VLD's third season is coming in less than a day!
Thoughts on the previous two seasons?
VLD's third season is coming in less than a day!
Thoughts on the previous two seasons?
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That it isn't bad.
The writers start forcing their personal views into the show because they want to 'make a statement' or something.
They were pretty good. I'd like more focus on Hunk, though. Seems like he hasn't had any since the first season.
Did anything come of that user that was holding the studio to ransom over making characters gay?
It's very doubtful they will now after the Tumblr crowd literally blackmailed them with leaked screenshots of the season. They might just not force anything in just out of pure spite for that part of the 'fandom'.
That works for me.
What the actual fuck?
You didn't hear about that? It's real simple. Some fans got a tour of the animation studio and one of them took photos. Then went on Twitter and publicly threatened to keep them up unless they made their Lance ship canon.
pidge x lance
more gay porn or someone gets gay because of shiro. like holy shit why did gay artist get all on board with this show barely any Dark elf princess porn
first season was pretty good second kinda of felt kinda of lacking but did give us more info on Keith alien blood and his mom being galra slut.
Holy fucking shit. These degenerates have to fucking die, this is a crime.
can't they sue the fucker for doing something like that?
You'd assume so. I don't know how the situation turned out in the end.
oh dam didn't see that only saw that extremey short trailer a while back
Looks interesting enough.
If anything, I think they've been avoiding that. I heard the reason we didn't see any female Galra in season 1-2 was because Zarcon was supposed to be sexist, but they decided to dump that concept. But when they dumped the concept, it was too late to add any characters.
Speaking of girl Galra, what do you think of these ones? I think Lotor is supposed to be a halfbreed Galra, so his minions are half-breeds too. They're probably be like Ozai's angels from Avatar (Azulta, Ty Lee, and Mai.)
They're adding some more girls to the cast like these ladies and I think characters like Romelle and Merla, so maybe it'll draw in some more waifufags to counter the fujoshits.
Good taste.
It happened more like this:
Lance X Keith is bizarrely popular in the fanbase and fans of that ship are the root cause of dumb shit that happens in the fanbase. Even fans of other yaoi ships in the fanbase are ok, it's mainly the LxK shippers who are filled with insane fujos and SJWs.
Fitting since Keith's voice actor is an SJW nu male ally himself. Literally the worst member of the team.
An entire uncut episode focusing on haggar fucking zarkons unconscious body while the paladins are forced to watch
Libshit/sjw pandering, faggotry
I hope you got a lucky rabbits foot.
Get out
He gives a shit about shipping.
They dont look to bad.
What's that? Did you say you want moar?
The hilarity never ends, huh? They even mocked on of the voice actor's kids too. I swear to God. These people need help. It's a just a cartoon.
I hope they hook up Keith and Allura and Pidge and Lance just to spite them. I hope they lots of make out scenes like YJ so they all cry forced heterosexual relationships and commit twitter suicide. The tears would be delicious.
And people wondered why the last thread was deleted.
I'm sick of all of it. The tumblr tier "fandom" and the shipping. I'm so fucking happy the show so far is just focusing on the war and brotherly bond between everyone. Don't need romance muddying it up.
I am the one who reported it, dummy.
I want some het romance because it would piss off so many Tumblrs. It be amusing, that's all.
I would be happy if they just focused on the plot/action too.
You're so much cooler than me.
Can we get back to talking about Voltron?
Shiro is probably an unaware sleeper agent.
Keith is shit leader. Any other thoughts.
Lotor's plan is unclear and makes no sense. He's also a shit leader as he's done no leading of the empire outside of the operations with his squad. Even then he attacks his own general that he outcast to some shit outpost. For reasons.
Pidge is a cute and is absolutely for sexual
I agree. Really shitty leader. I have no idea what he is planning or where the plot is going for that matter. We do know he is trying to overthrow his father's empire. He has no interest in following his footsteps. You can tell he doesn't care at for his own people either, only his squad.
His squad is pretty badass though. I wouldn't mind having a few episodes that just focused on them and their plans. I want their backstories!
You can't introduce a interesting/ creative designed cast like and give them no character development. That be a unforgivable crime.
I ship it. ;)
Fishtits is best out of the four.
Also, the season finale did a good job of fleshing out Zarkon. And episode 4 was the best episode.
Damn. It's been like a day and there's already fan art. Hopefully the real good art for paladin Zarkon comes soon.
it was alright kinda of short
kinda of lacking
but hey season 4.
Damn I'm impressed. Thanks for the pics user. I was looking for pictures of her everywhere. She's definitely my favorite of the new characters introduced. They work fast. No complaints.
Not waiting for a year is nice. Hell spilt up all the seasons. If we get shorter wait times, I don't mind.
Her name is "Ezor" if that helps you look.
With Netflix 20 billion in debt, we'll see if they can keep it up.
