93 percent of black homicide victims are killed by other blacks



and yet you leftists still defend this.
but of course, it's "le ebil capitalism boogeyman's fault, never black people themselves and their culture of violence!"
im not talking about genes, that Holla Forums bullshit is irrelevant, but its pretty obvious that a lot of blacks are in the current situation because of their own choices, blaming it on "capitalism" doesnt solve anything.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=somalian goverment&oq=somalian goverment&aqs=chrome..69i57j0j69i61j69i60l2j0l3.2505j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=does somalia have a government

83% of white homicide victims are killed by other whites

and thats because there are more whites than blacks in america, not to mention that information is irrelevant. we're talking about blacks being killed by whites here, they commit 50% of all homicides despite taking up only 13% of the population.

Have you ever wondered why nobody takes "libertarians" seriously?

where did i say that? im saying people are poor most of the time because of their own actions and bad decisions, saying its never their fault and always capitalism's fault or some secret bourgeois club's fault is ridiculous. a lot of the people who receive welfare from the government spend it on bullshit and refuse to actually get jobs and improve their own lives, and you leftists defend that.

lol, one of your candidate bowed down to hillary and the other thinks wifi is dangerous for children and vaccination is bad.


Stupid blacks keep being born into poor families the fucking retards

well yes, as ive said, a lot of them refuse to get jobs or work hard to improve their own lives, of course they dont deliberately choose to be poor, thats fucking retarded, im saying they dont make good choices and refuse to work harder to make their lives better. whats so hard to understand about that?

there are legal immigrants arriving in the US with nothing but the shit of the food they ate from their country, and worked hard to take themselves to the top. the blacks born into poor families have access to free public education, they can get jobs if they work hard and have good characters, but many choose to be criminals.

Ok, imagine a world where everyone was educated and informed about what choices to make for their personal economy, but otherwise the economy would be identical to the one we have today. Would everyone get "good" jobs and nobody would be poor?


Did you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, things are maybe slightly more complex than the didndu nuffin/ they're to blame dichotomy?

Blacks have a part of responsability in their situation (the real Nigga is a spook), but you can't ignore others factors exists.
I know you lolberts believe in the absolute personal responsability meme, but the thing is, your upbringing affect on the statistical level how you will turn out.

The perfect recipe for a vicious circle.

yeah, all thoses factories closed and send in Mexico are totally the workers fault.

You do realize than welfare is abolutely neccessary for capitalism to maintain itself, right? Fucking Bismarck went up with it.
If you deprive people of their only source of income without jobs to make up for it, the Ferguson and Baltimore riots will look like a fucking Hippy festival.
If anything, we should hope for the collapse of welfare system that is postponing the collapse of capitalism.
And also don't forget the stupid shit welfare queen are consuming contribute to the economy :^)

Impressive thoughts, but did you know that poor whites commit less crime than wealthy blacks and score better on the SAT than wealthy blacks?

Data from:

why do you assume that world is possible? this is the issue with communists, you always see the world as what it not is, the world isnt perfect, make do with what youve got and stop fantasizing about some perfect utopia with no hierarchy or exploitation.

which is why we need someone to bring jobs back instead of shipping them to third world communist shitholes.

which is why we should promote the traditional two parents family among the black community, which you leftists are against because "its a spook lol"
thats the big corps and government's fault, which is, again, why we need to limit the government's power. big corps lobby for more regulations and taxes to weed out smaller local businesses.
i never said there should be no welfare, but right now there's too much welfare for people who have no intentions on improving their own lives. look at denmark or sweden or norway, they have shitload of welfare, a free market but thanks to an educated population with strong traditional culture and identity, they can still function. the same cannot be said with the US with 300 million people, it cannot work on a large scale, just like communism.

you lolberts really are as dumb as they come. At least fascists make an attempt at understanding theory.


