How does Holla Forums deal with the NEET problem?

If NEETs reach a critical mass, will they turn into revolutionaries?

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if we expose them to our material and rhetoric. otherwise they'll just become ineffective neetsocs

lol. now that's one spooky article.

t. neet

discussing it to death

They're a problem to porky because they're perpetually on strike. Educate them, and you've got a pretty solid revolutionary force.

wew everyone at wsj needs to be fucking incinerated

I don't know what you mean by "reach critical mass." If/when the economy collapses and unemployed individuals get cut off from those disabilitendies, they'll probably hard shift right because they're so completely alienated and apolitical that reaction will be their only recourse

I'm NEET but prepared

Several months of non-perishable food and off-the-grid sustainable water.
Bladed weapons + grandfathered small rifle (normalfags no gun ownership here)
As fit or fitter than most military personal. One handed finger push-ups erry day.
Can skin and prepare small animals and children, and safely forage wild berries and shrooms.

But I'm going to need to see some chaos; some break-down of the states ability to police before I mobilize. Until then I'll wait on Holla Forums


Inevitably there will be some retard coming in screaming about "muh lumpens"

Make them revolutionary they will be. Workers don't have some magic revolutionary potential, as much as shithead orthodox Marxists might tell you.

Where I live the youth unemployment is more than 50%. So I guess 50% of youth are automatically counter revolutionary right? Is that even logical?

Maybe its true that in Marx's time neets would be counterrevolutionary, because they would have no reason to support the revolution

But the neets today are not like that. Most are not out of work by choice. They have shitty, alienating lives by and large. If workers can see themselves as a class and rise against thier rulers, why cant neets?

If anything they have a lot more potential than union laborers, who get paid 40+ dollars an hour.

NEET pride world wide

I never thought of myself as "on strike".

Thanks user, I'll put that on muh CV

yep I'm running away from available work like a bitch it's not my job being shipped overseas it's because I haven't been bitched at enough that means I'm unemployed :^)

As a NEET, I abhor the NEET shaming coming out of this article.

Automation and outsourcing reduces our need for domestic labour.
Instead of shortening the work week to compensate for our reduced need for labour, porky just lays people off
As a result something like 35-40% of the working-age population doesn't work (and while many are housewives, an increasing portion of them are men).
The 35-40% who don't work either financially rely on the 60-65% who do (whether it's welfare or voluntary financial support ie. living with parents) or they go homeless
Mass immigration is increasing the size of the reserve army of labour
The large reserve army of labour is depressing our wages
So even if god forbid we actually managed to get a job, we'd be paid peanuts.
This is why I'm effectively on strike. The only two options for me are to work for scraps or starve. Ancaps/libertarians call that "liberty". I call that slavery.

My dad pleaded with me to go back to school and make something of myself a few weeks ago. Says that I am wasting the best years of my life.

He really thinks that I was making something of myself when I was working in a shit cubicle job a year and a half ago?

Being a NEET isn't glamourous. But the life I was living as a wage slave was certaintly not "living."

I was not happy with the 9-5 (+ overtime) life I had. This is not something he understands or respects. Probably doesn't care.

He was miserable all his life in his wage cuck job so he probably wants me to be miserable.

The way I see it, if I had to return to wage cucking, I think suicide would be preferable.

Ayyyyyyy what

Just today my dad was telling me how back in the "good old days" it was a sellers market.

He'd switch jobs almost weekly, no qualifications or interviews. Higher pay offer = walk out with tools in hand.
Start new job same day.

Different world.

Baby boomer blue-collar union workers like my dad don't have a revolutionary bone in their body. My dad was making $40+/hr at his peak before retirement. My dad is a coward. He is a follower, not a leader. The labour union leaders before him were the true leaders. He just was there to reap the rewards.

My baby boomer uncle who works as a post worker is the same way. He is content with his pay and benefits. But the young members of the postal service are not happy with their pay and benefits. That's why the union wants to strike. He feels resentment towards the young millennial union members who want to strike because they are not happy with their pay and benefits.

