Holla Forums I dont really know what to do, all of my peers are very far left and I am having a hard time connecting with them and dealing with that. I dont know what to do with my life as I've just been pushed through the system not really learning anything. I'm kinda just left right now directionless and I want help that I dont know that I can get.
This will probably be see as a shill or black pill thread or something but I don't really care to be honest.
Demoralized in the current year
Same, starting to not care about politics and thinking of just heading off to improve myself. Consider that.
sage because >>>/polblog/
- lift weights
- eat right
- cut out degeneracy (weed, porn, all forms of instant gratification)
- write down some goals, what's holding you back from them, brainstorm ways to overcome obstacles, etc. start small, come up with daily/weekly/monthly tasks
oh and get with Jesus
fuck off moshe
Go worship a jew somewhere else christcuck.
no atheist 14 words supporter worth their salt gives a fuck if people are Christian, provided those Christians put race before cucking out to browns
Come on Nigger, only Jews say christcuck.
Just because i'm not a jew worshiper doesn't make me an atheist.
Any actual 1488er understands that jew worship hijacks european spirituality, because it is otherwise naturally a function of blood and soil. Spiritual energy misdirected toward jew worship is one of the initial subversions, which leads to "turn the other cheek" and "we are the same in gods eyes" cuckoldry. You can stay in denial all you want about most christians being weak beta cucked faggots but you shouldn't expect to not get called out on your jewish fetishism.
You're young brother. Things don't make sense yet because you haven't figured out how to hide your power level. Hang in there. It gets easier around 30
lol die kike
So then fucking redpill them or make new friends. What city/state do you live in?
join us on twitter
So your solution was to start a demoralization thread? Trump is President. He's not literally Hitler but he's a 1000x improvement over anyone we've had in decades. Holla Forums has never been more powerful, and while there's still a ton of work to do, it's baffling that you'd pick right now to feel demoralized.
Unless you're a kike. In that case I agree, you have a lot to be worried about.
Nice demoralization thread kike
Colorado Boulder area
All of my peers are brain dead morons who drink the kool-aid like it's tap water.
Just ignore them and do what you went to school for, to learn new shit.
There is more to peoples lives than just how their imageboards are doing (hopefully).
And if you're actually demoralized just by hearing someone elses problems you probably need more help than OP. After all, it's not like his private issues effect you. That is, unless they trigger you into thinking about some aspect of your own reality you would rather ignore.
Remember you don't just go to school to learn, but also to make connections. Social skills can count for a lot. I learned the hard way.
You need to realize those are not your friends anymore. Same thing happened to me. One of my so called friends who I had thought was pro trump started arguing with me claiming Trump was going to get impeached and that there was a golden shower video coming out. I laughed in his face, and then he got even more upset when I told him it was fake news and he was dumb for believing it. This White ex friend told me that I had to bet him $100 that Trump would last Four years in office. When at first this White ex friend was claiming he would only last 3 months in office. It was surreal to see this guy get so upset because i wouldn't bet him money. I justs laughed at him and then he started to insult the area that I lived in thinking he was better than me. This white guy started to say everyone things your a clown and you have no friends. LOL i lauhged and mocked him even more "oh no i have no friends" and then he goes on some tirade about how no one will date me and i laugh even more in his face. So he ask me to leave and i leave never planning on returning and now I will openly mock him. Then he calls me a nazi and tell me how its not cool, AFTER he admitted he doesn't want to be around refuggess illegals or blacks etc…. the guy is a hypocrite.
This ex white friend is a typical media brainwashed goon who watches ESPN non stop. This guy is totally addicted to Negro Sports and it is pathetic. People like that i am realizing i don't want or need in my life. They will cause their own downfall.
So in essence it is better to part way and focus on yourself. You will find new people and you will realize your self worth isn't based on your friends opinion of you at all. it is based on what you accomplish and your family.
This ex white friend showed his true colors and I'm glad he did. Now I know what he thinks and i don't want friends like that.
Not sure what part of my post gave you the impression that I was "demoralized". I've never felt more patriotic and proud of my President, and I think CY+2 will be the best one yet.
It was this part:
There is nothing about OP that should demoralize anybody.
You have no clue what a demoralization thread is. They try to gaslight a consensus that people are hopeless and there's no chance to save America/Europe/etc. I was calling it out for a blatant attempt at shilling. No one on Holla Forums feels down and we know between Trump, Brexit and all the incredible developments of 2016, our best years are well ahead of us.
OK dude I understand what you are saying right? But the thing is that politics arn't everything. This thread was really made to look for advice on how to deal with having peers who you cannot fundamentally agree with and find purpose in life outside of Holla Forums. I mean for fucks sake I've done nothing all day but read Holla Forums and I know that cannot be healthy, in highschool no less, yet I don't know where to go and what to do. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say as the OP.
Pic unrelated
I'm an actor living in New York.
I know how it is, but the fact is, you are considering going back because you want to be accepted in their cult.
That's really bad.
TO win a crowd, that's no art. That's the loss of self.
You can just go down to the Museum of Moving Images and make loads of red pilled friends.
Like her?
A true Aryan Goddess.
She'll probably be in tears before she leaves.
