Merkel's CDU beaten into third place by anti-migrant AFD

Workers were the biggest swing demographic.

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you know how i say socdems are socialists too?
SPD is an exception to this as the socialists left for the Socdem/Demsoc "Left Party"

Because they feel alienated from the mainstream left. In their eyes the center-left parties only seem to care about migrants and idpol.

They see themselves in a competition for resources, jobs and affordable housing with the migrants.

This pattern could be observed all throughout Europe.

In Austria the extreme right has already been the preferred choice of working class voters in some state elections and the presidential elections.

lol, you dipsh*ts are hopeless.(BO pls disable tor-posting)

in case there was any doubt left about anfem shitposter being a Holla Forumsack retard "troll"

Fück off, you filthy piece of garbage cück.

I've got genuine concerns over my daughters', my mother's, and my safety. Even that of my husband's, due to your lovely anti-West, I mean, 🍀🍀🍀egalitarian🍀🍀🍀 laws.

Your büllshit "OMG, u hitler, letz all make love" insanity is costing decent people their livelihoods, yet you still have the audacity to accuse us of being "retard "troll""???

try harder

what is idpol?

im not a communist

Identity politics. In short, emphasizing struggle against issues of bourgeois identity as an end in itself, over concrete class struggle to end their oppression qualitatively.

ex. feminists demanding there be more female CEOs
not an example: feminists demanding there be fire escapes in the factories of primarily female garment workers.


afd's rise completly wiped out the traditional Nazi party by copying them 100%, just without a lot of the nazi stigma attached.

if you treat nazis as 'just concerned citizens with a point' this is what you get.

nazi stays nazi, even if they paint themselves blue.

Shitty attempt at a falseflag.

Good, we owe nothing to these goatfuckers anyways. I'd rather live in a gated community while rest of the world suffers than allow these fuckers ruin everything. Literally fuck them and their "rights", they can fuck off for all I care.

It probably helped that it's been an open secret that (much like the KKK and Neo-Nazi organisations in the United States) that that party was infiltrated to hell and back by Germany's domestic intelligence/law-enforcement agencies.

mor like funded

i really dislike the tend in german politics to blame it on the region (the former DDR)

but there obviously is some truth to it. Just saying that this is (for now) a typical (?) east-german result, not a typical german one

yeah and you're fucking wrong

LOL you forgot to turn off your shitposting flag

afd's basically oposite of nat soz.

pls explain.
post-brittain EU is literally the 4th Reich.

if only for the fact that under nat soz demographic policy members of afd would not have right to reproduce.

AfD is natinal conservative like the DNVP that rivaled the NSDAP and then disbanded and merged into it. They are similair but not socialist in any way. You might as well say Stalinism and Trostkyism is literally the same because they are both marxist. Yes Afd is def voelkish but that doesn't mean they are Not Socialists or skinheads. They are even worse than skinheads- since those are just controlled opposition. AfD is actually dangerous to the current system. But maybe this time when the right falls the real left can rise from the ashes.

Hi Ernst Thälmann.

Does anyone here think the center/left will take this as a final warning to drop the neoliberalism crackpipe, stand up for protectionism, throw the PC cucks to the wolves, and put Europe back on track? Or will they fight to the bitter end, dragging Europe with them into the incinerator?

Immigration is always against self-interests of workers under capitalism, as it leads to lower demand for labor, larger recipient population for welfare and tends to overcrowd education.

Too much momentum. Too much cognitive dissonance in the system.
The neoliberal train will plow into the sea, and economic text books will write about this utter failure for centuries to come.

Why would they?