The free market knows better than you what needs to be done. Please don't intervene.

thats the big corps and government's fault, which is, again, why we need to limit the government's power. big corps lobby for more regulations and taxes to weed out smaller local businesses.>901124

Doesn't change what i said.It doesn't matter if they deserve their welfare, your precious economic system NEED it.

This is sadly true.

Many blacks have this mindset that acting civilized (as in going to school and not dealing drugs) is a "white" thing.

Here, have a read.

COINTELPRO, not even once.

If he actually followed through his own logic he would end up as blaming the FBI and COINTELPRO (i.e., white people) for keeping the black man down.

Was 2013 before or after the FBI admitted its existence?

ain't clicking on that shit even if it was the last website on internet

More than 40 years after.

le white boogeyman

I love how lefties think that everything is the white mans fault. Don't you think its racist to suggest that black people have absolutely zero self control and agency. You infantilize them more than we do by suggesting they have no responsibility or control over their own actions… and it's simply the fault of whites for not giving them enough gibs.



but no those poor oppressed white people.


It's especially prevalent in your communist utopia known as North Korea.



all me


Nice try leftyjew

also me

Less than 2% of US population owned slaves.

Fault is a spook. Their culture is created by their material conditions. Kill yourself.

All me


Epic. xD


TFW the most popular reactionary group today is despised by the fringe minority of actual neo-nazis.

which is why we need the government to focus purely on security and defense for small businesses instead of acting as a cover up for the mafias. with weaker government, big business cannot maintain themselves

which is why you're still a retarded communist who gets his news from a near-dead online magazine and have little to no knowledge of current world situations, which is also the reason why you're still a communist.




Why are you against the Free Market user?

Mafias are mainly covered up by private businesses

Big business don't give a shit about governements because they operate on multiple countries you moron. They make States compete against each other.

working in a US factory right now, i'm struggling to see the problem of working in a soviet factory where i'd be assured food and housing.


a purely free market cannot exist, im aware of that. not every libertarians are the "le non argument ancap" stereotype you tend to think we are. if anything im more of a paleocon, but theres no flag for that is there?

do you realllly think private businesses dont work with the government to cover up the mafia?

are you fucking retarded? they need to work with the governments of different countries to weed out small competition.


the big difference is under US evil capitalism, you see anarchists protesting literally all the fucking time for no purpose webm related. under soviet russia you'd get shot for showing your anti-government views.

Kill yourself, nobody gives a fuck about your petty racial squabbles when your entire nation is know around the world as an imperialist police state.

Except more people die to the criminal justice system by absolute and percent in the US than ever happened in the USSR. The US has more people locked up for longer sentences for more minor crimes than the Soviet Union ever did.

Like in Venezuela or Soviet Russia?

Defend what?

For the majority of its lifetime the USSR provided more than adequate food for its workers. I'm not a grain hoarder so I don't think Stalin is coming to grab what I have.

Venezuela isn't a soviet country.

Fucking kulaks starved their countrymen by burning grain. Scum

an imperialist police state that grants women, ethnic minorities and homosexuals basic human rights? if you hate america so much, why not move to rojava, or zapatista, or DPRK, or create your own 21st century version of jonestown?
also soviet russia is truly the prime of human freedom, isnt it?

and yes, i am against interventionism, the iraq and afghanistan war was a mistake, which is why america needs to return to its traditional isolationist values

of course you "anarcho"-communists would happily align with red fascists than other libertarians, this isnt surprising at all! everything pro-america is bourgeois capitalist propaganda, but USSR literally did nothing wrong!

but user, venezuela is a social democracy thats not TRUE socialism!

shifting the responsibility to "le big system" instead of realizing a lot of people are just simply lazy and dont want to work

is that why they had a massive famine in areas that produce grains?

HAHAHAHAHA you fucking mongoloid.

If you don't like big governement, why don't you fuck off to Somalia?



top notch comment mate

Is that why capitalist britian had a massive famine in the place that made potatoes and grain?