Just finished watching it, it fixed some of the issues I had with the first two seasons, namely the villains being super generic and the action being dull. With that being said, I do agree with everyone, Keith was such an asshole this season. At first I thought it was to show that he wasn't fit to lead, but then Shiro came back and Keith kept the black lion and Shiro's all "You're the leader now". It's super obvious Shiro is gonna die, they've pretty much set up the new team dynamic in the first four episodes. So it's stupid to change it back now.
Most likely Shiro will turn out to be a mole for Zarkon or Lotor and Keith will most likely end up having to kill him or he'll do a massive heroic sacrifice to save his team.
I really do like this version of Lotor, I love how he stays one step ahead of everyone at all times and I love the fact that he isn't loyal to anyone and is a loose canon, plus episode seven kinda confirms my theory of Zarkon being an undead husk who is kept alive by Haggar because she needs a mouthpiece to manipulate the Galara into doing her dirty work.
Overall, it's getting better.
Technically both her and Zarkon are zombie husks. Zarkon himself seems to be the one that wants to stay alive forever though. But there comes another issue here. If Lotor is really Zarkon's son, who's his mother? I doesn't seem like zombie witch Haggar would or could bare him a child. Especially in regard to how she didn't even remember herself being Zarkon's former wife.
Having a smaller episode count and a meandering plot, this definitely felt less like a full season and more like an interlude to set up big things down the road. I hope Lotor's Angels get more characterization in the future. All we really know about their personalities thus far is that Swole Waifu likes to break things, and Stealth Waifu is giggly and mischievous. It's also not lost on me that Lotor and his harem make a team of five (functionally, as Cat and Snek Waifu seem to operate as one), so I suspect that his fancy new Mobile Armor might have a transformation function similar to Voltron.
That's a definite. They made it pretty clear that Shiro's "escape" was no spontaneous event. One of the flashbacks Shiro saw while escaping included a mechanical whirring noise when the Galra technicians were checking his eyes, so my guess is that the "Shiro" who returned to the team might be some kind of biomechanical duplicate.
My current leaning is toward Silent Snek, but that's subject to change given how little was revealed about any of them.
Interesting I thought with Shiro they would pull a Manchurian candidate with him.
Moar Pidge in girl clothes
Good news for Pidgefags. Season 3 and 4 were originally supposed to be a single season, and a preview for season 3 came out with scenes from season 4. It looks like S4 will give some focus to Pidge since she finally finds her brother.
I know right! He was so out of character and total hypocrite in some episodes. It bugged me so much. When he refused to pilot the black lion, turning his back on all his beliefs from the previous seasons. Seriously, what?!
I'm thinking he's been a mole since day one. I always thought it was weird how he let Sendak escape, and their plans always fall apart. They are getting intel from him for awhile now, I think.
Yes! I'm so happy.
I think that's going to happen too, but I'm praying it doesn't. I'd miss him.
Kieth strikes me as one of those characters who's a lot more interesting in concept than in execution. I love the idea of an asshole loner being forced into a position where he has to step up and take charge of his team, but somehow the way it was handled just felt dull and flat.
Keith hands down has the worst characterization of the whole show. Everyone else has their thing but Keith is just a bipolar ass with a hard on for Shiro. Fuck, Lance has more of a purpose on the team than Keith does. But they give him the character trait of feeling unneeded. It's not fair.
Lance is best husbando
Shiro has been cloned. Clone shiro died the hero sacrifice and real shiro maybe different team with romelle
Keith worst character
I pick Hunk for best husbando. I like goofy guys. He seems like the kinda guy you could be a complete goof/failure around, and he wouldn't judge you, just laugh along.
Shit taste fam
Meant for
Lance thinks he's worst but at least he can shoot good and has social skills/charisma. Also lance isn't bonering for muh shiro at all hours of day. What does keith even do? Act pissy and wave a knife oh so impressive fuck off
Maybe next time we should give "gooks" a bit more than just a little credit.
A Voltron handbook came out.
We learn that Pidge is 15 years old and of Italian heritage.
The more I think about it the more it makes sense.
*Insert Italian joke here.
I bet she's hairy.
If you know what I mean.
The little in-character notes jotted in the margins are cute.
Who's going to get killed off?
Clone shiro?
Likely Shiro. In the second half of s3 or next season. Hopefully Sven got to space hospital in time though.
Then the archs will be rushed.
Really makes you think.
He would've fell to evil regardless if it was an Altean scientist or his own scientists though. Zarkon clearly saw more potential in the power of the rift than risks. Maaaybe if pre-evil Haggar wasn't around then he would've at least stopped messing with it after the black ooze creatures came out.
You'd think after the creatures nearly destroyed the planet, they would've closed the rift, but I guess Zarkon and waifu were too far gone by that point.
That and Zarkon seemed interested in making warships with the comet rather than other things like Voltron.