Baby boomer union workers have no revolutionary potential. They are fat and content. And in their minds, they earned everything they ever got and the millennials are just lazy.

NEETS are pathetic. He who does not work does not eat

At least my son loves me

Most of my life I thought this meant the working class literally don't get any food.
Then I learned it was about rent-seeking.

Why should we work for peanuts? (Assuming that we are even offered a job in the first place)

You talk a big game about wanting to destroy capitalism. Yet you hate NEETs for actively hurting capitalism while you support capitalism with your cuck job

Er, I mean the unemployed don't get to eat food.
But it was aimed at the unproductive elites

Exactly that quote by Lenin or whomever it was was targetted towards the idle bourgeois land/factory owners. Not the NEETs.

The Soviet Union wasn't even socialism, let alone a good model for state socialism/state capitalism/whatever the fuck you wanna call it.

Didn't the Soviet Union create jobs out of their ass to give to the idle? It makes more sense to have everyone do productive work and work less hours. And pay everyone at least a livable wage of course (in a state socialism/capitalism environment like the Soviet Union and Cuba).

Shoo shoo porky.

Socialism was never supposed to be a labour cult. The philosophy behind socialism is "work to live" not "live to work".

I'm not opposed to working. In fact I was working recently for a month straight in a self-employed freeter job recently. Until my bank told me that I was violating their terms of service. So I was effectively out of a job.

All I ask is that we are compensated fairly for our work. And to shorten the work week so that we can spread the labour hours around to ensure that 1) work is less gruelling and 2) everyone who wants to work can get work

Neglecting to work for Porky and being a leech on capitalism is revolutionary in itself, though not all that effective.

First and foremost the quote was about the bourgeoisie, they do not by definition engage in labor, thus should not be entitled to it's fruits.

Beyond that it was aimed at those who refused to engage in available socially necessary labor despite the ability to do so. The Soviet Union provided social security for the old and infirm.

There's a substantive difference between an average job being offered because societies proper functioning depends on it being filled and scrabbling among the reserve army of labor for the opportunity to be exploited by a boss who hasn't found a way to offshore your position yet.

University becomes more difficult the older you get. Even if you don't know what your future entails, learn things now when it's easiest.

Governments usually incentivize companies to hire excess employees in order to stimulate spending.

Exactly. Government subsidies for job programs encourage inefficiency. This is why government job programs are mostly bullshit.

It makes more sense to just reduce the work week so that we can hire more people to do socially necessary labour. But porky doesn't want to do that.

NEETs are only a problem to porky

They just need education

NEETs are not a problem in the slightest to Porky, especially if they're legally restricted in what they can do as many are.

There are logistical limits to how much work can be divided, after which point sharing the workload causes too much inefficiency… additionally a lot of those NEETs would just present a burden if put to work, collectively.

For Porky's purposes NEETs are just consumers that increase demand. The real impact a NEET has on the world is minimal to nil, despite the whinging of "muh population bomb" people.

Aren't neets basically just unemployed people?

No. We have danker memes

So instead you just want to spend your life leaching off your parents? How is that fair to them? And what are you going to do when they're gone?

He basically already answered. He's going to kill himself

i feel like there should be an exception for socially useful jobs that pay peanuts but that you're supposed to take anyway because you're desperate or something.

This is how I know that there isn't an ounce of revolutionary potential in the west. People are willing to be exploited by porky just to survive. I really don't give a fuck about my survival at this point. My life as a wage slave was just one never-ending groundhog day of misery and stress. Why keep soldering on just with all the bullshit just have to have some fleeting moments of pleasure? It also doesn't help that I have autism and so the quality of my life is not going to be as great as normals.

It's a situation where I do a cost-benefit analysis in my head and I'm not sure if soldiering through a lot of pain is worth some pleasure.

