosk. If fucking Sheetz can figure that out and have 50 goddamn options for a sandwich, how hard is it to ask people if they want extra shots of espresso, half caffeine, decaffeinated, soy milk, almond milk, skim milk, half and half, etc. ad nauseum?
People want this fancy shit, and Starbucks has opted to instead half-automate their espresso machines, which means shit espresso pulls, and instead focus on political activism and selling yuppie knick-knacks that no one fucking cares about.
Coffee. Food that goes with coffee. WiFi. Comfy chairs. Newspapers. MAYBE Coffee mugs. The end.