Paki in Germany dragged two women into bushes and stabbed them
Cultural enrichment at work. I have a hard time feeling sorry for women though. They're the main enablers after all.
Paki in Germany dragged two women into bushes and stabbed them
Cultural enrichment at work. I have a hard time feeling sorry for women though. They're the main enablers after all.
Still holding up those "refugees welcome" signs, ladies? Fuck them.
tfw sister is in germany and you fear for her safety every goddamn second
Does she acknowledge reality or is she a mindless retard?
She doesn't comprehend what is happening. She lives in the South East with less Muslims but still, these attacks appear everywhere now.
Be a man and force her to leave. Stop being a pussy and defend your family. It doesn't matter if they hate you for a little while, because you know what you did benefited them.
Erm, user. You need to get her to leave.
Yeah, what the fuck user. Tell her to get the fuck out of there.
Like Bavaria?
That's one of the worst parts apart from NRW.
I haven't spoken to her in 6 months.
She finished college and accepted a physicist job there. I begged her not to leave, or at least accept the offer from the company in Switzerland but she ignored it.
Near Dresden I think?
Alright, she'll be fine.
Wow, she must REALLY like Germany then. Switzerland is immaculate, wealthy, safe, the closest thing to an actual democracy on the planet and not at all easy to get into.
The pakistan confessed the actions, although he trying to understate them: "I strongly drank - partially up to two litres of vodka. And I didn't want to rape the women, only to touch."
He puts his family name to shame.
is it just my opinion or pakis are the lowest form of 'slime? which is already the lowest of the low.
They have undeniably caused more suffering on the natives (and other non-native groups) of Britain than any other immigrant group. This is compounded by their breeding habits that have actually helped lower the national average IQ as well as putting a measureable strain on health services. They marry their close relatives generation after generation and the offspring are barely viable.
It’s a mess.
yeah, i thought it might have been something like that.
as long as she's not retarded, she'll be fine. It's become dangerous to be alone at night. As long as we're being cucked by our 1-Choice Election System we have to watch out for each other.
is Holla Forums redirecting me to the fucking app store every time I open a thread?
sure not infected with malware?
don't worry user. She's fine.
If she's living in the right area yes, if not then no. I have been living there when the rapefugees came. Whole hotels are full of them cause the kike owners make good shekels from that and they roam the streets in packs looking menacing at you.
Just because Pegida comes from there doesn't mean the place is super safe.
A friend of mine got into a fight with rapefugees trying to muh dick his girl from him.
how incompetent can a guy be?
gets deported to pakistan cuz pakistan promises to throw him in a paki jail - pakistan makes him a national hero cuz muh dick - ??? - profit
I think that the German foreign minister Sigmar Gabriel should get this news on his twatter after his reaction towards Trump's ban on muslim and building the wall
How was it…
“Love thy neighbor is part of this tradition, the act of helping others.”
“This unites us, we Westerners. And I think that this remains a common foundation that we share with the United States, one we aim to promote.”
top nigger
We can't blame women because they are incapable of having any real responsibility.
How progressive!
Just saw this on plebbit:
There you go nigger
Watch out op, the white knights and sluts won't take kindly to hearing that.
The post glorious pictures such as:
Pakistan, Punjab, pure villager
if you blame anything on women it means you treat them as equals and if you treat them as equals then you're just a feminist
it's like blaming a dog that it peed on your rug
But we're doing a trade deal with them so expect that to come with free movement or at least a caveat where we benefit from having even more here. UK is so fucked.
I've gone through this several times, and Holla Forumsacks seem to agree both that women's suffrage is the final step in the destruction of a country, and that it cannot be reversed at this point. Meaning that we have to dismantle the republic and institute a new and, dare I say, more perfect union. We need to explicitly enshrine new voting laws that will prevent this from happening in the future, along with defining the laws of our ethnostate. Even though if we manage to do that, our government will collapse again anyway in another 250 years. Still, this is position we find ourselves in.
smells awful negro in here
0.5 shekels were deposited to your Tel Aviv account
You really think that was all jews? I acknowledge there was a jewish hand in that, but I think the main driving force behind women's suffrage was just cunts acting in faux-rebellion against men and demanding more for themselves. Women naturally have a gibs-me-dat attitude that rivals niggers. Seems like there was very little to no kike incentivizing needed.
Same as the last point, I have to question how much jew influence was really needed to get women to behave like whores. Women naturally, instinctively get offended when you question their sexual history. This was true even in the past, in times and nations where jew influence wasn't even present, that there have always been the ever-present "loose women". There's a reason they call prostitution the oldest profession in the world. Promiscuous women aren't some new jewish invention, they've existed since the dawn of mankind, in every society.
