Year of the Fire Cock

Today we cross the threshold between worlds. Settle your houses, make peace with yourselves, gather your gods, your temples, your armies and loved ones, gather your departed and your past.
Gather all of your strengths and prepare to settle your debts with the world, for now is the age..


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I found out that according to chinese mythology if you were born in for example the year of the rooster (as I was) then that means that when it rolls around every 12th year you get bad luck, for the duration of the year.

This year of the rooster started with the relationship I have had with the girl of my dreams ending. Now I'm drunk and shitposting on Holla Forums wanting to fucking die.

Goddamnit, why has the chinese always have to be right with their mythology shit. You other roosters better buckle up, its 13months left of the fire rooster.

Stay strong, lad.

Yes but the year of the fire come cock is a year of justice if you work hard towards a goal and don't get distracted the fire cock will give you extra strength to see it through to the end.

Should we start purging the tweakers first?


Thanks mate, I guess that makes sense.

Fire cock means turkey in Chinese.

"The Cock Is sacred"
"Fighting Cock of the Gods"

I had a similar experience in my 24th year (different sign). I didn't lose a relationship because I was single at the time, but my whole life kind of imploded none the less. The good news is that while I lost pretty much everything, at the end of this period I was able to gain much more than I had lost. Think of it as a cycle, much like the sun. Every night the sun goes through a process of down-going, and every morning it returns in a process of over-coming. Plow through the hard year, and using the momentum that you have build up through the hard times to become something more. The rooster is a phoenix. You must be reduced to ashes before you can rise again in flame and wonder.



Well being a fire boar, this year is suppose to finally have my luck change for the better.
Hopefully, they're right. God knows I need it more than ever.

There are certain things you can do to lessen the bad luck for your 12th year.
But I doubt you have a chink shrine anywhere near you.

Oh shit nigger, I'm a rooster too apparently. I've had shit luck for the last couple years, so it can't get any worse than it is now right?

Also today some girl I had a crush on since I was a kid texted me out of the blue today and I am now

This is gonna be a good year for me.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who had a shit 24th year. I was starting to get real sad because while everyone was celebrating Trump, I was having a shitty time do to being NEET and not getting any interviews. I really hope 2017 is better for everyone.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Anyone know what fire cocks should hold for metal goats?

Well that's a hell of a sentence, kek.


How do you know which chinese element animal you are?

not being a fire tiger or dragon, lol @ being some pleb tier animal like monkey or rat.

Tigers are nigger animals that have no intelligence. Monkeys are smart. They are the white man of the animal kingdom.

Back to the jungle with you Harambe

Fire element represents leadership and change. Earth is "stability" (aka cucking out and letting muslims rape your asshole). You are a cuck faggot and probably a leaf as well.

Fire Rat reporting in

Forgot to turn off sage, have a bump

Think about it like the heat that tempers the steal.
You can laugh at me next year when it's dog.

My wood's better than yours.

It's just amazing how cucked this place really is

5 years, everything perfect, no niggery no nothing and poof gone, till today no closure

stay strong user

Zen Master reporting in. Tell me your birthday and I'll tell you your destiny.

25/08 impress me, im virgo with aries ascendant

year tho?


All animals are shit tier compared to the Ox.

You'll have loyal committed relationship with someone probably. You probably have or you will get a job that you enjoy and work hard at? idk lol

I'm just a larping faggot trying to learn the 4 pillars

year (life/mission) is horse
month (engaging with people/friends) is monkey
day (relationship) is dog

you got the basics right.

here's something that will speed it up

Neat. Pisces ascendant Virgo fits me well.

I'm not a rooster. I'm a cock. I make my own luck. Plus fire this year

Also, a real rooster cock would immediately reframe "relationship ended" with "freedom restored." Are you sure you're a rooster? You might actually be a monkey.

I really loved her and she apparently didn't love me back anymore, it stung really fucking hard realizing that and I had to leave her, the way she treated me hurt me to my core.

When she doesn't look at you like she used too, when she doesn't hug you anymore, when she doesn't respond to your kiss, when she doesn't laugh at your jokes anymore like she used too, when she doesn't light up when she sees you anymore, when she doesn't want to dance with you anymore when at a party. And yet, you keep working tirelessly, do anything to patch things up and tell her you love her, buy her gifts, take her on vacation, do stuff together, nothing helps.

She repays you instead with publicly humiliating you by flirting with other guys at parties, completely ignores you, hides her relationship status on her goybook. The love I felt for her feels like BURNING FUCKING FIRE in my heart, and nothing in my power can make her feel the same way about me ever again. I feel so fucking betrayed and crushed, fuck you, you stupid nigger for making me reply. I got my freedom back and Im thankful for that but cram that monkey shit up your ass, no man could pretend to be nothing "free and happy" when he just had his heart ripped out.

