We would be facing certain racial annihilation if Jews imported lower races and adhered to a caste system. With a caste system white men see the lower races beneath them and thus not a threat and not in competition with the higher white caste. There would be no urgency to get rid of them because we would not see the racial dilution effects until centuries later. A caste system disarms every defence mechanism a race has.
If you don't believe me. Imagine instead of millions of aggressive shitskins flooding into our countries that there were nothing but millions of shitskin women flooding in instead. Most white men wouldn't see them as a threat. They'd want to fuck them. Only white women would be against it. Like how right now white women are in favour of mass immigration because they think it increases their mating opportunities. The opposite would be happening if shitskin women were being imported. But white women don't run the military which ultimately makes the decision at the end. Men always have the final say and because of competition between men; conflict is inevitable.
These people flooding into our country have no chance. They'll be annihilated. These people are not conquerors they're beggars. Conquerors don't cry racism and cry to white women for pity. They're migrating to a grave.
The caste system worked great in India until the (((British))) removed it.
Isaac Carter
Except the Aryans, the highest caste, are diluted beyond recognition now. These people used to be white 3000 years ago.
Jeremiah Cox
the damn pajeets sent their low caste romani onto us, fuck 'em
Julian King
Not that simple. Whites (Western Europeans) are Aryans mixed with Gaels. The Aryans themselves were not exactly the same as we are now.
Sebastian Thompson
They've already re-established it and are proud of it but caste systems in general are bad. Non-homogeneous countries are ungovernable and corrupt by definition because everyone's in it for themselves. It's literally an entropic force where everything just becomes worse and worse going forward since the dumber, less productive people have an evolved predilection to higher birth rates due to artifacts of their evolutionary history which created higher infant/youth mortality rates.
Isaiah Myers
Semi-related but a caste system is best solution the the mixed race problem. Anyone less than 3/4 white would be deported or otherwise removed immediately (7/8 white for jewish and nigger mixture). 3/4 Whites would be not be allowed to hold offices or receive any government benefits (excluding veteran's benefits). This caste could only marry more pure whites by completing military service. 7/8 Whites cannot hold high-level officer positions or high government offices. Again, military service is required to marry into a more pure caste. 15/16 Whites and above are free to hold any position.
Isaiah Baker
They were white as in the concept of white that we have now with blond hair and blue eyes. The Aryans weren't called white in title they were called nobles.
Elijah Flores
How about not. Anybody that's a migrant or descended from one gets removed. Somebody that's 3/4 white one of their parents was a race traitor.
David Miller
How about we embrace Ethnic genocide as a solution? Its actually the most direct of them all and depends of the method, less costly.
Tbh you know what they say about "humans are just like bacterias in a plaque fighting for the consumtion of all nutrients for their own genetic group". Aryanism is not 100% correct as there is lot of diversity in europe but was introduced by Nazi Germany so they could unite all white people under one category, and stop the fight among ourselves, so we could end up being one single white race.
the next step would be to destroy the other races so we can end up with their resources, just like Africa is a rich continent habitated by packs of negroes that dont even know what Gold or Iron is used for.