Why are liberal democrats against guns?

But try to be critical of police all the time?

Because they believe in the civil disobedience meme wholeheartedly so it doesn't matter to them that protesters are subject to violence today as they think compassion will inevitably overturn the system eventually.

Muh pacifism meme

You can fix everything through reform

A lot of it I think is the fact that our comrades in Europe have grown up in an environment where the disarmament of the working class is normalized, and therefore they see the possession of guns by the workers in the US as some kind of historical aberration. They'll often tie its history to the slaveholding classes and the Klan, but forget that John Brown was executed for trying to seize an armory, and forbidding Blacks to own guns was a major part of Jim Crow, and how the Black Panthers used open carry to bring the cops of California to heel.

yes, even laws of economy. and we all know from history classes how it ended

Pacifism, the very worst meme of all.

Their party told them to be and if they're not they must be those wascally wacist wepubwicans.

I think he was talking more about the American "left", who are more against guns because of muh pacifism meme.

Guns are for savages.

If you're police have already militarized then it's too late, because they'll have way better guns, armour and logistics than you do.

When we protest, our police are armed with a stern look at worst. It's all very civil.

This guy gets it.
Once you buy ino the idea that the political arena is anything other than spectacle you become but a puppet of the political class.

I'm a pacifist but I think people should be allowed to own guns.

Americans have guns.

Why haven't they done anything with them already?
Why is it basically the same as non mass gun owning countries.

No seriously. I'm waiting for the part where you wrangle your civil rights back, and the guns somehow play a role in that.

Fuck off lumpen.

Every cop should be hanged with the guts of every judge.

Please. Even after we the revolution we still are going to need experienced police forces to keep political opposition down.

because murka is a massive brainwashing experiment, and also because most people there like in russia are a bunch of fucking yokels, theyve barely left their state much less the country, there wont be a revolution unless there are mass bread lines or something just like pretty much everywhere else

every faggot that says things like

is a faggot. why havent YOU revolted? maybe because you know that revolts get ugly fast and shit tends to get worse, even without the 3rd/4th angle and the 5th column. Maybe its just because youre a coward.

either way put a sock in it, its goofy, right up there with threats over the internet and navyseals


lul, thats funny

You tankies are fucking scum.

Everyone who says that revolt is possible (because you have light side-arms) is also a faggot though.

And I want a revolt because my country isn't so far gone as to need it.

*don't want a revolt

kys pls k thx

Anyway thanks for supporting my point that guns don't really have a role to play.
There's no revolution, and it doesn't make elites "more scared".

Politically they're inert, but good for accidentally blowing your own head off in Walmart

Anarkkidies pls.

t. liberal

spoken like a true nofunsian, treehugging, pansexual, latte-sipping green voter

depends on the revolution, depends on the society, depends on a whole bunch of factors really, none of which you are considering because you probably know nothing about the topic+ are striving for some ultimate answer to underline whatever retarded stance it is you have that gives you purpose in life

An example, if the russians had been armed when stalin was sending the nkvd to round niggers up it couldve helped, stalin was shrewd but he was reactive, if people had started defending themselves and their neighbors he probably wouldve called the whole thing off, but they couldnt, and didnt

nazi germany, unlikely, hitler was batshit insane, he would not have bowed to pressure, large elements of society had already been…radicalized for lack of a better word, also its very hard to find accurate info on who exactly was armed and who wasnt, the different camps claim different things(pun intended)

the snarky way you phrased your comment makes me not want to give you a decent answer, you sound like a cali libtard that thinks the militia types dream about magdumping at abrams tanks, you are wrong, guns sure as fuck arent "politically inert", if I had to give some kind of statement I would say they are part of the murrican gilded cage experience, its something that is begrudgingly tolerated by the powers that be because it is so ingrained into merkan culture. They sure as fuck dont like it, but its not gonna stop them from crashing this plane anytime soon

why should they be scared they all live in gated communities that are patrolled by armed guards

Disarming the citizenry is the first step towards weakening the country's defenses. Ask yourself why they really want open borders.

clearly, everyone knows insurgencies are won with tacticool attachments and molle swag

Those are all 20th century circumstances, which frankly the left dwell on too much.

Mass surveillance, drones, robotic turrets, and 2km sniper rifles now exist.
How do small arms have any role in today's world? (Expect me reading hilarious stories of Americans being dumb with their guns)

it has nothing to do with this, its about political will, political education and how..oppressive the environment is, a handful of men willing to die can get their hands on long guns with the help of zipguns, and once they have long guns they can get their hands on the other shit they will need, people are going to die along the way however

if you really wanted to make some kind of distinction on what is needed in terms of hardware for kicking off a nice little revolution/string of targeted killings I would say ammo is the key factor

I'm a Marxist you sack of shit.

Says the faggot that's never been in the military, never shot a gun, and never read an ounce of military history.

Yeah I don't tend to risk my life for corporate profit.

I'd use improvised explosives, which I built for fun as a teen.
Until such times though, I'd rather not have total retards wandering around with guns for no reason*.

(*except Americans who should kill themselves in lulzy gun related accidents for our amusement)

(And obviously black Americans need guns to shoot the police).

puhleez, they cant even catch extremely incompetent wallah snackbars that spend most of their time flying inbetween the west and syriamaybe they dont want to catch em but thats another topic, or is it

mass surveillance still= mass storage of shit that nobody can parse atm, and it doesnt fucking matter if you go all taliban stone-age and whisper in a niggas ear while next to a busy road, no mic in the world can pick that up.

police work is still 95% informants, dont get too snowed in by the propaganda

a horribly ineffective weapon even for assassination, never mind an actual insurgency.

the only thing drones are truly good at is avoiding culpability and spreading terror and bad will amongst a population, which is probably why the present administration is using them so much, they want to create more "moderate" jihadis

robot turrets can still get fucking shelled to shit, also you might be able to hack em which would be fucking hilarious, its another tool nothing more, people have adapted to far worse. AI is still beyond retarded as well, robot wars aint happening anytime soon bud

not exactly a new development and again a lot of hype, i guess engagement ranges have gotten bigger but i can guarantee some ivan popped a nigger at 2.5 with a ptr a long time ago without even knowing it, its still a rifle and a man, this doesnt change anything even if hes the best fucking sniper in the world and has done a soulmeld with his raifu

none of this shit really changes the game too much, and I find it hilarious that you can claim small arms dont matter but you flip on the news and its a bunch of achmeds and dimitris firing small arms at each other..

this is the third time youve said this, as the saying goes the devil loads an empty gun but you clearly have a hangup about this and its a classic noguns statement to make, liberals think guns are just lurking in the corner, waiting to blow a 5 year olds head off

you have no idea how autistik most funs owners are about safety, they take that shit mad serious, those accidents you read about on clickbait sites are usually horribly demoralized trailer trash or other poors

shit this:

was 4u:

They would have already done way worse stuff with the USA if they didn't had guns and they didn't had to control it with massive propaganda.

this guy is a primitivist retard but hes right about this, kind of, I would suggest skip him and go right to gelderloos. its the same critique of dogmatic noviolence but without greenie bullshit convolutiong the water