Thanks for putting that in my head asshole. My year's been fine so far but now it's probably gonna suck.

goats (aka Ram or Sheep) in general:
time for harvest
good luck for work (if offered new job/promotion, take the chance)
in there is a argument, dispute or lawsuit, you will win (but you must work hard for it, gather good evidence and ally yourself with tiger)
no great change in love


I predict that the CIA will use this to track you and put you in a fema camp.

When Rat meets Chicken, the sign is of water in the lake or being in a room.

Interpretation: Rat is connected to placid water or rain. Chicken is Female Metal, which is related to lakes, precious metals, gems, or fruits. When Rat meets a Chicken, it implies water flowing into a lake. After the water is in the lake, it's hard to get out since lakes provide a home for water. This means Chicken provides protection and education for the Rat. Water Rat will feel comfortable at home.

Chicken is also connected to fog. When a fog appears on the surface of the water, people cannot discern direction and cannot get out of the misty area quickly.

Water Rat is also connected to wisdom and intelligence. Chicken can glean some knowledge from the Rat, and because of that, has the opportunity show off its talent. Rat and Chicken can build a mutually beneficial relationship.

Career: Your career luck is good. All companies would like to hire a worker like you. You can focus on your current job for a while. If you're looking for a job, then somebody will appear to guide you to get employment. But you should first earn more skills and knowledge that are job related. This way, when the opportunity appears, you will be ready. If you encounter career trouble, then people around you will be happy to help you.

Job Change: You will probably focus on your daily work. However, your current job may have too many limitations, and you may not be able to present your talent and skills. If you have a chance to apply to a job in a different company, then you should try it and work in a different environment. If you have a career promotion opportunity, then you should accept it. However, the job opportunity won't automatically come to you. You will need to look for it. If you are doing the same job every day, then it is a good idea to look for new job responsibilities in the company.

Wealth: Fire represents Money to Rat. You don't have a strong money sign now. Therefore, don't loan any money to friends or relatives. Don't put too much money into risky investments. That money might go to a deep hole, and you'll have great difficulty getting it back. It's safer to invest in the real estate housing market.

Love: In Chinese horoscopes, Chicken is the Romantic Star to Rat. That implies your love relationships are good. But there is a lonely sign. If you are looking for love, then the first thing you should do is attend social activities. You can ask your mentors, parents, or older friends to help you to find a potential match. Remember not to exclude persons who are much older than you. If you are in love, then your love relationship will settle down. If you are married, then your love will focus on your family.

Social Circle: Your social relationships are pretty good. People who care about you will appear often to give you good compliments. You will need to increase your social life to build better relationships. It's very important that you attend more outdoor activities. Sunshine can bring you a positive mind. This will help you to develop your social relationships, bring you good money and career luck.

Gorillas are smarter and more caring than niggers.


Also, I wonder if the CIA will act differently during Trump

Also cool

I predict they'll act just like they did with JFK.
They'll try to kill him.

If not, then they'll finalize the instrumentality project.

Glugg glugg glugg, when the ship sinks the rats try to scurry away.



You superstitious bastards never cease to amuse me. Aryan values like discipline, self improvement, and most of all, intelligence, are what you should prioritize.

Ever look into Chinese mysticism? It's laughable. It's the reason the poachers thrive to this day, because the dumb chinks actually believe ingesting animal parts gives them their power. Especially, since they're so insecure about it, virility AKA let's use voodoo to try and overcome my complex about my penis.

This is what you are doing. It's pathetic. Only weak men rely on mysticism because they want to act as if their lives are out of their own hands.

Your relationship didn't end because of some bullshit "luck" you fucking cuck. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get over it, plenty of other girls out there, and a woman shouldn't define your happiness to begin with.

Thank you for writing that user. it really put my own circumstances in perspective and made me realize what i subconsciously was avoiding to see.

dear god, all the time i've wasted…

Dis gonna be a good year.


But seriously though, women are all whores who only love you in the "fuck me" way if they think you're the dominant male. They ebb and flow; just keep them away from douchebags/situations where they can suck another dick and you'll be perfectly miserable with them.

I'm sorry that your waifu left you though, user. I was engaged for nearly a year, I know what it's like to have that torn from you. But you'll be a better man for it and realize you've dodged a bullet down the line.

Since we are on the topic of relationships… just got out of a half decade long one mid last year. In the course of 4.5 years this girl went from your average vidya playing college girl to full on Marxist. It blows my fucking mind how quickly women fall prey to these bullshit ideologies. I should have known what would happen once I noticed she was browsing SRS on plebbit. Oh well, you live you learn. At this point it seems like I dodged a bullet, was talking to her the other day and she was advocating antifa violence then even went as far as to say "It's obvious you have chosen the side of the altright. You are a nazi apologist." when i defended free speech and criticized the political violence of the left. Crazy shit. If you had told me what it would be like during current year +2 in 2012 I would think you were off your meds.




This tbh.

Oxes report in
