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wew, they think they're in charge

Yes the law is very clear about how the POTUS can ban any demographic from entering the country if he feels like it, without even need to justify it beyond deeming them a threat.
I look forward to seeing this Murphy clown lose his career over nothing


Unfortunately it's not even technically a muslim ban. It's a travel ban from a few countries. Did this guy even read the EO?

The law is clear. And this ban is well within the President's powers. Just more impotent signalling that will amount to nothing.


That should pass through both houses with no problems then it only needs the President to sign it and it becomes law.



PATRIOT Act gives Trump all the jurisdiction he needs.

We're going full Bane now


But is not a Muslim ban, is a travel ban. If there's a Muslim in Europe and he decides to move to the US, he can. I don't understand this bullshiting.

For now.

Murphy is just virtue signalling to push a false leftist narrative. its not a muslim ban, but the left wants it to be so they can say he is banning a religion, which he is not, if the EO is read. They just feel if they say it enough it makes it true. Fucking mental gymnastics with the left.

the people who matter don't seem convinced

They should have been "getting ready" a year ago. Now it's too late for them. They can't catch up with Trump's head start.

They haven't worked out that Obama was the one who listed these countries as being security threats, he also had a 6 month ban on anyone from Iraq. Barry set the precedent and chose the countries, they're fucked and Trumps cunning knows no bounds.

It doesn't matter until the avg. pleb just sees kikebook and twitter posts about "ebil drumpf be raysys against muslims :((("

wait is this actually fucking real? i cant find it among his tweets. Also holy fucking shit with that one pic of the baby. why did noone post the ones in france and gemrany. ffs

he probably edited on html, either way he's kind of saying that already regardless if this is fake or not.

Fight isn't over, lads. Destroy this cuck.


Don't act like it's nothing. We must remain nimble and ready to strike down any threat.

PSYOPS: We should use the #MuslimBan hashtag to redpill people on the CIA and Obama admin funding islamic terrorists like what happened in 2011(If I remember correctly?)
where all of those soldier wore there uniforms and held up signs saying they wouldn't fight. We should say that "We care more about the middle east than you do" by wanting the
US to stop messing around in the region and wanting stability for that region so that these people can have a safe home. Also chastise them for wanting the US to constantly but
in on conflicts that aren't our. Call them #WorldPolice or some shit. These fuckers need a dose of their own medicine, and to be shown what they're actually doing is destabilizing
the region even further.

Here's something to ask the normie crowd: "Why are the jews so interested in muslim immigration".

lol, these fucking impotent faggots…

Just so i'm clear, Trump is in the right and there's no law that can really reverse his travel ban right? Or can these faggots do some kinda jew magic and reverse everything?

The tactic they appear to be going with is that it's a religious ban. That's why they keep calling is a "Muslim ban." Since it's not a ban on Muslims, but just from 7 countries, and just a temporary ban of 120 days, they don't have a prayer.

Fucking infantile shit. What is this, kindergarten?


They're leaving that part out deliberately, so that in 120 days they can declare victory.

By those 120 days the media will have kvetched their last, and the libs that aren't too far gone will be having themselves subtly redpilled time and time again till they are awakened to the kike menace. The ones that are too far gone will either seclude themselves to their safe spaces and effortless protests, or they radicalize and become leftist terrorists, unveiling their fangs.

There's also the option that Trump could make the ban indefinite.

Ha, nice catch!

It's illegal to ban people from entering the country? We have laws that apply to non-citizens?

Yeah, this is what annoys me. They're calling this a Muslim ban but it's a travel ban. They're banning EVERYBODY coming from those countries

The Syria ban is already indefinite. In addition, the ban may last 120 days but because of how immigration procedure works it could be in place for much, much longer

I guess they think they can shout about the constitution and over rule this code.

Also emphazise how they allow none into their own shithole of a country.

Glad to see we've all done our homework

Not only that but it isn't even a ban on muslims. They can't even pretend to have an argument.
The judge should be disbarred for even humoring this shit.

(((ACLU))) status: Cucked

That's funny because my ancestor Jefferson declared war on Islam. We should upgrade to full desert trilogy and wipe out Semites and Semite philosophies.
