Perfect movies don't exi-

Perfect movies don't exi-


good action flick, nothing more

Was just watching it yesterday. Still a great movie. On another note, Alien vs Predator have brought the two franchises closer but I have to say that for the original movies, I prefer Predator over Alien, Predator definitely aged better than Alien.

The basic story is the same in both film but they do it differently very well. Alien was a horror, it hid the xenomorph a lot and made it a mysterious yet deadly organism. Predator too kept it mysterious and deadly but didn't outright hide the predator as much as Alien did, and in the long run, this helped the movie. Right now, the Xenomorph is a cultural icon, its everywhere, so the mystery of the creature in Alien is completely lost. It hides the creature a lot through dark shots and shows short glimpses to create tension, but all that is lost since you know how the creature looks. Predator, is set in the day, full of light, yet still hides it well through camouflage and that bad type of invisibility, which shows and also not shows the predator. That part where you see it the first time was well done. Also helps that Predator was a survival movie but the characters could fight back, yet were still getting viciously killed, which added a different type of tension. Alien was like any horror movie in that the survivors didn't have anything to really fight back but still had to survive. I guess it is a personal preference on which type is better.

Well, overall I will say that I like Predator more and find it better on repeated viewing too.

There are niggers in it.

awww iz druppty buppyt tirgiddhid by ppl width moere melanins than ihm?

I think it's one of the best action flicks, tbh fam.



Is Predator a Kino?

No Plebtrick, Predator is not a kino.


Yeah no shit retard lmao

Bro… watch these…


It's meant to be Tark, hence all the posters are Tarkofsky flicks :^)

Thanks for the recs though

So it is not a meme of kino but one of superiority to flaunt that one watches Tarkovsky. My friend, you are Reddit.

Fitzcarraldo is overrated


Well, Tarkovsky is reddit after all

One of the reasons Alien sucked lol compared to Predator was because the creature's killing method was designed to make the men among the viewers insecure about blowjobs, which is a faggot or female thing. While the Yautja's relationship to the humans are much simpler: combat and competition for dominance, which is a male thing.



No shit faggot, I made both posts.

I said this btw.

This is why the movie is bad and should be forgotten as a terrible relic of the misogynistic past. Male things are wrong and need to be purged from humanity if we are to progress to a caring loving world. Castration should begin immediately after birth.

perfect: being entirely without fault or defect

nice strawman. feminism isn't about hurting men by castrating them, removing toxic masculinity isn't removing your balls you baby

You can not remove toxic masculinity without removing its natural source. You are not a true ally.

Crappy template thread, but I'll play along.

that's not die hard.

You need to die hard.


The length could've been shorter but it was a fun movie. I liked the waterworld show at universal studios though.

Predator isnt perfect but its the best action movie ever

Wish the studio sold it as a straight Arnie action flick, so that when people went to see a ton of action they instead got a healthy dose of horror in their action blockbuster film.

Pic related for topic

This has been my favorite movie for decades running. Name a fault, I'll wait.

My runner up: The Shining

Love me some John Carpenter. I like how he did The Thing, and They Live, but also made something like Starman.

Trips don't lie. Audio, dialogue, prop design, pacing. 10/10 movie. In the top 5 of my favorite horror movies.