I'm not even pro-USSR or very anti-American. It's just very obvious that people on the bottom in the US have on the whole suffered disastrously for all but a brief period in its lifetime while the USSR managed to greatly improve the standard of living for many of the same.

Also, yes, I would rather side with ML's than people who want liberty for only people who can afford it.



holy lol you still believe this shit?
oh but of course those poor poor natives need to have even more welfare paid by tax money from the middle class because the elite class dodge taxes.
in a few states you mean, and this means we have enough freedom that our federal government doesnt have the right to control every laws in every states
yes, unlike the USSR which was so tolerant towards homos

took me 2 seconds to google google.com/search?q=somalian goverment&oq=somalian goverment&aqs=chrome..69i57j0j69i61j69i60l2j0l3.2505j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=does somalia have a government

commies dont want liberty for fucking anybody you fucking mongoloid

how many people died in the US due to famines again?

Wow you're starting to learn!


The entire point of Stalin's USSR was to eliminate the very reason for such a thing to come into being. It seems far more honest that the brutality would happen for the sake of trying to make things better in the guture than capitalists trying to claim that everything bad happening is just some inexplicable happenstance of just bein' human, guys.

what are Stalin's purges and gulags

Another failure of communism… OH WAIT!

A prison system with a lower mortality and incarceration rate than the current US system. Also almost entirely political.

Capitalists have the mentality of christians.

Killing of people for things such as burning barns full of grain during famines or forcing them to work for the improvement of the means of production so that famines wont happen again.

Yep, there is a governement, a weak one. Isn'it just perfect?

you aren't helping your case

LOL citation needed


keep strawmanning, dumbass, as if you didn't look like an idiot already



Is capitalism not just a giant straw man for your ideology?

No. Thanks for demonstrating you know fuck all about socialism and communism.

Does the truth hurt?


The truth of your own ignorance should only hurt yourself.

That number keeps growing every year, doesn't it?

according to capitalists, capitalist policies can literally never cause problems and only ever cause good things. I should be grateful cause capitalism made muh computer but the potato famine was just unavoidable human nature and capitalism had nothing to do with it.

How does it feel, mr "jews didnt die but i wish they did"?

The great famine was caused by potato blight and economic restrictions, but OH NO ITS CAPITALISM XDDD.


Economic restrictions that were caused by capitalism.


British landlords were still forcing ireland to export huge amounts of grain while the famine was going on. Because they could claim ownership of the farm while the farmers starved.

But it's just human nature.


Fascism is capitalism that's on a steroid cycle and has been hitting the gym really hard.

So the restrictions on Ukraine during Holodomor were capitalist too?

How is this any different than the central committee doing the same thing? It's only bad because "capitalists" did it?

Fuck this has meme potential is i may say so myself.
Stirner not Hibernians praise ego.

The sheer level of intellectual dishonesty needed to maintain capitalist apologism is one of the reasons I won't do it. There's a lot of other reasons but it's one of them.

In Fascism the corporations are state owned, in communism everything is state owned. In a true free market barely anything is state owned. I wasn't talking about Fascism anyway, I was talking about Nat. Soc.

Holy shit mate read a fucking history book.


never said that.

I said that the cause of Soviet, Ukrainian, Venezuelan, and North Korean famines is communist policies. Keep going on about MUH POTATO FAMINE, it's cause was potato blight and agricultural restrictions. There is nothing capitalist about economic restrictions.

Yes there is you fucking moron. The entirety of capitalist society is built on economic restrictions. You economically restrict the poor from having expensive things and then tell them that if they work hard enough they can earn it too. That is LITERALLY THE DEFINITION OF AN ECONOMIC RESTRICTION. THAT PEOPLE WHO DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH MONEY CAN NOT GET SOMETHING.