And there will come a point in my life that I would be willing to do violent revolution. Which is not something that leftists want to do. It's always the super-alienated lone wolfs like myself who act out violently.

And why should I even give a shit about the fact that I mooched off my parents? They are the ones who fucked and brought me here. I didn't ask to be brought here. Especially not born into this neurotypical world with autism. I don't owe anything to my parents.

In fact I blame my parents for giving me autism. They had me at an old age. And autism is associated with having old parents. And possibly certain genetic markers mixed with certain environmental factors.

Libertarians who are all like "pull yourself up by the bootstraps, your past is no excuse" I feel like wanting to put a bullet through their head. And maybe one day I will shoot up a room full of libertarians before I turn the gun to myself.

Autism doesn't help, but it's not like anyone can actually pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

Most stories of bootstraping start with: "I borrowed $100,000 from my dad…"

Yeah Donald Trump borrowed $1 million from his dad. As if that is all that he really inherited from his dad. He totally didn't inherit his dad's social and political connections. And the Trump name. And when daddy died, he totally didn't inherit any of that money right? Of course he did.

And Vince McMahon Jr. said that his father sold him the company. He didn't give him the company. Right…

funny you should mention that user, people pick up on my loner/disaffected nature and are always worried that i'm about to go pew pew on them.

tbh i'm p satisfied; i don't have to work much and only when i prefer to. is this more a reflection on their own behavior, a fear that one day i should choose to wreak revenge?

Ok well when you go pew pew, make it count.
No soft targets or I'll lose all respect for you.

I'm tired of the anti-NEET bullshit even coming from the left. The Reserve Army of Labour is too large relative to labour demand.

Male 25-34 employment in Ontario (my province)

Men 25-29
Not Employed Rate: 15.7%
Not Full-time Employed Rate: 22.2%

Men 30-34
Not Employed Rate: 14.9%
Not Full-time Employed Rate: 18.3%

This doesn't even include the full precariat - the precariously employed who work full-time. ie. Full-time McDonald's or Domino's worker in their mid-late 20s or early-mid 30s who is going nowhere in life.

My demands as a NEET are clear. I won't bother doing any sort of wagecucking until you give me
- $15USD/hr minimum wage
- 30 hour work week standard (overtime paid owed over anything above 30)

All you wage cucks who talk about "organizing" but then you go back to your shit cuck job after having your little protest are not revolutionaries. Unions are impotent in 2016. And you will continue to slave away for peanuts in order to survive. Instead of grabbing a gun and killing shit. And yet you have the audacity to say that NEETs, who refuse to support capitalism, are not revolutionary. I at least respect ISIS and #blacklivesmatter and every other alienated lone wolf spree killer for picking up a gun. They have more balls than ivory tower socialists ever will.

Yes they are.
There is currently a campaign going on to spablish in popular media the meme that unployed young people are mostly masturbation-addicted, anime-fanboys/otakus, landwhale social rejects that burden the rest of you, patriotic workers/consumers that contribute to society.
Good oldpropaganda for the next old fuckwit generation to replace the boomers in their fear of change and block voting.

How do I become NEET without being a burden on my famil tbh

By not minding being a burden on your family

But my family is poor.


Luckily my retired pops is pretty comfy financially. It costs him barely nothing to house me, feed me, etc. And in his cost-benefit analysis he'd prefer me alive and well rather than dead or homeless. It's really up to him that I'm alive. I wouldn't hesitate to kill myself or join ISIS if my family abandoned me and I was rock bottom financially.

Engendered spooks are spooky fam


I am trying to rally together a "Reactionary Left" on /r9k/ at the moment. Not sure if that will work. Most robots in my experience are pretty politically apathetic or they vote far-right.

I'm just as reactionary as Donald Trump pretty much. I just want a livable minimum wage and a shortened work week. And I believe that climate change is real. Shit like that. And I don't pretend that the bible is my favourite book. Fuck religion.

Not enough here. I have insurmountable need for my work to not be completely fucking pointless.