I've almost made the big break. Whenever I'm in the Oscars (1-3 years) I'll let you all know.
Mark my words, Hollywood is going down.
I have lived in a few of the most hardcore left cities in the US my entire life and nearly everyone I've ever met, worked with, and/or befriended is a leftist in some form. My sister and mom are total blue pills but my dad is lowkey red pilled. Nearly every female I've ever met has been some combination of degenerate, far left and/or completely clueless. I get it. I know what it's like to be surrounded by mindless cultural cuckoldry, self aggrandizing moral superiority complexes, degenerates, white bread normies, and the ilk. Here's what you do.
1. Focus on yourself and live as an example. You're the only person you have control over. Wishing people were different doesn't work. Accept it and focus on yourself. Be the person you wish other people were and people will take notice.
2. Educate yourself. Education is key no matter what you want to do. Do you REALLY know what the fuck you're talking about? What do you REALLY know about the founding the country? What do you REALLY know about diverse schools of political theory? About 20th century history? 19th century? What do you REALLY know about science? Math? Engineering? Physics? Do you repeat what you hear or have you done the research yourself? Step 1: education. Read books, watch documentaries, take community college courses, build things, talk to people who know what they're talking about.
3. Learn conversational techniques, persuasion, and psychology. You don't need to like and be friends with everyone but you need to understand how they think if you want to interact with them. Whether it's flirting with a female, a job interview, a talk with your son, or a joke with your friends, you need to understand people and how to be charming in conversation. Who cares if you like them? If you can get people to think you do like them, they'll open up to you and be much easier to deal with. Never underestimate how one good conversation can change your life.
4. Get in shape. You don't need to get ripped and run a 6 minute mile but don't be a fat slob. Go outside. Lift some weights. Walk a dog. Do some yard work. Be physical every day.
5. Get a hobby outside of politics and memes. Do cool stuff. Find something you like and hook up with people your age who also like it. Odds are, a few of them are more similar to you than you think. Remember, many redpilled people are afraid to expose themselves unless they know they can let their guard down.
6. Figure out some goals. Professional and personal. Set some deadlines and see how much you can get done. It's not about accomplishing everything you try, it's about accomplishing a few good things.
I have lived in a few of the most hardcore left cities in the US my entire life and nearly everyone I've ever met, worked with, and/or befriended is a leftist in some form. My sister and mom are total blue pills but my dad is lowkey red pilled. Nearly every female I've ever met has been some combination of degenerate, far left and/or completely clueless. I get it. I know what it's like to be surrounded by mindless cultural cuckoldry, self aggrandizing moral superiority complexes, degenerates, white bread normies, and the ilk. Here's what you do.
1. Focus on yourself and live as an example. You're the only person you have control over. Wishing people were different doesn't work. Accept it and focus on yourself. Be the person you wish other people were and people will take notice.
2. Educate yourself. Education is key no matter what you want to do. Do you REALLY know what the fuck you're talking about? What do you REALLY know about the founding the country? What do you REALLY know about diverse schools of political theory? About 20th century history? 19th century? What do you REALLY know about science? Math? Engineering? Physics? Do you repeat what you hear or have you done the research yourself? Step 1: education. Read books, watch documentaries, take community college courses, build things, talk to people who know what they're talking about.
3. Learn conversational techniques, persuasion, and psychology. You don't need to like and be friends with everyone but you need to understand how they think if you want to interact with them. Whether it's flirting with a female, a job interview, a talk with your son, or a joke with your friends, you need to understand people and how to be charming in conversation. Who cares if you like them? If you can get people to think you do like them, they'll open up to you and be much easier to deal with. Never underestimate how one good conversation can change your life.
4. Get in shape. You don't need to get ripped and run a 6 minute mile but don't be a fat slob. Go outside. Lift some weights. Walk a dog. Do some yard work. Be physical every day.
5. Get a hobby outside of politics and memes. Do cool stuff. Find something you like and hook up with people your age who also like it. Odds are, a few of them are more similar to you than you think. Remember, many redpilled people are afraid to expose themselves unless they know they can let their guard down.
6. Figure out some goals. Professional and personal. Set some deadlines and see how much you can get done. It's not about accomplishing everything you try, it's about accomplishing a few good things.
Or don't IDGAF
I mean, it might be good advice for OP, but I'll stick with hitting F5 and shilling for Trump everywhere.
Like I said, if you are demoralized by OP, you probably need more help than him. If you're so fragile you need that kind of constant psychological reinforcement, even considering the current state of things, you're fucked up. You shouldn't be demoralized by OP or want to encourage people who would be. Even from a political point of view they would be a liability to have around.
The idea that you think people on Holla Forums can't be depressed or have life problems because Trump is president is worrying. OP doesn't even say anything controversial, these are common problems plenty of people here have had and could relate to and possibly give advice for.
Thank you for the advice, I will do my best and I thank you for your words friends.
Budding successful musician born and raised in LA, I feels you. It's like landmines and eggshells dealing with people and these industries with this shit out here, to a fellow inside man who wants to Make Hollywood Great Again, I salute you.
You sound like a newfag.
good advice.
Man that knows gets harder and harder to hide
nose knows