This is why I hate capitalist apologists with a burning fucking hatred. They never actually try to defend capitalism, whenever you push on it with even the slightest hint of resistance they stop defending whatever it was they were defending and relegate captialism to some even less coherent and less dangerous-looking position in order to dodge the accusation.
I've seen this argument a hundred times and I already know where this stupid shit is going. I'm not participating in watching yet another capitalist tell me how capitalism is just the infallible notion of people being allowed to do what they want when that's not even what capitalism has meant up until literally maybe the 60's and it's not what anyone has defended or criticized before then. Fuck this stupid fucking shit, I'm out. I pray for gulags to come back with more fervor than ever.

LOL stay mad

Economic restructions is not only governement vs governement. In potato famine, this was directly against the irish people.

Nono you stupid leftos dont understand basic economics.

If its bad and done by the state, its communism or fascism or statism, its all the same. Then its bad and done by large corporations its cronyism. Doing bad things is bad for the free market and against nap.

stop getting your political beliefs from twitter and e-celebs

Doesn't mean that's not all that's reasonably left of your shitty ideology :)

Oh shit.

Guy on the right looks like someone I know.

how the fuck do you expect us to repay the people that our fucking great great great grandparents massacred? we hold no responsibility

funny how as soon as it fits your narrative, you just suddenly forget about kronstadt. just keep defending the fascists, you're always welcome to join us against the statists.

as if all of you leftists didn't look like idiots already

its going through a fucking civil war, of course the government is weak.
not to mention the telecommunication industry developed fabulously during this period. what did venezuela accomplish, or north korea?

Well for a start you could stop trying to continue fucking them over by building pipelines on or next to their farmland.

you do realize obama's administration and his government funded environmental groups covered up for the constructions of the pipelines, right? libertarians want that shit to be stopped.

Stopped by removing the only agency that can put a gun to the companies head and say no? Superstructure is subservient to the economic base, even if the state is shit it's inevitably going to be corrupted in a capitalist society.

anyway I feel bad for not saging this thread go back to Holla Forums

oh, so NOW the capitalist state and their oppression is good?
ancoms are anarchists until it doesnt fit their narrative

I can't tell if you're being willfully dense or if you're just that retarded.

give me an actual argument



That has been a trend for sometime. The adult IQ gap remains the same.
This is part of the the race realist narrative, you know that right?

1972 as diamonds. An OLS regression line has been fitted to each set of values. Black
IQs decline relative to whites with age, indeed, the decline amounts to 11 points between
4 and 24. Despite this, black gains on whites over this 30-year period are close to 5.5 IQ
points for all ages below 25.

1972 as diamonds. An OLS regression line has been fitted to each set of values. Black
IQs decline relative to whites with age, indeed, the decline amounts to 11 points between
4 and 24. Despite this, black gains on whites over this 30-year period are close to 5.5 IQ
points for all ages below 25.

hypotheses regarding racial/ethnic gaps in perpetrating violence. From
1995 to 2002, we collected 3 waves of data on 2974 participants aged 8 to 25 years
living in 180 Chicago neighborhoods, augmented by a separate community survey
of 8782 Chicago residents.
The odds of perpetrating violence were 85% higher for Blacks compared with
Whites, whereas Latino-perpetrated violence was 10% lower. Yet the majority of
the Black–White gap (over 60%) and the entire Latino–White gap were explained
primarily by the marital status of parents, immigrant generation, and dimensions
of neighborhood social context. The results imply that generic interventions to
improve neighborhood conditions and support families may reduce racial gaps
in violence. (Am J Public Health. 2005;95:224–232. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2004.037705)


Ok Holla Forums, we have this thread every single day because of shitposters. But I'm going to be nice. Have you ever heard of material conditions? The shitty situation of those living in poverty will ultimately result in more crime. It gives them an incentive to do so. Of course black people cause more crime, but that's not the point. Many commies here want to cut at the root of the problem, which is what we believe to cause of this exploitation: capitalism.


