Lies about Nigger contributions are coming

In honor of February being Black History Month, also known as the month where teachers brainwash kids into believing blacks contribute to society, i thought i would start this thread on lies about history. For example: George Washington Carver and the peanut.

Research by Barry Mackintosh, who served as bureau historian for the National Park Service (which manages the G.W. Carver National Monument), demonstrated the following:

"Most of Carver’s peanut and sweet potato creations were either unoriginal, impractical, or of uncertain effectiveness. No product born in his laboratory was widely adopted.
The boom years for Southern peanut production came prior to, and not as a result of, Carver’s promotion of the crop.
Carver’s work to improve regional farming practices was not of pioneering scientific importance and had little demonstrable impact.
To see how Carver gained “a popular reputation far transcending the significance of his accomplishments,” read Mackintosh’s excellent article George Washington Carver: The Making of a Myth."


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Don't forget, black people created all music that ever existed, they also created sports.

Perfect time to rev up those black twitter accounts to pretend to be 'the real jews'.

Black people contributed massively to the growth of the welfare state.


We also built da pyramidz cracka and we could even fly 'em with our mindz, I ain't even bullshittin' you!

I forgot it's already YO HOL UP month. Perfect timing, the Trump butthurt should make for great content and backlash.

I got it.
It's the Vuvuzela.
This is black peoples sole coontribution.

You forgot about ghetto lobsters



Professor Yakub also invented white people.

This is gonna be good.
Here is an excellent website that goes through just about every we wuz there is.


clearly kek noticed that kikes kvetch as hard when niggers do this as when whitey doesn't grovel before the holohoax. time to bring the beast to bear upon its master.


Now in pic form.


Niggers BTFO

also whiskey, fried chicken and the cotton gin.

The Vuvuzela is an oil funnel used as a simple horn.

Look at the bright side, they gave niggers the shortest month of the whole year.

Isn't October Nignog month too? How many months do niggers need?

The entire calendar year of course. Anything less would be racist. :^)

Personally I find all the kangs nonsense really entertaining. Everybody knows niggers never did anything productive, creative, or good and to see the crazy shit they try to foist on other dumb niggers as historical facts is hilarious. Niggers are especially lolcow when they take these obviously retarded myths super seriously.

Pics related are all Five-Percenters, who literally believe that White people were created to rule blacks by the evil black scientist Yakub ca. 6,000 BC.


is a thing

The Nubians then went back to living in shit huts where they remained for 2 thousand years.
Rinse and repeat.

There was a golden era of Greece after the Kikes were freed but that was only because they had to infest society first. Read any history book about that era and they always mention the Jewish population of every major city.

A little late.


Would it be correct to say that blacks are as Egyptian as Kublai Khan was Chinese?

I don't even know what the fuck this is suppose to do

Shoot insects with liquid?

The same Carrier that President Trump talks about?

For all those handy inventions they "made" and yet niggers can't pull themselves out of starvation in zimbabwe.

That looks like it'd be fun to play with, but it's not the one the list is talking about which was supposedly patented 1889 by an A. C. Richard. I can't find shit about any A. C. Richard outside of wewuz websites with no sources and fifth-graders' school projects. It wouldn't be surprising if it were entirely a fabrication. I found some funny things while looking for him though.
It looks like that list got it wrong, and the darky's name was Albert C. Richardson, whose patents include a bottle and a system of pulleys to lower a casket. But blackinventordotcom is trying to claim he invented in 1891 the fucking butter churn.

It's already begun with some kind of negress sculptor on google who was apparently "really famous in Italy" and sold her stuff for "thousands of dollars". First link is, of course, wikipedia and then wewuz sites. Is there any truth to any of this stuff?