Jewish propaganda aside (I acknowledge the part it plays), it's very much in women's interests to be able to sleep around as much as they want without any repercussions, just as it's in their direct interest to remove any responsibility from themselves, and get free money from men.
Seems to me that it makes much more sense that women are the ones pushing for all of these unfair privileges for women (welfare for women, free medical services for women, unfair hiring practices that favor women, stripping men of any reproductive rights, making divorce/alimony/child support all take tons of money from men and give them directly to women), since they very directly benefit from it and very openly push for it.
Nobody is arguing that men did nothing wrong, with accepting the jew. I would personally argue that those men who have allowed the jew to trample our society, are more guilty than any women. The reason for this being that men are supposed to be the sensible ones who have common sense, agency, and restraint.
Men must be held to higher standards, that is very true. But that doesn't mean women should be held to no standards, and that they should be waved of any guilt or penance for playing right into jew hands. One key thing is that, while most men play into jew hands, there are many who see through it and fight back. But women as a whole are perfect pawns for the jew, literally all women will gladly do the jew's bidding in exchange for more gibs-me-dat money from the white men that they betray with not even the tiniest amount of pressure needed. I think women should be held to some level of accountability for this, maybe given some leniency in the exact same way you'd give leniency to a child. Because they are foolish and don't know their head from their ass.
Now, the most important point about why white men should shame modern white women and hold them accountable for their behavior, is to incentivize them to quit serving the jew, and do as we want them to. This is what white knight idiots, who are desperately thirsty for pussy juice, completely fail to understand (and you clearly idolize women from these images of "pure white women" that you white knighting cucks often post >>9014374 ). You constantly say "muh pure white wimmins dindu nuffin!! They're innocent victims of the jew!!", and this does nothing but encourage women to keep being "innocent victims of the jew".
Holding women accountable is a huge leap from saying innocent women deserve to be raped or killed by savages.
I'm sorry the jew has poisoned your mind so badly
I didn't say that they deserve it. You were claiming that women's suffrage and women's promiscuity are not women's fault. Nice strawman.
I never said that posting classical art is white knighting in itself, nice strawman though. I was saying that white knights like you often post art specifically depicting women which shows that you idolize and obsess over "muh pure white wimmins". You're being intentionally obtuse. You know what I meant, you duplicitous cuck. The art is aesthetically pleasing and all, but the subject matter is important. You defend poor innocent white women, deflect all criticism of them, and while doing this, post paintings depicting well-dressed, traditional women. It's just a piece of evidence that you're a thirsty, white knight faggot who idolizes women. Not necessarily that the classic art in itself is white knighting, but the way YOU go about it is
here's another wholesome image to trigger and confound your degraded mind
Reddit is the other way friend.
I'm not saying everything is women's fault. You're the one saying nothing is. Doesn't have to be all one or the other.
And, I don't hate images depicting traditional women. I would love it if that were a reality in this day and age. But for white knight cucks like you, it's just an empty fantasy. You valiantly defend women from any and all criticism, as white knights do, and you try to shift all blame off of them.
The strong white men of the past, who got traditional virgin wives, were men who would put their foot down, and demand that their woman behave the way that the man wants. The "loose women" and whores were always shamed and stigmatized in the past societies that we descend from, for good reason. Good, traditional men were not afraid to criticize low-quality women, and demand that they live up to higher standards if they want good husbands. Only desperate, pussified retards put women on a pedestal, like you do.
I'm not normally one to just call "strawman" (or any other reddit "fallacy" bullshit for that matter), but the guy was legitimately just making up shit that I didn't say. What else am I supposed to respond with?
Stabbings are rarely fatal dude. Even if you puncture a lung or an organ it doesn't matter. What matters if you cut a vein, deep vein or the heart. Once the circulation is compromised death sets in within seconds if not minutes. Being stabbed in the stomach without hitting the aorta means you can live for days. It used to be a almost certain grueling death in the middle ages.
isn't that nearing alcohol poisoning levels?
Shit men create shit women, shit women create shit societies, shit societies create genocide.
Innocent women do not deserve to be raped or killed by savages.
Have a wholesome picture of a father and daughter, nigger.
What assumptions did I make? That you put women on a pedestal and deflect any and all criticism of them? Because that's exactly what you're doing.
I didn't say they deserve it, you enormous faggot. All that I was arguing about was that you said women's suffrage and women acting promiscuous wasn't their fault, so I explained why you were wrong.