Persons in poor households at or below the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) (39.8 per 1,000) had more than double the rate of violent victimization as persons in high-income households (16.9 per 1,000).
Persons in poor households had a higher rate of violence involving a firearm (3.5 per 1,000) compared to persons above the FPL (0.8–2.5 per 1,000).
The overall pattern of poor persons having the highest rates of violent victimization was consistent for both whites and blacks. However, the rate of violent victimization for Hispanics did not vary across poverty levels.
Poor Hispanics (25.3 per 1,000) had lower rates of violence compared to poor whites (46.4 per 1,000) and poor blacks (43.4 per 1,000).
Poor persons living in urban areas (43.9 per 1,000) had violent victimization rates similar to poor persons living in rural areas (38.8 per 1,000).
Poor urban blacks (51.3 per 1,000) had rates of violence similar to poor urban whites (56.4 per 1,000).

First source:
improve neighborhood conditions and support families may reduce racial gaps
in violence.
Second source:

Absolute shit.

I was born during war time and lived in an abandoned child care centre with my 3 brothers and 2 sisters and 1 other family. I can still remember how happy we were when dad and oldest brother would come back from the front a few times per year and brought us some chocolate cream spread and we would eat it with spoons, we pretty much lived on army provisions of biscuits and dried chicken.

kill urselfs leftyshits



entitled first worlder detected, you don't know what real hunger is or how everyone feels and panics when they hear the air raid/bombing horn.
so I'm not even going to bother


What a shame you didn't die in wartime.

When this meme will die? Explications and search for causes for behavior are not an apology of said behavior.

So everything that is not communism is capitalism? What bullshit is this?

The number of politico-economic systems is limited:
Slave empires
The first two are pratically extinct. the lasts ones are left out the graph. Do the math.

White people would rather call the cops on black people than on each other.

Your own source correlates divorce and demographic sprawl with increases in "property" crime. For instance, let's assume that property crime increases when a black neighborhood becomes gentrified. You probably would imply that black people tend to commit 100% of the additional criminal acts, but it could also be activists, foreign intelligence or cutthroat competitors doing the business-sabotage world tour.

is there not some FAQ we can link to when nazis or national capitalists (nacis? nacas?) create those troll threads?
would be nice if mods could just ban people and put the link in the ban message.

That's what black people do to. See: no snitching policy in the ghettos.

Scandinavian countries have very few industrial regulations. They are even more free-market than the US! Environmental wackos like to blame Murka for the melting in Greenland, but they never want to shine a light at what's being done by the people who actually live.

Have you been to "the ghettos"?

afaik scandinavian countries switched from socialist/liberal capitalism to neoliberal capitalism during the 90s and are getting worse by the day.
this is why some people call them socialist and others call them capitalist.

The shift in the 80s/90s infected the political elite and the reigning "rock solid" labour parties (that people still nostalgically felt ties to, and a worker-like solidarity towards as they were typically the parties that rescued/saved and built up the nations after the destruction of ww2) all over the western world. That neo-lib/capitalist thinking went like a shockwave, hitting them to varying degrees but all sort of agreeing 'with the market'.

They all went TINA in their head. The few old-school survivors tried to stop them, and are still trying, but for many the cases of nuttery (privatize everything) left them viewing the entire party lost.
There's still strong systems in place, much more so, than in the US - in almost all of Europe. But they are under attack, EU nations feeling the worst of it, but the quite deceptive elites politically have tried their best to push the market liberation and privatization through, everywhere.


No academics use measure an increase in whites as an increase in diversity. Points outside of narrattive norms ar not considered. (100% universities are considered 100% blacks, this does not mean that school increasing it's percentage of hispanics is not increasing its diversity). This is also very dishonest activist are a trivial percentage of criminals>>901992
You do know that hispanics are classified as whites when they are the offfender and as hispanic when they are victimized, right?

Yes, and you do not expalin how when the material conditions worsen the crime rate goes down.

The sources are in the article. For example:

There are none.

Those are not second sources. Psychometrics is the one of the few valid fields in psychology. Psycholanalysis is not. But, who should I trust, a Harvard professor or some pleb on leftypol?

Too blue-pilled to know that you're reading propaganda.