Those creatures reminded me of the corrupted spirits from Korra season 2 for some reason.
He wont.
dem tig ole pidgies!
You're still a summerfaggot with a broken shift key for failing to use the catalog, fuck off to Holla Forums where you belong.
I noticed it Pidge bust is growing, too deliberate. probably to end all the Pidge is a Trans bullshit.
At least since the reveal of her gender here in Mexico they always refer to her with female pronouns, then again everything in spanish has either female or male pronouns even inanimate objects, unless you're talking in third person and even then usually in plural.
Also, watch it in LatAm spanish, I decided to watch it in english the other day and for some reason they all strike me a 12yo voices.
No one gives a shit.
Get the fuck off, you pedo.
You got some comparison pictures? I don't think Pidge has grown any (who knows how much time has even passed since the first season.) But the official book does refer to Pidge with her pronouns.
I hope her meeting up with Matt will shed some light on where she came up with the name Pidge.
The three remaining issues of the second Voltron: Legendary Defender comic book miniseries are now solicited as shipping every other week.
Wait there are comics for this show? Could we storytime it sometime?
The purple stuff from another universe making zarkon and his waifu evil was dumb, or rather, lazy.
Also I thought the witch would just be a consort he impregnated, not an actual waifu
Kill yourself.
Why are the galra so sexy?
even the guys
Writing isn't this show's strongpoint.
Pros out way the cons. Appearance is overrated.
Because most of them look like fit purple monster girls/boys?
I wish i could fuck a galra
Lance is superior waifu
Lance should've been leader. Keith is a faggot.
Yeah keith is worst paladin by far
Pidge is a bitch sometimes but at least she's smart
It pisses me off that allura is a paladin now
She's supposed to pilot the castle
Why couldn't they do like lance suggested and get an alien on the team. Like maybe one of those galra traitors or rock waifu
But no, the lions get to pick pilots because plot
I agree but I feel it's more on the fact that it feels like different writers work consistently on certain episodes and we get a different writer for the episodes between them that it doesn't feel as cohesive. Season 2 was rife with them.
Finally got around to watching season 3 and here are some of my thoughts. Season 3 feels more solid than season 2 but lacking as well. Since it introduced Lotor and his ladies, I thought there was going to be more of a focus of building them up. A little more personal confrontation between the members and Voltron team. That didn't happen as I thought they would be. Shows off personality and powers and that was it.
A lot of interesting ideas like the alt universe with evil alteans. Then we've got Allura becoming dumber and dumber for no reason. I'm growing to hate her even more now. I also feel there were huge assumptions of time skips or missing episodes because things just seem to be moving too fast. Comet reveal in one episode and taken by Lotor, then it's revealed it was turned into a ship. Same with Keith gaining confidence in being the new leader, next episode is they save Shiro and he's back to his old self again. I feel there is a lack of build up this season and it was mostly plot point setups and dumps to help out the next season.
I still find Pidge boring after season 1. A lot of the crew has the same flaw of being nothing but quip makers but she acts more like a tool. A tool to speak some science mumbo jumbo so the episode can be resolved. She had that blip of finally finding some details about the person she was searching for but went back to default mode this season.
There was also some very clumsy exposition moments. How they resolve this is with these quick flashbacks like with Keith and Galra girl and how they met before if you don't remember or didn't see the previous season. It would have been better used in what I suggested, a short confrontation of the teams and it comes up naturally as they are slowly separated into one-on-one battles.
Storytelling resolutions just comes as a matter of convenience, rather than at logical points. Allura didn't even question that burst of power she had last season and she didn't even ponder about the Altean witch until the last episode of the season. Probably one of the major problems of the show is that it has the writing style of every episode being a jump in point for new people, rather than being a cohesive planned together story. Still alright but it still feels like it could be so much better after making it to its 3rd season. So many ways they could improve the show and they don't even seem to be trying to fix these easily solvable problems.
I guess allura is a paldin now because in the original cartoon she piloted the blue lion I think?
I guess my views on the show as a whole is that it could benefit from more episodes per season. It feels like it's trying to be like ATLA but with ATLA they had time to explore the world and make it seem so real and fleshed out. Here it's ok but not as good as ATLA.
A Galra would've been nice or even Coran. It'd give him something besides being the comic relief guy who occasionally gets a moment to be serious.
Just out of curiosity how do the Galra work? They're shown to look like purple mammalian cat people but Zarkon looks reptilian for some reason. Is Zarkon the only Galra that's reptilian looking?
I'm not sure either. As for Zarkon, he's not the only reptilian looking Galra- the henchwoman of Lotor's with the cat is more lizardy than the others and I could swear I've seen some reptile like ones in previous episodes.
Lime they'll follow the original.
Kill yourself.
Throk got it way too hard
Poor guy
Maybe its a subspecies or a race thing like for humans we have white people and black people so for Galra there's cat like ones and reptilian ones?