Daily reminder that Merkel is only PM because the MPs in all the leftist parties are too much of a bunch of pissy little bitches to form a coalition, instead reaching across the aisle to stab their voters in the back by forming a coalition with rightists. Just like Britain

hello there, foreigner talking stupid shit

it came to my attention that you have no fucking idea what you're talking about

the PdL had no interest in a coalition, neither did the SPD, for very clear and good reasons

the SPD isn't the first time whoring itself out into a big coalition. they are very comfortable in this and have no intention in taking back any of the antisocial hartz4 reforms, instead they can work with the CDU/CSU to further move on with those and cut more social spendings

the movement within the PdL on its right socdem wing of the party was gaining momentum tho, having lead into terrible and now heavily disliked "left" governments on state level

How delicious does this look to you right now?

there wont be a "left" answering to this
the spectrum has moved so far to the right, even the PdL is not an equivalent to the "USPD", but rather as centrist as the SPD of that time itself. and there is no communist party that would even challenge them and push for unification of a USPD equivalent with the "KPD"

it's fucked

[System-destroying hand-rubbing intensifies]

Shut it down. Shut it down forever.

The centrist parties are decrepit old fossils whose only desire is to somehow cling to power with the 20-30% each gets.

The current crisis greatly benefit us (meaning Fascists), as it pushes to its death a system that's ripe for pushing. What will replace it won't be some sort of Leftist system, however, as Leftists have thoroughly alienated the people with what you'd call deeply triggering and problematic, anti-male, anti-Western idPol. The Greens and the AntiFa are reaping what they sowed when they called everyone opposed to immigration a Nazi and when they sided with Muslims over natives.

I invite you, the good people of Holla Forums are to join us, though. Just throw the foreigners under the bus and rule with us. We can have left-wing economic policy, and worker rights, and universal healthcare; we can have it all - just no naggers.

btw one major reason why those 2 parties have the biggest losses

guess which coalition will continue from here?

Du bist ein Vollidiot und gehörst an die Wand, mehr nicht

I can't wait for the first left-to-capital "communists" to make concessions to the right wing and to push anti-immigration (and thus anti-working class) propaganda because the left has "failed the native working class :( "
y'all better step your internationalism game up.

The Eurocucks will ride this shitshow out to the very bitter end.

When all they've worked for is ashes, they'll still be issuing decrees and giving orders, just like Hitler did to his paper divisions in 45.

You sure showed me with your threat. Scary, coming from a powerful man like you.

I think that this isn't really surprising. It's because workers are most of the time the largest demographic across the board and because the petite bourgeoisie's nationalism appeals to the workers who are most affected by immiseration and precarity.

This is like the "anti-feminism is m.isogyny" illogical disconnect. Being for immigration and being for immigrants are two different (and IRL totally contradictory) things.

within the SPD, this already happened
Sarah Wagenknecht (former "communist platform" member) is accused of having done so too, i have not seen her statement yet, been a while too

anti immigration is always anti immigrants.


lol this analogy
at least you tried.

he's right, you're being a faggot again

not always, just everywhere apart from intellectual discussions, because nuance is impossible in politics.

It is almost literally slavery whitewashed with 21st-century political correctness.

ok wait.
Immigrants immigrate because they hope the living conditions are better in the country they're immigrating to. This is most of the time the case. Communists should always support the working class's right to free movement. The fact that this correlates with the capitalists' interest in having constant influx of labor doesn't and shouldn't lead to the conclusion that the national segments of the working class should be treated separately. We're for the emancipation of the *international* working class, not just one layer of the working class living in the west.

We're anti-slavery because slavery is an outdated form of performing labor. It's reactionary (compared to capitalism) in the purest sense of the word. The liberation of slaves is also in slaves' interest because wage labor allows them rights they're denied.

when will this meme die?

Immigrants immigrate because we would rather siphon the blood out of the gutters of their failed states, than allow them the freedom and give them the help they need to fix things. Evacuating the entire population is not a realistic means of fixing anything.

When immigration switches from a means of skirting laws and undermining economies through arbitrage, to a simple change of residence between places in economic and regulatory harmony.

Immigrants are lumpet. They are not of the working class.

So what happens when you shelter immigrants and they turn on you? Whose fault is that? This idea that immigrants won't act reactionary is absurd.


spooky shit

So, quick opinion poll: Are porky and their SJW meatshields suicidal, or are they doing this on purpose?