Hard to do without a working definition of capitalism.

The links in imply that poverty and family structure are less relevant than some other unnamed factor. However the data clearly show that they are very relevant factors when not accounting for race and location. Therefore, the implication is that race is the prime factor of criminality, but there's no explanation why. The reader is forced to imagine that non-whites have inherent racial inferiorities that the wisest among us need not explain.
This illustrates how white supremacists want us to pretend that Holocausts are just figments of a paranoid imagination.

*Holocausts == micro.aggressions

Black people can't get away with murder, but cops can, regardless of race. I don't care for the usual BLM "everything is racist" narrative, but I do care about who can get away with wronging me; for an individual, statistical probability means nothing. Hell, I'd wager if you don't live in or by skid row, the chances of crime happening to you are much lower than the total average. Of course, your two citations are written by people that even normies would consider to be bootlickers.

Also, just 6000 people? Out of like 16 million? How in the fuck is that a fair generalization?

He is sharing evidence to back up his argument. You cannot magically undo this with analogies from an overrated scifi movie written by two transgenders.

The main problem with your post is that this whole argument, including your link full of outdated info and lies-by-omission, is that it is one big straw man of socioeconomics, one likely meant to appeal to clueless middle/upper class liberals. Being poor does not usually make you commit crime in general, regardless of race, but at the same time, poverty and income are not full indicators of SES. There is also factors like family history and the condition of where you live and the surrounding neighborhood, which show much stronger correlations between class and crime than race when controlled for: even seemingly benign factors like lead poisoning and legality of abortion are predicted to have huge implications for the crime rate. On top of this is the political factor, which is very hard to control for in studies while maintaining neutrality, if not impossible. If draconian drug laws create demand for a criminal market, someone is going to respond, and this is far more common in cities for various reasons.

The assumption that cultural values are somehow separate from economics is absolute nonsense. Society is not driven by feefees, in spite of what "cultural conservatives" claim; people live based on material circumstances and go from there. This is why most violent crime is currently being committed in increasingly small run down parts of cities where the typical offender has a relatively extensive rap sheet. These lumpens have nothing in common with Average Jamal.

In reality, the black populace has done nothing but bust its ass off trying to improve its own situation–in addition to record lows of violent crime, underage pregnancies have plummeted and education rates are climbing, both formally and informally, while the typical black neighborhood has sprawled out into the suburbs where economic development is much easier. What has stagnated is their class mobility, just like with the vast majority of Americans. Society is improving, yet no one is reaping any benefit because, as it turns out, "pull up your bootstraps" is a shameless lie. Who knew?

Let's have a look at his "evidence":
These are dog whistles targetting radical leftists and the like.

Why do black crime rates matter to socialism?

I fail to see how this disproves anything.

Asking these people what race has to do with politics sounds to them like asking what politics have to do with politics. They don't see a difference.

Weakening police and military is one step closer to restoring muh Rodina

The arguments are about disproportionate rates, yet from a perspective of absolute crime rates, crime in general just isn't even close to common enough to justify any status quo or authoritarian politics.
Rather, what has increased is fear of crime because of media exposure.

Yes, race is the factor. You write as if these results are "scary", should remian unamed or otherwise hidden to protect us from them

Okay, whatever puts your mind at ease

Is this why we made the IQ tests such that gooks score higher on them than us? Evolution happened, and it happened above the neck. Brain-size varies across races and gender and is a weak predicter of IQ and academic perfomance


Don't write from butthurt. You haven't read the studies or know anything about their methodology. Liberals aren't sharing these studies or have any interest in them, they precisely where you are. Sharing Tim Wise lectures over faceberg and they think it's a thought crime to look into these thing or know about them.

That's non-sense. By that measure the appalachian region should be the most violent in the US, and it's far from it.

Is this just an impression, or do this guy really look like Pepe?

Blacks make 30% of the population and people tend to self segregate. If only blacks would to living with blacks, there would be less dead black people.