With all the automation and outsourcing, a lot of our jobs are in fact pointless these days

Porky is pretty evil when it comes to being stingy when it comes to hiring needed staff and what not. I used to work at a place that was horribly understaffed.

But there are so many employed people out there in 2016 who work useless jobs. I don't understand the logic in any of this shit. Capitalism makes no logical sense.

When I was a teen I worked for a single day in a packing factory.
This ancientfag women was giving me a hard time for not being efficient enough.

Behind her they were literally debugging the robot that was going to replace her entirely. Fine-tuning the vacuum pumps on the robot arms.

It struck me as funny the way she spoke like any of this shit mattered at all.


not planning on it; they'll just rationalize it as mental illness or someshit. the unabomber had a p decent manifesto and instead of Actually Reading It people immediately dismissed him as teh evil.

let's face it, what did the weather underground ever do; and now they're largely remembered as villains.

unions unfortunately seem to have some kind of stockholm syndrome for the very politicians who are quietly erasing them from existence.

think carefully before grabbing a gun; violence tends to alienate people. not that you shouldn't keep one under the bed… just in case. dead revolutionaries are useful to no one.

What the fuck man. There are other causes that will accept you, all of them better than ISIS.

Oh I'm in favour of leisure. Hell I'm a fucking NEET (sort of. These days I'm a woefully underemployed work-from-home freeter. I haven't had a customer all day and now I do. Yay). But we aren't at the stage where we can have fully automated luxury communism. Labour is still necessary for society to function.

But it just doesn't make sense for our society to labour as much as it does. A lot of jobs are pointless. And it doesn't make sense to have 71.4% of 25-54 year olds (prime working years) employed full-time working 40+ hours/week while 20.2% are not employed at all and 8.4% only work part-time. The 71.4% are basically financially supporting the 28.6% (to be fair some of the 28.6% provide unpaid labour ie. housewives. But this group is not just housewives. A lot of men are unemployed and underemployed too. And very few are house husbands). The 71.4% therefore end up resenting the 28.6%. Especially the 20.2%. And even the 8.4% who work part-time resent the 20.2% who don't work at all.

It makes more sense to spread the labour hours out than to have one segment of the population financially support the other.

Also notice how I didn't even include the 15-24 demographic or the 55-64 demographic.

The 15-24 group contains a lot of students. They are usually reliant on their parents or the taxpayer (student loans). And the 55+ group contains a lot of old people who want to work but no one wants to hire them. They are damaged goods. They are forced into "early retirement". They're not exactly part of the Freedom 55 Club.

Yeah the unions support the Democrats in the US and the third-way socdems/labour parties in Europe and the British Commonwealth because they are the "lesser of two evils". Even though Democrats, third-way socdems and labour haven't really done anything for the unions since the 70s really.

Unions are really in a state now where they are just trying to preserve what they have. And clinging on for dear life. They have lost a lot of ground. And the right-wing, third-way and libertarian think tanks have done a good job of turning private sector non-unionized workers against the unions and the public sector because they have it better than the wage cucks in the private sector who are reduced to working for peanuts.

I abhor Islam but I identify with the alienation that these young Muslim youths in the west feel. Islam is not the reason why these young Muslim men (and there are white converts to ISIS as well) join a terrorist organization, pick up an AK-47 and strap a bomb to their vest. It's not achieving a sense of belonging. It's about lashing out against a society that has discarded you. Deemed you disposable. It's about wanting to put a bullet in the head of the smug normies who look down upon you. It's about wanting to feel like an alpha male in the moment after being emasculated and powerless all your adult and adolescent life.

There is your problem, you care for your family.

Mine are narcissistic abusive assholes, or rather were.
They swear none of the physical and psychological abuse they did for years.
I am trash/broken on a level that you wouldn't believe outside r9k memes.
I am fixing things, however, the more functional I get the more I realize how different my life has been from others and how much I owe to my parents, in suffering that is.
So at risk of sounding like an edgelord(which I might be) I don't yet have much of anything to lose and much satisfaction for taking them down with me,should they decide to ditch me on the street with no resources before I can get out by myself.
That said I try to minimize my impact on their life and pretend I forgot all those years.
Independence and happiness come first, grudges come later.

