DC’s Legends of Tomorrow’ Adds Muslim Superhero in Response to Trump

Unlike marvel DC isn't SJ-

Who gives a shit about the tv shows?

They did it several times already, we got Super-gurl with it's illegal aliens and immigration episodes and now this.


Kill yourself.

Hol up a second.
You can't make this up…


On the plus side, if this had been Marvel she'd be hijabbed or burqa'd. DC at least shows someskin

..Wait, Black Adam's wife?

Legends of Tomorrow is run and produced by the CW, not necessarily DC.. and the CW is fucking pozzed as hell. DC comics is making some pretty big strides to get away from politicized bullshit.

Egyptian goddess.

She should be believing the Egyptian pantheon rather than some pedophile warlord.

Blame the agenda pushing idiot.

I've always been conflicted about this. Mostly because I find some elements like The Thing being Jewish or Nightcrawler being Catholic as some of the more compelling elements of them. However adding a Muslims character as an "F You" is really stupid. They could've just said "Black Adam is a muslim now" and I'd be fine with it. But this is honestly stupid.

Goddammit, this is exactly why I thought a Trumpresidency would suck.

He's basically Bush, so he won't fucking change anything, but just like Bush, the libshits are going to double down on all their usual bullshit in response to "muh neo-Hitler".

Hell, it would actually make sense on some level, too.

Yeah, he's a protoArab or some shit. I'm honestly not sure why DC never had him fight some kind of ISIS group after his wars with NOTSaddam/Qaddafi/Assad

In absolutely no way is Trump basically Dubya.

0/10 will throw acid on

Trump isn't even a little like bush.

Just because he is Middle-Eastern, that doesn't mean he is a Muslim. Other people besides them live in there like the Yazidis and the Druze. He draws his powers from the Egyptian pantheon for one instead of Allah.

You do realize the current atmosphere is not the same as the one when Bush was in power right? People today have less tolerance for libcuck antics than they did back then.


Obviously he's not Muslim, and his powers have nothing to do with it, just like Superman is a Methodist when Krypton worshiped their sun.

who ever even tried to say that
both marvel and DC are full of people who only want to kill comics

Idolatry is considered one of the worst crimes in Islamism, in fact, its right up there with acting like a flaming faggot.

I could buy Superman being a Methodist better than Adam being Muslim because he was raised by a couple of farmers from Kansas before finding out his people worshipped Rao. And even then I'd find strange if he prayed to it. I am pretty sure that Supergirl is a Raoist since she was raised on Krypton too.

DC is just less SJW than Marvel though. In one recent issue of the Injustice 2 comic, they mention the current US President is the most anti-environment yet, but they never say his name nor show his face. Compared that to Trump being a supervillain in Ms. Marvel.

DC is "less" pozzed than Marvel. That only goes so far, but it counts for something.

I hope that's not her. Egyptians are not Arabs and have nothing to do with their peaceful religion. Just because mudslimes were the last to invade Egypt and force their identity on it doesn't mean it's our true identity, fuck the goat fuckers they brought nothing but misery everywhere they went.

Why make her muslim if she's based off the Egyptian pantheon.

How would Black Adam be a muslim he came from ancient Egypt when Pharoahs where still around.

so you're egyptian?

Wait a minute, I read the article and it says the character is from the future and is a muslim hacker not Isis. Why put the picture of Isis on there?

Why are they all computer hackers? This reminds of all of the super geniuses they used shit out.

To be fair. The religion of peace managed to spread itself all the way to Spain. They even occupied Greece for 700 fucking years. The only reason Greece returned was because the Ottomans got blown the fuck out in the early 20th century.

He would have to convert, but how would that work with his powers?

I think it was assumed that she was going to be Isis from the future rather than another time traveler.

He's Egyptian. The Arabs were in the Middle East.


That's her outfit? Will DC cover her up to be progressive or will muslims complain about being represented by a slut?

But seriously take that network shit back to Holla Forums.

A story about a fundementalist Muslim recieving the powers of Superman would make for an interesting apocalyptic story.