A willing meatshield is by definition suicidal, dingus


Muh Slims

Cracker. An episode called To be a somebody.

>>>Holla Forums

your choices

like seriously, this faggot is promoting literally comfortable position for porky to exploit workers who are forced to move in order to find a relatively better place to work

holy fucking shit
kill yourself, in all seriousness
fucking do it you stupid fucking dumbass bitch retarded cunt

Because someone got to pay the bill, and it's not going to be porky or the politicians.

In Germany alone, the cost of this fake crisis is over 25 billions euros per year, housing market is permafucked, landlord ejects Germans on the street because the state give more money from the taxpayer to house the migrants than what the working man can pay, criminality is out of control and Merkel want them to keep coming.

Funny you mention that, communists build walls to prevent people from going out.

only towards the west
there was free travel in the entire socialist block
how do you think all those germans went to prague?
and do you have any fucking idea how big that block was?
there was more than enough space for actual free travel

besides that it was a wall against western sabotage, at least partly admitted recently even in bourgeoise media, even if kept silent

If you ever see a thread about why the working class in the west don't vote for the left any more, don't forget to repost that.

The refugees are free to travel anywhere in the middle east. Isn't that enough for them?

Yes, all the capitalist spies who went in the soviet union to break things… This is exactly why the wall have been built, not to prevent the workers to go in the west.


Alright the amount of retardation floating around in this thread is clenched jaw inducing.

Yes, freedom of movement should be an eventual right in a communist society but is impractical both now and in the transition period.

Yes, immigration is something inherent in a capitalist system and has the terrible ability to help the capitalist class by providing cheap labour and dividing the working class against itself.

No, That doesn't imply that immigrants should be kept out by communists (because that would side us with the far-right position) but instead appeal to the worker as to why this is happening(war for resources and capitalist wealth production). And then try to mend bridges between both the immigrants and the local workers (not on bullshit like muh culture/religion, or for some perverse idea of "diversity" but instead) on the grounds that they are equally at the mercy of a system that doesn't care for them and together they can and should crush it.

We can't stop or control immigration. And since we have no power to stop it (since no actual socialist governments are in control of policy) then standing against immigration is retarded unless you are spooked into thinking that the workers in location A are inherently superior to workers in location B.

Anyways the point is this is an opportunity to use a new tool that the capitalist has crafted for themselves against them, but instead we are falling for bullshit propoganda like "muh jobs" and "muh nationality".

I am fighting for the working class against the big corporations and the medias told me I must fight to end international regulations.

Work ethic is related to the culture, you know.

To be fair, though, the state capitalist regime of the bolsheviks basically inherited the internal passport system from the Czarist regime, and it hasn't gone away in the modern Russian Federation.

Except that they are viciously abused and kicked around by the many dictatorships dominating the region. For all the shit Israel gets, for instance, Palestinians are confined to permanant ghettos/"refugee" camps ten times worse in Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and even the nation of Lebanon that was once part of the same British mandate as Israel.

Bullshit. We can stop deregulation, we can stop privatization, we can stop offshoring, and we can certainly stop mass economic immigration. We did it before under people like FDR, and we can do it again.

Just because we don't have the power to do these things immediately, isn't a logical argument against trying to attain them. That logic would deny ALL political activism.

>the nation of JORDAN that was once part of the same British mandate as Israel

So are you for or against it?

Has it ever occurred to you that faith is used to justify capitalist modes of production?

The far-right isn't in power and they still oppose immigration, and it seems to be getting them votes. Maybe people in Germany just don't want more Muslims to come. I can't see how the left can gain any popularity when it is ambiguously for more Muslims immigration and the populance wants less.

Like in Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey?

I can't understand what you're trying to say. Are you suggesting that any of those are liberal democracies?

Because the Lumpenproletariat has always been uneducated and rectionary.

SPD are secdems. Theyve distanced themself from socialism. Used to be affiliated with the movement in the 10ns and 20es but even back than they were often centrist. Thats what they basicly are centrists that established our worker rights and social sythems.