Also to follow up on the topic:

Trashier parents raise trashier progeny and popular culture doesn't seem to be getting any better than that of our parents (as a nineties kid).
I shudder to imagine what kind of parents most people nowadays are/will be.

it seems that neets tend to turn into fascists. So we will have to 'deal' with them, indeed.

I can't get behind fascism because of the corporate cuckoldry. The corporatism. I can't get behind the white power shit either. Though that isn't an element of all fascism. Just Neo-Nazism. I am not a "kumbaya" person at all. AT ALL. I don't like mass immigration (depresses wages, take our jobs). I get scared when I walk past a black gangsta type at night.

I just don't see any benefit to being loyal to the white race. Women in the west are shit. I could go immigrate to the Philippines now and find myself a qt feminine traditional Catholic wife and have a qt eurasian daughter with her and have a happy marriage and a good sex life with my filipina wife. My first-world capital goes a lot further in the Philippines than in the first-world. Migration to the third-world is something I'm thinking about. The fucking third-worlders are taking our jobs here anyway. I don't want to get married and have kids here in the west because the west is decadent.

the solution is simple, comrades

Well since Orwell was a member of the Fabian society, I guess it sure does.

I think either a basic income or shorter work week is going to be the long term, most realistic solution to this problem

But there is nothing wrong with not having a job in theory. As technology progresses, the need for human labor will be greatly reduced

It's obvious you are dealing with forces beyond your understanding in this thread

I ended up being born to a lower middle class family, so mooching off my family would be like squeezing money from a stone; actually harder than just getting a job and paying for the stuff I want.

i'm ok with this.

this will fix those feels.

Disappointed by capitalist society, young men are fleeing to memes and NEETdom.

they're not disappointed, they're just overwhelmed because they're weak pussies

fuck off weak pussy

anfem pls no bully :DD

yeah just man up and b urself

I actually forgot to take off this troll flag but I think I'm gonna keep it because it amplifies my posts 10x

That's gotta be a troll article right? LOL

I' e heard that NEETs are very likely to be far right, is there any proof of this?

I hate how everyone from gas station attendants to doctors think of themselves as middle-class. If your family can't support you living at home, they are by no means middle-class. They are working-class. On the low-middle end of the income spectrum.

I would consider my parents working-class and they are well-compensated union worker parents. I find it ironic that my dad takes issue with my opposition to capitalism when his trade union fought for everything that our family has enjoyed. He's retired now. Union workers these days and the retired union worker boomers are complacent these days. They have no revolutionary potential in 2016.

Union workers from the 1970s (my pops) are stuck in this "cult of labour" mentality.

My dad refuses to do online/telephone banking and does all his banking at his bank branch. He doesn't like ATMs either. He doesn't like online shopping either. Because he says that automation kills jobs.

Automation is the friend of the worker. Needing to labour less in order to accomplish the same objective is a good thing. The problem is that instead of shortening our work weeks to compensate for this, Porky lays people off. This is why automation is seen as something to be feared.

That's because he hates automation at the offices of the NSA.

So, since neo-liberalism started, things have generally gone shit.


I relate to this so much, it hurts.

Kill myself? Seems like a fairly obvious conclusion.

The right's scapegoats are easier to target than the left's, so it would make sense

Kek @all the NEET-haters ITT

We actually harm porky by leeching off welfare more than you with your shitposting and useless "activism". Go march some more and see if porky cares about your pretty banners.

a fun objective fact is that NEET are the only revolutionary subjects that currently exist in the first world.

automation is only the friend of the owner of the means of production, but a socdem won't understand this.


