To those of you who have normalfag lefty friends and family, the kind who believed Hillary Clinton was to be our messiah and Trump the Anti-Christ: Do you ever feel as if you are peering into two different realities?
For me, it's one of madness and impotent rage, and another of grim, but optimistic realism. My world makes sense. I talk with my other co-workers (blue collar old men, military veterans, and guys who have done hard, dirty work their whole lives) and they are ecstatic. Everything Trump does is a source of joy. We eagerly talk about how nice things will be once we actually have some order and peace in this country. Not to mention how good it will be for our business if those trade agreements are fixed (we work in machining).
But when I talk to my family or my blue-haired feminist co-worker, or just scroll through kikebook, you'd think the world was coming to an end. Everything about their lives revolve around shit being said on twitter and kike mouthpieces reacting to everything Trump says as if he just loaded the gun and put it to their heads.
I pity these people, but they worry me. Even if Trump pulls off everything he's planned, in spite of their constant whining and nay-saying, how the fuck can we continue as a society when so many people have been deeply damaged by lifetimes of MSM brainwashing? We're going to have a society where a significant chunk of our population will practically be invalids because marxist post-modernist bullshit has regressed them into retarded children.