Can confirm this they are bending over to the CDU quite often. The few members that are actually somehow idealistic are being held of from influential positions.

Nah da muss ich dem recht geben. Man kann die SJW-Bewegung in den USA und britannien nicht mit den Bewegungen hier vergleichen. Es giebt einfach nichts derartiges hier, zumindest nicht in der größe. Komm mir jetz nicht mit der Scharzer, die ist zwar durch aber noch nicht so fertig wie die durchschnittlichen PC-Spacken. Hoffen wir das es so bleibt. Ich will weder Alt-Rights noch Feminazis sehen, für euch ist kein platz im Technat. An die wand stellen werden wir euch nicht, Menschliches Gewebe lässt sich viel zu gut zu Dünger verarbeiten.


Immigrants do not have the same rights as citizens. Mainstream politicians in Germany (CDU) make proposals about widening this gap, eg. that min wage regulations shouldn't apply to them, officially they propose that only to "help" them find employment, of course.

There will be fewer and fewer rights for immigrants, and if you oppose that, you are a racist. (A similar rhetorical game has been created out over the Eurozone clusterfuck: Being an internationalist means being for Europe, being for Europe means you must be okay with what our top bureaucrats are doing to eg. Greece, and if you criticize any of that, you are against Europe and basically a Nazi.)

It is a matter of fact that new immigrants are used as scabs. And I'm not saying that because I think immigrants are especially evil, they are under pressure to act like that since they have less security than natives or immigrants that have been there longer. People working at the same place not sharing a language anymore also doesn't exactly make organizing easier.

Dude that actually bolsters my point. All that image proves is that immigration destroys high paying labour markets and strains the welfare state due to the fact more people are being attached to it that can't pay back into it. Thus it points to my point that immigration turns local and foreign workers against each other.

The only way that you could come to the conclusion that culture affects work "ethic" is if you had some preexisting biases on the topic of immigrants.

Muh social democracy

Ironically in your effort to obfuscate what I was saying you yourself actually obfuscated yourself as to your position. I don't know if this is some trick of supreme rhetoric or just an insane level of stupidity, but I'm going to just assume to former and be kind to you.

As to your first point was I not clear enough? Under a communist state immigration would be welcomed as an influx of workers would be greatly appreciated as the productive possibly of the state would expand greatly without having to deal with capitalists or different wealth concentrated in labour markets. Obviously we don't live in that world, so it would be make sense to not cause conflict by opening up the floodgates(as that would cause conflict between workers who are pretty spooked by identity and nationality). Regardless the “floodgates” have been opened as ushered in a rise in the far right due to poor execution of the immigration policy. Honestly even the way Europe is handling the immigration crisis now is insanely poor with just letting them literally flood over with all the smuggling/sex trafficking involved with a freeforall towards Europe. If competent people were in charge they would implement careful logical planning to move these masses of people in an orderly and efficient fashion. But this is getting away from my original point that we as communists have to adapt to the situation put before us.

Now do I view the mass Syrian/other middle eastern immigrants as some kind of mid-east proletariat who are going to bring the left-wing revolution to the streets of Europe? No obviously the immigrants are just a spooked as the people here. But I do see this as a humanitarian effort to save the lives of potentially hundreds of thousands of people. This of course shows the paradox of liberalism, it has these humanitarian ideas (like the UN charter) but its mode of wealth production stands completely against those ideals. So you get a situation where immigration results in ‘s chart where it not only hurts the state but actually helps the right in gaining power. The only leftist critique is to not only explain to workers in the west that it is liberalism fault that this is happening, it is also to point out that the far-right’s answer is even worse and somehow even more incorrect and flawed.

As to your second point, I have no clue what you are saying. But I half assume that you are saying islam sucks sock, in which case I agree full heartedly.