The banks are fucking crooks. I run my own business part-time sort of (I only make like $125CAD/week at the moment. I barely have any clients. I had a grand total of 0 clients yesterday. So I still largely consider myself a NEET). So I have some experience liaising with the bankers. But hey, what can you do? Stuff your life savings underneath the mattress? That's not practical. Put your life savings into bitcoin? lol

That is a regressive way of thinking. We should avoid labour-saving technology and make people work more to get less work done? lol. Ideally, we should incorporate labour-saving technology so that each worker can work less. Not have this present situation where the 20.2% of prime working age adults (25-54) who are not employed at all and the 8.4% who are only employed part-time live off the 71.4% who work full-time… And that doesn't include the students 15-24 who delay their entry into the workforce. And the under-25 crowd that wants to work but can't get a job. Or the 55-64 crowd that wants to work but is effectively forced into early retirement because who the fuck wants to retrain a 55 year old steel worker to do anything? Or the 65+ crowd that relies on social security being there…

Exactly. By withholding our labour, we are hurting capitalism. If everyone became NEET tomorrow, capitalism would collapse IMMEDIATELY. Workers can do all their little protests if they want. But as soon as Porky is like "get back to fucking work!" they do as their told.

The problem is that even though NEETs are a huge chunk of the population, capitalism is so resilient because it's being propped up by cheap credit (mortgages, student loans, credit cards, car loans, lines of credit, payday loan companies and ESPECIALLY quantitative easing). And capitalism is so efficient that even if 15% of 30-34 year old men are not employed (that's an actual fact, at least where I live), our numbers are not large enough to make a dent on capitalism.

The chickens are going to come home to roost though sooner rather than later. This debt-perpetuation cycle we are in is not sustainable. There's going to be a huge credit bubble burst. I and the rest of the 15% don't have money to spend to support capitalism (or 20% if you want to include everyone 25-54 both genders. Or 29% if you want to include part-timers too. The numbers are even larger if you want to include the full-time lowly paid wage cucks. The Precariat is estimated to be at 40% in Canada and probably larger in the United States.) As a result, the economy WILL implode soon.

I would like to get working. In fact I am pretty stir crazy lately because I'm not getting enough work with my business. I'm basically like 25-30% freeter 70-75% NEET at the moment.

But I want to labour with DIGNITY.

I don't want these cuck jobs. At the very least I want a livable wage, a 30 hour or less work week.

Ideally I want socialism (assuming that the normalfags in the worker co-ops won't vote to conspirate against us autists or banish us). But I don't think that it's going to happen anytime soon. Socialism probably won't come about through violence. I think it can come about with the implosion of capitalism. But there is going to be a lot of blood on the streets getting there (the working-class is going to suffer along the way. There are going to be suicides. I might be one of them. There are going to be homicides. There's going to be more people going homeless. More people going to bed hungry. More poverty. More social alienation. More depression). Reforms can "ease" the transition for the working-class.

What does your business entails?

I buy and sell crypto-currency. It's such a fucking lolbert profession though. And there is a lot of hassle involved (one bank already warned me to stop using their service to buy/sell bitcoin. And there are lots of scammers on the internet with hacked bank accounts and fake IDs. Bitcoin attracts criminals like shit on flies. Probably why the banks don't like bitcoin. The lolberts in their delusion say the banks don't like bitcoin because they feel threatened by its competition).

I basically revealed my powerlevel to fellow bitcoin traders (they know that I'm a socialist and a B████ ██████ supporter) and they hate my guts. They are mostly all smug lolberts who drink the kool-aid. And they high and mightily of themselves for being "entrepreneurs." It's sickening. I shouldn't be socializing with those people very often.

One bitcoin trader offered to sell me a $400 consultation for an hour to teach me how to avoid money laundering flags at my bank because he noticed that I was having problems with my bank (the banks don't like people using their services to trade bitcoin). He was probably just a snake oil salesman trying to hustle me. Libertarians are all hustlers. They are anti-social pieces of shit.

