here's a userscript to hide posts by shift-clicking on them, and also a bookmarklet to remove all hidden case any shitposting starts here, like it did in the previous thread.0bin dot net slash paste slash 0WvN7boG#8efYbEzIWW8uX2Otf7RBMQnWQi4XaagTdzCppNGRNM9
>>899466281Code is safe.on first run will print "shift-click on posts installed"checks for click events on elements with class name threadif shift is heldit will find the closest element with class name postContainerthen extracts the postid and calls ReplyHiding which is a 4chan provided function and toggles the postIdit then removes all "selected" elements from the documentIt's only allowed to run on these urls (* is wildcard or "anything and everything")*/thread/*booklet code is safe toofinds all posts with post-hidden class and removes them from the pagenot sure what the purpose of that is since it's already hidden and was already can't remove other peoples posts so.
>>899467235>it then removes all "selected" elements from the documentclose. shift-clicking anything causes (text) selection to be extended. I found this annoying. so I just dismiss any text selection.shift-clicking on non-text doesn't cause this, which is why shift-clicking in the catalog (4chan standard feature) is safe. making text non-selectable would be another option but... that'd prevent you from selecting text for any reason.
Gabriel Thompson
>>899467235>not sure what the purpose of that is since it's already hidden and was already case you're one of those that saves a thread with the browser "save page" feature. if you toggle all the pictures before saving, you get the full size versions downloaded.