And to your third point, yeah obviously the right is gaining support due to their overly simplistic policy of cutting off and shipping back immigrants. But you can’t just say alright time to pack up let's go, think of operation wetback by Eisenhower(I mean sure you could but by that point the government is probably doing other crazy shit that over shadows that). And finally the left’s ambiguity is really just nuance in looking at the total situation and the different actors and why and how certain people are gaining and dividing other people. When I say the left I mean actual leftist, not liberal social democrats/ idpols.

The shitty arguments of tankies and Holla Forumsyps are barely distinguishable

Agreed. This is why I support capitalism. Stay the fuck out of my gated community, proles.

why the fuck do we keep losing

when does it stop

top wew

What? Capitalists are already doing that, they are just using immigration as another tool in order to manipulate and control the lower class (including the immigrants). I'm not saying it is the immigrants fault that this occurs. Hell I don't even know what argument you are exactly trying to make via your dank memes.

Just saying that either we move the entire world into the west, either those place have to become more democratic.

not happening ever, you turned sotrmfag for no reason. smh

the pro immigration arguments by ultraleftists and liberal bourgeoise on the other hand is literally the exact same shit



literally kill yourself, porky cocksucker

and again, you're shitposting your maymays to smokescreen the simple fact

pro immigration = bourgeoise
driving people out of their homes and force them to find better living conditions elsewhere
pro immigrants = socialist
creating better living conditions whereever people live and not perpetuate a system that is driving people into migration in the first place
you're a faggot
kill yourself

u do not understand identity politics lol

what about an influx of investors and job-creators?

nope lol

not necessarily

this is because of socialism

u mad?!


Good! Migrants and nonwhites only hinder the growth of socialism


Anti-immigration is pro-working class as it leads to rising wages by restricting supply of labour. Observe Hungary, whose labour scarcity is giving the workers rising wages.

what could go wrong?


Oh my god I am literally shaking

Under a communist state, why would MASS ECONOMIC IMMIGRATION still occur? Would there be communist 4th-world hellholes where people breed like rabbits because of massive mortality rates bleeding desperate gold-digger scabs from their failed states, and matching communist 1st-world nations with greedy classless-traitors attempting to circumvent strict 1st-world laws and economic expectations? Like says, are you stoned out of your gourd or something?

>mass Syrian/other middle eastern immigrants […] humanitarian effort
Dude, you are fucking retarded. Which do you think would help more people:
A. Pay foreign aid to support 3rd-world refugees in 3rd-world hosts that are geographically, economically, and culturally closer to them. And where they are more likely both to positively influence their homeland, and to return from whence they came after its crisis is resolved.
B. Use the exact same money to ship refugees far around the world, install them in scary and hostile societies, support them in far more expensive economies, and integrate them into the bottom rung of the labor market destroying the economy

Europe is literally stealing foreign aid money to fund immigrant welfare, every refugee living stably in Europe is worth many more in the Mideast:



When the mood is turning towards opposition to Muslim immigration in Euro countries, and there are reasonable arguments against it, namely that it will harm wages of local workers, and that many Muslims adhere to a reactionary ideology, then why the fuck isn't the left against it? No one would bat an eye at the idea that, to take a comically extreme position, Nazi immigration should be halted. Muslims hold all kinds of ultra-reactionary beliefs, but I guess we have to take them to atone for our sins of imperialism. The bourgeoisie uses the same logic of "Oh, the poor Muslims, they are so oppressed, we need to open our hearts", except in a completely cynical way, of course. The bottom line is, the modal proletarian simply does not give a fuck about oppressed Muslims. Obviously, they would prefer it if these people had a high standard of living, but they aren't especially enthusiastic about such people moving in next door. Telling them "Actually, they are your comrades, capitalism is the problem!" is not going to fucking work, because the proletarians will ask "Where are those beliefs going to go after the revolution?" and then they will just say "Fuck it, I am voting AfD (or whatever)" and then before you know it we will have full-on fascism.

I don't really see a problem with the idea of not letting a bunch of reactionary Muslims move in next door. I guess I am a Euro/Western chauvinist but I don't give a shit.