Just to clarify: the time that my bank warned me to stop buying/selling bitcoin, I was clearing like $350CAD profit in a week. It seems like if you go beyond a certain number of transactions or a certain transaction volume, your bank account shows up in a "query" that the banks run. And then they call you and tell you to stop it or they will shut down your account and give you a life-time ban.

When people think bitcoin, they think Silk Road (selling drugs and such). So banks see any sort of bitcoin activity as a legal liability. And there's not much transaction volume on a local level for a bitcoin dealer to make money selling bitcoins for cash locally. Especially when you have to compete with veteran dealers who have first mover advantage. The libertarian dealer veterans will be all like "well I guess you're just not cut out for the business ;)" like the typical snarky assholes that they are.

Whenever I hit rock bottom, I want to fucking open fire at a libertarian party convention. I fucking libertarians and ancaps.

Libertarians talk about NAP. But to the libertarian, the only role of government/DROs is to enforce private property "rights." Libertarians talk a big game. But if it wasn't for the state that they hate so much (or their hired mafioso DRO thugs), I wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet in their head just for shits and giggles. They are weak little cucks who like to think of themselves as alpha males.

In an ancap world, I probably would become a DRO thug. Pointing a gun at a libertarian's head and telling them to hand over 10-15% of their profits in exchange for my "protection" while seeing them piss and shit themselves while screaming "NAP! NAP!" would probably give me a hard-on.

do you have any resources on crypto trading? any guides etc?
is it worth it? are you successful? could it replace a $10hr job or so?

what kind of capital would an user need?

Fucking kek'd.

what else is out their besides some form of military service? I know there's like a farming org where you work on farms for food and board.

There is an oversaturation of traders, not enough customers tbh. A lot of people aspire to make money working from home. So this kind of job is attractive.

I was doing well last month. Not enough to replace a $10 full-time job. But like I said, i was making $350CAD/week profit at my peak. But then my bank contacted me saying that they noticed that I had plenty of people sending me money by email and I was sending money to a lot of people too. And they asked me about the nature of this money. I told them it was for bitcoin. They told me to stop doing this. I asked them if I could just sign up with a business account and they told me that this isn't allowed with their business account either.

I asked around and apparently the problem is that the money the bank makes off me isn't enough to cover the cost of monitoring my activity to make sure I'm not laundering money. That's why they threatened to terminate my relationship if I didn't stop.

Lately I haven't been doing so well. I took a break for 5 days because I had to get another bank account. And then I lost pretty much all my customers but a handful. They moved on.

There is literally nothing wrong with being a NEET.

Good to know,seems like you fell for the classic pitfall of being truthful, remember you don't have to lie, but you don't have to tell the full truth either

Doubt there was anything he could have said that wouldn’t have lead to the same result.

Proles aren't allowed to earn money outside wagecucking.

Pretty much. After that episode, I was pretty convinced that the system is rigged against the working-class. Libertarians like Gary Johnson tell disabled, depressed chronically unemployed individuals to create their own job. So I did. And I was actually successful at it. $350CAD/week is good money for a NEET living at home. I was paying my bills. I had money for take out, pizza. And I saved most of what I earned. And my bank just took that away from me.

Then there's people who try to start a business using paypal.
100% they get their account frozen, and balance stolen.

Yea I have a PayPal business account too. But never bothered selling with PayPal because of the bullshit I heard

Yeah, my surplus-labor is appropriated, but I'm evidently happier then NEET sad-sacks. I was there once too, and it sucks. As far as being revolutionary? A pipe-dream for dramatic NEETs who cast their insignificant lives on a grand stage to compensate for their do-nothing parasitism.

It's not about a "cult" of labor. Doing meaningful work builds self-esteem and having any job at al usually generates a sense of self-worth.

NEETs aren't all boring losers, but a NEET who calls himself a NEET is.

*happier than

This pleases me. Revolution is near comrades!
Only way for future socialist society to survive is to secure higher birthrates that will lead into masses of new young socialists/communists.