I thought of myself as a leftist, then a centrist, now I'm just some odd manner of Holla Forumsack.
It happened because I held all the usual useful idiot views. Gays are people too, immigrants aren't inherently bad, blacks are just oppressed and come from broken households, IQ doesn't really mean anything.
Then the left pushed even more stupid and inane ideas. I had the audacity to believe that kids shouldn't be taught about anal sex and 50 genders and about how being gay is awesome at the age of 8-12. I didn't think that blacks having broken households was all whitey's fault. I thought that limiting immigration to vetted professionals was a logical choice instead of opening the floodgates to rapists and criminals. I had the audacity to know that IQ was valid for large statistically-significant sample sizes. I had the audacity to believe that both parties did awful things. That Obama was doing a far greater evil by continuing his executive overreach and setting precedents for having a presidency far more powerful than the founding fathers ever envisioned. I've been reading history books for fun since I was 15, so I have a shitload of historical knowledge that I could bring to a discussion, but obviously all history before 1964 was racist and colonialist and what do you mean we shouldn't trust the media, the Spanish-American War don't real.
For each and every one of those ideas, I was called a sexist, racist, bigot, misogynist, transphobe, homophobe, islamophobe. Everything under the sun. I'd be plastered with those labels regardless of anything I said, and I couldn't be an intellectual coward and simply repeat those fucking ideological talking points either.
So I started looking into the actual statistics, hoping to convince people otherwise. Statistics on blacks and immigrants committing far more crime than demographically expected, statistics showing that mass immigration simply doesn't work, statistics that the gender pay gap is completely fictional, statistics that fags are simply awful parents, all from peer-reviewed and reliable scientific sources. I used more historical precedent. I used direct passages from the Koran to prove that it's not a religion of peace.
Because I thought to myself, if these fuckers love science and rational thought and skepticism so much, then they'll be convinced by these facts, right?
They doubled down on calling me buzzwords, of trying to paint me into a little categorical corner so they could ignore me out of hand. Rightist, conspiracy theorist, nazi, fascist, racist. Anything that could let them ignore all the data and evidence I presented as the ravings of a crazy lunatic. Fuck it, if I'm a nazi racist bigot misogynist, then I don't care what they have to say. And if you don't care, they have no power over you. You have no societal pressures to conform to doubleplusgoodthink, so you start absorbing all the data and knowledge you can. Some of it is crazy, some of it is outright wrong, but eventually it all starts to click together and you become a Holla Forumsack.
I really hate the left. I put up with eight years of disagreeing with everything Obama did. There were no protests, nobody burnt anything down to the ground, nobody attacked Obama supporters, there was no mass hysteria.
But now the left fervently believe that they are so morally, ethically, and logically superior that any and all means justify their ends. They call the right fascists but they are the ones committing the vast majority of political violence, property destruction, and social disruption. Because it's all for what they think are the "right" causes and will put them on the "right" side of history, it's all overlooked.
I didn't become a rightist or Holla Forumsack by choice. Neither do most people. We get pushed here and settle down into the only logical and skeptic positions left. The rate at which the left is pushing even further to the left is astonishing. It's not just enough that you're pro-choice, you have to say that you wish you had had an abortion. It's not enough to support gay rights, you have to teach little kids about fagsex while telling them that genders don't exist. It's not just enough to support equality, you have to proclaim and carry out death to whitey and death to men.
Fuck it, let the left bury its own grave. The more they call everyone and everything fascist, sexist, racist, whatever, the more people simply stop caring about being called that. When they stop caring, the societal pressure to conform goes away. When that goes away, they actually become fascist, racist, sexists.
It's the future they chose. It's the future they'll get. They chose to create a future where they see everyone as racists and fascists and they're fighting for true social justice. It's a fight they'll lose because they are nothing more than petulant children.