As a matter of fact, even OP didn't say they deserve it. You're the one who keeps insisting that we're saying that when nobody did. The OP said he has a hard time feeling sorry for them. Not necessarily that they deserve rape or death, but that he won't shed many tears over it, because women are the ones enabling a lot of this. (Women overwhelmingly support immigration, but I'm sure that's somehow not their fault, according to your "pure, innocent wimmin can do no wrong!" perspective.) There's a difference between saying that something is justified/deserved, and simply not feeling that sad over it. And if they support immigration, then they get attacked/raped by an immigrant, it's hard to feel sorry for them.
We all know that many of these poor innocent wimmins who get killed by shitskins, are themselves coalburners. I don't think coalburners deserve to be killed, but I won't feel extremely sad about it. TO A LESSER DEGREE, I feel the same about women in general, who are very likely to have been spewing shit about how they welcome refugees before they just so happen to get attacked by one. And they're more likely to be immigration-supporters than not, so it's a safe assumption to make that they are one.
Sadly, women are doing everything in their power to drive a wedge between fathers and their children. If that same man and his daughter were alive today, the guy's wife probably would've divorced him, taken his children, money, and property, and convinced the daughter to either hate her father or simply see him as a bumbling, incompetent buffoon by comparison to her superior female intelligence. And by the age that girl is in that painting, most modern girls of the same age will have opened their legs for multiple different schoolboys (or in many cases, older men).
This is what I'm trying to say about you posting these images: The paintings themselves don't bother me, they're nice and all. It's that you are paying empty lip-service to traditional people and their wholesome women, while defending modern women and desperately trying to excuse everything they do as being someone else's fault. If you really cared about wholesome, traditional women, you wouldn't be such a white knight cuck, defending everything modern women do and kissing the ground where they walk.
Something needs to make people a little less comfortable.
This. The only ways that modern women will learn their lesson are with these 2 things:
1. Men like us, criticizing and shaming them for their bad behavior
2. For them to get raped and killed by the refugees that they're so very welcoming towards.
Some lessons have to be learned the hard way, sadly.
And on the note of William Pierce, and women being cunts who drive a wedge between the father and his children, I encourage anons reading this thread to check out this very cucked article:
Funny, I first found this article when it was linked by some faggot who was trying to discredit Pierce by saying that he left his white wife and white children. But, when you actually read it without being a massive cuck, it's eerily clear that Pierce was estranged from his family by a controlling cunt of a wife, and his children were then brainwashed by her to be cucks who hate their own father, and call him a hateful piece of shit after his death.
Shielded the boys from their father's politics.
Translation: Acted like a controlling bitch who wouldn't let Pierce impart his wisdom onto his own sons. And now his kids are cucks. Surprise, surprise.
I honestly feel bad for Pierce. He sadly serves as an example of exactly what I've been saying here. You can be highly aware of all the problems that non-whites present to white people, but have your "traditional" white wife betray you and try to brainwash your children into hating you, like a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Just look at what Pierce's cuck of a son, now raising his own kids to be cucks too, says in this article:
I will not allow this to happen to my children, even if that means never having them in the first place. Many people here, including myself, really respect William Pierce and his teachings. And this is what he got for marrying a "pure, traditional, innocent wimmin".
B-but, how could this be?! He married a traditional woman who "believed in marriage vows"!
And yet, this "traditional" wife still estranged him, drove him out of the family, and brainwashed his kids into being cucks, who will continue the cycle with their own children.
This same thing could happen to you, if you make the mistake of blindly trusting women.
and I'm sure that somehow, none of this is women's fault at all
Women aren't some mysterious creatures. They are people. There are great ones and shitty ones (most are shitty, just like the average man you meet these days is a shithead.) The fact that you have dehumanized them so much in your mind leads me to believe that either your mom is a huge slut or you are terrible at picking out suitable women to date. Either way, having no empathy for an innocent white person is gay and you are a gay nigger.
Pic related it's your worst nightmare.
crazy people exist everywhere
"While British Pakistanis account for three per cent of the births in this country, they are responsible for 33 per cent of the 15,000 to 20,000 children born each year with genetic defects."
The allies destroyed the immune system of the west in WW2.
And there were not many women in the ranks of the army.
I got it too. Very sure im not infectet. Its some clash of ass fake and some footbal game it keeps opening. Only when opening new tabs.
Cuck detected.
Men gave society over to women and this is what we're left with. This is how empires have fallen. Again and again again.